Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board

Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Hopalong on August 05, 2019, 12:50:34 PM

Title: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 05, 2019, 12:50:34 PM
Hi all,
I'm really grateful for your support and sympathy as I work through this post-stroke stuff. I decided to make a separate thread where I can talk about that so I don't muddle it up with my Relationship thread. So this is a response to your recent posts over there.

The monitor is on my chest 24/7 for 30 days, collecting data. It's kind of weird...a little blue flash of light indicates it's sending data to the handset (essentially a cell phone--not functioning as a phone--that I'm supposed to keep within 10 feet of my body). Occasionally I have to remove the patch to recharge batteries or change the cradle-patch (once it--and my skin!--start peeling off). After the 30 days is up, I mail the monitor and unused patches back to the device company. They analyse the data --no idea how long that takes--and send a report to my doctors, who eventually post it on the hospital's patient portal (like all test results) so I can see it myself. That has been quick with some tests, like the brain scans, but was slow with the echocardiogram (a week). If I don't understand the result or there's not enough comment, I can call for an explanation of what it all means. Or, I can write any questions through the portal and an MD will reply. I did that for the diagnosis confusion I had between TIA and stroke, and my questions about cause--they assume but can't prove I had a clot, and it was stroke (small one) not TIA, for example. Got a detailed, clear reply from a neurologist that was very helpful. So I'm glad I stopped resisting the online portal.

All will be well. I feel fine and I do think the Co-Enzyme Q10 is slowly increasing my energy levels. I'm frustrated about lack of fitness and am moderately overweight (a few pounds into that category) and my BMI is a bit above healthy. So THAT writing is on the wall too.

Speaking of meshing topics, so this will appear both here and there...I have concern about M's health too, as he's significantly overweight and in denial. He's truly obsessed with food. His cooking is also a joyful hobby but I think the degree of focus on it (fantasizing long before a restaurant visit, waxing lyrical over favorite foods in various places, talking about recipes a ton) is out of balance in his case. Once I overheard him telling a trainer, "I never had a belly before this scoliosis" and thought, oh sweetheart, scoliosis doesn't cause jowls....

He tends to dismiss facts about ingredients and portions.

love y'all,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on August 05, 2019, 04:08:08 PM
I hope the results go well hops. A couple people I know have had strokes they were both in their 30's and they seem to be doing just fine years after the fact. It's worrisome though not really knowing for sure what exactly is going on inside the body. Hopefully the heart to cell phone conversation gives a lot of good data to figure that out.

Not sure what to say about BF's food obsession, I sort of respect crazy foodie people's passion hehe. Crap even I have high cholesterol and I think I weigh 135ish.

If you get healthy cookbooks and do your best for yourself that's probably the most you can do right now.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 06, 2019, 09:09:31 AM
Thanks for the thread Hops. It'll be easier to keep up with progress and changes when there's not a lot of time to read everything.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 06, 2019, 05:27:49 PM
Thanks, G, that's really encouraging. Appreciate it.

Amber, you too, thanks for caring.

And I meant to say...
ANYBODY's health updates or issues or related anythings are welcome on this thread!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 06, 2019, 06:21:55 PM
I have chin hairs sprouting again!

I never thought I'd miss the little buggers, but I surely missed healthy testosterone levels. 

I feel better, on the whole, and keep up with vitamin D drops, and try to get 10 minutes of sun daily.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on August 06, 2019, 07:01:10 PM
@ Lighter   hehehehe    I took some progesterone cream but it messed up my period. It did make me feel real mellow and helped my skin. Hormone balance another one of life's projects.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 07, 2019, 02:48:34 PM

I have progesterone cream.  My mother used it when the menopause tried to kill her.  It really did a number on her.   I'm not at all sure the cream helped. 
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on August 10, 2019, 09:45:55 PM
HA!  @ Lighter  Those pesky hormones, it's all such a delicate balance. Synergistic even.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 12, 2019, 03:40:59 PM
Peeled the flippin' monitor off yesterday and mailed it and its peripherals in for data. My skin's raw where it was but I'm getting in the pool like a person today!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 12, 2019, 07:29:57 PM
Swim, Mermaid, Swim!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 18, 2019, 06:59:40 AM
I hope your skin is healing up now, Hops, sounds very unpleasant - is it from the equipment rubbing or from having to stick it on?  Either way, I hope it's getting better now and that your results come back soon.

Food's a difficult one - if I'm honest, the only food I really enjoy eating is the stuff I know I shouldn't!  I do try to stick to a healthy diet but it's hard.  And I think for foodies not feeling the effects of the hobby is very difficult!  It is hard, particularly if it's your 'only' pleasure.  I expect some of your good habits will rub off on M, though :) xx xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 19, 2019, 12:55:35 PM
Thanks, Tupp.
Skin reacted to both the monitor's adhesive and also the liquid-vinyl coating stuff they sent to help insulate the skin from the adhesive and lower the reaction. The latter did improve but didn't eliminate the itching. (Couldn't do anything about that without disengaging an electrode.) Affected areas all healed up now.

I do have a new rash on my arms, I think from the pool. Heck with it, am swimming anyway.

My food issues are painfully obvious. If I'm anxious or depressed, bam. I'll eat pure junk sometimes. So glad I'm seeing my T today, as she can knit it all together.

Health wise I'm fine but still under-exercised. Since the stroke I get scared with every headache. I'm sure that will wear off though.

thanks for checking!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 20, 2019, 11:27:47 PM
Hi CB!

Nope, no HBP, mine's normal to low. I think it's a genetic thing, my mother had a stroke (serious one, late in life). Just a vulnerability I'm going to watch out for. I honestly think stress was part of it. Taking me a loooooooooong time to settle into retirement, and I found my new relationship quite stressful to build, although now we're in a wonderful place together.

No results from the cardiac monitor yet but I promise I'll share them here. Could take weeks for all I know.

Food stuff is just stupid. I actually think living with M will help me change that. I hope so. Meanwhile, we're feeling a whole lot of happiness, which is the opposite of stress!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on August 21, 2019, 01:12:35 AM
Well fingers crossed on the results when they finally do come in.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 21, 2019, 01:47:06 AM
Yay! So glad to read you're happy with M!  No stress is a good thing: )
That's wonderful news. 

I'm praying for good news from the monitor too.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 21, 2019, 11:03:53 PM
Thanks, Garbanzo and Lighter...
it really means a lot to have people care.

I can't say there's NO stress, as I still struggle with being sedentary, retreating into junk food, unhealthy self-soothing stuff. Big adjustment going on, which I'll talk about over on Relationship soon.

Will keep you posted on health stuff! A weird one is a big chlorine or swimmer's rash. Uncomfortable and ugly. I'm frustrated because the swims were helping.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 22, 2019, 12:18:50 PM
I've heard of swimmers's ear, but not swimmer' s rash, Hops.  Does chlorine usually give you a rash?
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 22, 2019, 01:22:06 PM
Never did before. But I do have extremely fair, aging skin. Could be the chlorine (looks most like the pix) or perhaps a combo of sunscreen plus chlorine. Or both atop some minor sun exposure. I only use aloe and coconut oil on my skin, plus sunscreen. And it was weird, the way it appeared primarily on the upper side of the central section of my arms. Oddly, I wondered if that had anything to do with how I was using them as "oars" in my swim-walking before I got the monitor off. Fairly forcefully and that section would've had the most water pressure. So mebbe that forced chlorine microscopically more deeply into skin there? Weird, weird.

I'll wait until it calms down (steroid cream meanwhile) and when it's back to my normal, try a pool again. Maybe switch to the big indoor Y one, though I think it has more chlorine than M's (where you can barely scent it). I'd like to swim there in winter if I can.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 22, 2019, 02:41:35 PM
Salt water pool, Hops. There's a gentle, chemical process that generates a lower % of chlorine on a regular basis, so it's not ever highly concentrated in the water. M can probably convert his. There's very little difference in maintenance.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 22, 2019, 05:21:25 PM
Ahh, I wish. M's own pool in Costa Rica is saltwater, but this one is shared in his neighborhood. It's a small swank development but very few use the pool. No idea how it's maintained but he says he can ask.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 24, 2019, 03:26:25 PM
 Yikes, make sure no parasites are involved with the rats, Hops.  I googled swimmers rash, and that popped up first.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 24, 2019, 09:49:10 PM
Yup, read them both.
No rats or waterfowl on view, but I'll head for the skin doc if it doesn't clear up soon....

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on August 25, 2019, 03:13:55 PM
Eh, it's not much help but I know of someone who was getting constant rashes from their hot tub, they switched to enzymes to treat the water and the rashes stopped. If you're in a public pool there is no way you can control how they treat the water.

I think a lot of people get rashes from the standard chemicals.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 26, 2019, 01:55:33 AM
I think you're probably right, G...
it's just a new hassle.

But this too shall pass.

I'll swim again if I have to cover meself with petroleum jelly first!

So glad you got some good sleep.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2019, 09:20:14 PM
*Rash not rats.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 02, 2019, 04:01:28 AM
Oh Hops I hope all this has cleared up now, I must admit that what's in the water is what puts me off swimming.  Public pools here are revolting, so much chlorine your eyes sting, bits of hair and old plasters, urgh!  It makes me shudder.  And friends who've worked as life guards and have all sorts of horror stories about people peeing, pooing and vomiting in the pool, honestly it has turned my hair grey.  We have tidal pools not a million miles away but they're not covered by life guards and I'm not the strongest swimmer so I worry a bit about using them (definitely wouldn't do it with son, might venture in by myself but have a terribly irrational fear of freak waves sweeping in and carrying me out to sea).  Anyway, I'm digressing, whatever the cause I hope it's getting better now.  Have you heard any more about the monitor results yet? xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 02, 2019, 02:17:15 PM
Skin's just about back to normal, Tupp.
Haven't heard the monitor results yet (they'll go right here when I do)!

I'm hesitating on swimming today as I just don't want it to start up again.
And might be needing a day off all these intense convos with M about the

I discover (and re-discover) that I can get overstimulated when I don't
control what I'm absorbing, no pun intended.

After some intense convos about houses, moving, timing, money, all
that...then I spend hours reading about end of life care (horrifying state
of it in the US) and sexism and politics and I've just trashed my capacity
to self-soothe enough to get back on a nice sleeping schedule.

It's gonna be okay, it's just difficult at times. M can accelerate and so
can I and to maintain serenity I just need to do some escapist mental

That's sure part of health.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on September 03, 2019, 01:41:47 AM
Yeah the recent talk about houses etc. seems to be moving quickly and sounding serious fast.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 03, 2019, 04:54:40 AM
Skin's just about back to normal, Tupp.
Haven't heard the monitor results yet (they'll go right here when I do)!

I'm hesitating on swimming today as I just don't want it to start up again.
And might be needing a day off all these intense convos with M about the

I discover (and re-discover) that I can get overstimulated when I don't
control what I'm absorbing, no pun intended.

After some intense convos about houses, moving, timing, money, all
that...then I spend hours reading about end of life care (horrifying state
of it in the US) and sexism and politics and I've just trashed my capacity
to self-soothe enough to get back on a nice sleeping schedule.

It's gonna be okay, it's just difficult at times. M can accelerate and so
can I and to maintain serenity I just need to do some escapist mental

That's sure part of health.


Yes, absolutely the same for me, Hops, I get very deeply affected by all sorts of things that I absorb without even realising I'm absorbing them sometimes.  It's a difficult one to spot and I find, that, like you, when I get overstimulated, I tend to overstimulate more, instead of working to wind down.  It's a hard loop to get out of.  I do try to avoid news in all its forms now.  Just too much for me to cope with.  I do my little bit each day and I put my cross in the relevant box when asked to.  I feel like I know enough about the world to know there are massive problems so I try to avoid loading myself more with things I can't do anything about.  I do enough stressing about son!  And yep, end of life care here is awful too.  It's one of the reasons I started thinking about intentional communities.  Just feeling that other people are around can be a big tonic, I find.  Not that I'd expect others to care for me, but just having people around might put off the need for care, if I'm lucky.

Glad to hear the rash has cleared up and I hope they get the monitor info back soon (Or not?  Have you not thought about it or would you rather know what it showed?) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 03, 2019, 11:38:51 AM
Thanks, Tupp.

I do want (need, actually) to know what the cardiac data is. Because if I have afib, then I'll be put on strong blood thinners for the rest of my life. If I don't have it, I won't have to take them. I'll be automatically informed when the results are in.

It is taking a verrrrrrrry long time to get them but the neurologist said that info from the outside company (device manufacturer) can take a while and it's variable. So I'll just wait.

I'm feeling okay so not too anxious about it. Que sera, sera....

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 03, 2019, 11:48:02 AM
Thanks, Tupp.

I do want (need, actually) to know what the cardiac data is. Because if I have afib, then I'll be put on strong blood thinners for the rest of my life. If I don't have it, I won't have to take them. I'll be automatically informed when the results are in.

It is taking a verrrrrrrry long time to get them but the neurologist said that info from the outside company (device manufacturer) can take a while and it's variable. So I'll just wait.

I'm feeling okay so not too anxious about it. Que sera, sera....


Yes, I would want to know as well.  I'm not as patient as you, though, and would be getting frustrated with waiting :)  Lol, I do hope they come through sooner rather than later, even though you are very patient :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 09, 2019, 10:22:25 AM
I may have mentioned this on the wrong thread, but the first 30-day period of cardiac monitoring was suspicious but inconclusive for afib, so I'm in the middle of a second month on the damn monitor. I lost the handpiece (cell phone that reads the data) halfway through, so there's been some stress and frantic searching. Have ordered another and apparently a week's break in the data won't interfere with results, so that's good.

The hospital has a portal where you can view and read all your test results, which is handy but bewildering. I have a lot of tachycardia. I can feel that. Now and then a big ka-WHOMP one that feels like a mild kick. One thing that's troubling me is that I've suffered many of these symptoms for decades (shortness of breath, chest pains, palpitations, tired, pale) that are directly listed for tachycardia, but was never tested thoroughly. Lots of quick EKGs that never caught it, one echo, one Holter monitor for a few days, a stress (treadmill) test years ago. Maybe now is the only time it's made sense to investigate arrhythmia this deeply, or maybe my doctor has never taken my fears about my heart seriously, attributing them to anxiety or neurosis. Or to my being a youngish female at the time. And in fairness, I did have constant anxiety.

Anyway, I'm feeling anxious again. Vulnerable. Worried about my heart and my brain. BUT. I'm getting appointments set up to follow up with an arrhythmia-specialist cardiologist. Since my stroke symptoms haven't returned, I think the neurology followup will be routine. As to heart though, I'm not sure. M had the same problem, passed out once (as I have) and his was fixed by an ablation. They snake in tools through an artery and burn off the electric cells that are causing the heart to misfire, basically. He said it was a wonder and he came out feeling much better.

I need to get a grip. Cut back on caffeine and wine (and nicotine gum--don't tell me, I know!). Sigh. I hope I have the discipline to do all I need to do.

Just rambling...

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on October 09, 2019, 07:31:51 PM
((Hops))  I'm sorry you don't have any answers yet.  That's so hard, I know.

I'd have to give up caffeine too.  It creates too much of an edge, and it's already difficult enough when you're struggling, IME.

I'm glad M came through the ablation with good results.  His experience removes one of the unknowns, and fear I hope. 

It's going to be OK.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 10, 2019, 01:50:52 AM
I'm sorry to read that you're still waiting for answers and having to use the monitor again, Hops.  I hope they get enough data this time to give you something concrete.  It's hard to cope with not knowing (or it is for me, anyway).

