Wow, Ales. That was so painful to read, and really triggered some recognition in me.
Such a sad definition but so emotionally logical.
What popped into my head next (that I struggle to do) is that the only answer
is SELF-recognition, SELF-appreciation, SELF-affirmation.
When we (I) are (am) dependent on others' opinions or affirmation to feel good about ourselves,
classic result of being children of Ns...there is no soothing our own grief until we really do
experience self-love.
That kindness and compassion, turned right around so it shines into our own chests.
And, not somebody's else's (although that's huge when it happens). But our own.
I've only visualized it that intentionally a few times (and hypnosis was one of the most
powerful times) ... but when I did, it was very very healing and .... just amazing.
I think, for some, prayer is also a form of self-love. Kind of the long way around to
asking compassion to come in. All the same thing though. I envy the faithful. Their trust.
My grandmother (whom I only remember seeing once) had a favorite hymn, and
I find the lyric as moving and powerful now as I did when I was a theist, as
(ironically) the words are just so...humane:
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Come, ye disconsolate, where'ere you languish.
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel.
Here, bring your wounded heart.
Here, tell your anguish.
Earth has no sorrow, that heaven cannot heal.
I don't believe in heaven. But it doesn't matter.
I do believe in the power of that invitation.
Such incredible kindness in it.
And that's what I think we need to give ourselves,
so we won't live depressed. The mercy of tending our own sore hearts,
being as actually (not cerebrally) kind to our sad selves as we'd wish any
"dream mother" had been.
Then, I think we start to get fixed.
If you can find it, Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway sang that
as a duet on one of her albums. It's breathtaking. When you hear
her sing that? "Come, you sad, sad one..." it is just like the loving
lap of the whole world just invited you to crawl up and feel safe at last.
Even though I don't understand it, I can HEAR it. She was singing
about something real.