Author Topic: Perfection  (Read 29208 times)


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« Reply #60 on: November 19, 2004, 11:01:20 PM »
God, you people are exhausting. Are you craving drama? I don't get all this invective speech.


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« Reply #61 on: November 20, 2004, 12:01:43 AM »
Seeker, yeah I'm talkin' to you. I see that you are a jeckyll and hyde personality. You are all sweet and consilliatory with your cronies but bubble your anger and venom at anyone who doesn't talk exactly like you do. Guess what, sensitive woman. Most people don't talk like they do on  this frickin' board. Get a life and stop bleeding your venomous poison. And while you're at it, get some anger management. You sound just like my N sister for god's sake. And do you even know what N is since you think everyone is one? You are a great idiot in my estimation and I am entirely, completely sick of you. You were on another thread a few weeks back posting anonomously and using your little phrase "drawing them in with one hand and slapping them down on another" or whatever it is and abusing someone there until you were called on it. Get a life, woman. You are on this board it seems like 24/7. Geeze, how do find so much time to be here? My god, it seems like being "sensitive" is your card to abuse others. Guess what????????????????We're on to you and people don't want to incur your wrath so they don't call you on it when you post under your own name. This whole thread isn't about you. I think it's Les's thread and you have co-opted it for your own selfish purposes. You really do need to mature and stop and calm your damn self down before you get on here and put your crap out into the universe. I am sensitive too and I am entirely sick of you. You give sensitive people a bad name.


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« Reply #62 on: November 20, 2004, 12:15:32 AM »
Guest -  I'm with you.


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« Reply #63 on: November 20, 2004, 12:25:11 AM »
Guess what????????????????We're on to you and people don't want to incur your wrath so they don't call you on it when you post under your own name. This whole thread isn't about you.

No, we are on to you Guest/Disco Stu/Troll.  You are the one who hijacked the thread.   :roll:


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« Reply #64 on: November 20, 2004, 12:52:36 AM »
Hey Troll

Wah wah wah.  thanks for the advice.  You really helped me.  

Wow, what was I thinking, getting angry?  thanks for clearing it all up and demonstrating those anger management techniques, too!

OK, so how many pages are we up to yet?  Show your troll friends how many points I helped you get. I like to help.

Oh yeah this is Seeker.  

Do you get points if you have the last word?  I hope so.  Again, I have so much to learn from you.


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« Reply #65 on: November 20, 2004, 06:12:20 AM »
Hello all,
At the risk of being caught in the sniper's fire, I think this is something of the essence of what was being said originally:

Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

Unfortunately, this intent isn't seen by those who 'stick to the letter'.

The friendship I see when I 'lurk' here sometimes is supportive to most, but people react in different ways and some have more sore places than others.
Use of reasoning and logic can be like rubbing salt into a wound when it would be better left to heal in the air.

Most people have good intent, but feelings can be raw, so it would be kinder to keep silence if there is nothing one can add which helps.

We're all still learning, arguing details can just side-track the journey.

This isn't a debate forum.  :)


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« Reply #66 on: November 20, 2004, 11:32:04 AM »
This thread is going down a road that I think most of us would rather not go. I won't post to this thread anymore and I hope it dies.



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« Reply #67 on: November 20, 2004, 12:15:12 PM »
Seeker, yeah I'm talkin' to you. I see that you are a jeckyll and hyde personality. You are all sweet and consilliatory with your cronies but bubble your anger and venom at anyone who doesn't talk exactly like you do. Guess what, sensitive woman. Most people don't talk like they do on this frickin' board. Get a life and stop bleeding your venomous poison. And while you're at it, get some anger management. You sound just like my N sister for god's sake. And do you even know what N is since you think everyone is one? You are a great idiot in my estimation and I am entirely, completely sick of you. You were on another thread a few weeks back posting anonomously and using your little phrase "drawing them in with one hand and slapping them down on another" or whatever it is and abusing someone there until you were called on it. Get a life, woman. You are on this board it seems like 24/7. Geeze, how do find so much time to be here? My god, it seems like being "sensitive" is your card to abuse others. Guess what????????????????We're on to you and people don't want to incur your wrath so they don't call you on it when you post under your own name. This whole thread isn't about you. I think it's Les's thread and you have co-opted it for your own selfish purposes. You really do need to mature and stop and calm your damn self down before you get on here and put your crap out into the universe. I am sensitive too and I am entirely sick of you. You give sensitive people a bad name.