Yes, caffeine intake is a lot lower for me these days, more to do with hot flushes than anything else, but it's hard to cut down on.  I like the boost it gives me, the day feels sluggish without it.  Always tough to cut back on things we enjoy but hopefully if it helps you to feel a bit better it will be worth it.

Thinking of you and I hope you get some more definite information soon xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 10, 2019, 10:17:49 AM
Hops, I understand completely. Caffeine + Nicotine is my morning kickstart. Still.

During menopause, I realized caffiene was causing problems for me so I have my 3 leisurely cups in the morning; and no more during the day. (Gave up sodas decades ago.) And I'm trying something new with the nicotine to cut back. Because it's one of my major stress coping mechanisms, it would be foolish to assume I could quit after trying every damn option under the sun already. And I'm still not entirely COMMITTED to the idea of quitting either. But I CAN manage it in such a way, that it's not a major threat to health. Maybe not a great solution, but it's something I CAN do, right?

I eat relatively little sugar; having no sweet tooth per se. Salty things are my downfall. LOL. But that could be because I drink quite a bit of water. All of my heart testing has come back clear. Which is a miracle, given my mom's side of the family has extensive trouble there.

Remember the discussions about sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system we've had in the past? The reason tai chi - yoga - meditation are so useful for many symptoms is because they flip the switch on the relaxation chemicals and reflexes and neural pathways. IF it's practiced on a regular basis. This would definitely help with your anxiety, because the practice requires you to center in your body, pay attention to how it feels, and helps you feel in control of it, naturally.  ;)

I haven't stayed in a Holiday Inn for a long, long time. So take that advice under advisement. LOL.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 15, 2019, 05:56:44 PM
I'm managing with the monitor though it itches like fire and I generally hate its reminder of unknowns about my heart. That said, one more week and I get to toss it. And then jump on a plane to California, which makes me happy for lots of reasons.

The health reason is that my SAD suddenly kicked in. For several weeks I've been struggling with my messed-up sleep patterns, circadian sleep disorder probably...and not doing what I have to do to fix it. THAT is, simple for normal people, Get the F* Up and go outside in the sunlight in the mornings. Embarrassing to admit but it's an enormous battle and I usually let the warmth and tea and pleasantness of reading in bed eat the morning these days.  Pooch can run in the yard any time so even doggie-guilt doesn't do it.

And why I'm happy I'm going to CA...more light! And being there with M also means I won't be able to hibernate the whole day away. And...his GRANDBABY. I think chances are we'll be happy and relaxed and crusing around wine country. So if we don't burn up in a wildfire, it should be good for me.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 29, 2019, 03:52:24 PM
Forgot about this Health thread! So I'm answering health-related stuff here that I was talking about on Relationship thread. Sheesh.

CB, I did take the elderberry syrup, for two days. I may get some to keep on hand as preventative. And while it didn't eliminate the cold, I think it shortened it by a day or so. And it didn't get as bad as colds usually do for me (turning into bronchitis, etc.). I'm well on the mend after about 4-5 days, which for me is actually great. Colds often turn into weeks and weeks of coughing, but it's just a little clear-the lungs of secretions hacking now. Hope that's not TMI!

OTHER good health news. Had my neurologist post-stroke followup just now, and I don't have afibrillation! Or not enough to worry about. What that means is I avoid mega-blood thinners (Plavix/clopidogrel) which I'm very happy about. Good wine (just a bit) and baby aspirin will do. I will still see an arrhythmia specialist, mostly for more education about tachycardia which I do have, but they really seemed pretty confident I'll do okay. Future stroke risk is still more than average but if I tackle exercise and diet I can likely hold it off a long time. I feel optimistic again.

My ultimate diagnosis was that I had a little clot in a central artery of the brain. So...to avoid clotting, the aspirin, more exercise, and low fat diet is the thing. (Plus the fact I didn't know, which is that statins also reduce clotting, not just cholesterol.) I personally think that stress was part of it, preparing for the first Euro trip since '75...and with the ADD I always find getting ready for big trips stressful. Really, really so. But I can work on that too.

Relieved sigh and big hugs to alla-y'all for caring,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 31, 2019, 11:27:09 AM
Oh Hops that is good news!  What a relief.  It's so nice when healthcare can be improved with a few changes and some precautionary steps rather than having big medical dramas to deal with.  Really pleased that it's such good and positive news xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 04, 2020, 11:13:56 PM
Well, whew, realized it's been a while since I updated this thread.

The gist is: I saw the arrhythmia guru who said I had a stroke of undetermined origin (it was a wee embolism in a central artery in the brain...very wee, no evident lasting damage beyond the one small spot of destroyed tissue, but not a TIA.) And since the previous monitors, 30 days two different times, still didn't clarify what the deal is...some tachycardia but short bouts of it, and indeterminate afib....

....He proposed an implanted cardiac monitor, which tracks my heartbeat 24/7 for up to three years before the battery dies. It's the size of a skinny thumb drive. The other choice would be daily beta blockers which, given that my BP already runs low, I know would likely zombify me. I asked him what he'd tell his sister, and he said, get the monitor implanted.

Ugh. So I did. Outpatient surgery with quite a team (two techs, one cardiologist, one cardiology fellow, one guy from the device company, and a nurse). Uncomfortable but not awful. All that's left now is a 1/2 inch incision, healed up, soon will fade from red to pink then white. They do SHOVE it in (it goes in the upper chest aimed down so it lands beneath the breast tissue)...like RAM it there, so it creates its own channel. Aaaggghhh. But now I can barely feel it.

I have a monitor base beside my bed that it talks to every night, silently, without me doing anything. I have a fat pendant I carry around since I don't want to wear it. Haven't found a better solution so far than looping it on a cord around my cell phone. In the way, but I don't use the cell much. Once in a while I "call in" the data which is very simple, just push a button on the base and hold the thingie over my chest and the thingie talks wirelessly to the implant and I set it back in its base and it sends the data in. Whoopee. And I'll have periodic appointments for updates, if there are any.

It was a bit traumatic to go through and mentally adapt to, but on balance, I find it comforting. I know that the most detailed record is being created. If I still don't have afib I'll be very glad, but if I do, I'll find it easier to accept mega blood thinners for life. And I'm glad there's this interim diagnostic step that should make me more clear about what the deal is.

Glad I decided not to do more big trips this year. Just too much stress until I'd processed all this physical stuff, both heart and brain and back pain...all added up.

Feeling fine now. Fatter and wobbly from not exercising, but global warming has brought an early spring and I'm starting to take walks more often again, and that is the end point I want. Just to get moving and take care of myself again.

Thanks for caring and it's good to write it all down!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on March 05, 2020, 01:50:44 AM
Ooh, Hops, it doesn't sound nice but I'm glad it's there and I hope not causing you too much discomfort?  Does it alert you to a change or is it more to send them data so they can notice any patterns or problems that come up?  Either way, I'm glad it's doing something and yes, I think fewer big trips sounds like a good plan, especially if the weather's getting better now and you can get out and about a bit more :)  I'm hoping things with M are going well as there hasn't been much posted about him lately? :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 05, 2020, 08:06:42 AM
You've been on a roller coaster with your heath, Hops.  I'm glad you have things closely monitored, as they seem to require it, and won't be traveling so much.  Glad about the former anyway with this C flu going around.

I've missed you on the board.  Hope to read a relationship update soon: )

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 05, 2020, 09:27:45 AM
Thanks, (((((botha youse)))))!
I'll update soon about M on my Relationship thread. Not sure it'll be today but soon!

Tupp, the implant doesn't talk to me, just sends info to its base. But if I feel something worrying happening, I punch the pendant. What that does is record a "highlight" or marker into all that data. So when the periodic data reports are read by the specialist, his attention is drawn to that section for analysis. The monitor's not about alerting them about emergency events (I'd have to call 911) but for evidence of patterns over time that could help them clarify a diagnosis.

It's a "loop" recorder. After I've hit the pendant button four times (could be weeks or months), then I should call the center and let them know I'll be calling in a data report. I do that, and then they magically re-set the recorder from their end, and on we go. I've done one cycle so far, reports are okay. I think I was over-sensitive to it the first few weeks and reporting fairly normal skipped beats, not real tachycardia. Crying wolf, iow. They said that was normal too! Anyway, if I feel unexpectedly faint I should push it, or feel a drumroll of tachycardia of any length, or if I ever pass out of course. It doesn't have to catch the whole event in the moment it happens, but as near as possible. Pretty remarkable invention, actually. Years back, if you didn't have a doc with a stethoscope in your presence, it'd be more of a guessing game, I think.

And for me, long-term monitoring is much nicer than an automatic prescription for potent blood thinners. I really didn't like being on those right after the stroke though they were necessary for 21 days. Statistically they reduce stroke recurrence during that period, but after that, not much benefit. (Daily baby aspirin and some wine!). I bruised like an eggplant on those meds and they increase internal bleeding risks.

However, plenty of people my age are on them and doing fine, so I would too if necessary. I just really like the idea of as precise a diagnosis as will be possible, as do they. It's nice having a fine teaching hospital near, as you tend to get the latest and best options in care. I feel lucky to have the thing, really.

Other health updates are only that I yielded to a SMALL corona-panic-buy moment, and ordered two gallons of overpriced hand sanitizer base gel, so I can make my own. (If need be, just carrying cotton balls and a small jar of it.) All the stores are completely out. And I got a couple bottles of elderberry syrup (one for me, one for M) to take daily to boost immunity. He just emailed that there were only a handful of people on his flight to California yesterday. People really are weirded out. I'm not, too much. Really the only thing one can do is avoid crowds, washing hands all the time, and wait it out. I think the real problem will be the economic panic, as most everyone may be exposed at some point, and a lot of mild cases will be missed as they'll feel like colds. Humanity will survive though the cracks in the health care systems will be exposed. (Would be nice if we could get a president who believes in science more than talk radio, this time!)

Hugs and stay healthy!
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 19, 2020, 11:16:17 AM
Dunno if this is always Health Updates or if it's Aging Updates!

Today I'm posting about the latter though it's definitely connected to the former.

I'm fine. But I took a huge pratfall in my LR, walking blindly in thought across it to put the handset in its cradle. I forgot I had a full case of beer on a towel where I let it sit for several days after the bleach spray to disinfect.

Walked right into it, flew over it and landed hard on the hardwood floor, hitting head, and mostly one knee. Felt stunned. Called out to Pooch because I wanted comfort and figured she'd come give me a comforting sniff. Next thing I heard was her paws clicking away as fast as she could toward the bedroom, where she could hide from the scary noises I was making. Hah. Evidently she is not a nurse dog.

Bottom line is I wrenched the knee and am still limping and frustrated (oh the garden!), but will be fine in due time.

What I've found myself thinking about was those flashing thoughts that raced through my head right after impact, as they've changed:
--Oh no. If I've broken something I'd have to go to an ER, and the hospital isn't safe!
--This is what happens when you'll be seventy in a few days.
--Falls are the beginning of a bad cascade for older folks. Is this the start of mine?
--I live alone.

All that said I'm clearly okay, just limited and limping and beyond annoyed with myself for being disorganized and letting something sit in a dangerous space and not dealing with my clutter. But I will be OKAY.

Kind of a wake-up call though. So I'm hoping I take it seriously.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 19, 2020, 11:48:29 AM
Ouch, Hops, that sounds painful!  I hope it isn't too bad a sprain and that it settles quickly with some rest and TLC (although clearly not from Pooch as she has shown herself not to be relied on in an emergency!).

Those sorts of incidents are always wake up calls, I think, they sort of remind us we're not infallible and highlight the scary bits like living alone and not being safe in hospital - I think the latter is particularly scary at the minute.  It's also an unusual situation in the sense that you wouldn't ordinarily have crates sitting around after bleach spraying because you wouldn't usually need to spray things - so I'm wondering if that played some part in you forgetting that they were down there.  I'd hazard a guess it was more to do with the unusual situation (things sitting where they wouldn't usually, being lost in thought after phone calls) than the start of elder falling activity.  I'd hazard a guess that with all the healthy eating, dog walks and increased social connections at the minute you're probably fitter and healthier than you might be at other times (at least that's what I'm hoping!).

I hope the leg is better soon and that Pooch thinks about her behaviour! xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 19, 2020, 01:36:52 PM
Thanks, guys.
I'm just a wuss.

And alas, Tupp, though I AM eating better I've been reverting to my sedentary ways and not walking regularly. I am truly, actually, deconditioned and unfit. Wake-up call Part One.

I think you're right, it's not the beginning of elder-falling-cascade, and was to do with two things: 1) new boxes in odd places, and 2) ADD and spacing out. I think #2 is more of a danger than it used to be.

CB, "I'll move that later" is like a precise summary of my hugest psychological/ADD issue. I've said that to myself every day in multiple ways about a million procrastinated things. Or I'll start something that needs getting done and wander off like a bee to a new blossom. It's cumulative and it's torture.

I am grateful for the sympathy, it really helps!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2020, 05:19:19 AM
I hope you heal up quick, Hops. 

A tumble like that is so scary, for so many reasons.  My knee has a tender spot from Christmas tumble on bike.  I must have bruised the bone, or something.

Sorry your pooch was too scared to comfort you.  If our pug was there, she would have been all over your face with her ugly little mug.... trying to get in and nip your ears and face.... playfully, but very aggressive. 

Your garden waits for your return.  Don't know about there, but it's raining like heck here.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2020, 05:44:14 AM
Thanks, guys.
I'm just a wuss.

And alas, Tupp, though I AM eating better I've been reverting to my sedentary ways and not walking regularly. I am truly, actually, reconditioned and unfit. Wake-up call Part One.

I think you're right, it's not the beginning of elder-falling-cascade, and was to do with two things: 1) new boxes in odd places, and 2) ADD and spacing out. I think #2 is more of a danger than it used to be.

CB, "I'll move that later" is like a precise summary of my hugest psychological/ADD issue. I've said that to myself every day in multiple ways about a million procrastinated things. Or I'll start something that needs getting done and wander off like a bee to a new blossom. It's cumulative and it's torture.

I am grateful for the sympathy, it really helps!


Maybe you need to keep dog treats in your pocket, Hops, so that Pooch is more interested :)  Lol.  I am a terrible one for 'I'l do that later' although with me it's often time constraints; something else needs doing that is more important and then, like you, I end up with a whole load of partly done and not quite finished jobs that just gather and gather.  It is frustrating, and tiring, I find.  Do you find the spacing out is more intense when things like this are going on (by that I mean big scenarios that we can't do a huge amount about personally?).  I just wondered if a big event like a pandemic increases other things that are already difficult to manage.

I hope the leg feels better soon, anyway, and I hope Pooch gets some nurse training done!  Lol xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2020, 06:56:05 AM
I wish we could take things out of each others hands and keep each other moving through house edits and organization.

I accepted long ago.... I need someone to help do that.

Doing it for others is easy.  Doing it for myself, with all the emotionally charged stuff.... is almost impossible to move through efficiently.  I have to be on a crazy tear to do it quickly....just emotionally screaming while filling the truck, over and over. 


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2020, 08:50:21 AM
I wish we could take things out of each others hands and keep each other moving through house edits and organization.

I accepted long ago.... I need someone to help do that.

Doing it for others is easy.  Doing it for myself, with all the emotionally charged stuff.... is almost impossible to move through efficiently.  I have to be on a crazy tear to do it quickly....just emotionally screaming while filling the truck, over and over. 


