Author Topic: my daughter's dilemma  (Read 7002 times)


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2011, 08:21:58 PM »
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2011, 08:38:37 PM »

I'm keeping up with your thread.

Don't have any advice, as my children are still quite young,  but I regularly send prayers,and thoughts your way.



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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2011, 09:22:46 AM »
Lifelong estrangement

Hopsy, dear... this is only one possible outcome of this current cliffhanger situation. You can only do what you can do, financially and that you want to do.

That little word: want, matters... that's mom caring and wanting to move mountains, no matter WHAT. Even when you know you can't. I'll still hope and visualize that there's a happy ending in this story, for you and D... sending you white light energy... and peace and comfort and progress...


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2011, 06:56:42 PM »
Thanks so much Bones, Lighter and Amber...

It's an eternal confusion to me that as an agnostic, I still have faith in the power of somebody's else's "white light" or prayers...but I do!

I am truly grateful for this,. Just knowing you are all reading with kind eyes--makes such a huge difference.

Thanks again,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2011, 08:01:11 PM »

I'm reading and praying, Hops.



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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2011, 08:41:58 PM »

Thank you, dear woman.


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2011, 07:20:25 AM »

You've held my hand (and given me the necessary gentle kicks in the butt) ever since I've been here. That means, I'll walk through even something like this, along with you. As long as it takes and I still can; walk that is... I hope that there's a Christmas miracle in store for you & D. But that's hope: wishing, caring, dreaming, fantasizing...

Faith is something different. I've been told I don't have any - but I question the source! ;)   I think I just interpret the science of statistics in such a way, that I believe... (and for some, that amounts to faith)... that good prevails, outcomes are always better than we can predict, that even "bad" situations and events have some silver linings... and sure, sometimes that's all in how one sees things. I can't remember... doesn't a piece of buttered toast fall just slightly more often "butter up" than "butter down"? (Now I've got to look it up...)

I'm going to remind you now, of the biggest thing you've taught me that helps the most, when I'm in one of those un-resolvable, conflicted, damned if you, damned if you don't situations; when you've considered all the useful ideas and there's something risky or wrong with all of them... when there's one piece of the puzzle that remains tantalizingly out of reach, to start processes moving:

Release the Outcome.

Sometimes all we can do - and the best thing to do - is trust in the forces of the universe (and statistics) to take over where we left off; or gave our last best effort before collapsing in exhaustion. Where we weren't heard, where we had no influence, where no matter how much we cared... we couldn't fix things or people.

I hope this works as well for you - this time - as it's worked for me. Now, about that buttered toast...

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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2011, 07:32:21 AM »
Toast & Butter:

OK, I was half-right and half-wrong... in other words it depends on how HIGH the toast is dropped from, as to whether it falls butter up/down, more often. The higher it's dropped... the better the chances it will land butter up. (That's an oddly comforting statistic to me...)

From a typical counter-height... significantly more often, it lands butter down.
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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2011, 07:59:18 AM »
Thank you, (((((((((((((((PR))))))))))))))))))).
Heist on me own petard (in a good way)...

And your second post made me laugh --  :lol:

I'm feeling a little better today, more like I'm releasing more.

Staying busy helps too. Work, for all I complain, is a good distraction.

I really appreciate your support.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2011, 09:15:26 AM »
How are you Hops?
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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2011, 03:17:46 PM »
Hi PR, thank you for asking!

I'm okay, just pretty weary. Had a heavy cold and I swear I cough for a month before the lungs clear out.

Also been doing some righteous speaking up for myself at work, which feels okay but draining...awaiting Nboss reply.

No word in a week from D but I'm okay and hoping she is.

I'm calmer about it. I send her cards and the occasional care package and will leave her a voicemail on Sundays.

The rest, whatever it's going to be, will unfold in time, and I I feel much more accepting lately that there's not a lot I can do to hurry it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #26 on: December 11, 2011, 10:34:40 PM »


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2011, 10:24:02 AM »
Well, Hops... that sounds good! Cold not withstanding. I am fighting the same kind of crud right now, too. It just sucks my energy down so low I'm useless, if I try to keep going at my "designed" pace. And don't ya know I'm loathe to knock things off that mental list? Yet, if I try to rest and up my self-care... I beat myself up for being a slug.

I'm working a new theory, tho'. That is, that I'm built in such a way, that emotional stuff jerks around my immune system. It's like a barometer and when the emotional weather gets risky, or heavy or simply changes a lot... I've got to simply let things fall off that list and up my self-care and tell that critical voice to stuff it. Until I start working on those "preventative, wellness" habits I need to withstand the normal changes in that inner "weather", that is.
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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2011, 03:16:22 PM »
Just heard from D, prompted by my call to her to let her know the cell phone bill I had agreed to pay at a set level came in triple that. Wrote her an email asking her to take control of or own her usage (she's been saying it was too confusing) or then a prepaid phone would be the only option.

What do you know, she called them, sorted it out, and it's all taken care of until February. I really don't mind paying this basic plan ($80. month). I know it is an absolute lifeline in her situation.

Other part was, she sounds worse. Unable to complete sentences, a bit incoherent. She has done at least one therapy or doctor appt. at the appropriate mental health center where she is. But she's still talking about going back to Florida in the new year, which would be disaster, imo. She needs a taillight, and Rx refills. I get the sense she's trying to line those up so she can get on the road again.

She does talk about how her friends where she is let her sleep on their couches. But she also stated plainly that she is homeless and living out of her car. Both are true.

I took my T's advice and had sent her what felt brutal, which I mentioned here...a list of the free meals available there for the homeless. It still hurts. And I am worried that she'll embrace the label. But maybe she has to. I don't know. I also sent her a description of "geographical cure" -- the AA term that fits so many turbulent situations. Encouraged her NOT to do that to herself. With no stability, a sketchy car, going there now would set herself up for a disaster she might not survive this time. Where she is, there are friends, and resources she can reach (it's not so huge as Miami--and the Miami public tranportation is terrible).

I do feel calmer though. I am accepting that I have offered what I can. I can go there for a day or two and help her with appointments, or list making, etc. Or listening. If my involvement is too triggering, I'm not pressuring her. I said she can come here for a few weeks if she makes appts. with the therapist here. I have offered to store her things in my attic.

It is terribly sad but it is time for faith and thank you PR for the reminder -- releasing the outcome.

She is my beloved only child, but still, she is objectively someone with bipolar disorder that must be adquately treated before her life will change. I can say it, and support that process. And that is all I can do.

thanks for listening--

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: my daughter's dilemma
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2011, 04:06:00 PM »

I think you're doing a great job.

Hang in there.
