My dear GS,
When you're ready, we'll start exploring that attachment theory stuff - infants, bonding, moms, and unintentional emotional abuse. It sounds like you've enough on your plate dealing with the intentional stuff, right now. When you're ready, I'm gonna have a lot to say... tho most of it is already here in this thread.
Little by little, gradually, over time... I'm letting go of bitterness, blame, justice seeking, revenge, and anger... and forgiving myself for not being THEN who I am NOW - and knowing what I know now. It's been a fuzzy, convoluted process - foggy - and I've stumbled more times than I've gained a foot of progress - rough terrain, you know?
There isn't any "right way" to do this. The way I did... was the way I did. It's not special and doesn't have anything to recommend it. You'll find your way, too. You'll find, probably, that while the pain doesn't necessarily "go away"... one gets used to it. OH THAT AGAIN... YAWWWWWN. Sort of like re-runs of House Hunters...
So it's important to focus on YOU. Not your Dad - not your mom. Not on what THEY did/didn't do. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter now. Now, it's all up to you and you are ALREADY FREE to do what you need/want to do. (yes, I was stubborn and really, really pissed and it took me a LOOOOOnnng time to get that). And it's OK that you didn't notice... hey! that's what pavlovian programming is all about, you know? I oughta know... sigh!!
Focus on YOU, kiddo - not them; not what they did or didn't do. You are smart, strong, resiliant and determined. Put them out of your mind... and perhaps they'll "get out of your way" too.