Author Topic: He did it again like the scorpion  (Read 7479 times)


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Re: He did it again like the scorpion
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2011, 09:30:07 AM »
We were at tango last night. My friend ladyfriend was with me. She is R. She is a wonderful person. M came and sat with us. We danced well for about one hour. Then twp different gentlemen asked me to dance. I danced with them and after that he danced with other ladies. Then we danced togetehr again. Then Russian woman came to sit at our table. Then the played a milonga, M said "Milonga" I did not move just to waiting to see what he was going to do. He said "I am going to dance with N (russian woman)" Then he got up and danced with her and I danced with somebody else. Then finally we danced together again, he said, "did you see how sexy i danced with N" I said "I did nto see it I was dancing too" Then he said, stop it, youa re very jealous. I did not say anything.

Then he got mad because I did not remember some moves and he left not without telling me that I was not worth a tooth. I felt sad but recovered ina moment and started dancing with other men when he left.

I came home with my friend and she spent the night here.
I dont know what to do to get him out of my life. I dont want him as an enemy.


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Re: He did it again like the scorpion
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »
On top that he told me last night that I dance badly, he wrote me a horrible e-mail today. He hates me.
I was not drunk last night. I dont know why he says that. My friend is very appropriate and descent.
He is surprised that I have a friend and he is not used to because he likes to see me alone. I need to move on. I need to ignore this and to be polite.
He really hates me. He knows that if my friend was not here I would be with him and due to the support that my friend gives me, i do not run over to him anymore.
Please, friends, pray for me so I can behave correctly and move on. Erase him from my life forvever, from my brain. Forever.

Enough is Enough, You drink too much, and now you are toting around your
new found religious and Drinking friend R. You both drink wine as if
it is sparkling water. You want me to dance with her, she also can't
dance when she drinks, she needs to dance with beginners, before she
engages experienced dancers. I will not forget what Eddy said when he
brought you back to our table at the Dance studio, "You drink too much".
You have broken your rules constantly, drinking and drinking and you
don't know which is your left foot and right foot. I deleted the three
e-mails that you sent me and did not read them, because it is the typical
Lupita excuses over and over again. You want me to make out with you on
the Dance floor, over and over again, you don't have the sober capacity
to stop. I went to A and dance like I like to dance without getting
harrased to smooch. You see Lupita, I can handle my drinking, I know when
I drank too much, and I cut myself off. Q bought me 2 beers and I
danced,  then went home at 1:30AM. I know when to stop drinking.

I take Tango very seriously, and I try and do different things with you,
so that Tango does not get boring, because it certainly can, if one does
not try to do some different things. Yes, all those who have danced for
years can do some very nice walking patterns and moves, I like you have
REALLY CARE!!!!      

« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 03:32:10 PM by Lupita »


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Re: He did it again like the scorpion
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2011, 07:46:30 AM »
Eh, let him stew, and try not to respond to these silly complaints.

He's not happy you're moving on, and has picked a silly fight. 

Apparently.. he's apparently not ready to end the fun and games.

Too bad, it's all up to you, not him.

Keep R and have a lot of fun, (((Lupe)))



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Re: He did it again like the scorpion
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2011, 09:22:39 AM »
Thank you Lighter. I did. My friend R did it for me. Of course she would have not been able to do it if I did not enable her to do it. I showed her the e-mail and when we got to the dance last night, she was on fire. She told him, sun of a b*tch, who gives you right to call me an alcoholic after two days knowing me, and I am not going to allow you to insult my friend. he got so mad. He had my sweater in his car from long time ago and I asked him to give it to me and he said. No, I amnot going to do that for you. I said, OK and left.
So, now it is ended. He said before I left, "keep yout friend, take her places" and I said OK.

So, now it is ended. Just because I showed the e-mail to R. Or course I told her not to tell him anything but she did not control her self. She did what I could not do in one year and two months of abuse.

I do not want to start a codependency with R. I will work that with my therapist and my group. I feel at peace, a little afraid of the consequences of having him mad in my favorite hobby but I will survive. I have friends who like me. There is a kid in tango, 25 yo like my son who is a genius in tango and I told him, hey kiddo, I need your help, I am hurting because of M, make me look great in the dance floor. He did. M was watching.


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Re: He did it again like the scorpion
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2011, 12:58:25 PM »
Whoo hoo, Lupe!

Looks like you figured out how to move on, and have fun too.

I want to tell you......

the nicest thing about your post was.....

it was about what you were doing last night.

Not what M did; )
