This thread caught my eye today.
My NFather was religious, had shelves of religious books, was active in the church ... but because he was always the one in control of everything, and I mean everything... he ordered God around, sometimes. Long story really short, but posting just because it might be relevant and/or helpful :
Dad had health issues his entire life (terrible war wounds from D-Day/WWII) but kept himself in wonderful shape, always eating properly, exercising, avoided alcohol and tobacco... but when he had Prostate Cancer surgery, which he survived nicely, he needed a catheter, and because he was 94, we put him in a nursing home while he recovered, since there was only my elderly NMother at home to care for him. (yes, both NF and NM - two NPs, and I an only child, sigh)
Well, this is where punishing God comes into the picture :
NF became angry at God, didn't like the situation he was in, prayed to God that he would die, and was furious with God when he opened his eyes in the morning and was still alive. His prayers were not answered. So, after a few weeks of these unanswered prayers, he took control of the situation, and basically killed himself. He still need to controll ALL things. So, he refused all liquids and foods until he died. Unfortunately, he was a very healthy man, so it took almost two weeks for him to fade away.
I was his only child. I was not reason enough for him to live.
Dad, in a sense, punished God for not doing what Dad wanted him to do... so Dad did it himself.
This was in 2004, but the memory bubbled up when I saw this thread. I have Faith, and yet I have found it hard to wrap my head around his passing away this way. It is something no one ever talks about.
There are so many things that we ACONs never talk about.
Thankful for this Board.