I think anyone would tire of being the "identified patient" when their family members are the ones with personality disorders.
It's so dreadfully unfair.
Also, your mother may not be an N.
She may be a sociopath with heavy N features, or a borderline personality disordered person, or any number of co-morbid possibilities.
Sometimes, you just have to accept that you'll never know, for sure, and stop trying to figure it out.
About that letter to the shelter lady......
I think it would be interesting if you wrote that letter, for your own benefit (don't actually send your version, of course):
Dear Dim Shelter Lady:
Muffin may not live in my home, because I'm a mean personality disordered person, who likes to view herself as a caring tough-love kind of mother, who would take Muffin in if it was in her best interest. It's not, but for reasons different than any you could conjure on your own, but back to me. Muffin has always been a weak, confused child, who has no idea what she wants, when she should have just accepted the mantle I thrust apon her. Too strong willed. Unable to completely suspend her belief in reality...... just a very difficult child, as you can imagine. Your shelters full of just such "types." I know you understand. Tisk tisk, yes?
Muffin doesn't understand my need to marginalize her humanity. She still struggles under the strain of my efforts. If Muffin could just lie there, and take it, whimpering occassionally to show she's paying attention but otherwise compliant, I'd let her come home. Sure I would, and you believe me, right? Of course you do, bc you want to. It makes more sense than the truth...... I hate my child and causing her to suffer brings me...... relief. So, if you look at this the right way, Muffin could come home, but chooses not to. I would think that this constitutes a willful display on Muffin's part that perhaps should lose her her space at the shelter. Don't you?
Not that I'd welcome her here, even if she did comply, if you haven't figured that out yet. I only wrote that because you're easily manipulated. Well, let me fill you in, sweetcheeks..... this is how I treat Muffin, and I'll always treat her this way. It's not what I do, it's what I am, and I'll never change, bc I can't. If I could, I would.
Please understand that I love my daughter. I wish her the best in this life.... and if you should find it necessary to put her out on the street, I wish that too.
Muffin's PDMother
I don't know enough about your relationship with your mother to do that letter justice, Muffin. Maybe it would help you to write it yourself, maybe not.
Your latest posts have the sound of someone who's coming to grips with a painful truth, your mother will never love you the way you deserved to be loved.
Your anger is justified, and will perhaps help move you to a place where you can give yourself permission to trust and mother yourself.
Give you permission to give up hope that your mother will ever change.