Author Topic: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread  (Read 15909 times)


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2011, 11:59:39 AM »

I never thought of adding on feet.  Thanks!!  That would also work with putting my plants on them (stand).  Another thing I had done was to buy material (cheap) from walmart in really pretty designs I took two (long strips) and drapped them from one end of ceiling to other over my dining room table.  Ceiling decor.   I had many compliments.  It's so easy.  All I did was (pin) the ends in the corner of ceililng and let it drape (a bit).  You can also use the same material to make (quick) chair cover to match.  That I use the hot glue to fold (seams).  I think it cost me 20$ at the most for everything.



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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2011, 10:58:22 AM »
Boat, the cleaning kung-foo is the perfect explanation--Guess I just dont have it!   :lol:  And PR (I think it was you) I will definitely start vacuuming after I mop--Thanks for permission to do that.  I thought there was a rule that the mop had to get all the dirt by itself.

Now flirting. . . there is a great book called Superflirt by Tracy Cox.  It was recommended to me my another exotic dancer, and a whole bunch of us on a message board read it and had good results.  You can also try this woman's web site

I cant find who wrote about flirting at the grocery store, but its important to remember, most people are not looking at you.  They have their heads too far in the clouds worrying about their own business to go minding yours.

Flirting is a skill you can learn.  It involves reading body language and using body language, more than words, to respond.  the neat thing about it is, while you are learning, nobody will notice if you get it wrong.  When I started dancing, I had no idea about how to flirt.  I had to learn everything.  Now it is second nature.

 Here is an easy technique called "Mirroring and matching."  Pretend you are a mirror of the person you are flirting with.  Every time he makes a large movement, wait three seconds and make a similar movement.  For example, he takes a sip of his drink, count 1...2...3...sip your drink.  He scratched his ear ...1..2...3...push some hair behind you ear.  You can do this for quite a log time.  When you feel like you are getting into a rhythem, you cAN 
reverse the process.  Sip your drink (or whatever) first, and see if he follows you. 

How this works, it establishes a sort of sympathy between two people.  It puts you in a space of having something in common and creates a friendly atmosphere in which you can then get into a good conversation.

Another easy thing to do is, make lots of skin and eye contact.  When you shake hands with somebody, hold on a second or two longer than necessary, make eye contact, and smile. When sitting in conversation, touch his hand or arm (Skin, not his sleeve)  gently when making a point.  REst your chin lightly on your hand, open your eyes wide, look in his eyes, and nod in agreement with things he says. You will give him the impression you are truly fascinated.

Remember, flirting is just flirting.  Its just for fun.  It doesn't mean anything.  You can have fun flirting with someone and never have to see him again. It certainly doesnt mean you are going to end up in bed with him (which is what I used to think.)

Also, flirting does not mean being stupidly hyper-slutty.  Good flirting (IMO) is very subtle.  When you find your own style, you will naturally find other people who match your style.  Men who like that slutty-erotic style will not be interested in your subtle flirtations, and will look elsewhere.  Men who like a classier type of woman will be turned off by the over-the-top nastiness. 


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #48 on: November 26, 2011, 12:05:18 PM »
HOO boy.
This really makes me sound like a concert organ, in terms of my inner-feminazi button pushing.

But I defer to those who are experienced in the art!

This topic was on a TV show I saw yesterday...people were demonstrating a look and a type of walk that would help one flirt in the grocery store.

I've always wished I could simply say, "You seem like a nice person. If you're single, would you like to have coffee?"

I lack the courage.

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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2011, 12:26:19 PM »
Hops, I too like that direct approach - and since I tend to form (real) friendships with men (not just romantic relationships) I've found guys sorta like this. They too can be confused about this stuff! Like Erin says - it doesn't mean anything other than what it means... let's have coffee and chat.

Where things get dicey, though... is when flirting or simple friendly gestures are misunderstood as an invitation to a whole lot more than that. You know how I say: trust in god but tie your camel?

