For Izzy,
You posted to this Board (and Ann3 responded to) what follows. The thread was later deleted, but not before people, including myself, read it—I have edited out the section about your daughter because it is not relevant to this post. While you are entitled to your views, I find them horrifying, offensive, and frightening. I have, of course, known holocaust survivors and have read many books on the subject. Here are some books that I would recommend you read as an introduction:
Primo Levi’s
Survival in AuschwitzAmos Elon’s
The Pity of it All: A Portrait of the German-Jewish Epoch, 1743-1933Roman Halter’s
Roman’s Journey: A Memoir of Survival (A wonderful book written by the father of a friend—I believe a BBC documentary is in the works. Surviving both Auschwitz and the Dresden fire bombing, 17 y.o. Roman did try to go back to his house in Poland [as Helen Thomas recently suggested] following the German surrender. He vividly describes his “homecoming”.)
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #6 on: Today at 01:38:43 AM »
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hi Deb,
It is so unfortunate that there are so many dysfunctional families these days, and I lay it all at the feet of the 'satanists' who want a 'New World Order'. They are in control of 95% of all media: the newspapers, TV, movies, music, magazines... and my belief is that it originates in Israel with the Khazarian Jews. Most of the US Government includes dual citizenship folks, Israeli/American. They are Zionists, worship Satan, and not many people these days have a chance to check on what is really happening, as both parents have to work, and the children in day care are force fed the Zionist well the Zionists write the school books for later years.
I have had 18 months of sitting here on my computer looking into conspiracies and I have learned SO much about what is happening...pushing interracial relationships, homosexuality, Lady GaGa types, and this fits right in with the book 'Brave New World' written by Aldoux Huxley in 1932. In it, sex is recreational, and new people are created in 'jars' with certain chemicals to make them the village idiot, the janitor, the Head Leader, whatever the Leader wanted, in a One World Government. (There are people who live far away and are 'Old World'.) Apparently, since this has been planned for centuries, 'they' now feel that USA is a Police State, and it is time to lower the population to ½ billion, and the HQs for the NWO will be Israel.
Well guess who did 9-11? Israel and the USA. All of us must be more aware. Some people don't want to hear about doomsday for the world, but it will be only the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Investment Bankers, etc. who will survive. Have you ever googled FEMA death camps, FEMA coffins? It is too scary to thing about.
Nevertheless, at 71, I have seen the world change from the 50's when I was a teen until now and it's bad. CIA funded Gloria Steinham for MS. magazine to make women rise up a demand equality.
I wasn't raised this way. I didn't know, nor did anyone else and I am ashamed that this NWO has worked it's way into Canada. I thought we were a good country.
That's my intro, as what is happening today didn't happen even 50 years ago...............although it was well planned when the Federal Reserve was signed into effect in 1913.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #7 on: Today at 02:49:04 AM »
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Wow, Izzy!
I hadn't realized you are a Jew hating anti semite. Please don't tell me that you only hate "Zionists" & not Jews because when the word "Zionist" is used in the context in which you used it, it means all Jews.
Do you realize that the person who runs this board, which provides you with a forum to express yourself, is a Jew, or should I say a Zionist?
I'm outraged & disgusted that you would believe this trash, let alone post it.
What's next? Quotes from Hitler? Father Coughlin? Ahmadinejad?
I am sorry that you are in pain, but your post is inexcusable.
As they say: check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Perhaps your daughter has good reason for keeping her distance.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #8 on: Today at 03:01:33 AM »
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Wow ann3
Khazarian Jews are different, from my readings, than the regular Jew. The former are Satanists, the latter not! Have you read about this?
Nevertheless, if people are not attuned to the same information, then it can result in a horrid response such as yours.
Dr. Grossman does not come across as a Khazarian Jew, and I have had may dealing with regular Jews, who were never crooks and killers.
Your return post was uncalled for.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #9 on: Today at 03:33:21 AM »
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"Khazarian Jews are different, from my readings, than the regular Jew. The former are Satanists, the latter not!
"Dr. Grossman does not come across as a Khazarian Jew, and I have had may dealing with regular Jews, who were never crooks and killers."
You see, I anticipated your answer: "Khazarian Jews", whatever they are, are not the same as "regular Jews". Yeah, Right!
It seems in your effort to educate & inform yourself, you buy into age old anti semetic jew hating & that says a great deal about who you are as a person. Of course, it doesn't have to be the Jews, it could be any minority that you seek to scapegoat.
Suggested reading: the effects of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, because that is essentially what you are citing, but you are too ignorant to even know that!! This stuff goes back a long time:"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Russian: "Протоколы сионских мудрецов" or "Сионские протоколы") is one of many titles given to an antisemitic text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people."
