Tango IS lovely. Romantic, dramatic, exaggerated, hypnotic, dark, thrilling, illusory.
In my opinion, the social and seductive side of it undermines your character and your resolve to become emotionally healthy. It is the wrong dance for you at this chapter of your life.
It is not right for you to sacrifice your wellness for a dance. Any dance.
That's why I suggested a while ago that, because you love movement, you are a good person, and you are creative and want to interact, you might explore some of the OTHER ways you could experience the joy of movement, dance, contact...without the seduction atmosphere that is so destructive for you.
It is the core of tango -- all sex, all attraction and repulsion, and I think at THIS stage in your life, it is toxic for you.
Meanwhile, think of all the other ways you could be experiencing new joys in movement!
Tai chi
Nature exploration
Running by the sea
Teaching dance to children
Visiting old people, helping them dance
Why not decide to do those things for 2 years? You can still meet people and explore in groups. But without the sexual massive charge that is inevitable with tango, and which is truly destablizing for you. You confuse the partner in the drama of the dance and all those come-hither, go-away, acceptance and rejection sub-dramas that are constantly played out there. It is like pouring gasoline on the embers of your insecurities. While you are trying to heal them, you keep setting them aflame.
You have wounds around relationship, Lup. You need to treat them with care, consciousness, not recklessness. You deserve peace as well as friendship. Most of all, you deserve your OWN friendship.
As your own, caring and concerned friend, who wants to reduce your suffering and teach you new ways of being happy in the world...what do you tell yourself?
You don't have to renounce tango permanently. But you could choose to give yourself a chance for a real amount of time to stop being hypnotized by a ritual that prevents you from seeing clearly about relationships, and people, and yourself.
I sound like an old Puritan, but I think sacrificing tango for a time would be like giving oxygen to new, healthier parts of yourself.
love to you,