Lighter, I'd love to be able to do that, it would be so good.  I love organising other people's stuff and clearing things out for them and, as you say, it's easy with other people's stuff because you don't have the emotional connection, and I find I don't like to let other people down, whereas I let myself down without any problems :)  Lol, so if I said I was coming to you next Saturday to sort out your paperwork I'd come, whereas if I tell myself I'll spend Saturday sorting out paperwork I'm quite likely to spend it watching television instead :) I unpacked for a friend when they moved house a while ago and it was so much quicker than my own unpacking, because you just don't dither to the same extent - it was just get beds made up, unpack kitchen stuff and get basics like phone and TV set up.  So much easier in someone else's home, and then you go home to your own nice comfy place after and they can sit down with their feet up and do the other unpacking in the morning.  My son is working on a time machine at the moment so maybe ultra fast transport will become a reality soon :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 20, 2020, 12:05:04 PM
I think an attack from a pug puppy would be incredibly therapeutic! Snort, dash, attack-retreat...  :) !!

Pooch has apologized, by which I mean has not.
She is so funny.

When I need comfort I'll haul her up to spoon and just talk into her ear a mile a minute. As long as I make my voice goofy and the tone go up and down in an interesting fashion, she'll listen as though Buddha decided to tell her something really important. That makes me laugh more, that she's listening to me free-associate about something ridiculous, or something serious in a ridiculous voice. So she winds up being therapeutic after all.

Knee's slowly calming down, Tupp. I think it was a good wakeup call (I guess...as if a stroke didn't do it). And you're insightful to mention the ADD could be worse under pandemic background stress. That makes a lot of sense.

The organizing stuff does intensify when fear does. My ADD alone is just scattered and deeply annoying. My ADD plus "must update will and DNR/DNI and advanced directive" and "I really should be cooking more" and "now's my chance to work on the novel but I haven't been!" on various similar loops in the brain....is just ADD-er with an edge.

Give the distancing measures, I don't feel comfortable hiring the organizer lady for another bout of help, much less the housecleaner who could do floors, tub and sheets-changing (the back-hurting parts) for me.

Then again, it's a beautiful spring day and another way I could be thinking about all this is that facing myself, by myself, and chipping away at some very bad very old habits, might change me for the good. IOW, if I manage to make headway, and there's no rational reason not to, I could come out of the self-quarantine (I'm guessing fall, earliest) feeling much stronger and more positive about myself.

That's a hope I feel good saying out loud. Not a promise (setup for guilt), but really a hope.

Thanks for listing, y'all.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 20, 2020, 12:25:54 PM
I think an attack from a pug puppy would be incredibly therapeutic! Snort, dash, attack-retreat...  :) !!

Pooch has apologized, by which I mean has not.
She is so funny.

When I need comfort I'll haul her up to spoon and just talk into her ear a mile a minute. As long as I make my voice goofy and the tone go up and down in an interesting fashion, she'll listen as though Buddha decided to tell her something really important. That makes me laugh more, that she's listening to me free-associate about something ridiculous, or something serious in a ridiculous voice. So she winds up being therapeutic after all.

Knee's slowly calming down, Tupp. I think it was a good wakeup call (I guess...as if a stroke didn't do it). And you're insightful to mention the ADD could be worse under pandemic background stress. That makes a lot of sense.

The organizing stuff does intensify when fear does. My ADD alone is just scattered and deeply annoying. My ADD plus "must update will and DNR/DNI and advanced directive" and "I really should be cooking more" and "now's my chance to work on the novel but I haven't been!" on various similar loops in the brain....is just ADD-er with an edge.

Give the distancing measures, I don't feel comfortable hiring the organizer lady for another bout of help, much less the housecleaner who could do floors, tub and sheets-changing (the back-hurting parts) for me.

Then again, it's a beautiful spring day and another way I could be thinking about all this is that facing myself, by myself, and chipping away at some very bad very old habits, might change me for the good. IOW, if I manage to make headway, and there's no rational reason not to, I could come out of the self-quarantine (I'm guessing fall, earliest) feeling much stronger and more positive about myself.

That's a hope I feel good saying out loud. Not a promise (setup for guilt), but really a hope.

Thanks for listing, y'all.


Well Hops I think there's a lot to be said for just getting through any situation as best you can.  The thing that I find amazing about you is that, however tough or painful your own situation is, you never take it out on anyone else.  You're so aware of it that you don't turn it into nasty things about other people or vent on Pooch or M or anyone else who might be near enough.  You say your bit when necessary, sure, but you don't mindlessly lash out - and as I feel I've been on the receiving end of a couple of people just lately who've dealt with their stuff by dumping it on me, I am very much in awe of people who can own it and contain it and just work through it without taking everyone else down with them.  It's a skill that you've put a lot of time and work in to over the years and yep, your home might be messy but your heart and your feelings aren't - you've got them well organised!

So yep, I'd definitely try to get boxes stacked out of the way just to try to avoid any more tripping but any other organising/cleaning/paperwork type stuff can just wait, and there will be plenty of people very glad off the work once things start moving again.  You can just enjoy that beautiful spring day by sitting in the garden talking to Pooch and the veggies that are starting to sprout and that can be your task for the day :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 20, 2020, 12:41:04 PM
This nearly moved me to tears, Tupp:

your home might be messy but your heart and your feelings aren't

Thank you.

Speechless (!). Grateful.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 20, 2020, 01:20:35 PM
: )

So nice, Tupp!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 25, 2020, 10:33:05 AM
I'm going to be a heck of a lot more careful about falls.

Two days ago I woke up after a GOOD sleep, full of energy and resolve, and for the first time in ages, felt like getting a lot done. I was still aware of knee pain but it wasn't disabling, so though I limped some (kind of swung one straight leg instead of a normal walk), I: did laundry, went on four non-contact errands and to a doc appointment, dog to vet, in and out of the car, etc.

That night, and yesterday, I had muscle spasms from my bad back down the leg through the knee, down calf and into foot. Very painful! Like a half-body charleyhorse, and sometimes the tiniest change in legs position would kick it off. Took a lot of magnesium citrate and stayed in bed yesterday. Was rough but bearable. Better this morning but I'm going to do today "still" as well. Frustrating but a good warning.

Fortunately it's rained enough to keep the veggie beds happy, I think. I so hope I'll still be able to get down and thin and weed.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 25, 2020, 12:34:54 PM
I'm going to be a heck of a lot more careful about falls.

Two days ago I woke up after a GOOD sleep, full of energy and resolve, and for the first time in ages, felt like getting a lot done. I was still aware of knee pain but it wasn't disabling, so though I limped some (kind of swung one straight leg instead of a normal walk), I: did laundry, went on four non-contact errands and to a doc appointment, dog to vet, in and out of the car, etc.

That night, and yesterday, I had muscle spasms from my bad back down the leg through the knee, down calf and into foot. Very painful! Like a half-body charleyhorse, and sometimes the tiniest change in legs position would kick it off. Took a lot of magnesium citrate and stayed in bed yesterday. Was rough but bearable. Better this morning but I'm going to do today "still" as well. Frustrating but a good warning.

Fortunately it's rained enough to keep the veggie beds happy, I think. I so hope I'll still be able to get down and thin and weed.


Oh Hopsie, the perils of doing too much because you feel a bit better!  It's easy to overdo it, just because it's so nice to want to do things when you've not been able to or not felt like it.  I hope it eases off again soon.  Would one of those support bandage things help at all?  I hope it gets better with rest, and soon as well.  No more hobbling about for you for a couple of days.  We need to train Pooch to fetch things for you :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 25, 2020, 08:45:02 PM
I agree with, CB.


:: nodding::.

And ice: )

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 28, 2020, 11:17:51 AM
I've been sliding backward lately. No exercise, eating slipping again somewhat, feeling immobile and paralysed and motivation-free. The SAD light does help but I'm not into any sort of reliable rhythm yet. Insomnia is persistent and I haven't found a safe Rx or supplement that works for me. Just melatonin, which works some of the time.

Last night I did super-strong chamomile plus Ambien plus melatonin and finally got a fairly normal sleep.

That mattered a lot...I'd had several all-nighters and was cracking at the seams, anxiety wise. The night before last (she buries the lede) I was in the ER for strong chest pain accompanied by paleness and drenching sweat. No heart attack, thank god. But it scared me as ever. A neighbor took me in at 2am. Was home yesterday by around 10am and even though I feared going to sleep...with all that stuff I used above, I got there.

The pains had hit when I lay on my side in my usual position and was juuuuuuust about to slip into deep sleep. Wham. Short but very strong pain. Sat up, began feeling SOB (short of breath), which is common to anxiety which I'm sure surged. But it's also a symptom of heart issues, and it's hard to tell. Hence the ride to ED. About 10 minutes after the first pain another one came. Argued with myself but finally called her and we agreed it was reasonable for her to drive me in rather than call an ambulance, because nothing more seemed to be happening. And it's close.
(Good reason I prefer living in town as I get older.)

All labs and EKG came back okay, plus I'm negative for Covid (figuredk that) and after long waiting, got discharged with "chest pain: unknown type" and "SOB" as the diagnosis. He asked me to follow up with my cardiologist so I'm waiting for an appointment. But I think it is probably a combo of lack of fitness plus free floating anxiety building up in me again. I have a fairly strong set of fears building up right now.

So I'm going to be intentional about being vulnerable with those I trust, seeking support in a balanced way, and my T has agreed that two sessions a week will make good sense for a while. I'm happy about that.

I wonder too if some deep anxiety started firing because she and I got quite deep into my core fear and loss issues. Actually narrating the losses is overwhelming and I'm not sure how to figure out how much I can peel it open safely. If the consequences were only emotional (crying or feeling sad) I wouldn't hesitate, but for many years my hurt and fear has been expressed in my chest, and after the stroke, I realized my body will enact what's happening deep inside.

Dunno if that's really it, no crystal ball. But the mind body thing seems relevant.

I'm okay today. Going to take a very slow short simple walk with Pooch in a few.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 28, 2020, 11:48:34 AM
Oh Hops, I'm so sorry, that must have been so scary for you.  I'm glad it wasn't heart related but I know how frightening those pains are (especially at night.  For some reason it's scarier at night) and anxiety/panic attack type pains can really mimic heart attack symptoms.  Very frightening for you.  I'm glad your neighbour was able to take you and that they were able to do those checks and reassure you on that point, at least.

I do understand the worry of emotional issues triggering physical health problems.  As you say, crying and feeling down are things you can cope with but those scary visits to the hospital are something else altogether.  I know I would be wary of going too far down the rabbit hole in that instance.  It's also difficult with emotional stuff because it's hard to tell where that line would be - sometimes you can talk about something that doesn't really feel that painful but it sets something much deeper into motion and that's hard to manage.  I'm glad the T can do two sessions a week but am really sorry that you have that plus the sleeplessness and other anxiety going on at the moment.

I've no practical advice, Hopsie - I know you've been dealing with all of these things for years and know all of the practical and/or emotional things you can do.  Can only offer my support from across the pond and hope that you know how important you are and what a big impact you make on everyone here.  I hope at the very least you can get some good sleep tonight and that the walk with Pooch is enjoyable xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 28, 2020, 01:59:06 PM
Thanks so much, (((((Tupp))))).

Actually and unfortunately, I don't really know whether or not the pain was heart related. What the labs showed was no evidence of heart damage. (Enzymes, etc.) But that doesn't mean it wasn't the heart muscle causing pain. It just wasn't a heart attack.

That's why an appointment with the cardiologist is a good idea, I think. I'm pretty open and rational with docs, and while I tell them I know some of the symptoms I've had off and on for years could be anxiety related, I would value having some advice about when to blow it off vs when to come to the ED (emergency dept.).

Because I've been seriously sedentary, and because I'm 70 years old. Female heart disease is notoriously underdiagnosed.

I don't WANT it, but I don't want it to creep up on me, either.

So there it is.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 28, 2020, 02:57:25 PM
Oh Hops... I wish I could send you a gallon & a half of "it's OK, it's going to be alright". I understand big deep fear and I think you're wise to unpeel that very slowly; a little at a time. I'm sure Lighter will be along shortly with some practical techniques for breathing through fear... and getting to the point of releasing it.

Mine are so well-known to me at this point (I think) - that I can stand up & face them down... real or imagined. The real ones, I can ask myself: ok, what's the worst that can happen? make that list... and start accepting that it MIGHT be possible I'd face the worst. It's equally as likely, I WON'T. Imagined fears... usually come out of a combination of me not fully comprehending a situation, my imagination and memories of past trauma/grief. I'm not entirely sure how I learned to fear grief so much... but I do. I'll be mad as hell at the world before I give in and just acknowledge grief.

These are anxious times. So it's not just you, either, dear. I'm hearing from a lot of people these days going thru it. All we can do is support each other, listen and care... and sooner or later, this anxiety will lift again.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2020, 06:25:07 PM
I agree with Amber,  Hops. I think there's a collective consciousness of fear...  around COVID, the economy, the upcoming election, racism,  violence, abusive relationships, in general.... SO much going on right now, and then you have chest pain,  on top of your body not being able to heal during deep sleep and your friend remaining in a pretty awful situation.

How does lack of sleep usually affect you,  Hops?

I find it's so important.  That's when the body repairs itself.

I'm not going to give advice on calming and comforting the mind and body with breathing, etc. I've said it all, many times, and it's here on the board.  Hops knows how to do that, bc she explained some of it to me many years ago.

I don't wonder what would have happened if you put your hand on your chest pain and paid very close attention to it while breathing...... it was too scary for that, IMO.

I hope it IS just anxiety, Hops, and not heart problems.   How does your T explain the mind-body connection- symptoms, and how does she want you to deal with it?


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 28, 2020, 09:32:43 PM
Thank you so much, both of you....

Amber, I really appreciate the understanding. I think you were addressing the mix of physical fear and emotional fear (about things T and I are getting into). They might need different responses; I'm going to have to tease things out as best I can.

I did go into what mode I could...awake at 230am I started bread so I could take it to my neighbor friend who drove me. That made me feel good today. Even took a tiny walk with Pooch on the way. I also managed a decent sleep.

Lighter, you know it. All the breathing stuff (though I'm amazed I may have explained it once--you've actually practiced it) is on file, and I may find my way to it in some way or another. Maybe a primitive form of relaxation response practice. But for now, just doing stuff like I did last night:

--double strength chamomile
--heating pad on chest (still aches some from what happened, as does diaphragm from SOB)
--as needed, a crumb of zolpidem

I wrote PCP today about...IS THERE a med for sleep/anxiety that doesn't a) depress CNS/respiration or b) meddle with memory and otherwise contribute to dementia (known risk of virtually all sleeping Rx). Will make appt to see him in a week. Also wrote cardiologist so will be seeing him too at some point.

Later today something popped up I'd forgotten I could try that could be a godsend if it works for me, without the scary side effects:  CBD oil. I found something here that is helping but Light, if you have knowledge more granular than this, I'd be delighted to read it: https://www.help.org/best-cbd-oil/#4 (https://www.help.org/best-cbd-oil/#4). I think I'd choose a full-spectrum organic one, US grown and processed. Far as I've gotten. It's recommended variously for both anxiety and insomnia, so if it actually worked, it would be a golden two-fer!

I'm so grateful for y'all. I can't even find adequate words.

love and thanks,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 28, 2020, 11:13:10 PM
Tupp uses CBD oil.  I don't know anything about it except it brought my mother back to center during her battle with cancer.  It was a Godsend.

I hope it works for you.  Maybe Tupp has some pointers about what kind and how much.

 I didn't know about the dementia risks associated with sleeping meds.  I hope the CBD does the trick.

I do know allergy meds seem to be something Canadian medicine associates with cancer.  Have you heard anything about that connection?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 29, 2020, 02:18:18 AM
Hops, how funny, I was going to get on here today to suggest trying cannabis for the anxiety and you have beat me to it.

