Author Topic: Stranger Danger  (Read 3182 times)


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Stranger Danger
« on: September 30, 2010, 11:36:35 AM »
Who are the people in your neighborhood.....that are new.

Hello how are you.  Nice to meet you.  Wife and husband.  I'm good, yadda, yadda, yadda....... I'm with my friends M (my neighbor as well enjoying a nice day sitting out side 


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2010, 12:26:35 PM »
Sorry I'll never get use to this lap

The husband is outside in the yard.  I introduce him.  He starts talking about his wife (the nut case) yep that's what he said and her nut case D's.  They all need to shut up. 

So my friend and I look at each other and try to re-direct conversation.  My other friend who lives behind them stepped out and I or as I was going to say....this is so and so..he looked very uncomfortable and said ....AH don't say my name.....I became very uncomfortable.....then he said My Wife thinks I'm after all women.

Eyebrow is raised now on me.

Next day I'm outside with my H and him and his wife.  Wife is very nice but he is not as friendly.  He pretty much kept distance.

My radar is going off.......Warning......Warning............and I'm trying to ignore it.  Oh now don't get ahead of your self.....don't judge......don''t......

Again ........not a conversation you can have (and he is alone) that it does not turn to.......porno movies, boobs, him getting his nails done (don't ask me how that got in there) and me feeling super uncomfortable BUT not knocking him into place and just trying re-directing the conversation and then......

There is young girl across the street about 26 years old (who has the mentality of a teen ager or younger).  She is a sweet girl but there are problems.
Some how he knows about this from just talking to neighborhood people.

After the porno, boobs, conversation (oh and said) wouild people tell if I have a party (with girls I bring in).  I kept thinking about his poor wife and what a jerk he is.

Back to this one conversation......he said....and what about that one?  What and whom are you talking about?  The girl across the street.  What about her and my whole body language changed.  I didn't notice how tense I had been. How uncomfortable I had been (in body).  My arms were crossed over my chest and when he said that arms came down and I think, think, my movement, my face, my tone, became agressive.....I know it did.

He said.....I see all different guys in her house (with a smile).

He was a preadtor and she was prey. 

Days later the young girls (my s's friends, my freinds children) teen girls  13, 16, and even 12........came in and said to me .........your neighbor is a creepo.

Oh yeah, why do you say that?

He stares at us

We are walking and he stares at us till we turn the corner.

What do you mean?  He is out on his porch and just looks at you walking by?

He is not even outside and when we reach his house he comes out to watch us or he is sitting down where we can't see him and gets up to watch us.

Thier radar is going off......Thank God.

My S comes in (15) M the neighbor is a weirdo......What?

The girls were walking ahead of us and he said to me and my friend.....oh hot or we.....he couldn't remember which........should have a party!
I was going to say something but I didn't know if I should because he is an adult.  You keep your distance and you come and get me.

My D who is 25 comes home throws open the door and tells me the next door neighbor is going to get a punch in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who, what? what? WHATTTTTTT????????????????

There is not a time I can go out or come in that he is not looking at me walk from my car to the house.  It can be 7am or 2ppm  He is not even outside but as soon as I'm getting out of my car.....He is outside.  He comes out of his freaking house.

He is making all the females......ALL and only the females (creep out).  When the men are around it's a different story.

The kids did not know (my feelings or my conversation) with him, my D did not know although I did keep eyes all over the place (but missed those) THEY DO NOW....
it's all of us (and only females). 

This (%$@$%^&@&) is a preadtor if only in....making females want to peel thier skin off by the way he looks at them.

Oh and when I was holding my back for it hurt he told me (I have to use my muscles more) and I know what he meant......that is when I flexed my fist and told him nothing wrong with those they work well.

I avoid him now and when I can't (I do have to go outside) he seems to be the one uncomfortable especially when his wife is around.

Creeped out and disgusted!


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2010, 02:41:12 PM »
So why not ask one or more of the men in your neighborhood to advise him to quit ogling women in general and underage girls in particular unless he'd like an extended stay in the hospital?



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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2010, 07:18:06 PM »

When it happened with me I asked my H not to say anything.  I wanted to handle it myself.  I was actually pretty mad....I handle this myself...
I was so mad at myself that I didn't rip him right where he was standing.  I lost my voice.  I was a babbling idiot running from conversation to conversation....
I felt victim.  I felt you dumb let yourself.   I kept thinking trying to I looking at a predator....Oh hell ya...he even told me he was....if only he can get in your head. 
My wife thinks I'm after all women.....meaning.....I am after all women and my wife knows it.

