Author Topic: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on  (Read 2267 times)


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One was obvious the  morning that my black eyeliner came to an end and the tip of the pencil fell out. Fell out where? I was wary about backing up in case my wheels embedded it into the carpet. Then I found it on a little shelf on my footrest. YAY! I put it on my vanity to replace when wearing my eyeglasses, but it became a ‘fixture’, as I don’t wear my eyeglasses at the vanity. Today the pencil point was missing, but not difficult to find on/in a beige carpet… my fear, right?--- in two places. Well only I am to blame. I cannot yell at anyone but myself.

I have no one but myself to yell at (quietly) about anything.

If I cannot sleep, I can get up and watch an old black and white movie, while eating sardines in lemon sauce. No one complains! Or Natchos and hot salsa! Or a fried egg/omelette sandwich.

I stopped my Y&R soap opera….it became crazy… last May… so it doesn’t rule my time at all! Actually that stopped me from watching TV.. Imagine!!

If I sleep until noon after those aforesaid nights of nibbling, I can have lunch at 4:00 and dinner at 10:00. No one to complain! Dinner a 10?… likely a large baked potato smashed to fill my dinner plate, smothered with diced onions, butter, salt and pepper.

I don’t have to share a bathroom. I make my bed only when the therapist is coming, as I require a flat surface, otherwise I just close the door.

But then I think about death….alone.. The tremors on the roadside in May/09 made me think of the ‘death tremors’ seen in movies when someone has been shot. The morphine, for the pain, hallucinations were about someone wanting to kill me. Most of my dreams since are about death, and when I wake up I am relieved to be alive and alone. Now I am redoing my Will and that’s about death all over again and “new plans”. ……however  I have to BE here to see that they are carried out! Oh what a conundrum! How do I accomplish THAT?

But for now I have lost most of the pain in my left thigh, but both knees have a burning pain together, under some circumstance that I have forgotten. That left thigh, though, still makes my left (face) cheek, lips and nose twitch, as my teeth clatter. The pulled nerve in my upper back makes my arms shake and my teeth clatter when I put them (arms, not teeth) straight up or straight out but not when at rest on my lap. That is a T9 nerve pull that affects my upper arms close to each shoulder. Nighttimes are worse because I now change positions unknowingly, and land on my back, and I just learned, AGAIN, a way to stop my left leg from becoming stiff from no movement in the night.

Karla, my PT, is the greatest…does my foot and leg care, my therapy, keeps notes, comes up with new ideas, will wash my walls as the painters are coming, and if I didn’t say, she says I am too ‘young’ to go into a Home and I never will as long as she is here. She is filling in and doing what I now cannot do, and some of what I couldn’t do before--like the walls.

We do a exercise whereby I have a 6” roll under my knee. Then I flex my muscle (quadriceps) to lift my foot off the bed. At the beginning, no way! Eventually my lower leg was straight, so the quads at my knees had strengthened that much, so now she would hold down my foot, slightly, like adding a weight in gym. I try to lift and down 10 times, then I try to lift and hold 10 times, then I try  to lift and hold as long as I can.

I talk a lot and she does the counting. One day I looked at her, like a question, as to where we were and she said ”Just Weight”
So I waited.
She said “Go on”

I said, “You told me to wait!”
She said, “No! I told you Just Weight!”
We stared at one another and broke out in peals of laughter.

I am not happy, but I am not sad. I think again about dying and that’s okay with me if it happens, AFTER I do this Will change… continue what I said above. Reality tells me there is no reason to live…that there is nothing new to do….that there is no one who cares (but Karla),. I often wonder if people in my position just keep on living because there is always HOPE. HOPE is around the corner….but I don’t know which corner. I have decisions to make regarding my Will, and my ashes will blow over  the B.C. Mountains. If I “just remember” my daughter and 3 grandchildren who ignore me, in order that they cannot contest the Will. $100.00 apiece! They have been remembered!  $50,000 apiece for strangers who don’t give a damn? Have they earned that? NO!!

The only answer is to live long and spend! Buy a new car!…it depreciates fast.  I don’t trust Charitable Organizations, as they take the money to pay the staff first! I cannot leave it all to Dr. Grossman….he will blow it all on the rest of you! Well maybe that’s ok….fill in a form and ask! Karla is 41 and will be remembered!! Everyone else is old and just might die before I do…then my Will is  ‘empty’.

Did God want me to die in those 2 crashes but I was too stubborn?  Or was He testing me! I don’t need to live anymore, but strike 3 will come…….when? Maybe another 40 years?  I’ll be 110! Everybody dies, but no one is going to grieve over me. I cannot do the suicide thing, as her father has already done that!