I'm not an expert - caveat number 1 - but I have found it enormously helpful with my anxiety.  The very first time I took it I did feel a little foggy headed and sleepy (and did have a bit of a nap) but other than that I've had no side effects from taking it at all.  For me, it kind of feels like it soothes my central nervous system and just settles everything down.  For my general understanding I've read the info put out by Jeff Ditchfield who runs Bud Buddies (and I think he's based in Jamaica now) but as many states in the US sell cannabis legally now there is probably a wealth of info to be had.

Anyhoo - the downside with it is that the strength and dose required is established through trial and error.  It isn't like a regular prescription where the doctor will tell you to take three tablets, twice a day.  Everyone's system is different so the amount you need may be completely different to the amount I take.  It's expensive so having to try different strengths and brands until you work out what's right for you can be pricey but for me it is still worth doing so and, once I found the one I was happiest with I stuck to it and just order another bottle each month now (son takes it as well and so does the cat :) ).

It was suggested to me to start with a low strength and keep adjusting the number of drops taken until you get to a point where things are feeling calmer.  The stronger the strength, the fewer drops you'll need, but it's also more expensive to buy.  You put three drops under your tongue (this is assuming you buy the oil in a dropper bottle) and wait for a few minutes for that to settle through your system a bit (I always end up swallowing as well because I'm just one of those people that can't not).  The first time I used it I had the three drops and then nothing else that day, to get a good idea of the effect it would have.  From that I bought a bottle of the same strength that I'd tried the day before and started adjusting the dose so, take three drops, wait five mins, if there's still a little anxiety, take three more, wait another five mins and so on.  For some people a small, relatively weak dose does the trick, others need a lot more.  I'd suggest writing down your symptoms before you take any at all and then recording how much you take and when/if the symptoms start to reduce.  Then stay on that dose for a few days (maybe three?) to give it all a chance to settle in and then see if you need to up the dose or if that is enough.  You might even find you need to take less after a few days.  It was explained to me as imagining a dried up pond - you'd have to pour water into it just to fill the cracks in again before it started to fill up and your endocannabanoid system (that's the thing inside you that responds so well to the CBD) is similar; you need to top it up a bit before it starts to level out.  So once you've plugged the cracks you might find you need less just to keep things topped up.

There's also just personal taste as some oils are flavoured.  Personally I like the plant taste and dislike artificial flavours so I stick with unflavoured varieties.  I currently use one by CBDistillery at 1,000mg strength.  I take it through the day - first thing in the morning, another dose a few minutes after than and then I just top up as needed.  Best kept in the fridge.  I've also used the Charlotte's Web brand and they were very good, although more expensive and harder to get hold of here.  From what I've read and been told full spectrum is the best type to take - kind of like making sure your diet has the full range of nutrients in it.

If you can find a local stockist who knows their stuff they can be very helpful and, once you can get out and about again, they're nice shops to pop into.  Lots of products like teas, bath products, skin balms and so on.  The other thing that might be good for you are CBD lollies - they're just like the lollipops you'd have had as a child but with a little CBD in them.  They're great to have on you if carrying your oil in your bag isn't easy (not that you'd be going anywhere at the moment to need to take it) but there is something about that sucking action that's soothing (kind of like a child with a pacifier).  I like them and they're usually quite cheap (although again, plant flavoured so that might put you off).  A lot of places will send you a free sample of oil so you can get an idea re taste and strength without having to buy a whole bottle to start off with so it would be good to see if you can find a place fairly local to you that sells online and can send you a small amount to try.  It is also available as a paste or in suppository form but I was advised the oil is the easiest to start with to work out how much to take and how often and then you can try something else if it's more convenient.  I've just found the oil easy to use as I'm home most of the day anyway so I've stuck with that.

The book I've found most useful for just general understanding is Jeff Ditchfield's Medical Guide to Cannabis but as I say, you guys are way ahead of the UK with the cannabis stuff so there's probably a whole load available.  In the UK Jeff Ditchfield is very well known so his name tends to pop up whenever anyone talks about this.  I haven't read any wider than him; I was so blown away by how much it helped me that I just stuck with it.  It's not cured everything completely (as you know from my meltdowns on here) but I have lost that endless ragged feeling that I had and I rarely get chest pains now (I was similar to you with being rushed into hospital and tests showed my heart was fine, it was all anxiety related.  I hardly get pains now - do sometimes get palpitations which I think is menopause related).  I will also say that yoga does help me and you can do that from home - Yoga with Adrienne stuff is great and she has a really cute dog as well :)  Lots of videos on YouTube.

Hope that helps, Hopsie!  I would say it's definitely worth trying and that article you posted a link to looked promising, although I would suggest trying to find someone reasonably local to you at least to start off with.  I just feel more comfortable with someone who has a shop nearby than I do with a faceless internet company but that's just me.  The only other thing I would suggest is that when you try it initially to try it at night time, in case it does make you feel a little groggy and sleepy at first so that you can just go to bed straight away.  Let us know how you get on! xx

PS I also find the Epsom salts baths helpful if you're not already doing that and I find in my little bathroom a hot bath with Epsom salts and some lavender oil either in the bath water or in a little oil burner makes a really nice kind of lavender scented steam room - that can be helpful in the evenings for me.

PPS - Just noticed when I scanned that article again that it says that Beam Oils have a selection tool to help you pick the right product for you - I've no idea what their tool might be but that might be worth finding out more about.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 29, 2020, 11:00:53 AM
Hops - I agree CBD oil might be something to try. But I'm going to take the experimentation process even stricter than Tupp described. The reason is that in the past - I've experienced INCREASED anxiety/panic symptoms from this substance. But I've also been learning about micro-dosing (and it's not just with CBD). Think homeopathic theory...
and perhaps placebo effect. Something else to research and learn about.  ;)

But use the lightest strength, lowest dose you can and wait 15 minutes for it to circulate in your bloodstream and diffuse in your brain first. This lets you decide if you're noticing ANYTHING at all before adding more and perhaps getting to the "too much" level too fast; that would be counterproductive. At least in some people.

I've recommended this for things I've had B try as well. It gives you more control over what you're feeling in your body & mind... and sometimes it just takes awhile to notice something different if it's subtle. But adding more just because there isn't a fast change... is like I said, what can get you past your comfort zone.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 29, 2020, 12:34:41 PM
THANK YOU, everybody!
You all are just an amazing help.

(Don't know about allergy meds and cancer, Lighter. I don't take them but I wouldn't be surprised. I'm a total cafeteritarian about medicine, love standard Western for most serious things, but would be happy to try alternatives. Caveats: I wish they were better regulated, because so many are tainted and massively off-dose once tested. However, there are ways to find standardized extracts and single-ingredient formulas. I look for Certified Organic, and GMS (good manufacturing practice) seals. Not concerned about non-GMO so far.)

What I've come up with I'm going to try for a week:
Ashwagandha from Organic India. The recommended dosage is too high (two capsules = 800 mg) and the studies I found used 200 mg. I took one capsule this morning, no bad effects...but will probably resume with a half-cap until I'm sure. I'll do it morning and night for a while.

CBD oil made by Sunsoil, in Vermont. Talked to a local natural foods shop with a fine reputation and got very good advice. Will start with half a dropper, and plan to take it only at bedtime, about 200 mg. Tupp you're taking a pretty high dose but if it isn't harming you, that's cool!

I am very like you, Amber, in that I proceed with extreme caution. So I will be starting at a low dose and observe...etc. I hope it works.

I'm just going to use all barrels at bedtime for a while.

--strong chamomile
--Magnesium citrate (marketed as CALM), kind of internal epsom salts
--melatonin 3mg
--ashwagandha (200 mg for now)
--CBD oil (1/3 of standard dropper to start)

Last night I did the first three (plus about 3mg Ambien, which I'm getting OFF of)
and slept quite well. Took the second Ambien crumb after getting up to pee.

Thanks for your patience with all this, it has been so comforting to write it all out.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 29, 2020, 02:07:55 PM
That's great that you've got some things to try, Hops.  The only slight note of caution I'd suggest is that, if the ashwagandha is new, try that for a week before adding the CBD oil.  I just find that if I use more than one new thing at the same time, if there is a problem, then I don't know which one caused it.  You also might find that just one of those helps (in which case you won't need the other anyway).

Also, have you been able to check whether the Ambien and Melatonin is alright to take with ashwagandha?  I couldn't find much that was useful about interactions but I might be looking in the wrong places as I'm not familiar with any of those.

The last thing is just about dosing (with the CBD).  Although the strength I'm on is high (1,000mg) I take a very small amount each day - on average 9 - 12 drops (individual drops, not droppers).  So it's an awful lot less than you'll be taking in half a dropper.  Assuming the 200mg you mention is the strength of the oil, not the amount of liquid then you'll probably be taking as much, if not more than I do.  I might have worked it out wrong; my maths isn't great so I might have got the wrong end of the stick but basically the stronger the oil, the fewer drops you need (and by that I mean individual drops, not droppers).  Personally as you're already taking other things to help you sleep I'd hold off on the CBD until you've been taking the ashwagandha for a week and then if you feel you still need more try very small amounts to start with (ie, individual drops), especially if it might, as Skep experienced, increase anxiety.  I agree with Skep, sometimes the changes can be very subtle and it takes a while for you to notice.  Just my opinion, I could be wrong but mixed with all the other things you're taking I'd go very slowly and carefully.  It's taken me a year of trial and error to get a strength and a brand that works well for me and I haven't taken anything else new in the meantime, I just added it to my usual vitamins and St Johns Wort (which I've been taking for years now).  I am crossing my fingers you get good sleep whichever way you go about it :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 29, 2020, 03:09:08 PM
Very good points, from you both!
I so appreciate it.
I think super-careful dosing is key,
you're right, and not starting two
new things on the same night is very

Thanks so very much.

I'm such a knowitall about health stuff,
and I'm really slipping not to have thought
about dosage details.

Tupp, the CBD dosage I've ordered is 250 mg
per dropper full I think. So I agree, I'm going
to start with just a few drops. And I'll triple
check I'm doing it very gradually. After a few
days if not a week I'll add just the Ashwaganaha
(plus the magnesium and chamomile and melatonin).

So for today, looks like I'll take the "bedtime"
dose of Ashwagandha, and hope for the best.
I literally (agnostically) pray I don't wind up
with all-night insomnia, because that's happened
six times in the last month or so and it's
torturous. So hard to come back from, even
with naps, which make for a sort of rebound.

Fingers crossed! But feeling optimistic. Have been
less dopey than usual today so far, and it's hard
not to think it was the Ashwaghanda. Also did a
seriously nutritious breakfast shake. I think I've
been quite short on protein.

hugs and thanks,

PS Finally found a supplement-supplement interaction database. Nothing showing for melatonin + ashwagandha. I'll plug them all in so it can check the pile.
https://www.drugs.com/interactions-check.php?drug_list=1548-0,2706-0 (https://www.drugs.com/interactions-check.php?drug_list=1548-0,2706-0)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 29, 2020, 03:32:52 PM
That database does look good, Hopsie, I could only find stuff written by 'wellness gurus' who may well be right but I prefer it when stuff's been checked properly (even if the result is inconclusive).

I will keep everything crossed that you get some sleep, Hops.  I wouldn't be able to function at all on no sleep.  Will be really great if you can find a nice mix of easy to do or take things that just keep you nicely relaxed and in a good sleep routine without any grotty side effects.  Let us know in the morning how you got on :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2020, 08:51:09 AM
Sleep went okay.
I decided to take only a half-cap (100 mg) of the ashwagandha, and stuck with the magnesium/chamomile/melatonin trio too.

This is probably too granular to be interesting, but I realized (anxiety awhirl) that this is probably my most important health job right now (apart from re-introducing daily walks, even wee ones, to rebuild strength).

Because the pain was in the left side of my chest, and that's the side I sleep on (for some reason just can't drift off on my right side -- and on my back only during naps), I am fearful of developing fear of sleep. Every twinge in the chest scares me. I feel cowardly (well, I am) and nervous and rattled. About going to SLEEP.

So that's why I feel I need the full arsenal to help me break through this.

Good news is that I woke at around 7am feeling somewhat more rested than usual (ashwagandha? all the stuff together?). I had awakened at 230 to pee but mirabile dictu, eventually drifted off again. That's huge because for months I've been kind of tormented by not being able to return to sleep which would wipe out my energy for the next day (a nap would never really compensate).

So all in all, here I yam typing next to my SAD light, the sun is pouring in the window and this is the first COOL morning in ages. So Pooch and I will wobble up the block around 9am, and all of that is good.

Thanks for caring; if y'all were my sisters (you are)--this would be the kind of check-in conversation we could be having.

And did I tell you the sweet neighbor friend who drove me to the hospital presented me with a Certificate of Sisterhood when she came to pick me up? Nearly brought me to tears. I had expressed how awful I felt about calling her during the night and she was not going to let me stay there....declared me her sister and said I'm stuck with her. I tried to tell her what that meant (yearned my whole life for a sister).

I have a LOT to be grateful for. Especially this board.

love and thanks,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 30, 2020, 09:09:46 AM
So pleased that your lovely neighbour has done that for you, Hops, and made me think of you saying to your friend that you were there for her and happy to sit - she's not a burden to you and you're not to that other lady.  It's a really nice practical support network that you have there.

And also glad that the sleep was better than usual and hoping that the reduced anxiety (via ashwagandha) and perhaps more regular, peaceful sleep, might reduce your (very understandable) concern over the chest pains.  Well done, Hopsie, so good that you've taken steps to find a way to deal with this xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2020, 10:58:08 AM

Thank you. I find it almost humiliating or embarrassing
to talk in such detail about my body-fears, etc., but it
really has been a relief.

Since y'all have received it so kindly.

Much gratitude,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2020, 05:21:43 PM
Hops, your neighbor is one of those people who restores faith in humanity, IME.  She doesn't have to be so kind and comforting, but that's who she is for you....
and I am amazed. 

I'm grateful she's there for you.

Now you're feeling a wee better, maybe when you go on your walks with pooch, take a seat in the shade, feel the breeze and notice the colors and shapes around you.  What's in your peripheral vision.  The space all around you.... beneath you... what's supporting you. 

::remembering the first time Hops posted about going outdoors, looking at bark, feeling the grass::.

And breathe....
filling the vase from bottom to top....
pooch out your tummy to fill bottom of your lungs first.....
breathing and going back to breath when the mind wonders.

It's all OK.

I also love kissing the earth with our feet meditation.  Slow walking, mindfully...... feeling the foot hit the ground, each small area touching the earth gently.

Remember,  splashing cold water on your face can engage your parasympathetic nervous system PNS as well as deep gargling and humming.   

If you're breathing calmly.... the tiger isn't chasing you.... can't be chasing you. 

You're safe,  ((Hops.))

I so want you to get back control of your biochemistry.

It seems focusing on SOMETHING at bedtime, to the exclusion of all else, would be helpful. 

Do you wear blue blockers 2 hours before bedtime?  Especially if you're looking at screens.  Sometimes that helps calm our brains before bedtime too.

What an amazing amount of information you've received on natural sleep remedies.  I'm glad they seem to be helping.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 31, 2020, 04:38:24 AM

Thank you. I find it almost humiliating or embarrassing
to talk in such detail about my body-fears, etc., but it
really has been a relief.

Since y'all have received it so kindly.