"The Protocols appeared in print in the Russian Empire as early as 1903. The anti-Semitic tract was published in Znamya, a Black Hundreds newspaper owned by Pavel Krushevan, as a serialized set of articles. It appeared again in 1905 as a final chapter (Chapter XII) of a second edition of Velikoe v malom i antikhrist (The Great in the Small & Antichrist), a book by Serge Nilus. In 1906 it appeared in pamphlet form edited by G. Butmi.[1]
These first three (and subsequently more) Russian language imprints were published and circulated in the Russian Empire during 1903–1906 period as a tool for scapegoating Jews, blamed by the monarchists for the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War and the 1905 Russian Revolution. Common to all three texts is the idea that Jews aim for world domination."
"........... the Protocols emphasizes recurring themes of conspiratorial antisemitism: "Jews always scheme", "Jews are everywhere", "Jews are behind every institution", "Jews obey a central authority, the shadowy 'Elders'", and "Jews are close to success."[27]
The Protocols is widely considered influential in the development of other conspiracy theories, and reappears repeatedly in contemporary conspiracy literature, such as Jim Marrs' Rule by Secrecy. Some recent editions proclaim that the "Jews" depicted in the Protocols are a cover identity for other conspirators such as the Illuminati,[28] Freemasons, the Priory of Sion, or even, in the opinion of David Icke, "extra-dimensional entities." "
I realize you are stuck at home & spend a lot of time on the internet, but I hope you can spend your time other than reading trash & spreading poison.
There are so many other things in this world that you can read about & explore, yet, you chose this. Think about it. What you posted is a poison that spreads hate. Do you not understand that??????????
I realize we are post-Holocaust, but, must I really explain this to you? Unless, of course, you think that the Holocaust was a hoax.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #10 on: Today at 04:08:19 AM »
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Here's a movie for you Izzy: of Zion (2004)
Product Description
Despite all the evidence, millions around the world continue to blame the Jews for 9/11. This belief is a modern-day incarnation of the infamous "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the century-old forgery that some people claimed to be the Jews’ master plan to rule the world. Filmmaker Marc Levin sets out to understand why "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has been revived, and to challenge one of the most persistent, insidious conspiracy theories of all time. In the course of his explosive journey, Levin finds himself delving into the heart of hate, facing those who would traffic in bigotry, all in the name of God.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #11 on: Today at 04:13:24 AM »
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I wasn't going to reply, but of course the holocaust was a hoax! There were about 3½ million jews in Germany and 6,000,000 were gassed. Find me a picture of a gas chamber that can do that. The delousing chambers were so small that to gas 6 million, they would still be at it! Get Real!
Anyway a Jew is born a Jew-- conversion means nothing
Other religions------
Besides Judaism, other religions probably practiced in areas ruled by the Khazars included Greek Orthodox, Nestorian,
and Monophysite Christianity, Zoroastrianism as well as Norse, Finnic, and Slavic cults.The Khazar government tolerated
a wide array of religious practices within the Khaganate. Many Khazars reportedly were converts to Christianity and
(They were not original Jews.)
Debate about Khazar conversion to Judaism
Date and extent of the conversion
The date of the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism, and whether it occurred as one event or as a sequence of events
over time, is widely disputed.
The number of Khazars who convertedto Judaism is also hotly contested, with historical accounts ranging from claims
that only the King and his retainers had embraced Judaism, to the claim that the majority of the lay population had
converted. D.M. Dunlop was of the opinion that only the upper class converted; this was the majority view until
relatively recently. Analysis of recent archaeological grave evidence by such scholars as Kevin A. Brook asserts
that the sudden shift in burial customs, with the abandonment of pagan-style burial with grave goods and the adoption
of simple shroud burials during the mid-9th century suggests a more widespread conversion. A mainstream scholarly
consensus does not yet exist regarding the extent of the conversions.
A black Sammy Davis Jr. converting to Judaism is not white, not a Jew and he is still black! True Jewish comes from the Jewish mother's side.
Zionism is primarily a nationalist Jewish political movement that, in its broadest sense, has supported the self-determination of the Jewish people in a sovereign Jewish national homeland. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Zionist movement continues primarily to advocate on behalf of the Jewish state and address threats to its continued existence and security. In a less common usage, the term may also refer to
1) non-political, Cultural Zionism, founded and represented most prominently by Ahad Ha'am; and
2) political support for the State of Israel by non-Jews, as e.g. in Christian Zionism.
Therefore not all Zionists are Jews.
Leave it alone. You are away off topic!
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #12 on: Today at 04:16:37 AM »
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"I wasn't going to reply, but of course the holocaust was a hoax!"
You are a hateful anti semite.
No wonder your daughter wants nothing to do with you.
Your heart is filled with hatred & bitterness. I really feel sorry for you.
But, you have shown your true colors.
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Re: Help!....but I'll never weep again!
« Reply #13 on: Today at 04:40:35 AM »
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You are obviously an ignorant & uneducated woman.
I have been to Dauchau & Auschwitz. You probably have never been out of Canada. I bet you never went to college.
To have reached your age & to be how you are is pitiful. But, you still have time to change, although I doubt you will.
I just hope you can open your mind & heart. Take an adult education course. Learn real facts, not the garbage posted on the internet.