hi PR
Thanks for that idea, as it does make sense, in its own way and, in a bit, reminds me how pleasurabe it is to be tired go to bed, curl up in the fetal position, warmly covered and drift off to sleep, peacefully, with no rude awakenings. The fetal position came to me with my first accident 42 years ago, and I am not the only one. I have talked to others. (I've also read that adults doing that signifies a 'death wish'.)
But both are connectd to babyhood!
I have been testing many things in 2 years, food/liquid intake/output, when, how much. My journal is filled with all these details of pain, twitching, gnashing, (k)gnocking, outrageous dreams, medications/take/failure to take, incompetent treatment, therapy progression, re-learning the car, the tub, shopping, laundry, cleaning, cooking, dressing ...differences 'before' and 'after'. How I thought, for days and days, about a new way to make my bed from scratch.
Since I have been inventing things, why not try someone else's idea?
(switch "cotton knit leggings and a tight fitting long sleeve cotton t-shirt" for soft, close-fitting long-johns with a trap-door <tee-hee>)