CB, although I do not like your post, I appreciate your time and your intention. Lighter, Thank you.
Deb, your post was totally uplifting for me. Thank you.
Last night was a sad and painful night. He arrived at the dance with his brother and his sister in law. He had a team with him. I was alone. That has happened all the time. Many women wanted to dance with him. I had to work hard on getting somebody to dance with me. Still, I danced with five different gentlemen. He and his team sat with me.
Like Deb says, it takes time. I am decided, I made up my mind that I do not want to continue with him but ti takes time. I told him that I will dance with him but I am not his girlfriend anymore. Still we danced most of the time but he danced with others and I did too.
He wanted to give me a gift and I said shove it up your a**. I did. I treated him like sh*t. He flirted all night. I did not show any love for him. Still he stayed with me most of the time. A polish woman, tall and blonde, and pretty, flirted with him all night. Before he left, I heard him tell her “we’ll see each other again”.
He is keeping his options open. He does not see me as something important, he sees me as an object. He is narcissist. He behaved like nothing had happened.
H has no idea how much I am suffering, he odes not care. I am sorry all the dancers think we are still together, and they respect him. The men respect each other, the women do not.
I am the one who lose a dance partner and I am the one who will have a very difficult time. He has many women wanting to dance with him, he does not suffer, and he has a family with him all the time. I am alone. I have nobody.
Every time he talked about his Christmas party, I walked away. Until he stopped talking about it.
I am starting to think that to be able to detach from him I am going to have to stop dancing so I do nto see him. But, it is so sad, to stop the only activity I really like.
But, it hurts to see him flirting, to see him around, he still sits with me and men think that he is still with me.
He did not talk about tomorrow, he is going dancing to a friend’s place, he did not invite me, I do not know if he is going to invite me.
He still wants to celebrate new years eve with me in a tango party. I do not want to be alone for new years eve, I want to have fun. I have no place to go if I do not go with him.
He does not give me any security, like telling me what is he going to do. He enjoys torturing me. That is why I need to get it out of my heart, my brain and my life. Maybe if I find a place to go for new years eve and I do not see him at all it will be easier. But that means stop dancing, I have spent so much money in dancing clothing, shoes, classes etc.
I regret so much to have been hooked up with him. I am sad again, despite I was OK on Monday night. I am very sad and lonelier.