Author Topic: My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm  (Read 3616 times)


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« on: November 03, 2004, 03:46:26 PM »
All of us that have been here for a while (and even some that have not) know this board can be a great resource. It has helped some understand things better than therapy in some cases because the level of knowledge (which some practitioners don't have with this particular disorder) and experience is so great. There are some here who contibute regularly and some who come up with gems and reassurances almost dailey. God bless them. Thanks to you who have such cogent and profound thoughts. Thanks to you who have given this board meaning.

There are some people here with agendas. And these people are causing harm. But it is a choice to respond and we don't have to. Why not automatically end any thread that has a post by the aforementioned (s). Do not respond to her in any way. I've seen many threads peter out after her last post so this is already a trend. Just keep it up. But be warned that she and others who choose to harm here may have other so called personalities or handles. Just because these posters have a legitimate sign in name does not mean they can't use the guest function at any time and it's done regularly.

Again, thanks to those who are compassionate, who sometimes give us a soft boot in the butt to change our thinking and the many who have hard fought and hard won experience. You are to be commended.

Go fight the good and meaningful fight to keep this board a place of refuge for people who need it badly.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2004, 04:07:34 PM »
I'm with you. Let's do it.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2004, 04:55:28 PM »
"There are some people here with agendas"

Yes, do be aware of that.  And be aware that I post with my one name, Solace, to this board.  I have posted kind remarks as "guest" but never otherwise.

Also be aware, that a nameless Guest, may post elsewhere on this board and pretend to sound like me.  Be aware that this person is not trying to help.   Also be aware that I'm not the least bit angry about it, but rather concerned by such disturbed behaviour.

I'm taking a break.  Thankyou to those who have been supportive here.
Maybe this will end this thread and this nonsense but I doubt it.

It was here, on this board, long before I arrived.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2004, 05:01:14 PM »
Note To Self :

do not respond.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2004, 06:02:31 PM »
to the person who created this post.

Hiow do you decide who is causing harm?

How do you decide which guest(s) are which?

Why do you need to gather people into your corner to do what you want?

Why do you try to divide and rule?

Why can't you make your own decisions to do what you want independently of others.

Why don't you have a name?

I don't suppose you'll want to answer these questions but these are the thoughts that came into my head on reading your post.


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My 2 cents worth
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2004, 06:13:16 PM »
I haven't really bothered to read the negative posts or get swept into the voting debate. I come here for support and to give support, not to encounter more narccisism. I wouldn't like to be a newbie here at all. I will probably get attacked for saying this, I would much rather be conversing with someone who has an identity, a nickname so I can remember who I have communicated with. It gets really confusing with "Guest" here and "Guest" there. Other message boards don't allow guests to post until they register and I don't think its such a bad thing. Please take it as a generalisation. I don't mean to pick on anyone personally.
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2004, 07:11:18 PM »
to the person who created this post.

Hiow do you decide who is causing harm?

How do you decide which guest(s) are which?

Why do you need to gather people into your corner to do what you want?

Why do you try to divide and rule?

Why can't you make your own decisions to do what you want independently of others.

Why don't you have a name?
I don't suppose you'll want to answer these questions but these are the thoughts that came into my head on reading your post.


At sum point- juss merely by the law of averages-- yer gonna have ya some beginner's luck 'n have a bright idea--

And I'll stand up straight, take off ma hat- hold it tight ta ma chest, as a single tears slowly etches its path downward <sniff>

I figure I still got me a pot bellied pigs gut wortha time though--  :)


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2004, 07:12:10 PM »
It were me juss there---


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2004, 07:14:41 PM »
Ah, many questions, so little time. toodle loo.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2004, 07:27:45 PM »
Well, I would answer you s, er firebird, er whoever....but HUG&C is making me roll on the floor with laughter.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2004, 07:30:07 PM »
note to self and others :
do not respond to this nonsense.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2004, 08:48:31 PM »
Hey you guys........someone posted under my name, too!!  Why do people do that?  Kelly


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2004, 08:58:22 PM »
Solace nailed it.  Disturbed.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2004, 09:18:12 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Hey you guys........someone posted under my name, too!!  Why do people do that?  Kelly

It happens here too Kelly, not just out there in the bigger world. People who gets their kicks game-playing are a sorry fact of life. If the imposter post bothers you, tell Dr G. He reads everything here eventually, and he'll delete it for you, I'm sure, if you ask him.


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My vote is that we not respond to S or others choosing harm
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2004, 04:14:55 PM »
Hi Kelly - if you mean the thread started by someone called Kelly - they're a guest, maybe it's their real name, maybe they didn't realise someone has registered with your name - I see there are two kellys registered - it you are one, maybe she's the other one - ???

When there's a choice between cockup theory vs conspiracy theory. it's usually a cockup!! :-)