Hi all,
This is just kind of running in my head at the minute, so I don't know if it's going to make much sense - but I'll write it up anyway!
My relationship with my mum really took a nose dive after I had my little boy. She had lots of opportunities to help out, but never wanted to. Some examples:
Refusing to babysit evenings, or at my home (she doesn't work, has a car and only lives ten minutes from me, so I felt three or four hours once a month wouldn't have killed her).
Would agree to daytime childminding but would then be out when I got there and then claim we made no arrangement.
When I was ill in hospital she told people who called to ask how I was that I wasn't allowed visitors, then came to visit me and went on about how none of my friends cared or they would have come to visit.
Would buy my son things that were really unsuitable or he didn't need and then complain about me being selfish for not letting him play with them.
Refused to help with housemoves or do anything like invite us round for dinner.
When I got worried about my son's development being delayed, she started ringing various professionals telling them that I was neglecting him because I was mentally ill. This went on for years, without me knowing, so my son kept being refused help and support and his diagnosis of autism was delayed by about two years because of it.
Silly little things like making fun of what I was wearing to work or making comments about how my son wasn't happy about being left because he was insecure and that sort of thing.
It's a bit jumbled, I know, I'm just writing stuff as it comes into my head. But I wondered today - does it suit her better to have a 'crap' daughter? By that I mean, does she prefer saying to people "My daughter's mentally ill, her son's got learning difficulties because she neglected him so badly, she doesn't work and she won't let me see him" (which is what she tells people) rather than saying "My daughter is raising a disabled child single handed, she works part-time and she's doing a really great job with him".
I feel like she sabotaged me? I know it sounds silly, but my sister, who was married, had children with no health problems and who didn't suffer from depression, she happily childminded for full time for eight years - 8.30 to 3.30, five days a week. I was on my own, had a little boy with special needs and was working really hard to get rid of my depression and stop it coming back - and she did as little as she possibly could and made it clear she resented what she was doing.
One silly little thing that's just popped into my head was my thirtieth birthday. I asked her if he could stay the night at hers so that I could go to a club - we weren't going to home much before 3/4 o'clock in the morning. She said fine, he stayed at hers, I had my night out, drank loads, got home at half past three - and she was knocking on the door at 8am saying she was going shopping (it was a Sunday and none of the shops open before 11). It's not a big deal, but even then I felt like she just didn't want me to have a good night out and a lie in the next day.
Sorry, it's a bit of a confusing post

I've even confused myself a little bit! But do you think that's something that some people do - they'd rather say you're having a crap life than help you have a good one?