What a mess I have made from the choices I have made, yet I can see but one place whereby I would change what I did and that was to not date a ‘legally separated’ man and fall in love. I ought to have sent him on his way. I was 21 and thought that meant a “sure divorce”.  I still see that ‘farm girl innocence’ in some things I think and do!

I still sleep a lot, because of the pain pills, maybe 12 hours a day, and read a lot, dream a lot, so am not quite ready to look to volunteering. Still in no man’s land. 2 years! Why?

Comments are Welcome

Love to all
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 11:33:55 AM »
I was wondering what you've been up to, Izz.

That was a pretty good update.

Go ahead and write your will..... get it off your plate, then put it away.

You have more time..... you're obviously meant to be here, Izzy.

Have you thought about your music lately?

What kind of car are you looking at buying?

Are there any special features you can get?

I never understood how you get around with one chair..... isn't a regular chair, very heavy, hard to put in and out of the car chair?

Maybe fix yourself up with another top of the line light-weight wheelchair?

Keep enjoying your movies, food and reading. 

I'm so glad you have Karla right now.

Sounds like she's really helping a lot.



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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 01:39:55 PM »
Hi Izz... I've got the whole shebang of estate stuff to start working on, myself. I'm going to try to avoid some the mistakes my dad did (I hope!).

I noticed in some of your other posts, that you seem to have to have no fear of death - you've come to terms with it; that's good. No matter how old you are or what shape you're in. My MIL used to tell me "I'm not worried about it - nothing I can do about it, so why worry?" And I'd usually come back with - well, that doesn't mean you ONLY have to sit around and wait for it, either. Let's go here, do this... try this new recipe... go shopping. And she did and she enjoyed herself, and we enjoyed her... watching her do new things at 83. She seemed to want to make herself an invalid... and I wouldn't let her; not when she was still able to have fun. We could always compensate for all the physical stuff... and make it possible... but I wasn't going to let her choose to sink into not having fun. You don't have to stop enjoying life - even trying new things Iz. You're way far from being an invalid. You deserve to have some fun, you know?

Iz, having gone from making ends meet with some put back for maybe retirement - to having enough money to provide for even my grandkids in the future... I've decided that I should flat out allow myself things that I USED to think were "too expensive" or "too frivolous"....  because I don't "need" X. I still have to work pretty hard to convince myself that it's OK - I just ordered new glasses. And it took some encouragement from hubs (the saleslady obviously had a vested interest already) but I broke down and allowed myself to buy the fun & funky lavender & turqouise frames with the expensive designer "label". There were hundreds of other choices... but here's the way I'm starting to look at it:

I've lived through some really nasty, scary stuff. I've healed well enough from that now... to put it behind me. In between, my life was kinda flat, gray, monotonous... for a whole lot of reasons 'coz of the first part. I didn't have much money to spare being a single-mom; my kids always came first for me... and I've put myself "last on the list" my whole life. Why SHOULDN'T I indulge myself some of things I want to do or have or live, now? Haven't I already paid my dues? If I want to wear Elton John glasses.... and I feel happy in them.... WHY NOT? Why not see if it's comfortable and happier living like this?? And since death doesn't exactly make an appt that I can put on my calendar... I'm operating on the philosophy that Life is Short, we never know what kind of stuff is "right around the corner" (good & bad & interesting & surprising & not), and I might as well let myself live to the fullest now.

Yeah, I'll still try to pass on some to my kids and grandkids... and hopefully educate them about finances along the way, too. But it's my turn now and whether I deserve it or not (just depends on which day we're looking at and my own opinion of myself) - I'm going to allow myself to have a complete blast and not worry about "what it costs". For me - that's actually "work" - it doesn't come naturally... but I've already done the "other stuff"... while I have time, I'm going to try this instead.

WHY NOT? The Iz I know is pretty good about asking that question, too... and then taking that chance just for the hell of it... and enjoying the experience, then the telling of the story after.

Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 07:58:47 PM »
I care, Izzy. If that day comes, I will grieve for you.

You have no idea how much you have moved and inspired me, and I will not forget you.

I am angry about the brutality and deprivation you have been through, in so many ways. From a truly violent childhood and severe labor on the farm, to the cruelty of the accidents (including the N -- an emotional wreck no less damaging). What awes me most is how much pluck and curiosity and openness you show.

You keep "showing up" to your own life. In spite of pain and challenges that would leave me whimpering like a scared dog in a thunderstorm. Seems to me you've just set your priorities and embraced your own world and that you really respect what it means to calm a leg or be able to reach something.

And those things are dazzling. This isn't the right word, but you have your own validity. I admire you a lot for it.