Maybe "be willing to ask, but here are my boundaries" would work here?
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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2011, 04:16:21 PM »
What makes someone mature?  :? I had a few men on another online forum tell me I'm immature and how I need to grow up and suck it up.

I shouldn't have gone back on those lousy forums, but I did.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2011, 04:26:23 PM by nolongeraslave »


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #51 on: November 27, 2011, 01:57:02 AM »
What makes someone mature?  :? I had a few men on another online forum tell me I'm immature and how I need to grow up and suck it up.

I shouldn't have gone back on those lousy forums, but I did.

Probably would be good to put this question into context by giving a specific example of what you said that the men were responding to when they made that statement. But you know, it's the internet there are a whole lot of people out there just because someone says something doesnt make it true right?


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #52 on: November 27, 2011, 03:44:14 AM »
What makes someone mature?  :? I had a few men on another online forum tell me I'm immature and how I need to grow up and suck it up.

I shouldn't have gone back on those lousy forums, but I did.

Probably would be good to put this question into context by giving a specific example of what you said that the men were responding to when they made that statement. But you know, it's the internet there are a whole lot of people out there just because someone says something doesnt make it true right?

They thought it was immature of me to get offended at a comment that a friend made. She made a comment about my weight while knowing about my trauma history and body image issues.  I was contemplating over whether a real friend would do this, and they said I was immature.

Most women I've talked to agree that weight is usually off-limits and nobody's business to comment.


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #53 on: November 27, 2011, 07:55:22 AM »
What makes someone mature?  :? I had a few men on another online forum tell me I'm immature and how I need to grow up and suck it up.

I shouldn't have gone back on those lousy forums, but I did.

Probably would be good to put this question into context by giving a specific example of what you said that the men were responding to when they made that statement. But you know, it's the internet there are a whole lot of people out there just because someone says something doesnt make it true right?

They thought it was immature of me to get offended at a comment that a friend made. She made a comment about my weight while knowing about my trauma history and body image issues.  I was contemplating over whether a real friend would do this, and they said I was immature.

Most women I've talked to agree that weight is usually off-limits and nobody's business to comment.

For someone to accuse you of "being immature" after such an OFFENSIVE comment was made by a so-called "friend", (and I'm using the term "friend" loosely), to me it feels like an N attempt at gas-lighting.  I tend to look at N-patterns now.  They say/do something that is offensive/abusive, to you, mentally/physically/emotionally/psychologically/etc. then attempt to flip the blame on you because you DARED to set a boundary!  Does my concept make sense?

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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #54 on: November 27, 2011, 11:51:26 AM »
Bones, my feelings exactly. There's no use obviously arguing with people online, but these men came off as having no clear concept of boundaries. What's telling about a person is when they say "Suck it up and act like an adult." 

Sorry buddy, but sucking it up is why people get health problems, pent-up anger, relationship problems, insomnia, etc.  Expressing your feelings, including your negative experiences,

In any case, my friend on fb e-mailed me back and said I looked fine. I explained to her why I was obsessing over her comment. I don't think she meant anything bad. People can be impulsive with their statements. I've done it before too.

I guess what would be more telling is how your "friend" on fb would respond to your latest comment.  Let's wait and see.......

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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #55 on: November 27, 2011, 07:04:34 PM »
Bones, my feelings exactly. There's no use obviously arguing with people online, but these men came off as having no clear concept of boundaries. What's telling about a person is when they say "Suck it up and act like an adult." 

Sorry buddy, but sucking it up is why people get health problems, pent-up anger, relationship problems, insomnia, etc.  Expressing your feelings, including your negative experiences,

In any case, my friend on fb e-mailed me back and said I looked fine. I explained to her why I was obsessing over her comment. I don't think she meant anything bad. People can be impulsive with their statements. I've done it before too.

I guess what would be more telling is how your "friend" on fb would respond to your latest comment.  Let's wait and see.......


Sorry Bones, but I meant that she said "You look fine" in response to my e-mail. 

I'm sure there are women that don't mind those comments, but we all have a right to our own personal boundaries.   My therapist did give me useful advice to not talk about my weight with others, which can invite unwanted comments.  If I don't want people talking about my weight, I shouldn't either.

