Author Topic: A mention in the trade press...  (Read 4235 times)


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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2010, 03:08:45 PM »
I do barter, Doc G...
you promise to contemplate the joy it gives OTHERS to be allowed to give you something special you would really enjoy...(and so, you need to help them do that, by identifying a couple ideas or directions...)

(My Dad was so self-effacing he would always deny he wanted anything, and sort of deflected the joy of giving. It hurt. I remember a lot of real pain about it. I wanted so much to show him I loved him, and had spent time thinking of him. I loved him very much and the ways I could think of to show it were limited. I wanted the delight of delighting him. But giving him gifts was excruciating because he was so uncomfortable "wanting".)

And if you do that...I'll keep on spouting freebie opinions now and then.

Boy, I get the easy part.  :)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2010, 04:50:48 PM »
you promise to contemplate the joy it gives OTHERS to be allowed to give you something special you would really enjoy...(and so, you need to help them do that, by identifying a couple ideas or directions...)

And if you do that...I'll keep on spouting freebie opinions now and then.

Boy, I get the easy part.  :)


OK, Hops.  I promise.  Keep those freebie opinions coming!



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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2010, 08:48:26 AM »
Dr. G.,

I seem always to be the one asking this question.  Can you give us an update on any changes you have in mind for the board?


Hi tt,

The only potential change that I sometimes ponder concerns allowing new members to join.  The Board has been delightfully peaceful, but (some may think), at the expense of getting adequate responses to posts.  I do not envision going back to the way things started (when anyone, including guests, could post), or even “open admission” to membership (when guests could not post but anyone could join)—if I allowed either of these policies, because of the numbers, I would be quickly overwhelmed.  At the height of the “open admission” period the Board was getting over 6000 posts per month—the bulk of which I read, or at least skimmed.  So, I’ll either let things stay the way they are (with a terrific group of people—all of whose posts I enjoy reading) or allow “limited admission”—application (e-mail about oneself and the reasons one wants to join) plus $25 good-faith donation to the Board???

Perhaps Board members, including yourself, could share your thoughts about this…


My two cents:

I think it might be time to try to assemble a new "critical mass" - new personalities - on the board, in any fashion that seems manageable. Integrating them with us, maybe... since while most of us are "graduating" back into our lives, and have done a lot of the initial work of recovering and healing, we still have a real connection with each other through the board. It is our touchstone of safety and reassurance... and we've come to rely on insight and feedback from each other for the big and little questions we struggle with in our lives, whether affected by early voicelessness or not.

We, collectively, have a lot to give new members at different stages in their journeys. And conversely, new members will teach us a few things, too!

The board has been a wonderful resource for me, ever since I found it. I may have graduated from therapy - but there was no way I was ready to face people, the world, and my life - much less create and maintain new boundaries with my FOO - on my own, without some on-going support. I made mistakes; tried things that flopped big time; made tentative little steps while reaching for Hops, tt, CB, or GS's hand... to reassure me that horrible things wouldn't happen to me, just because I healed and started to live again. I feel we need to "pass it on" because I sense that the need is growing "out there"... times are tough and the most vulnerable are the ones who've been affected the ways we have.

I'd like to see the board continue. I'm open to changes in direction; format... maybe. Having managed and contributed to online higher ed tech systems (and seen all the new toys) I still think that the discussion board format is the best for these kinds of conversations. It connects to and is more easily understood by a wider group of people than blogs and provides a "history" of conversation for people new to the topic to search on and read - before venturing to post on their own.

I belonged to an art discussion board that has morphed into blogs and a pseudo-social network. I find it abysmally confusing to use; and even as long-winded as I am I just can't bring myself to blog about myself!!!!! (I know - there's not much difference in what I do here... is there???)

Long story short: I'm open to any change that makes sense for you and the board, Dr G.
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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2010, 01:08:05 PM »
................I definitely don't need financial support in running the Board—although I appreciate all donations and see them as just another form of “thank you” (which, of course, I get plenty of in other ways).  The main reason for asking people for a donation when becoming a member (if I ever decided to go in that direction) would be to limit the numbers, and make sure people really were serious about being here (rather than a casual chat room)............

To contribute my own thoughts and experience relating to this: I wouldn't join or be a member if there was a mandatory $25.00 price associated with membership. I am currently living in a homeless shelter. I don't own a credit card. So if there are certain categories of people you are wishing to deter from participating I would probably fall into that category right now due to my personal circumstances. I have never participated on any other board besides this one. I wouldn't describe my writing here as casual in nature.

As far as the responses go....I'm content just being able to put my voice out there..any person looking at the board can read it. I don't know who they are and I don't really know exactly how my story impacts someone out there but it works for me. I don't always want a lot of responses. I just want to share my experience sometimes.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 01:29:47 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2010, 01:00:21 PM »
If I may add my voice here....if there were a required financial cost to remaining a member then I couldn't afford it due to the medical bills that I'm struggling to pay while living on a fixed income.  I had been a member of the DONM board before it had to be taken down due to a N-Troll committing crimes there.  When that board recently resurrected, the only way anyone could join, (or re-join), was to PAY for a membership, which I cannot afford to do.

I would hate to be forced to lose my voice due to an inability to afford the help I find here...especially given the fact that there are NO professional therapists around my geographic area that has a CLUE about being a survivor of a Narcissistic, Rage-aholic, Sexually, Physically, and Emotionally Abusive Womb-Donor.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2010, 02:49:38 PM »
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your responses.  I will keep all of them in mind as I think about whether to open the Board up or not.  Certainly, if I did ask for a $25 entry "donation", I would waive it for those who could not afford it--and make that clear in the "application".  Also, Bones:  this would not be a yearly fee, rather, a one-time only entry "donation"--and you're already in, so you don't have to worry about it.

Also, since the thread was (in part) about "marketing" (!) and my un-ease about it--there was a terrific short short story in this week's New Yorker entitled "Et Tu, Brooklyn?" by Allison Silverman which addresses this very topic:

Highly recommended!




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Re: A mention in the trade press...
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2010, 07:59:54 AM »
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your responses.  I will keep all of them in mind as I think about whether to open the Board up or not.  Certainly, if I did ask for a $25 entry "donation", I would waive it for those who could not afford it--and make that clear in the "application".  Also, Bones:  this would not be a yearly fee, rather, a one-time only entry "donation"--and you're already in, so you don't have to worry about it.

Also, since the thread was (in part) about "marketing" (!) and my un-ease about it--there was a terrific short short story in this week's New Yorker entitled "Et Tu, Brooklyn?" by Allison Silverman which addresses this very topic:

Highly recommended!



Thanks, Dr. G!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!