The girls blew me away.....

I know my husband makes sure he is seen.  He knows I have to do this because of the way I felt and because of the way other girls are feeling.

Only this time it was his step D and he will step in (not that he wouldn't have for me) I just want to do it for me and for her for the girls.....As a female.




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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2010, 03:36:52 AM »
He sounds like an atrocious goof!   And its so easy to fail to react, I think its because when these people act out, they do it as if theres no other reality, 'without a twitch or a twitter', and that can sort of have an impact of putting our own reality out of the way. 

One thing, tho, at least he's making himself blatent, I suspect that the really evil cover thier tracks better.  ?? 


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2010, 06:46:26 AM »
Sorry I'll never get use to this lap

The husband is outside in the yard.  I introduce him.  He starts talking about his wife (the nut case) yep that's what he said and her nut case D's.  They all need to shut up. 

So my friend and I look at each other and try to re-direct conversation.  My other friend who lives behind them stepped out and I or as I was going to say....this is so and so..he looked very uncomfortable and said ....AH don't say my name.....I became very uncomfortable.....then he said My Wife thinks I'm after all women.

Eyebrow is raised now on me.

Next day I'm outside with my H and him and his wife.  Wife is very nice but he is not as friendly.  He pretty much kept distance.

My radar is going off.......Warning......Warning............and I'm trying to ignore it.  Oh now don't get ahead of your self.....don't judge......don''t......

Again ........not a conversation you can have (and he is alone) that it does not turn to.......porno movies, boobs, him getting his nails done (don't ask me how that got in there) and me feeling super uncomfortable BUT not knocking him into place and just trying re-directing the conversation and then......

There is young girl across the street about 26 years old (who has the mentality of a teen ager or younger).  She is a sweet girl but there are problems.
Some how he knows about this from just talking to neighborhood people.

After the porno, boobs, conversation (oh and said) wouild people tell if I have a party (with girls I bring in).  I kept thinking about his poor wife and what a jerk he is.

Back to this one conversation......he said....and what about that one?  What and whom are you talking about?  The girl across the street.  What about her and my whole body language changed.  I didn't notice how tense I had been. How uncomfortable I had been (in body).  My arms were crossed over my chest and when he said that arms came down and I think, think, my movement, my face, my tone, became agressive.....I know it did.

He said.....I see all different guys in her house (with a smile).

He was a preadtor and she was prey. 

Days later the young girls (my s's friends, my freinds children) teen girls  13, 16, and even 12........came in and said to me .........your neighbor is a creepo.

Oh yeah, why do you say that?

He stares at us

We are walking and he stares at us till we turn the corner.

What do you mean?  He is out on his porch and just looks at you walking by?

He is not even outside and when we reach his house he comes out to watch us or he is sitting down where we can't see him and gets up to watch us.

Thier radar is going off......Thank God.

My S comes in (15) M the neighbor is a weirdo......What?

The girls were walking ahead of us and he said to me and my friend.....oh hot or we.....he couldn't remember which........should have a party!
I was going to say something but I didn't know if I should because he is an adult.  You keep your distance and you come and get me.

My D who is 25 comes home throws open the door and tells me the next door neighbor is going to get a punch in the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who, what? what? WHATTTTTTT????????????????

There is not a time I can go out or come in that he is not looking at me walk from my car to the house.  It can be 7am or 2ppm  He is not even outside but as soon as I'm getting out of my car.....He is outside.  He comes out of his freaking house.

He is making all the females......ALL and only the females (creep out).  When the men are around it's a different story.

The kids did not know (my feelings or my conversation) with him, my D did not know although I did keep eyes all over the place (but missed those) THEY DO NOW....
it's all of us (and only females). 

This (%$@$%^&@&) is a preadtor if only in....making females want to peel thier skin off by the way he looks at them.

Oh and when I was holding my back for it hurt he told me (I have to use my muscles more) and I know what he meant......that is when I flexed my fist and told him nothing wrong with those they work well.

I avoid him now and when I can't (I do have to go outside) he seems to be the one uncomfortable especially when his wife is around.

Creeped out and disgusted!

OMG!!!  I can SO relate!!!!!!

