Thank you, finding peace. I appreciate your message to me.
No one ever ought to be silenced into voicelessness by the Narcissist, the bully, the one with more updated knowledge and education, from another who didn’t have the same chances, or any chances in life. We are here on this earth to help one another and guide the unknowing into a state of knowing and understanding.
If we did that, life would be far more pleasant. I volunteered as a tutor for a number of years and I could see the difference it made in the lives of those children who benefited from one on one, from someone other than their parents, who were likely at a loss. Objectivity vs. Subjectivity.
I had to lock the thread because the posts were becoming very repetitious, and appeared unending. I have heard the expression, “Don’t apologize: don’t explain.” I can well understand the second part as that is when one can dig oneself in deeper and deeper, but I apologized in the good Drs. thread and no one read it. I was accused of not even acknowledging what I had done. I won’t mention the topic by name, but I swear it was not yet in the history books from which I studied. It takes a while to put together a new history book and we don’t know who writes them. As well, one year we would take Modern History and the next year would be Ancient History, but miss or skip a grade and one loses out on a good part of education. I skipped. When the school wanted to skip my daughter, next generation, I had a long talk with her about how I was 2 years younger than my classmates, that I had skipped some knowledge that could have been imparted to me, had I remained behind, and I hung around with kids my age in grades lower than mine. I especially thought she ought to not miss her Grade 7 French, because she was so good at it, nor leave her friends behind the next year when she was a big-wig going off to high school, as little-wig again, with no friends. She chose to NOT skip and I was pleased with her choice.
"This board is about dealing with being damaged by the narcissists in our lives. Period." Partially but yet voicelessnees and emotional survival is it's name and consessions can be made and a parallel drawn.
Many narcissists are the politicians, and some are even psychopaths, and they lie, lie, lie and manipulate for your vote, then renege on their promises and what is one person to do? It takes a number of people on the same wave length to begin something. I didn’t even have Narcissist parents just a dysfunctional family and I have been voiceless since I can remember. But people have to know someone truly, to know where he/she has been.
I have the most wonderful physical therapist who is 18 years NC with her N mother and she is a beautiful person, very wise and very helpful, and in this case age doesn’t come first. She is helping me a lot as she spends 3 days a week with me. She is just 41, so fit’s the age of many on the board who still have mother problems. But she fell in love with a man who also has N parents and they have gone through this together for over 15 years.
Hitler, and/or his henchmen, were certainly well beyond Nísm, to psychopathy, maybe insanity of sorts, as have been others over the past ‘million’ years. I feel sorry for those who have been damaged by N’ism and then portray some of it themselves against someone who cannot or will not fight back. 6,000,001 voices silenced and it went on after 1945.
People will read this if they want but I prefer no harassment over my wording. My daughter has not identified herself as lesbian or bi-. I have asked her how she thinks but no answer, so I use a ‘blanket’ word…. The first acceptable one to me: ‘homosexual‘. That is my choice and it is not from ignorance. Also her 2 youngest children, 18 and 21, are not “settled” with this situation yet, and I don’t want to push if she is hurting in any way about them. …just as, Yes, it hurt, but there was uncontrollable anger involved that required me to be hurt in any way possible, and it could only work if a backup were brought in to agree. I have dealt re my daughter for a long time now and anything I say is fact, but I am or weeping and wailing about it. 1992 was enough.
Yes! IMO this board is about voicelessness…
I think sometimes people start an argument on the basis of some misunderstanding, and to explain the misunderstanding takes 46 -47 pages, or 71 years, of posting. I find that unnecessary when posting, just as correcting another’s spelling. I was over the Nísm quite some time ago and stayed on but hadn’t much to say. However when the car ran me down last year I had friends here who empathized with me, the situation and to follow the healing progress which is now at 19 months and still counting. I have a slight problem with very short term memory loss-- as in say an introduction, or my wanting to mention a book I thought of yesterday, the very first personal trials book about WWII, that I read. I think the writer was Victor? (Frankl?) but for the life of me the name won’t come. I recall his saying that no matter what was taken from him, until he was naked, he still had his own thoughts. We all do! I read that about 8 years ago.
I certainly know that genocide is happening today and if WWIII comes to America, we are neighbours and I think that is why I read so much of what is happening. But there are dis-information artists and mis-information artists on the Internet, just to play crazy-making, like Ns, with our minds.
My mother, who would be 102, had she lived, picked up information in the wrong context and passed it on. That was her day, but some of it stuck with me, as why would a mother lie?
As far as the name-calling, I don’t accept any one of those horrible words as applying to me, and as far as arguing interminably….well we siblings did that as kids. I hope I am a grown-up now, but I still don’t know everything. And as far as your father, I would expect that that is something that would live on longer in a young girl, grown up, than a razor strap beating… yet in the long run, whether the abuse is verbal, emotional, sexual, or other physical, we all suffer in our own way, depending on how strong we are at the time. If we had the strength to stand up to the bullies when we were little, things might not have happened, and for that children need at least one loving parent to guide them on the long journey through life.
Thanks again, and I must get to bed