Author Topic: Oh that old feeling of' "Coming Home"..used to be Guilt!!....  (Read 3162 times)


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Oh that old feeling of' "Coming Home"..used to be Guilt!!....
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:01:30 PM »
hi gang!

I asked the superintendent for a new paint job, being into my 9th year here (and away from the N, June 4, 2002)

Okay but walls have to be washed first…that took the fun out of it. Karla however does everything, so came on two Saturdays to wash the walls. On the second Saturday, she took up the ramp to the balcony and …GROSS, …black mold and a couple of mushrooms.  This had started from the underside of the wooden ramp when the steam cleaner put it back last April/10

Did he put it back too soon? I don’t remember.
Did Christine move the ramp when cleaning? No, as the Insurance Co. didn’t allow “vacuuming in the living room” time, so she quickly ran the carpet sweeper, and now and again the vacuum. Funding for her was cut on June 1/10.

Am I to blame because I couldn’t lift the ramp and clean under it, too ‘stupid’ to know this could happen, even though my sister moved it when she vacuumed at April’s end and saw nothing, or just because it never happened before, it could still happen?

I hired Karla to do it, and it’s part of her business, but she bought NO Health Insurance for her business, and has now lost 2 weeks work from being sick.....that's lost money.

She was working right over it on her knees, but I gave her a mask and gloves etc, however maybe the spores got loose sooner. I’ve had no effect, but I did have a lung infection last November---no checking for a cause, just meds to clear it up., and Dr. said keep away from people for 2 days.  Karla was diagnosed with pneumonia, that she was exposed to the cold but the mold did her in.

This is the kicker. *I* feel guilty for this and that I owe her the $$$ she has lost from not seeing her clients for 2 weeks.

By rights, she ought to have had Insurance on her business for such things, as she lost $480.00 from my missing therapy, so I don’t know how much she ‘lost’ altogether.  (What if she were off for 2 years, as I am, but with no money coming in-- is that how I talk to her about having Insurance?)

Those who know me will know that I would feel guilty for this as it was in my place and she got sick.

Some  “ways” are just too ingrained to get away from, although this is far less severe because I was able to see how the whole situation ought to have worked.

As a bonus to me though:
I told the Super and it went right to the top and I get new carpeting, a new stove, and they finally fixed a drip in my kitchen tap, on top of the new paint job---I just pay for the wall washing, as they always want the nicotine removed. They move me to an empty apartment, for a few days, do the work and move me back.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 10:22:02 PM by Izzy_*now* »
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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 09:42:39 PM »
Hey, Izzy,

I wonder if you could just pay her for her lost time from being sick.  If you think that she got sick because of the mold at your place, and she is struggling because of the loss of income--it might be a sweet thing to do.  I know how much you appreciate her, and you dont have any one else right now. 

And you wouldnt feel guilty, because you had taken care of the situation, as best you could.  No one could have known that that mold was was just something that happens sometimes.  Luckily she has you.

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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2011, 09:59:42 PM »
Goody CB

Thank you for your response, as those were my thoughts.

However, I know I legally don't have to pay her, but she is my friend, and I am lucky to have her, and $480.00 will salve my guilty soul.  I really hope she will accept it, under the circumstances of legality or otherwise.

Now I still need to know if I ought to mention Health Insurance for her business.  No! I am thinking not, as she has already realized this. I'm thinking of when I worked and we were paid x number of sick days per.... year? No sick pay would mean lost wages.

Thanks again
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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 10:35:24 PM »
Maybe another way of looking at the guilt that you were feeling was it was another kind of love. You were feeling gratitude and love for ...and as soon as you deal with the guilt with the pay, then more gratitude and love will rise to the top again.

You have a kind heart, Issy.

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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2011, 01:55:04 AM »
Hi Hops
I believe you are right. To me she is almost the daughter I never had, 41 and ever so kind, respectful, helpful, courteous, intelligent, understanding, compassionate......we were into the therapy today and instead of 'surprising' her (It felt sneaky when I put the cheque into her Jan 31 pay envelope, for her to find) I told her there was an extra cheque to cover the 3 sick days when she was not paid by me.

I could see a look of pleasure and gratitude on her face, as we are flinging my leg around, she thanked me and then I asked what I suspected---that she does have Health Insurance but it doesn't take place until about a month, as in extended pay......but some people cannot afford that 1, 2, 3, 4 week absence of Income.

Somehow I made an error and overpaid those 3 days by $300.00. I don't know how I did it, but it is not bothering me. My thoughts must have been elsewhere as I calculated, but I just checked another figure and the $480.00 is exactly what I had saved in the past 3 months.   


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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2011, 08:50:38 AM »
It sounds like it's a load off your mind, now Izz.

I think you did what was right for you, and it all worked out.



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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2011, 01:07:56 AM »
Oh yes lighter,

It all worked out well. I felt better, as I said, and she is well enough now to have returned today for 5 hours to help prepare for my new paint job, carpeting, stove and lino. We did 2 end tables missed the other round and the hallway's light globe. There was no time to wash the bath/bedroom walls, but did the door jambs, and the worst of the walls are done...the kitchen, today, being bad because of cooking etc. Her husband was going to "watch a game" and eat with the guys tonight, so she stayed for pizza.

She's been gone for 5 hours. I just happened into the bedroom to light the small lamp and saw an envelope on my vanity--- a thank you from her.. left for my surprise, as my second cheque was in her envelope, for her surprise.  She was so tickled that I am even happier I made whatever mistake, with her husband being "kinda out of work", being on call only, which is not often at this time of year.

