I want to open a thread about shame.
A friend refers to it as a "shame system". (Referring to a family member who is hitting bottom with alcoholism -- she feels that it's shame, deeper than denial, that is killing him.) I resist the "system" description because though it's probably accurate, I don't believe the answer lies in a cerebral analysis.
I've been thinking of how I
feel shame over evil done in the name of my country. War, capital punishment, environmental degradation.
I feel shame for those who oppress, even when they oppress me.
I feel shame over racism -- the ghastly statistics about wealth, income, and imprisonment inequities.
I feel shame over sexism -- how our culture has gone retrograde and is more exploitative than ever.
Personally, I am interested in observing what shame is when I feel a wave or spurt of it. I think it's going on in me more than I know.
I think it's below my radar, a lot. I believe sometimes when I'm afraid, it's because I'm ashamed of admitting loneliness or failure.
I don't "think" shame, I feel it. Like a wave of something toxic.
I often see shame as an "enemy emotion", in a way. It feels like an attack on the self, from the self. It frightens me. I think that's key.
But the term "shameless" works for me...when applied to politicians or the brutal, I nod--it's a satisfying word. I feel that same judgment.
So, if judging others as "shameless" now and then works for me, I wonder why I avoid accepting my own shame.
I have mentioned here before an illuminating comment I heard once on TV--will trot it out again.
Guilt is a necessary and appropriate emotion that signals: I have made a mistake, and now I must make what amends I can.
Shame -- (wasn't really defined, on its own, by the speaker)
Toxic shame -- I am the mistake.
I love the compassion implicit in the "toxic shame" definition. But I might alter the "guilt" definition she gave. I would say instead of "made a mistake":
Guilt -- a necessary and appropriate emotion that signals: I have done harm. Now I must do all I can to repair the harm. ("Mistake" sounds like "an accident" and relieves me of the responsibility to own my own darkness, the wrong and harmful impulses I can have as a human being.)
Shame -- well, this is helpful:
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=shame&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=m718TrWpKofw0gHDnZn6Dw&sqi=2&ved=0CCIQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c7a894f853d8d86&biw=1668&bih=895Hmm. Guilt
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=guilt&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=Lb58Tp63EoTz0gGnqsgR&sqi=2&ved=0CCMQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=c7a894f853d8d86&biw=1668&bih=895 seems to be less nuanced, more legalistic. I think maybe as a culture we've just ditched 'shame' for 'guilt' as more common parlance.
But the material on shame seems more important to me. For me.
For me, it's about where I am in my life. Feeling shame rises up, and I hide from it. At the same time, shame helps paralyse me and makes it harder for me to take the actions that would result in creating situations I feel less ashamed of. It's STOOPID. A vicious little cycle.
That's it...anybody have thoughts on shame? What it's about in you?
What does it mean for you?