Dealt with that growing up!  I am SO GLAD you are doing everything in your power to protect yourself and the other females in the neighborhood!!!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2010, 10:10:39 AM »
I'm sooooo so sorry, Deb.

I don't even know what to say.



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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2010, 03:12:32 PM »
Girls and Guys,

I am thinking of his wife.  I don't want to make her new to the neighborhood miserable because of him. 

I suspect she already is to a point.  She already knows what he is like.  She didn't have to say it.  He did.

A nutcase. 

Haven't we all heard that.

Something wrong with us.

I suspect that he is doing what I'm so familiar with.........The show (as Seal) I think once said.

Didn't work for me.

I have spoken to him.  He had become defensive.

He stopped hearing me and defended himself.

I think that I had the *nerve* kind of a way.

Then I lost my *cool*

Look if you think your wife is a nutcase........YOU HAVE NO IDEA......what a nutcase that doesn't give a *shit* about you and your *bullshit* will do.

He was mad (of how dare her speak to me that way) a female.....A nutcase female.

The word *nutcase* seemed to get through to him. 

I guess, I'm a crazy B female, I assume. 

AND GOOD!!!!!!!  Then he should.

So if in his world females are ...Nutcases..

I can promise him........

this neighborhood is made of Nutcases.

Hopefully he listend to that......

can you imagine to get through to was the word ...nutcase.




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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2010, 05:08:30 PM »
Bravo Deb!  :D Yep, it's always worth going for the "don't mess with the crazy person" tactic. And hey! Some things are worth getting crazy about. Some situations demand that we go nutcase. For sure!


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2010, 11:31:19 AM »
Oh MY.
Look if you think your wife is a nutcase........YOU HAVE NO IDEA......what a nutcase that doesn't give a *shit* about you and your *bullshit* will do.

This gave me a sort of Chris Matthews tingle-up-the-leg moment.

Who knew? Inside Deb's amazing yard with all the joy and twinkly lights...lives a Pit Mama!

I am so impressed. CELLULARLY impressed.

Deb, you are amazing. And a wonderful model for the women around you.

(I'm sorry for his wife too. But one day, she may decide to save herself.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2010, 05:05:52 PM »
And keep the garden hose handy in case you need to cool his jets fast!  I did!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2010, 10:42:47 PM »
Hey Bones,

I think it will stop.  Just my gut telling me.

We shall see....

but I do have a 6ft 3H, A 6ft 2S, A 5ft D and her little bro who is almost 6ft that can pick her up to punch him in his face and 2 protective little (hot dogs) that can do a mean ankle bite, a beagle who don't have a clue but will follow the little ones thinking we are all playing.....

And hops,

Yep my twinkles the white's have come inside and line my fire place now.  They have been replaced with twinkle pumpkins, A 6ft mummy, ghost, body parts, witches, and a soon to be......Jaws (shark) coming out of the pool (we emptied it) but didn't cover it yet.  I refuse to give up my joy, my lights, or my power....
Pit mama, I like it.   



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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2010, 07:53:11 AM »
Hey Bones,

I think it will stop.  Just my gut telling me.

We shall see....

but I do have a 6ft 3H, A 6ft 2S, A 5ft D and her little bro who is almost 6ft that can pick her up to punch him in his face and 2 protective little (hot dogs) that can do a mean ankle bite, a beagle who don't have a clue but will follow the little ones thinking we are all playing.....

And hops,

Yep my twinkles the white's have come inside and line my fire place now.  They have been replaced with twinkle pumpkins, A 6ft mummy, ghost, body parts, witches, and a soon to be......Jaws (shark) coming out of the pool (we emptied it) but didn't cover it yet.  I refuse to give up my joy, my lights, or my power....
Pit mama, I like it.   


I hope he stops and, yet, he may be too stupid to stop without an ice-cold jet of water to his nether regions!  Go for it, Pit Mama!!!!   :wink: :mrgreen:

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2010, 05:32:32 PM »
I'm not surprised you filled him in, Deb.

You didn;'t have a choice, IMo.

Good work.  Keep your eyes open.
((((deb and family)))



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Re: Stranger Danger
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2010, 02:15:24 AM »
I haven't seen my neighbor since this post.  It is getting cold here so I'm not outside that much. 

The other day my friend called me to tell me that she was informed he served almost 10 years in prison (DV) attempted murder of his first wife.