I'm saying so here because I trust this forum.

Okay, I understand better now.

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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2011, 07:24:42 PM »
Tough one, because recognizing when you ARE a victim is, I believe, Step #1 in the awakening that can help one start to be one's own advocate and not accept abuse any more.

But maybe it's when the awakening never leads to getting out of bed.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 07:27:26 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2011, 09:29:58 AM »
NLS - a couple thoughts that might apply -

1.) Some men are totally freaked out by strong, outspoken women; they'll either run away or think they can "conquer" you... and one way they'll attempt this is verbally - with their "observations" of you. In the online environment, especially, I wouldn't credit much insight or validity to these kinds of statements. They don't know; they weren't there; they don't know you IRL. Don't mistake their comments for "authoritative" or "expert" opinions. Feedback's great, when it comes from someone who knows you well. Not so, from the average passer-by...

2.) Hey - for all you know - they have their own issues and are just trying to stick it on you, instead!! Emotional abuse is more pervasive in society than anyone can statistically measure... if your outspokenness about your experiences made them feel uncomfortable... some people will try to turn it around on you, so they can continue believing it didn't happen to (or was engaged in by) themselves.

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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #58 on: November 28, 2011, 09:28:20 PM »
playing the victim to justify their abusive actions.

That sounds about right to me.  I think people who quote-unquote "play the victim" dredge up their past misfortunes/traumas any time they need an easy excuse, something that will keep them from being held accountable for their actions.  (My NM is great at "playing the victim."  She melts into a weepy mess and/or trots out her Dickensian childhood in the very rare moments when people see through her and try to call her bluff.)

Are we playing victim?
I think it's safe to say everyone on this forum is mining their past in an effort to change, heal, be better/happier/more mature/more productive people.  And that's about the farthest thing there is from "playing the victim."  It's the real deal. It's growth.

lots of love, Kay


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Re: The "Mama Never Told Me" Thread
« Reply #59 on: January 20, 2012, 05:02:36 PM »
OK - new question!

I have just now realized that I don't have any kind of internal "scheduling" clock... you know the kind where a parent teaches you to wake up, do x, y, and z... as part of your care... which later becomes self-care? When I was working there was the external schedule imposed by my job... and I didn't have to think about it. If I needed time for myself... it was carved out before or after work... regardless of hubs' being "lonely" or hungry or whatever.

So now. This early retiree has luxuriated in being able to spend hours here babbling my nonsense, in the morning... coffee... jammies... and this week one day I realize I came up for air from the computer and it was NOON. I'm usually half-way conscious by 7 at least. We've been eating when we're hungry... or I've been letting hubs "drive" the schedule... and I fill in the space in-between with whatever I feel like.

What I need to know - because there's only so many hours in a day - is what's kinda "normal" for...

how long from the time you open your eyes... until your brain kicks into gear and getting on with your morning? (tt... you're excused!  ;)   )

how long is it till you - if you do - eat breakfast?
How long till you dress?
Do you walk in the morning? If so, does that mean you get up earlier? how much earlier? Before or after breakfast? What about exercising in the pm? Does that conflict with social life?

Do you eat at specified times of the day - or within an hour of that time - each day... or does that vary?

Do you eat just whatever is handy? or do you plan meals for the week... or at least a few days?
What do you do about the inevitable "monkey wrenches" that life throws into your schedule?

I'm kinda feeling like I have to re-invent the wheel of "how to live" here... because without external schedules and that obligation and commitment... I'm starting to be a bit "floaty"... not really grounded. I knew I really NEEDED that kind of freedom for awhile; I've had it in the past... and these questions simply didn't come up... because I used the time journalling, healing, adjusting to the major life changes I was going through... and busting my butt like a longshoreman, to move... along with being project manager, foreman, and critter wrangler.

Anyway, I realized I don't have clue one what's "normal"... if one's schedule isn't determined by kids, schools, work... or even if "normal" doesn't apply.
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