Much gratitude,

It can be hard talking about or accepting that bits of us aren't working as well as they used to, Hops, and to admit that makes us scared.  But it's also very normal so I'm glad you've been able to talk about it here and reach out for some remedies to add to the mix.  I had a lot of chest pain issues a few years back, including a couple of ambulance dashes to hospital.  It was all anxiety related but it's very scary and I was told that the pain is almost identical to a heart attack or similar cardiac type problem so it's a tough situation to deal with.  I think you should be proud that you have dealt with it and that you're taking those steps to look after yourself and I hope things settle down for you soon xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on August 31, 2020, 08:31:12 AM
Hops, you'd be surprised how many people have had a severe enough panic attack to confuse it with a heart attack. Fear of having a panic attack (my old old friend did this) got so bad... she gave herself another one.

Where did we get the idea that fears are something to be embarassed about? That's wacky, when you think about it.
Fear is built into us, to keep alive. Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's being afraid and doing what's necessary anyway. But just like becoming friends with anger, it's helpful to get on good terms with our fears too.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 31, 2020, 11:18:04 AM
Heartfelt (pun intended) thanks to every one of you.

Sleep wasn't good last night but I got through it and not giving up. My body may be adapting to all this new stuff at bedtime, esp. the ashwagandha. But I'm sticking with it for at least a week before I remove any of the components. I may space them out over the evening, instead of dumping it all in at once. E.g., sip chamomile during the early evening, then the magnesium CALM mid-evening, then the ashwag. at bedtime, kind of thing.

Obvious as a sledgehammer--if I don't exercise, I don't reach physical fatigue. Wouldn't take much right now, so I need to get on my recumbent bike (laundry holder) and get going. That's been a stupid, irrational, mental block.

Thank you very very much for understanding about pain and welcoming my talking about it. In my 20s I had significant panic disorder (as you describe, Tupp), and quite a few ED visits for the chest pain. I couldn't fathom what it was about and the chest pain was scariest, the shortness of breath next-scariest. It's been decades since I've had a true "anxiety attack" and it's hard to understand why I'd be having one literally while falling into sleep. So I'm still unsure what caused the latest. But I'm following up by making an appt with a general cardiologist, so maybe there'll be new advice they didn't have decades ago. I did get reassurance from the arrhythmia guy that my device (chest impant recorder) didn't record any rhythm problems during this episode.

Amber, I read tons and tons about anxiety disorder when I suffered acutely from it, and you're absolutely right. Pain is pain and it's just WEIRD that such strong chest pain can come from something in the brain, not the chest, so to speak. But it's very common with anxiety states. Also, maybe Quarantine Anxiety will be a new diagnosis one day. I know that's been building up for me, as the season starts to change.

Lighter, I'm using my light (pun intended). I appreciate how closely you tune in to the connection between body and mind, and how you track emotion and feeling states in methods of breathing and visualizing in order to calm the CNS. That really is a gift I'm not naturally drawn to, as close contemplation of every little sensation tends to increase anxiety when I'm in the middle of it. I do believe that a simple mediation practice might carve some new neural pathways that would boost my resilience, though.

And the struggle with motivation and hope is something I am dealing with more directly with my T. It troubles me some that the last time we "met" was the same day I had the "attack" at night. One issue I'm trying to think effectively about is that I'm a quick and detailed talker, very descriptive and clear (and verbose). She is verrrrrry different, and processes or takes in whatever I say very, very slowly. She takes so long to come up with a thought about whatever I've just said that I an find myself feeling little spurts of anxiety about whether we're even on the same page.

However, she is deeply empathetic, which I know I need. Just not a great communicator. She expresses herself so slowly and haltingly that sometimes I lose confidence, but that's not her fault. It's my racing mind. I think I'd benefit from trying to slow waaaaay down and express just a few thoughts at a time. Or, it's possible we're mis-matched. I hope not, because I do have a high degree of trust and comfort with her otherwise.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 31, 2020, 11:10:35 PM
I don't remember what I shared here or not, but I thought I was having a heart attack back in 2007 and was terrified my ASPD stbx would make sure I died if that was the case.  I phoned a doctor friend to talk me through it.... trying to figure out if I needed an ambulance. 

I've felt I was having a heart attack in the car more than once... IT IS PANIC and anxiety.... just terrifying.  Felt my heart was exploding, not sure what a heart attack SHOULD feel like, but exploding heart felt very threatening.

It's been 6 years since I've experienced that, but it was very real, no shame about it. 


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 01, 2020, 01:03:33 AM

A friend of mine was just prescribed Gabapentin and Meloxicam for nerve pain.

There are two upsides..... he sleeps like a rock,which is new for him.   He has one of those things that measure his steps, sleep,  heart rate, etc.  The difference in sleep was quick, and the pain is much reduced, though he was told he has to wait a while for the drugs to take full effect. He can't believe how much better his shoulders are feeling.

From what I've read today, it looks like the Gabapentin decreases abnormal excitement in the brain.  It's an anti seizure drug but seems to have a multitude of uses.

Normally I don't take drugs or recommend them, but this friend's life just opened back up bc of them, so I mention them here.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 01, 2020, 01:11:08 AM
Hops... one more thing before I sleep.... sometimes talking about upsetting things is a trigger,  bc it reminds us of a whole big bunch of traumas and upsets stored in our limbic systems.  As I understand it, there are ways to address trauma without triggering more. 

Elizabeth A. Stanley, PhD has a course on Trauma-SEnsitive Mindfulness, and she talks about just that.   It's funny I listened to it yesterday. 

Maybe some things came up, with your therapist, and you were affected by them more than you realized. 

I hope you're sleeping well tonight, dear one.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 01, 2020, 11:29:06 AM
Thanks, Lighter. I really appreciate that.
Insomnia is slow to correct but I'm being consistent and believe it'll get better.

I took gabapentin (Neurontin) for about a decade for signficant RLS (restless legs syndrome) and it also helped with depression, back pain and insomnia. Kind of an amazing pill. I went off it years ago when I realized I was over-medicated and that was one of the little pile. I went off: gabapentin, SSRIs, Ambien. (Back on Ambien in recent years, but very small dose.)

But when I tried gabapentin again a week or so back, for two nights, I had awful non-sleep. Really felt terrible. That's why I decided I might give ashwagandha a trial, and then in a few more days, add CBD oil. I wish to heck I could find standardized (http://standardized) organic ashwagandha, and have a faint, faint concern there might be a mild allergic reaction there -- but at this point SOB is chicken or egg.

It'll be a glorious day when herbs and other supplements are as well studied and well regulated as pharmaceuticals, imo.

Time will tell. I'm also scheduling more wee walks to begin rebuilding strength. It's high time. AND...drumroll....I've begun brief relaxation-response breathing when I feel the shoulders and chest clench up.

I know there are solutions, and good ones. Panic, when it's happening, just makes you believe there aren't.

I really hope I can address the out-of-sync feelings I have with my kind T in a good, constructive way (not a complaining way) when she's back from vacay. It's hard not to see a connection between going so deep and the fact that the anxiety built to that physical point the same evening.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 05, 2020, 03:20:24 AM
How has it been going, Hops?  Have you felt any kind of relief yet? xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 05, 2020, 10:01:39 AM
Lighter, I think you're totally right that talking about deep dark things can be a trigger. It really is a delicate matter, to probe into/relive real trauma...without being re-harmed. I'll explore that with my T and see what she thinks too. My traumas of those years a decade+ ago were so interwoven that I'm not sure how we could untangle that ball of yarn anyway. (Menatl stress may have contributed to esophogeal spasm--which my doc suggested it could have been--but probably didn't directly cause it. It may have been more about eating too much!)

Tupp, thanks for asking. I feel much better about sleep. I'm sometimes still awake way too late, but I don't care about that as much as I did feeling exhausted every morning and as though the sleep wasn't very deep. I believe the new bedtime routine is making a big difference. I'm doing all of it every night and think adding the ashwagandha is doing something. Subtle but real. I'm less anxious!

I managed to have another fall and for the same reason. Learning Experience Alert. When I fell before and cracked my knee it was because I'd left something big and heavy on the floor and after walking safely around it for a week or two, I forgot one night and walked straight into it when I was sleepy. This time, I'd left a full large watering can near the side door to remind me to go out and water things, which I'd really begun slipping on in the high heat.

The REASON I'd left it there was as a visual cue to do it. It might be related to ADD or aging brain, but I'm really dependent on visual cues to remember important things, and even then, in my normal state of distraction or inattentiveness (that's the technical term)...I can simply incorporate the visual cue as another thing to not notice. Frustrating.

So...another thing that's something to be aware of is to slow down and not dash around as I always used to do. One silly reason for the new fall was that although I've asked him repeatedly to give me a day's warning when he's coming to mow again, my lawn guy is on his version of Mexican time, and just doesn't communicate readily. (I also think he's a great person.) So the way I know he's here is when I hear the mower. Then I feel stress because I didn't know he'd be here yesterday, so I leap up and rush to write the check, put it in an envelope and out under the front porch mat, then zip to the kitchen to put two cold beers for him and his helper in my mine-cooler and set it on the patio in some shade.

It was that rushing about that got me in trouble. Got everything done but when I turned back indoors after putting the cooler outside I walked right into the heavy full watering can and it sloshed some water on the cork tile and one way or another, BAM, I slipped and down I went. I landed harrrrd on my tailbone but am confident I didn't crack it. I'm just achy and limping again (also managed to re-wrench the recovered knee on the way down, but I believe that will heal on its own too).

I'm frustrated that taking walks or using my bike will be out for a while. But the silver lining is that this is a wakeup call that I intend to listen to, and also that while I was lying on the floor hurting, I did a calm and controlled few minutes of slow breathing, counting to 5 in and out, and that helped me stay calm and rational.

So I'm pissed at myself but feeling more aware. This is a good time to start reducing portion sizes and being more intentional about diet, since I can't "work off" the extra pounds. I'm tired of my boredom-eating and emotional-eating so hope I take advantage of this annoying Learning Opportunity and really internalized its lessons.

Thanks again for asking, Tupp.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 05, 2020, 10:25:09 AM
Ooh, Hops, that does sound like a nasty crack, I hope you heal up fairly quickly and yes, I get what you mean about leaving things out so you remember them and then forgetting they're there.  I currently have a big plastic crate on the kitchen floor that I'm filling with tins and dried food in case we get another lockdown/panic buying situation over the winter and I can't tell you how many times I've walked into it.  I think our brains do an autopilot thing where we don't bother paying too much attention when we're somewhere we know very well.  I'm glad the sleep is getting a bit better, though.  A CBD bath bomb might help with the aching if they sell them online somewhere?

Just from a purely practical point of view, is there anyway you could install a sprinkler system so that you don't need to worry about watering?  I've no idea if you've got the sort of set up for that but I think you can set them to come on automatically so that you don't need to do anything once it's up and running xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 05, 2020, 11:32:08 AM
Smart idea, Tupp!
I've thought that if I do veggie beds again next summer I will NOT do them unless I get some sort of a watering system in place first. At the moment though, I've just abandoned my garden and I'm okay about it. Whatever rain it gets, it gets, and I'm done hobbling around back there for now.

Once I let go that it has to be done right, I felt better!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 05, 2020, 12:58:23 PM
Hops, m'dear.
It's perfectly OK for you to slow down, take your time, no one is going to expect you move as fast as you think you NEED to... to signal that you care about them. They already know that and are going to understand.

Mike used to say all the time: "Life's too short to be in a big rush all the time". And he lived it too... and it helped me learn to not sweat the small things so blamed much.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 06, 2020, 08:47:17 AM
Smart idea, Tupp!
I've thought that if I do veggie beds again next summer I will NOT do them unless I get some sort of a watering system in place first. At the moment though, I've just abandoned my garden and I'm okay about it. Whatever rain it gets, it gets, and I'm done hobbling around back there for now.

Once I let go that it has to be done right, I felt better!


Yep, letting go of doing things right is hard but it does help.  It is what it is and as it's your garden, well, whatever goes on with it is your business and no-one else's.  As the Queen of planning I did wonder if you can write up his next cheque now and leave it by the door so next time he comes round you don't need to worry about doing it? Then it won't matter whether he lets you know when he's coming, you'll be all prepared! xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 06, 2020, 11:14:54 AM
Thanks, guys (including h/t to Mike) -- very good advice.

Tupp, I was thinking about a pre-prepared check for Esteban just yesterday, which makes excellent sense. I don't have an obvious place to put it where it might not disappear into unsorted bits of paper debris but I'll sort that out. I can just add the date on the day he appears.

Today feels like a good day. I carry a cell-memory of enjoying Sundays. I'm watching my church's service on Zoom (I seldom turn on video so I can watch in nightgown, ha) and see my dear friend there, other familiar faces. Even while I type this, I'm feeling less alone because of the voices, music and the fact that our new minister is doing her part from the sanctuary all by herself. It's nice to see "home" in that way.

The whole sanctuary and other major things have all been redone during the pandemic thanks to a huge bequest from the old man I worked for, for two years, remember him? So that's a nice reminder of something familial-ish too. Looks great, and was always a beautiful space to be in.

I had an hour's Zoom get-to-know-you talk with the new (interim, just a year) minister last week and really like her. So that feels good too. I doubt I'll ever be quite as firmly anchored in the rituals, etc as I used to be, but I'm glad to be plugging back in to a small sense of community on Sundays.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 06, 2020, 12:36:40 PM
That sounds like a very nice day, Hops, and so good to make those connections.  And lovely that the gentleman you looked after gave them some money?  So sweet of him and nice for you to see that being put to good use as well :)

My tidy trick for unsorted or 'needs dealing with' paperwork is to keep it in a box with a lid - an old shoebox will do.  It just means it's all in one place, bits don't get lost and it's not cluttering the place up.  And might it be possible to just blu tac the cheque in envelope to the wall near the door so it's just there but not in the way? xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 06, 2020, 01:52:30 PM
Good tips, Tupp!

I've got some sorting/organizing notions in mind already but I think I'll add the "stick the check on the door" thing. Why not?

Off to work on paper/work.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 07, 2020, 12:19:26 PM
What a relief, huh, ((Hops?))

I'm so glad you're moving happily again.

Many of our group, stbd, are going into the moss to do the back care yoga today.  It was chilly dogs this morning, so waiting till it's just right. 

I SEE where I would have benefitted by having a good routine with this in place, but I don't.
 Oh well. 
We're doing it now... today, and that's cause for celebration and happiness, rather than feeling anything negative over NOT doing it sooner. 

It's OK, and that's how I see it now, just as it's OK for you to begin moving on paperwork,
and not before this time. 

Once we drop the judgment.... once we're as kind to ourselves as we'd be to a small child.... shift is possible.  It's easier, IME.

I think of all the things going on inside our heads..... while we're not actively DOING something, and I'm amazed at all the energy..... intentions...... desire and willingness to see positive change. 

It feels necessary, very often, for that emotional churning to happen, and maybe it happens more quickly when we embrace it, rather than fight and struggle through it?

Not sure, but it feels that way for me, a lot, lately; )


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 07, 2020, 02:01:47 PM
It was nice of old gent, Tupp. He left us (church) around a quarter million. We're using it well. He gave me the opportunity to buy his old car for 1K. Excellent deal, but I had taken care of him kindly and well for the hardest two years of his life. Countless hospital vigils, rush calls, problem solving, laundry, sickness cleanup, meals, etc. And lots of listening. Though I am very grateful I have the car the gratitude is mostly for my good luck that he gave up the keys and allowed me first-in-line offer after he was too sick of things (pain/life in a nursing home) to haggle. I honestly never felt he was being personally generous to me out of caring, though. He would argue with me over a teabag and give me hell for buying the wrong brand of something when the grocery store only had one. (His friends all told him to give me the car but he wasn't emotionally capable. I wasn't surprised. I didn't feel resentful about him being true to his nature, which was pure Scrooge. It was just...here we are again. Somebody gives for the glory, not for generosity. Nmom was the same.)