Tomorrow is a silly day, checking piddling things, as the movers take me to Apt 201 from Apt 206 early Monday and I want nothing piddling lost in just a move down the hall.  Short vacation. Back home likely by Friday!

« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 01:14:34 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2011, 07:13:02 AM »
It feels nice to picture you in a freshly painted place, with new linoleum and carpet, Izz.

I'm glad you feel good about how things turned out with Karla.

It's all good: )



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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2011, 12:24:03 PM »
Happy New Place, Izz!

Here I am at the door with a big batch of brownies, NOT made from a mix.

Enough for you and Karla to pig out on and savor every crumb.

What made you decide to change apartments? Are you pleased about it?
Will you still have a nice balcony with flowering trees to look at?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2011, 06:03:19 PM »
hi Hops

I am not having a successful time explaining, my vacation, my two apartments, as I guess I was just seeing it as a way to crack a silly joke, since I don,t take vacations.

The Property Owners are moving me out of my Apt. to an empty one down the hall, so thay can paint, lay carpet and lino, bring in a new stove and not have me in the way. (I can visit if i wish, but) I will live with all my stuff in this other Apt until they are fininshed, then they will move all my belongings back in. I won,t have a telephone in the temporary apt, but can come back up the hallway to my apt to check for messages or make calls, on my portable. I don,t have a cell phone. I will have my computer though. I need a phone to buzz people in downstairs, so just gave Karla my second outside door key and have to email her when I find out if the Temp Apt is #201 or #202....mine is that she comes to the right place.

I haven,t had a vacation since 1981, so a few days in a different place is  my silly vacation  theory.

We will still take the brownies.  Yummy. Thank you!

I like this apartment as it faces North and there is never an onslaught of the hot morning or afternoon sun coming straight in the window.....just the good angle for balcony sun.


EDIT::::::   EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK No Internet hookup in the vacant apartment. or TV........................... I will go NUTS!!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 02:25:32 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2011, 10:22:33 PM »
Uhhhh ohhh.

How to prevent cyberwithdrawal, Izz?

Can you order in a vast stack of library books? Best mysteries ever, for example?

Oy, I feel for you. I can imagine how very difficult it would be for you not to have that connection, your isolation has been hard enough.

Please check in if you find a way, and if this message is too late, know you'll be missed while you're unplugged!

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Oh that old feeling of guilt....
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2011, 10:13:55 AM »
I think listening to books on tape would be a good way to do without the computer for a bit.

The library should have a good selection of those too.



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Re: Oh that old feeling of 'Coming HOME....(used to be GUILT)
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2011, 10:13:53 PM »
Thanks Hops and lighter,

I actually did quite well, as I always have a book to put me to sleep, and for feeling like I was online, I finally read Pentagon_ Aliens, well 198/313 pages, pdf file I downloaded some time ago, and am bug-eyed over some of the info.

I am now back home and never want to leave it again. The other Apt had a street lamp across from the bedroom window, the covering being white vertical blinds, but it is an energy saver, on 30 sec/off 30 sec---drove me nuts.and there were two hallways to get to the bathroom and I'd get lost ;0) The carpet wa too plush (tweed) for my chair and I thought that was what I was getting---

The guy who did the carpet (great for a wçhair, btw, industrial strength and specially ordered for me) left all the clippings and fluff and the Super cleaned it for me. Normally it would have been my job, I think, as I've never heard of her doing that before. Great looking lino, white with brown splashes, matches carpet, and finally a stove with a working clock

Funny thing is............the bedroom window is larger?????????????????????????  I really have to ask her about that next time I see could they change it by about 2 feet in width?

All suggestions welcomed, but too late. I was gone!  Anyway, I am a 'visual learner', so require reading myself, and also require some video as well.....forgot about my supply of DVD movies!!  YAY!!!!

I've been very sore. I was sitting on the side of the tub, dressed, last Sunday, but trying to tighten the toilet lid, lost my balance with a slight slip and fell into the tub....except my legs were hanging over the outside....bruised my upper thighs at the back and strained my arms getting out.....

....but this is day 6 and no better, so I think i jarred my back, in that place that was pulled that causes me the tremors etc, becasue now all I have to do is to touch the top of a fingernail and my teeth clatter...........before that was just touching my arm(s) to the elbows. I need that physiatrist (Dr. of Physical Medicine) and will be on the horn to Joanne in my lawyer's office about the appointment date, come Monday----and location. If Vancouver, Karla and her husband will take me.. I will pay the freight.

It's only 7:13 PM (PST) and I haven't remade my bed...too tired..... will just crawl inder the mess of everything until tomorrow.

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Re: Oh that old feeling of' "Coming Home"..used to be Guilt!!....
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2011, 02:19:01 AM »
$480.00 will salve my guilty soul.

Hi Iz,

They used to sell indulgences, maybe they still do.  Would spending the $480 qualify as an Indulgence?




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Re: Oh that old feeling of' "Coming Home"..used to be Guilt!!....
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2011, 09:48:11 AM »
OK, Izz.

I'm glad you're back in your cozy little nook, but.... what's the plan if you bonk your head, break something or just plain can't get out of the tub next time?

You need one of those little necklace buttons you can push....

"Help, I've fallen, and I can't get up!"

What's going on with the legal matter?

I'm so glad you're happy with your new carpet, lino and range.

Did you know they were changing out the window?

Did the install an energy efficient one in it's place?

Hmmmm.... I think that's all the questions I have.

So sorry to hear your teeth are chattering worse.

I hope the new doc can figure that out.
