Oh gosh! Im having rescue impulses. It does hurt, when that conneciton is still there. In fact it can be an on-going gnawing emptiness, as Ive experienced it.
(My dream is to create proper and effective routes to recovery in peer group setting.) Have needed to uproot emotional investment and to reinvest emotionally to find to find acknowledgement from a different basis.
BTW, anothe way of looking at it, in a truly disordered family ethos, the more they vilify you, the better you're doing, specially if you're not swayed. The disorder has all values back to front 180 degrees. Whats good is bad, and vice-versa.
You are 'creating value'...... created something good where nothing good was originally given. Know this. You are contributing to the solution to the problem that orignally hurt you, though its indirect. Its into the cosmos, not into the foo.