Bottom line was, truthfully, he was a huge narcissist. Not in terms of vanity, but attention. He craved recognition and praise so left nearly all his million or so to organizations, not individuals. He didn't really connect very closely with individuals. I didn't hold it against him and treated him lovingly anyway, because of the great vulnerability of his age (93) and the physical pain he lived with. Compassion gets me there every time and I also don't think babies are born with plans to become narcissists. Some just do.

Back to Health Updates. Again awake too late but the QUALITY of my sleep has improved a great deal since I started taking the Ashwagandha. As well as the stress response (was really calm after the fall.) I've been taking 200mg morning and bedtime, which is a fairly low dose from what I've read. I just might boost that if I can find good guidelines.

It's an "adaptogen." Very very interesting. Rhodiola has the same reputation.

Anybody ever been on either of these?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 08, 2020, 08:31:46 PM
Butt is waaaaay better. Tailbone twinges but more softly. Clearly no bone damage at all.
Knee is less happy so my walking is hobbly, but I am confident it will heal too. Just probably will always need to be gentle with that knee.

Sleep remains difficult in terms of entering sleep soon enough (and last night was another nearly all-nighter, so I wound up going back to sleep in the morning and not waking until noon, which does frustrate me). BUT...the quality of the sleep is much better and I feel quite different these days when I wake up. Less groggy, less tired, all of that.

Can't help but chalk it up to the ashwagandha, as that's the biggest change. Plus, doing that delivebate 5-ingredient bedtime blast of sleep-supporting things.

May need a alarm clock for a week to move the cycle earlier, but I'm encouraged regardless.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 09, 2020, 07:46:03 AM
Once we drop the judgment.... once we're as kind to ourselves as we'd be to a small child.... shift is possible.  It's easier....

Couldn't agree with you more, Lighter. I have found being in the present moment and being kind to self much much easier to preach than to practice. So little things like a spontaneous mantra do feel like breakthroughs when they happen. I am grateful for every time.

Health progress today....awake shortly after 7am and hopeful to do NO nap and stay busy. That should make sleeping earlier tonight easier too.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 10, 2020, 04:55:44 AM
I also don't think babies are born with plans to become narcissists.

Aw, that was the bit that got me, Hops.  I think being able to keep your own boundaries, make sure you yourself are healthy and having your needs met and still be compassionate and understanding towards other people who are - whatever they are - is such an art form and very difficult to truly be able to manage in life.  Whatever people do, underneath they're just damaged people, whatever the cause may be.  I think that's the bit that's very hard to put into practise in day to day life.  Naturally compassionate people often get chewed up and spit out again by others so finding that balance between looking after yourself and being able to be kind to someone who maybe isn't as thoughtful as you - that's a tough line to walk.  I imagine he did think a lot of you, even to let you have the car at a discount rather than giving it away.  That probably was the ultimate gift in his eyes.  It's all about perception, isn't it?  I'm glad you got a good deal for it, anyway, and so kind of him to leave all that money to your church.  I think that showed he did appreciate everything you did, even if he couldn't show it easily.

And I'm glad your achy bits are a bit less achy!  Good that you seem to be healing up quickly.  I did have a little chortle to myself about a video I watched online.  A chap kept seeing on his home CCTV a lady and her little boy walking their dog past his house every night.  The house has a big, open driveway and the little boy whizzed round it each night on his little bicycle so the guy started drawing a race track out there for him.  People started making suggestions for ways to improve it and word got around to other kids and now he has this really fancy track with hairpin bends and stop over points and all this video of loads of little kids racing along it.  It just made me think we need to paint you a track through the house so you can whizz about whilst avoiding obstacles :) It will satisfy the need to rush without you injuring yourself again :)  In all seriousness, I am glad you're healing quickly and it wasn't a bigger bump that you took.

And the sleep progress sounds good, even though it's not as great as you'd like yet.  But all steps in the right direction and it's great that the sleep itself feels better, even if there's not as much of it as you want just yet.  Hopefully that will come in time xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 10, 2020, 11:23:38 AM
Thanks, (((Tupp))).

Sleep really is getting better. I still notice that it's very easy to throw it awry. I fell into a deep nap in the late afternoon so it was late-night again. But I was still awake by 9am which to me is amazing. This AM I forgot to use the light first thing as you're supposed to, and just now turned it on. So a bit of concern about resetting the brain later a few hours. Dunno. I'll just run it for 20 minutes instead of 30 and see what happens. DEFINITELY helps mood.

I've had years of sleep struggles so need to be both consistent and patient with trying to structure some change.

Tailbone keeps hurting more though--at one point I think it's nearly gone and then wham. I think it's just a bone bruise but OW. No need to x-ray, I read up on it and it's just a whole lotta patience. My strong suit. Not. :)

I saw that video! It was SOOOO sweet. Looked as though the homeowner used sidewalk chalk? Just a simple track and as you said, he starts updating and redoing it with fancy turns and signs. I just LOVED that kindness and play. Reminded me of another recent one about a little boy with both Downs and autism who is obsessed with flags. His parents had a big one and he'd sit just inside the front door and watch it for ages. I think the flowing motion was soothing to him, maybe. Anyway, he really loved one down the block too, and when that neighbor spotted the family stopping there on their walks....well, I'll add the link so you can enjoy it. I teared up. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkXC6vJA8yk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkXC6vJA8yk)

I hope you're feeling well with less back pain and more energy...how's YOUR health? (Easy for an old lady to yak on nonstop about health stuff, let's hear from you, the youngun!)

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 10, 2020, 01:19:25 PM
I didn't realize you fell, Hops.  It's stunning and scary when it happens, but I'm glad you're healing.  We're pretty tough stuff, I guess.

About the deal on the car....I agree with Tupp.  The old gent likely felt the 1000.00 was like giving it away.....for him.

My mother had trouble with that too.  My youngest loved a dress in mom's shop, and mom sold it to us for $130.00.  It was a long vintage dress....and marked higher, I'm sure.  I would have thought Mom would take a beloved grandchild in her lap, love the dress with that child then say...
" Of course, this dress will be yours..."
Create that moment in time of joy for herself and grandchild....one of the last conversations in a time of very limited conversations....moments of touching care....of love....of appreciation from the gent, in your case.

But, no.  They couldn't see it.  Couldn't get beyond their limiting appreciation of worldly things and dollars to SEE who was there, in front of them, loving and appreciating them.

And I do think giving a deal WAS a way they showed love....expressed appreciation...turned towards someone.  It was how the clocks in their heads worked, I guess.  Not like our clocks.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 10, 2020, 02:46:26 PM
I knew him pretty well and he was honestly a castigating old man. He supported hundreds of nonprofits but for peanuts at a time, so settling his estate must've been a nightmare. I shared his values in terms of causes...but interpersonally, he was a N-mare. He would occasionally talk to me with contempt.

I found this kind of hilarious:
The night before he died in the third nursing/rehab place we moved him to (he raged about everything we tried to do for him--at me for two years, at the 'team' for a couple months)....anyway, that night I was visiting him (I did a lot of that during his final hospitalizations, no paid time involved) -- I was holding his hand and listening.

After a bit he said, "Well, if I have to choose between taking a nap and talking to you, I'm going to take a nap." (He wasn't trying to insult me, just informing me...and he was tired.) Those were his last words to me. He passed peacefully of pneumonia the next morning.

Every single person who knew him well burst out laughing when I told them this.

I get it about the "gift" of a 10 y/o car. In his mind, maybe it was. I was sore inside because I really was caring and devoted to his wellbeing, and he never once said thanks. I cleaned up his poo when he was ill and raced around frantically trying to meet all his very detailed (and many illogical) demands. So. I earned every penny and then some. And I wasn't ONLY "hired help", I was also someone in community with him for many years. Cried at his service, even.

Lighter, I completely get it about the dress. To "sell" someone a sentimental or heirloom item? Yikes. Whoo. Was your mom N-ish in other ways, or is that going too far?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 10, 2020, 04:40:38 PM
Weirdly health related, at a stretch:

I have been a huge "voice hog" on the Board today.
Wrote and wrote and wrote. Looked back and asked myself what the volume was about.

I THINK I got it:
Ran the light overlong because I forgot (ADDuuh), and it's very stimulating.
Got excited about a zillion ideas at once.
My brain actually works in the way it works, and sometimes that's almost manic.

Ta da.

Not really a "health" thing in the physical sense. But it relates to racing, and that's why I fell.
I need to listen to my aching tailbone. It's trying to tell me something.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 10, 2020, 08:08:13 PM
Think that was me yesterday Hops. Today I got over-caffinated and it took till 3 pm for me to get my brain to slow down. Each day is different! Thankfully.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 11, 2020, 03:03:35 AM
Weirdly health related, at a stretch:

I have been a huge "voice hog" on the Board today.
Wrote and wrote and wrote. Looked back and asked myself what the volume was about.

I THINK I got it:
Ran the light overlong because I forgot (ADDuuh), and it's very stimulating.
Got excited about a zillion ideas at once.
My brain actually works in the way it works, and sometimes that's almost manic.

Ta da.

Not really a "health" thing in the physical sense. But it relates to racing, and that's why I fell.
I need to listen to my aching tailbone. It's trying to tell me something.


Well Hopsie, for what it's worth, I didn't notice any voice hogging going on - you were just catching up on threads in your usual lovely, helpful way.  It didn't come across as anything more than usual or different to your normal lovely self :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 11, 2020, 12:50:27 PM


There's no kindness in there... a tiny bit of humor, but no kindness.

 It reminds me of your post about "piling on" but I heard pig pile

((Hops)) your voice is a welcome wise, wonderful thing on this board.  Even when you're not feeling strong....

 Even when you're struggling.....
I wonder what's behind it...
 under it. 

I always look forward to hearing your voice.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 11, 2020, 08:58:05 PM
Thank you, Lighter.
Especially for ferreting out self-criticism that wasn't kind or necessary, really. That was perceptive of you.

It's about my lifelong self-consciousness about talking too much, which I feel better about mostly but still bothers me now and then. In meetings in that stressful job, I would look at "NB" which I'd written on the palm at the base of my thumb...it stood for "no blurting." People sometimes noticed I could barely contain myself when meetings went on and on. (Sometimes it was because I'd already figured out the solution but wasn't recognized for contributing what I did. Nboss, no surprise, would later present my ideas as his own.)

I think the "hog" is honestly just my AD[H?]D. I don't normally exhibit the H piece but I definitely feel it some of the time. Loquaciousness is a key feature. M has "the H" so immensely he made me look like a mystic who hadn't spoken a word for years. I'm a lot less self-loathing about that behavior in myself when it rips forth than I used to be, before I had a diagnosis that explained it. (And I don't blame him either, for something neurological that's very hard to control. But it's good to be reminded to be wary of the reflex of shaming myself, as in "voice hog".

Even though I kind of like the expression.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 12, 2020, 03:04:58 AM

My mother was raised without much money.  She was beautiful, popular....a   majorrette and beauty queen.  Certainly the golden child of her mother's eye.  Beloved, but very young , imo, when she married and had children....right out of high school.  She regretted her choices and she shared that regret in the firm of advice to her children....to not marry until after 30.  To stop at 1 child.  I know she didn't mean it the way it came across, but there it is.

The sting of not having enough material things never left her....and she recognized it, though she seemed not to have much control of it. 

As a teen and older, I judged her harshly.  She responded like a golden child, and married a man with more money, love and kindness than my father and they gave themselves to each other, and collecting things for the last 30 years of her life.

When she had no room for more things....she opened little stores and rented storage units and piled one of her homes full of things....and also that garage.  The attic over that garage.

I remember when a large trailer of her belongings arrived....from their mountain house....smelling of mildew.....there were maybe 3 items purchased from every trip they took....going back all those years.  It wasn't just my mother....her dh wanted to buy her things...he collected too.  I had a powerful sadness over letting her things go.....it seemed....
disloyal not to accept and care for what she and sf valued so very much, for so very long.

And those 2 .made a pact to enjoy life to its fullest, they did.  I'm glad now, but their last few years were more difficult bc of the things....the stuff, and their care for it, robbed us all of more connection.  It created hardship I don't want to peck out on my phone.

So.....was my mother Nish?  I don't think she was.

She was a product of her causes and.conditions. She gave us, her 3 children, the things devalued, even if we needed something else.  I can't fault her for doing her best, and I'm sure she did.

I can say I wish I'd known her better, as she was and not wished so hard for her to be something else.  I wish I hadn't wasted so much time and energy judging her, and I did judge.

Lord knows I had a hand in the lack of connection. 

I think I would have liked her a lot if I'd.been able to get my nose off all the pebbles surrounding our relationship.

We were opposites in many ways, which didn't help.  Maybe my obstinate angry child's heart ensured I wasn't very like her.  I'm still puzzling it all out, but I'm at peace with who she was now.

I will say this....I was shocked at a dream I had after her death.  My sister and I were babies, maybe 9 mo old, crying at her knees....trying to crawl up, get her to pick us up.  Truly, I was so surprised, bc I have no memories of that, or really any mothering from her.

I guess I blocked them or they weren't what a baby needed.  She was so young.

It must have shocked her to give up her Miss Ohio crown to become a young wife and mother of twins before her 21st birthday.  She married another golden child.  They knew nothing about parenting, discipline or the phases children pass through.  And they weren't getting their own needs met. 

My father liked to make her cry.  He'd say mean things about her parents.....until she stopped crying.  He was judgmental and I can understand why she left him.

 He was glad she married someone who loved and cared for her though.

He cried when I told him about mom's death.  I think he had a good deal of regret.  I think he understood on some level....he had a hand in the ugly dis integration of our family....poor guy.  His misogynistic uncles influenced him a good deal.  Yuck. 

So much wasted time.  People get twisted and bent by childhood, then we're surprised by the dents and missing pieces....unable to see and accept what was there and ask why....then accept that and move past it, IME.  We take it with us.  Carry it.  It rides us, steers us....compels us to solve it in the present, which is impossible, if course.

Trauma loops. 

The brain wires and then we don't notice, or can't see it, often till it's just too late, IME.

It's new and interesting to see it without all the judgment and guilt over judging, IME.

Such a relief.



Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 12, 2020, 08:52:52 AM
That's a very mature and tender portrait of your mother, and even father, Lighter.
"A product of her causes and conditions" is so apt.

I think there's no force in nature stronger, most of the time, than a child's love (or need) for parents. Our automatic assumption that it's always the other way around is faulty, I think.

Twins before 21? She was a child herself. Your dream of babies begging to be seen....ouch.

I'm glad you forgave both parents, for your own peace. But I'm very sorry she bordered on hoarding. That is an exhausting thing to leave behind. I've watched some of the A&E episodes. The people most broken by it seem to be the adult children, who feel so helpless and devastated. Or feel guilty because they simply had to stop trying. The parent consumed by consumption usually seems numb, lost in an interior craving, just like an addict.

Golden children with golden crowns, craving more trinkets. Confusing beauty and trinkets with worth because a starved culture told them it was so. Trophies and attention and consumption without happiness. These days, I seldom feel angry at individuals but I get really upset at our CULTURE.

I swear, every generation produces damaged children, but I think the advent of television is a demarcation point for so much that is negative. Now with the bottomless internet, it's a miracle when a child remains free of that confusion or poisoning, imo. I truly believe that one day our culture will look back at the first few internet generations and recognize that we exposed our children to socially-nuclear radiation and it was NOT safe.

