Thanks, GS...
I spent 10 hours today working on bills, paperwork, bank balance.
And tomorrow I'm going to spend the day on my freelance edit.
And Monday I go back to "work".

I did have some good things today. A girlfriend who also needs a get-things-done buddy at times, came over and we too a long brisk walk in the huge park near me, ate a healthy lunch together, and settled in the LR for the afternoon. Just quiet, few talk breaks, both of us working away. It was so comforting and supportive and she said my support in getting her out for a walk meant as much to her and her support in companionably doing paperwork with me. It just felt great. A new friendship knitting and I am graced again with wonderful friends.
When she left I made a lovely little omelet and broccoli dinner with toast made from my tumeric bread.
Another one's invited me over to see a movie tomorrow night, so that's my goal--if I edit all day then I can go see the 3rd in The Girl Who... series.
I had one bad thing today. But I'll talk about that on the Mothering Again thread.
I am knitted into life and I will not unravel.