CG, is that you??


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« Reply #68 on: November 20, 2004, 12:48:00 PM »
Bunny, point taken. Just this:

To talk to the last poster above, I don't think that sounds like CG/Sunny. The phrasing doesn't sound right to me. And I honestly doubt that CG would say that stuff. "We're on to you"? Nahhh she wouldn't say that! I could be wrong, but I'm not sure CG is here atm to say yay or nay so that's my tuppence for you. I value CG, so I'm speaking my opinion.

Hey! It wasn't me either! It was some anon Guest poster venting some stuff, not about seeker, but about their sister. It's somebody with a sister -which CG doesn't have btw. (Edit: I don't think it's Solace either, in case anyone thinks I've hinted that! Phew. What a tangle.)

Course it was probably the same person who wrote the post who asked is it CG to throw us some red herring....oh I feel dumb :roll:  Outta here, P


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« Reply #69 on: November 20, 2004, 04:19:27 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
This thread is going down a road that I think most of us would rather not go. I won't post to this thread anymore and I hope it dies.




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« Reply #70 on: November 20, 2004, 04:59:34 PM »
Double ditto



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« Reply #71 on: November 20, 2004, 09:59:30 PM »
Kelly here.  I go away for two days and the last two pages happened.  I cannot believe this!

We are all a bunch of people who have no VOICE!!!  So when we express our views (whether they are politically correct, or not) it is an opportunity to have a VOICE - a say - without being vetoed.  So when someone vetos you, it is so easy to take it personally.

But being relatively new to this forum, it is upsetting to watch all the infighting between people who do not know each other and feel the need to bicker back and forth.....what's up with that?

I want to be able to vent all over the place here.  I like it when people give me advice.  I'll have to admit that as I read the last couple of pages of this thread I laughed out loud a few times.  It's kind of entertaining in a sick sort of way.  I realize that there are people out there with very sensitive personas..........................But you know what?  Can we just try to allow people to voice their opinions?  Don't know.  I'd like to be able to go on and on and on (especially when I'm PMSing) and not fear being stomped on.


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« Reply #72 on: November 20, 2004, 11:01:31 PM »
Learning how to use your voice takes a bit of practice and considering that this board is for those of us who have been taught to have no voice it's no wonder that there's going to be some anger here and there. This is a relatively safe place to start finding out about when to shut up and when to stand up for yourself.


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« Reply #73 on: November 20, 2004, 11:53:19 PM »
Just a couple of notes from a sporadic lurker and even more infrequent guest poster:

I'm really impressed with the way you've used your voice here, Seeker.  You expressed yourself with great astuteness and clarity, and I really respect a number of your posts here.

After having read several threads on this board that seem to have been hijacked and/or having gone sour like this, I do find myself reflexively wishing for more heavy-handed moderating, or--something.  

Tangentially: I'm posting as a "guest" myself here, of course; but it did occur to me that the extra level of anonymity provided by not even having to provide a login pseud might encourage this behavior.  At any rate, I'm finding the "Yes, Guest, I agree with Guest, too: Guest is behaving very badly to Guest here" exchanges a bit hard to follow...



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« Reply #74 on: November 21, 2004, 02:18:41 PM »
Sometimes what people need is a kick in the butt to get them out of their victimhood. It's okay to come and vent here about your abuser. But honey, the whole world is not abusing you. If they are, then YOU are the common denominator and YOU had better learn how to understand THEM. That OG guy was doing you a kindness but you were too involved in your pity pot to notice. Taking everything personally is a form of selfishness and it keeps you in pain and you are a pain in the butt to others. You could have learned something if you had opened up your mind. There was some empathy in OG's posts even if most of you people could not see it. And respect is a two way street. Seek first to understand before you blow a gasket.