My father grew up very privileged but also very well loved. Involved grandparents down the block, no TV, loving parents. The family took their religion very seriously and for them, being decent and kind was the most important thing. He was never materialistic or a show off. (Well, there was one new car with ginormous FINS, lol...but even then, a tasteful beige.)

Mom had nothing as a child, and transferred her longings into a craving for education and respect more powerful than anything. She did love elegance and lovely clothes--but not many of them. Normal sized, pre-walkin closet! Same clothes and suits for many many years. For her, it was gracious social rituals and a tasteful-not-lavish home that made her feel acceptable. When she worked as a nanny for the president of a famous university at one point, she learned it all. She must've memorized Emily Post/Amy Vanderbilt. Social insecurity never fully left her though.

You have heard and perceived your parents' human stories, Lighter. That's the best thing. And the rest is to take the years to hear and perceive our own. Never boring, that's for sure!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 20, 2020, 09:10:09 PM
Just want to whine....
The tailbone's slowly but steadily healing (bone bruise).
What's causing WAY more pain is the knee that got re-injured, wrenched more or less.

That's causing more problems, because:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVoPG9HtYF8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVoPG9HtYF8)

I'm wobbling even with the knee support on, and getting up and down for chair/toilet/bed is miserable. The knee feels worse.

I eventually HAVE to move around to take care of myself/dog/bring in groceries, etc. and it's just a .... literal .... pain.

So. Thanks for listening.
Nothing for it but patience and I will get through it.

Can't wait to be able to walk more than 10 feet again. Soooo frustrated.

If knee doesn't get better or at least seem headed in the right direction I'll have to go see an ortho. Ugh.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 21, 2020, 04:04:00 AM
I'm sorry, Hops.  That kind of pain is horrible to deal with, especially when it restricts what you can do so much.  I'd be inclined to make that appointment anyway - if it does miraculously clear up then you can just cancel it if you don't need it anymore.

CBD cream on the area?  Might help a little (or oil straight on to the skin of you've still got some of that).  Would crutches or a stick help a bit?  Just for a wee while until it gets a bit stronger?  Are you taking any kind of pain relief for it, just to give you a bit of respite for a while?  I hope it starts to feel better soon, it's horrible when these things take so long to get better xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 21, 2020, 08:38:28 AM
Thanks, Tupp. I looooove sympathy!

I'm taking ibuprofen once or twice a day, often at night. Takes the edge off.

I'm not convinced anything topical will do a lot but I might rub some of my CBD oil on it to see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion. Also you're right, I could make an appt with a "joint doc" to see what's advised. Just hate going indoors at the moment though hospitals etc. should be safer than anywhere....

I do think a stick might make sense right now. I still have the Old Gent's cane in the trunk of the car, so that's probably a good idea. Anything to stabilize my walking so the knee doesn't just wobble back and forth. Thank you!

Already better.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 21, 2020, 10:47:52 AM
You can have mountains of sympathy from me any time :)

Yes, I agree re the topical, might not do anything but equally can't hurt.  I'm a bit old hippy in my thinking and I just like rubbing stuff when something doesn't feel well, just the motion makes me feel like I'm looking after it and that just helps me a bit.

Docs here are doing phone or online consultations before accepting patients in the building so might be worth enquiring as to whether they can triage over the phone - maybe that from what you tell them they know there's nothing they can suggest other than what you're already doing (so frustrating when time is the only thing that will help!).  I share your concern re going inside but I'm kind of hoping the doctors stick to online or phone unless absolutely necessary to see someone, I've found dealing with son's medical matters much easier since we don't have to actually go in and see anyone.  Regardless - I hope something can be done/suggested and that it starts to feel better soon.  The cane sounds fancy :)  You could start wearing a top hat and pretending to be Ginger Rogers :)  Lol xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on September 21, 2020, 12:55:33 PM
Maybe a good knee brace to sturdy up the knee for a while, Hops?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 21, 2020, 05:57:13 PM
Good ideas, y'all.
I may do another Zoom with doc (or even just send him an email--he tracks the way I describe stuff really well and will fire off a short cogent reply).

I do wear a knee support of sorts--got two from old gent. One's just a stretchy elastic sock- like thing; the other is a little more substantial with velcro. But neither is rigid (or partly rigid) so that may be a next step--to get a really serious brace that will stabilize the knee nonstop. And neither may be quite the right fit for me, though he was a small old man and I figure our knees were maybe of a similar size.

It's easy to cheat (not put it on) when just doing a short walk in the house but probably not smart.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on September 21, 2020, 07:17:16 PM
Doc may be able to tell just from a really good description of what you did to knee - the best way to treat at home. If you twisted it awkwardly - one thing; if you banged the knee cap hard; another. That kind of thing.

I re-injured the same knee I pulled something in, during middle school gymnastics. Yeah, I was so flexible & competitve I was a show-off. Paid for it too. Both times, slow intentional (ie, paying attention to how I moved; propriception) walking was how I helped it. But then, the first time I was still very young. Second time, not so young... and the one-legged stances of tai chi were impossible for longer than I wanted. I still don't trust that knee - or that ankle either. Good to go on my right leg. LOLOL.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2020, 10:42:15 AM
Saw my doc this morning about a hard lymph node in my neck that hasn't changed for weeks (perhaps more). Anyway, he found another swelling on the other side I hadn't detected and I think he's thinking about cancer. He's not much of a poker face and didn't come up with other explanations except POSSIBLE: 1-some form of lymphoma or 2- some form of head or neck cancer.

I'm having a CT scan this afternoon. Wish me luck...

If it's bad news, I'll cope. My friend who died earlier this year had "chronic lymphoma" for years (I think non-Hodgkins) and until it came back strong a couple years back, she was able to work, travel and enjoy life anyway.

That might be a best-case hope but I'll be learning more whatever it is. My first thought when I got home was Pooch, and between M (who adores her and wants a dog) and another close friend, something will work out.

I've also been thinking of updating will/trust/Powers of Atty (health and financial) anyway, so made an appt with my attorney to do that in early November.

Mind's racing a little bit but I'm going to try to take one bit of information at a time. (Or not...since I'm already reading up.)

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 23, 2020, 03:27:47 PM
Hopsie, it goes without saying that we all hope very much that this isn't anything serious.  Very difficult to stop the mind from racing at a time like this so I hope they are able to give you more information soon and that you can tell us as soon as you hear something.  Thinking of you, keeping everything crossed and sending love and luck your way xx xx xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2020, 04:30:21 PM
Thanks, (((((Tupp)))))).

I really had a good day, despite the scan and doc and all.
Good friend called wanting to take me to lunch downtown and it was safe and gorgeous and I got to see my beloved Mall, hadn't since March. It's diminished, cafes wise, but not completely changed. We sat in the shade and talked our heads off and split a bottle of Turkish white wine, very yum.

Another friend called later and was very supportive and another friend is coming with her dogs in an hour, so I think gorgeous weather and people reaching out (before I told them all this stuff) just make me feel lucky and grateful and good.

Those feelings are good ones and I hope to tap into them often if weather (life or nature) turns dark. One never knows and I AM a lucky person--especially to be able to vent about everything here!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2020, 04:52:58 PM
AAAAAND....my good dear doc called and the neck lumps fooled both of us!

The CT scan showed that they are anatomical oddities (when a tiny bone beneath makes an area feeling hard for some reason) that mean.....NOTHING!

It's nothing, it's nothing, it's nothing!! (Insert happy dancing emojis....)

In a way I'm grateful for the scare because it re-launched me into gratitude and joy and appreciation for so many things that were beautiful today during the scary wait:

the dear doc
an extraordinarily beautiful fall day
a patio lunch with a friend who really needed to get out
a recognition of how rich and fortunate I am in so many ways that matter

All in all, a little scare was like a positive spiritual adjustment. I needed that.

Thanks for listening to me worry, as y'all always so patiently do.

Much hugging,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 24, 2020, 01:02:49 AM

This is one time I'm glad I missed out on a series of posts and got the end-result in one reading. I am so happy this turned out to be nothing Hops. It's not been a terribly good day here so it helps your day turned out so well.

Hugs, dear.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 24, 2020, 04:05:06 AM
Thanks, (((((Amber))))).
That's a very kind response.
(I'm kind of embarrassed about the false alarm here...such drama.)

I'm trotting right over to Farm Life to find out what's up.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 25, 2020, 01:25:26 PM
I'm so glad you got a good answer, Hops, and so impressed it was that fast!  That would take weeks here, I'm astonished that it all got done so quickly.  What a relief.  But also good that it brought good, nice things into focus as well, we all need that from time to time.  Keeping fingers crossed that there are no more health scares coming now :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on October 27, 2020, 01:19:05 AM
I'm so glad you're OK, ((Hops!))
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 27, 2020, 11:34:18 AM
Thanks, Tupp and thanks, Lighter.

Well it was a strange way to have a joyful day,
but in some weird way it woke me up.

I urgently needed waking up and it really was a
good reminder of how grateful I am to be alive,
so how about living more consciously....

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on October 29, 2020, 01:43:01 AM
Cleaning out my late father's house is one gut punch after another....but gentle punches.

All the reminders and reminders are here.

All I can do about it is live my life focused on the important stuff. 

We know better now, ((Hops. ))

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 29, 2020, 09:22:27 AM
Hope some hugs come along with the gut punches, Lighter.

I told my T one effect of the health-scare week was to motivate me more
about downsizing/sorta-minimizing and getting my life in better order.

The idea of someone finding everything decluttered, neat and
pleasant makes the fear of the end much smaller. Like leaving
a present behind. (Which of course I am, for my D.)

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on October 30, 2020, 06:10:34 PM

Something shifted for me.  Things are much better......moving forward.  No regrets.  Fully grounded in the here and now: )

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 31, 2020, 08:43:10 AM
Good for you, Lighter.
Pulled yourself out of a painful past.
I don't know what that hurt was, but I'm
sorry you ever had to carry it.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 06, 2020, 01:25:08 PM
I've been short of breath with shooting chest pains (related to the SOB and muscle tightness) all day.

It's the election. Verrrrrry hard to step away from watching and worrying.

I think we're turning the corner toward sanity, but not celebrating yet. PTSD from the previous election.

We have years of struggle ahead to educate and calm extremists on either side, and some will never be moved and are dangerous. Plus we have to rebuild so much that got broken.

Meanwhile, I took CBD oil and have a friend coming by later.

So much stress and tension in the U.S. for so very long. If the right outcome happens, I hope the whole country (including me) learns to breathe again. And be kind to each other. I worry that the internet will just continue to misinform and feed conspiracy, knownothingitis (no trusting science or educated "elites", resentments galore). I believe FOX News is evil and its advertisers should be boycotted. They're irredeemably disingenuous and have harmed this country terribly. Same goes for other media, even many I like, because of the sexism they unleashed on HRC and how readily they lapped up DJT's "entertainment" and drama and used it as news.

All that doesn't belong on a health updates thread (and I apologize for not keeping it apolitical, which is a positive practice here) but it's all of a piece. Stress is a health issue. These anxiety symptoms are scary and painful but it will get better. CBD oil has already helped a good bit. Venting here helps always. Thanks!

Not needing advice, just wanted to let it out.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on November 06, 2020, 01:58:01 PM
No advice, Hops, but empathy in spades.  I agree that media, in all it's forms, has become very toxic and disingenuous over the years.  In the UK (I don't know if it's the same over there) I feel there has been a lot of 'dumbing down' in the general population over the last thirty years or so.  A lot of people seem to wait to be told what to do instead of trying to figure things out for themselves or finding another way to do something, but also educational standards seem to have dropped.  There seems to be a lack of critical thinking or even robust questioning now (and I don't mean that to sound like anyone who has a different opinion to me must be wrong, just that some of the arguments I hear could be dismantled by a reasonably competent twelve year old or five minutes of fact checking online).

I hope the chest pains recede; never nice to experience those.  And that you have a nice time when your friend comes over later xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 06, 2020, 07:57:57 PM
FOX seems to be resisting irrational reactivity, imo.

I'm with you, Hops.....the country needs healing.  What are we modeling for future generations?  I hope we can remember we're all connected.

I see how...that's pretty naive.

Lots of combative energy and blind reactive rage and divisiveness won't be healed quickly.

We can model grace and humility....I'll strive to be as consistently compassionate as you, ((Hops.))

Breathe.  Ask your pain what it needs you to look at.  Listen to it.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2020, 07:31:10 AM
At 70, it's harder to convince yourself that chest pains and shortness of breath are heartburn and asthma, but even if that's so....they build into free-floating anxiety and even panic mode. Ugh.

I thought I'd never get to sleep because the shooting pains are so random and often happen as I try to sleep. Played a hypnosis YouTube all night and it helped.

In the past when I had SO much anxiety this kind of symptom pileup would go on for days/weeks/months. Hope I can continue to self-calm and not panic at each jab.

Don't need advice or instructions on how to meditate/breathe etc -- just the comfort of my friends!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 07, 2020, 11:49:09 AM
How scary for you, ((Hops.))

I've never experienced ongoing fear my heart was going to fail....only hours, never days or weeks.  Just terrifying. 

I'm glad the YouTube hypnosis vid helped.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on November 07, 2020, 12:09:29 PM
At 70, it's harder to convince yourself that chest pains and shortness of breath are heartburn and asthma, but even if that's so....they build into free-floating anxiety and even panic mode. Ugh.

I thought I'd never get to sleep because the shooting pains are so random and often happen as I try to sleep. Played a hypnosis YouTube all night and it helped.

In the past when I had SO much anxiety this kind of symptom pileup would go on for days/weeks/months. Hope I can continue to self-calm and not panic at each jab.

Don't need advice or instructions on how to meditate/breathe etc -- just the comfort of my friends!


Well we just got the election result here, Hopsie, so I'm hoping that will ease your breathing and chest pains now :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 07, 2020, 01:21:43 PM
Chest is still a little tight but I've had many good, full breaths since the news and the pings and pangs are nowhere to be found.

Funny how an election can affect health but god, what a relief. Really enjoying the scenes of joy in the streets...WAY too close together but they're all wearing masks!

Loooooong road ahead. This is just a break, a day to feel the relief.

My young ex-Muslim friend and her raised-Hindu hubby are coming over at 2:00 to hang out and yak and drink beer.

Sun's out!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on November 08, 2020, 06:50:54 AM
Glad it's easing off, Hopsie, and that you're feeling a little better.  Hope you enjoyed your time with your friends xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on November 08, 2020, 09:54:45 AM
The theory about psychosomatic reactions is a pretty danged REAL thing Hops. In some people, even stronger than the placebo effect.

I half suspect, that one of the influences on Buck's improving health is that he's no longer contemplating the end of his life totally alone and miserable. Because of a series of betrayals - across the spectrum of severity - he also was feeling abandonment. There is some lingering insecurity; a conviction that somehow it's his fault. But it's starting to fall away now. And he's coming out of his shell. Kinda mirrors something I've noticed about me, too.

I've been a bit under the weather this week too. My mistake was working outside in the gale force wind in the cold; all the old pollen in the woods got stirred up and I just stayed in bed feeding my body's production of copious amounts of snot - when I wasn't sneezing - and being a total slug. The total chaos & uncertainty surrounding the election didn't help one bit.  Validity matters more to me, than who wins - IF it's fair & square.

Respect for Rule of Law - and equal application of it - matters more to me than that. Western civilization is built on that principle - since the Magna Carta. (Not that it was always adhered to throughout history.)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 08, 2020, 12:31:15 PM
Amen to that, Amber!

Psychosomatic illness is still illness, beyond theoretical. The thing is, whether it's anxiety or asthma or some combo that first triggers the difficulty breathing, you're actually having difficulty breathing...and that strains the heart, if unresolved contributes to sedentaritude, and even can cause other cascades of real problems.

