Well first, it is in some sense difficult whenever a family member dies. In this sense however, I can imagine that the number of years or time between communication will have an effect on how much difficulty, and it likely feels like the end of a long, hard journey. Emotional release.
The last time I physically saw them was 1999. Thank goodness! We did communicate in between that time but not very much. During a serious illness I had in 2007/2008, she steered every conversation toward herself. After that attitude, I communicated with her less by phone and more by email. I always guarded my heart with any interaction.
I congratulate you for making it to this juncture, and I encourage you not to look back, - make this a new beginning. Never let it happen again. I also offer condolences.
I intend to continue on with my life and not look back. Definitely, never let it happen again.