I know even at your worst, you were more fastidious than I ever have even tried to be.

I resent the cruelty of the pain for you. I don't blame you for wondering why but I swear on my toes it is NOT a "message from God". You did not deserve any of it.

What a gift from the universe that this loving and helpful PT turned up in your life.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2011, 11:42:06 AM »
hi lighter, PR and Hops,

I appreciate the comments. I had been just ramblings and it's interesting what pops up.

lighter, I have but one chair for now, and it is the the lightweight that I use daily and put into and out of the car. It's about 30#. My first chair in 1969 was an old one of my mother''s and it weighed 75#. (6 yr old daughter assiseded by pulling from the passenger side, while I pushed from the driver's side. That didn't last long.) There are always improvements being made.

As far as a car is concerned, I require a 2-door, so the chair goes in behind the driver's seat, but the console cannot be too wide reaching into the back seat for the front 'chair wheels will jam against it and not fit over the console or the drive it depends on the make and models out at the time. I have always bought new cars, and it worked out to about evey 10 years. I would become very comfortable with my current car and not what to have to change. However, ontario winters with sand, gravel and salt on the raods ate away at the metal, and 10 years meant the car had been becoming 'shabby'. Having moved to British Columbia and less winter, no snow, this car has lasted 20 years. WOW! I love it,'s old! so the search will be on for the proper "2 door/console" and that will likely be in the Ford, Chevy, or Chrysler. I begin my shop, by phone. The hand controls are Universal so they will fit whatever I buy! The new one.... I will want to have a CD player.

So PR, after reading about cars, that also involves whatever else I needed, like a house, I bought and my daughter and I never did without, but I never went overboard. I finally, quite by accident, from fooling around on the internet, found a make-over place and that's where I learned that the new frames for eyeglasses really looked good on me, so BOOM! I saw some downtown. The guy imports only one of each style from Europe and I have Chzech crystals on either side, front, of my black designer frames. It was a REAL treat. My D. and I took trips, drivng, flying, but I've never done any alone. I was just mentioning this topic to K., my Rehab Assistant, yesterday, and I never expected, as she is married, but she said we could take short trips here and there anytime that her work schedule allowed it. Since she has her own business it would be up to her. I'm not against spending money, but I really do not want to go anywhere alone.

And No! I have no fear of death. I had a NDE, OBE in 1969 and the feeling was absolutely beautiful, nary a care in the world, not even as I thought about my 5 yr old D. I knew she would be fine. I've read somewhere that 'we folks' come out of those with a change in our personality..... a few more of those and I'll be the new mother Theresa.

And Hopsy, "Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there..... I am flying over the BC mountains, the foothills of the Rockies!". If nothing else, I might have been a inspiration to some other folks, as well as you. I accept what happens, that cannot be changed, nor taken back, and then work with what I have left, as generally the only choice is to move forward.

K has been with me for 16 months/22 months and she also has patients who 'complain'. Sometimes it's easier to turn a scream into a weird laugh, and not have the reputation of a 'whiner'.

Yep, I've had many a mountain to climb, but I never sat at the bottom crying that I couldn't do it...without trying first. I've always thought of 'trying', as the begining of 'doing'.

I've made the mistake of making it difficult for anyone to "help me" and I realize that the approach means a lot....don't do it without my asking, and don't do it with pity written all over your face. Many people have passed by and remarked, "Oh, it looks like you've done that before!" I smile, thank them and we part on a good note. If someone surprises, as in scares, me from behind, whatever and grabs my chair to help, I become furious and say I will sue them for assault. Two different reactions. Helping myself, learning something new is just very satisfying...perhaps like a 'baby' walking for the first time, not really understanding the happiness and pride within itself or its parents....but dazzling is a nice word....makes me think of my designer frames.

So the healing continues, as I need the answer to the shakes, tremors and teeth gnashing, before I have my teeth fixed, or at least have the dentist prepared for my having a lifetime of gnashing at his work.

Thanks and Love to all
« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 11:48:20 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 04:15:47 PM »
You're the toughest cookie I've ever come accross, Izz.

Intestinal fortitude is what you're made of.

I've learned a lot from you over the years, and I'd probably be one of the people who would try to help you with your chair, scare you and have you cursing me.

Better to ask, than just reach out. 

Still learning.

What's the legal update?

Any news?



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Re: There are Joys about Living Alone.......just nattering, on and on and on
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 05:35:00 PM »
No lighter,

I just advised my lawyer to get the wheel turning, so he has to send messages on and receive info from all the spokes.

I guess I am the hub, spinning in circles, and making everyone dizzy! ;0)
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"