I had MAJOR breathlessness and relentless chest pain over and over in my 20s, enough to seek help. Once I understood more about panic attacks (and breathing into a bag to slow the hyperventilation and fix the blood chemistry) it became less frightening. But the SOB and pain were real.

Just as they were the other night. Fortunately the pain eased once I used the sleep/hypnosis program and I knew at the time it was all election-anxiety symptoms. But I don't view those as "psychosomatic" exactly. Real is real, whatever the initial prompt. Like PTSD.

Semantics. I share your joy that Buck is doing better, and the reasons make so much sense!! He's with you, in beauty and nature, and feeling freedom after such a long time. I'm really so verrrrry happy for him and you both.

No more Amazon-in-cold-gale-laboring, 'kay? Nothing to prove. Nothing so urgent it can't be postponed. Be good to yourself.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Bettyanne on November 08, 2020, 06:21:15 PM
Oh gosh Hopalong I sure hope your ok.......and I think its good you have this monitor and I am sure eating right or should I say the right foods will help.......I surely hope.
I grew up in a house where food was something my dad threw together as the boss my mother did next to nothing.......
But what's important here is YOU.....and I pray you will be OK....
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 08, 2020, 06:30:23 PM
Thanks, ((((Bettyannne)))).

I really am doing well. It was just a bad night, culmination
of politics anxiety. Virtually ALL better today!

My nutrition's in pretty good shape; exercise plan just re-starting.
It's all okay.

I'm so relieved and happy today that my stress level is waaaaaay down.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 29, 2021, 11:25:01 PM
Well, dang. Another episode of aphasia this morning (detected by confusion when I went to make breakfast and was a bit lost, plus aphasia--difficulty word-finding). It did not last more than a half hour or maybe 45 minutes, but it was the same symptom I had before the stroke in June 2019 so I knew I had to go to the hosp.

Long story short, long day in ER (emergency room, now called ED, for dept). As ever most of the time was waiting but the staff were wonderful. Tired but caring and very careful about Covid. And it wasn't crowded or overrun. So I had a CT and an MRI and bunch of blood work, and the upshot was no stroke. Best news possible. No brain bleed visible either. Vague possible cause, not confirmed, is cerebral vascular spasm.

Not a good thing to have with family and my own history of stroke, but to me seems a clear risk if I get too busy or emotionally stressed (which I have been, along with half the planet).

M was very kind and drove me both ways, and now I'm tucked up with Pooch and going to sleep my troubles away. All is well, I am grateful, and am ready to calm down with politics news and do more simple, slow, self-nurturing things. No more friend drama either...we've all got our limits and I hit mine I think.

I also have over-volunteered lately. New connections and meetings actually made me very happy but I get quite over-stimulated and evidently, dammit, that's not good for my brain. I need a slower mental pace and simple rhythms. AND more discipline about walking, wine, diet and ... damn damn as it's worse than heroin, my faithful nicotine gum.

(No advice needed on that one, it's painful to admit what a junkie I am. It's one of the things that ain't good for hearts, though nowhere as bad as smoking. Sigh.)

Pooch thinks the only thing wrong with me was that her dinner was hours late. She's sulking. LOL.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on January 30, 2021, 04:10:37 AM
I'm glad it wasn't a stroke, Hopsie, but sorry you've had to go through this.  It's very worrying, however calm everyone else is.  I'm glad that the ED wasn't too busy and that precautions are being taken.  More stress whilst getting checked over doesn't help.  And yes, I understand completely how social connections and attempts to interact with people are necessary and welcome, but can also be stressful and increase other problems.  And I do think that just now we're all heightened and that for some that increases reactions, for others it lessens them.  It's a difficult time for everyone.  Won't offer advice re addiction/comfort patterns - I know with my own situation I know what I ought to be doing, it's just sometimes too much of a jump between what I should do and what I am doing.  Hard to manage (especially during a pandemic!) but you will know yourself that baby steps do good and Pooch is there, even if she is cross that she didn't get her dinner :)  I hope the sleep helps and that you feel rested and comfortable afterwards, and pop back in soon to let us know how you're getting on xx xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2021, 09:43:43 AM
Thanks, ((((Tupp)))).

Still don't feel normal on the left side of my head this morning. Not pain, but vague pressure. Tinnitus is roaring since the MRI was so loud, even with their huge headphones. Hope it calms down a notch because it can be a torment, but I'll work on calm about that too. (In hindsight I wish I'd thought to take foam earplugs to wear as well, although planning when you're scared isn't always easy.)

Well so far, words are coming out okay! Pooch is doing Nap #1 (of about 15) in her daily sunstream, and watching her glow like a huge, theatrically-lit apricot on her little blue throw is one of my favorite sights. Sunlight on her fur is actually golden and very bright this time of day. Any day the sun is out it's a visual and heartbeat treat.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 30, 2021, 11:33:28 AM
Oh Hops....

I'm so sorry to read this, but I'm GLAD it wasn't very serious. Yes, I think your idea of a slower pace makes absolute sense. Especially, for cognitive tangles. I get them too. If I don't proofread my posts - and sometimes even when I do - there are typos & glitches. Slowing down helps. Being excited, or stressed, or extremely emotional really messes with me.

I am having trouble accepting that I can't move effectively, efficiently, and as fast juggling multiple things like I used to. On a good day - 3 things at once is pushing it!!   ;)  And with a cellphone, and sometimes both Hol & B being overly chatty texting at the same time, trying to actually read/respond to a post is a challenge.

Please rest, and take care - and try to come to terms with maybe not as frequent a connection schedule for a bit.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2021, 11:50:26 AM
Thanks ((((Amber)))).

The thing is that aphasia is a distinct event related to blocked blood flow in the brain rather than a passing loss of focus on accuracy with words or writing, or even transient word retrieval issues, which are quite normal with aging. I've experienced the racing typos and glitches you mention but they're not quite the same thing, really. Everyone I know is aggravated by not being able to retrieve a noun or a name now and then. That's normal.

Whether stroke or TIA or cerebral artery spasm, aphasia in an otherwise healthy and not very elderly person is not psychological or pace-based -- in the moment, at least. This one happened as I woke from a long night's sleep. It wasn't associated with racing or doing too much.

Its key feature isn't getting your chosen words correct, it's in knowing where a garden-variety word is for an extended time, why it doesn't come up when you call on it. It's not normal-aging forgetfulness or short-term memory loss. It's more frightening. It's -- I have lost the capacity to communicate or even think clearly, which is the terror of confusion). I was disoriented in my kitchen. I had wandered in thinking of my tea, but the idea of knowing what to do and how to start, or even how to verbalize what was wrong, was something I couldn't organize.

I don't know, but I believe that this was a brief experience of what people with serious dementia must experience day after day. I'm incredibly glad it was transient. I'm trying not to think about how one day, with a stroke if that happens, it may not be.

Mercifully it was over and results were good yesterday. I'd like a better diagnosis and clear path if there is one, but there is nothing to prevent me trying to do better every day with the things I DO know to do.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on January 30, 2021, 12:08:29 PM
I've been away and missed your scare, ((Hops.))

So glad it wasn't a stroke.  Happy M was helpful to you.

Hear hear to editing out stress and risks. 

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2021, 02:50:28 PM
Thanks, ((((Lighter)))), I really appreciate that.

You've been away doing remarkable things! Dizzyingly productive and creative. Bravo.

I'm much better and calmer and making peace with the small tweaks life done brung.
But I still enjoy reading about grander ones.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on January 30, 2021, 03:52:29 PM
It all sounds very scary, Hops.  I hope the tinnitus and pressure feeling ease off a bit (no, I don't think I'd have thought to pack ear plugs, either!).  Are they doing more tests in the hope of a more definite diagnosis or is it a 'wait and see' sort of situation?  Do you think there was any kind of warning before it happened, looking back, or did you feel fine one minute and then confused the next?  I hope you're feeling a bit better now and that Pooch has forgiven her late feed :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2021, 04:26:37 PM
The symptoms arrived as I woke up from a long night's sleep. And went in the kitchen, feeling wrong, to make tea. A challenge I couldn't manage because as I mentioned, I was confused. Immediately afterward I went to email (or here, actually, which was where I drafted a garbled line and never posted because I knew then I was in trouble).

I don't have a certain diagnosis but that's often the way when tests don't reveal one. I'll wait to see what a neurologist says when they send a summary. My guess is whatever it may have been, lifestyle changes are the cure anyway. Or there may be no cure but a twist of genetics. My mother had a big stroke, which is why I need to wake up and pay attention.

No more tests are recommended so far. I think I'm on my own about the self-care stuff I was talking about. Less worry and intensity, simpler space, and stress reducing measures.

It's likely that friendship and that kind inner voice and my T and exercise would do more for me than anything else. Just recognizing I was feeling unrecognized stress because of the pileup of Zooms the night before was interesting. Because as I mentioned, those meetings were very satisfying to me. But. They were all three quite intense, and that's made me contemplate how I actually am. Too sensitive to manage that much all at once.

No concrete answers and no certainty is just what life is, I think. Making peace with whatever is, is what I need to do.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Meh on January 30, 2021, 06:41:01 PM
Hope you feel better Hops.

I get Tinnitus also, I assume it started with a stadium concert I went to when I was younger or chronic ear infections as a young child. For myself it seems that it's related to blood pressure/allergies somehow. I had not realized that tinnitus might be causing all these following problems. Who knew.

I found the following interesting:

Source is Mayo Clinic


Tinnitus can significantly affect quality of life. Although it affects people differently, if you have tinnitus, you may also experience:

Sleep problems
Trouble concentrating
Memory problems
Anxiety and irritability
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 30, 2021, 09:09:33 PM
I know, Posh, isn't it amazing what tinnitus can do?
I try not to think about it and can distract myself most of the time.
Often I have to fall asleep with the laptop still on if the volume is up.

Mine was caused by a 10-minute noise exposure about 20 years ago.
I was editorial director at a publishing company and for some reason
wound up going on an expedition to a paper company next state over.
I was the lone woman I think (or maybe there was one other) being
toured around the plant by about five male managers. I'm still mad
at myself for not speaking up. Anyway, we were guided into an enormous
space with about 8 machines each the size of a couple locomotives and
all were running. There were signs around about Ear Protection and I
did see them, but meanwhile the men I was with just stood there talking
and explaining and they had no ear protection so I didn't speak up. Rue
the day. Ten minutes later we walked out of that area and my ears have
been ringing and hissing ever since. Various drugs can make it worse too,
and what aggravates me is that so few carry warnings of ototoxicity, even
when it's obvious and the anecdotal accounts are overwhelming.

Ah well. Another life lesson. (Dear Universe: I've had plenty now, thanks.)


PS I can relate to that loud concert making you wonder. I remember being conscious of it once earlier when, OH THE IRONY, I was at an outdoor concert at my U's big courtyard and the group had the largest speakers I had ever seen and I remember the sound hurt. And they were singing some chorus that went:
STOP! POLLUTION! and I remember thinking then....uhh, what about noise pollution? So I was conscious of it back then, before the paper mill. But still stood there like a dodo, pun intended.

I so regret not protecting my hearing but we weren't well educated in how important that was. My ears are so sensitive now that I carry foam earplugs everywhere and often jam them in even in restaurants. Movies? Always. Doesn't stop tinnitus but stops new damage. Unfortunately I didn't think of taking them for the MRI. Hard to be organized when I'm scared.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on January 31, 2021, 03:03:57 AM
Amazing how one event can have such a long term effect, Hops, I would hope that these days everyone would be told to wear ear protectors and that would be that.  There are some advantages to constant health and safety intervention.  How are you feeling today?  It does all sound very unsettling but I think you are right - self care, spacing interactions out, exercise, T sessions, kindness - all very necessary but we do all over look them.  I'm glad Pooch is there to sit around looking pretty :)  I think there's so much tension everywhere just now that we probably all need to try to take it down a notch and acknowledge that for now we need plenty of quiet and easy to manage stuff.  I'm finding nature documentaries helping me at the moment; I usually love crime drama but everything made up feels less unrealistic than real life, which is weird.  So I'm finding the nature stuff soothing (and there is something very meditative about Sir David Attenborough's voice, just very rhythmic and easy to listen to).

I hope today is calm and soothing for you, Hops.  I do wonder sometimes if we're all very used to having to do something in order to fix things - but sometimes I think you need to not do things, and that feels counterintuitive? Anyway, I hope you are feeling better very soon xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 31, 2021, 08:53:35 AM
Thanks, ((((Tupp))))).
I'm calm and physically okay today. Just lonesome.
A scare like that heightens feelings of vulnerability but
I'm warm and safe. Mornings are a time I'd like to be cozy
with a partner.

The good news is we're having a big snowfall and the flakes
just changed from narrow skinny gray-looking ones to big puffy
fat flakes you could build snowpeople out of. Wish my back were
up to it but it's still a treat to watch it fall. I have a fence line with
tangled mulberry trees (they're always "tangled" so many people
scorn them, but I like their wildness and they rain free organic berries!).
They look magical in the snow.

Pooch comes dashing back in from her duty hopping around like an
excited kid. Now, plonk. Up for the first nap...maybe I'll send her back
out to make me a snow dog.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on January 31, 2021, 11:44:05 AM
I'm watching the snow accumulate this morning too Hops. We're expecting 8-12 inches. I have a big fat Freddy cat FINALLY napping on the bed with me... Hol's at the hut being silly.

I've started reading the books B sent me about stories/life in the W. N. Carolina mountains. It's all familiar to me from many other readings I've done. He doesn't know that of course.  ;)  Not yet. He does know I lived in the state for 6 years and never got out there - and I'm expecting a tour someday.

Moved on to yet another period tv series: now I'm following the melodramatic adventures of the Poldarks. LOLOL. I'm just not up for anything much else right now. And I limit how much I watch... rationing it. LOL. I might do something today... I might not.

Stinker thinks he has superpowers - even with the dislocated kneecap, he jumps on top of my kitchen cabinets. And of course I display some old pitchers and other assorted crockery up there... so I've pulled all those down and will clean the tops of the cabinets again... wash the crockery... and wait for him to outgrow this stage or go outside.  Vacumning and dusting are available too... and that usually get me "editing" my space again.

Well, maybe some brunch or lunch is the order of the moment too. Perhaps.

Days like this are like floating down a wide slow river on an inner tube...
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on January 31, 2021, 01:07:50 PM
Oooooo, yes.
Love thinking about you relaxing for a change, with Freddy and Stinker and the mountain getting covered in magic.

So pleasing. SO beautiful. So essential for the soul.
I gripe about cold every single winter and then this happens and I think, how lost I'd be without four seasons.

I enjoyed Poldark a lot, delighted for you!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 02, 2021, 01:08:23 PM
The snow was good for my mind. I'm sorry it's going away so fast.

I still am not sure why mental/emotional intensity (happy or sad) is risky for my brain. Don't like that. But...gotta face whatever is and go from there.

I've asked the neurologists if my follow-up appt (routine after going to the ED) could be over Zoom, since they already have voluminous info from that day. They're looking into it. If not, I'll go it, but this state is pretty red-alert on the new Covid surge right now. So if it's avoidable, rather avoid.

In fact, though I believe all will be well, when I was in my little ED room which had no door but a curtain, and crossed the hall back from the bathroom, I noticed staff donning PPE and the woman in the space next to me (it had a glass door) was having a red sticker placed on her door. Aaack. I asked (via "MyChart" which has worked really well for after-visit Q & As, I've found--actual nurses and/or doctors, depending on the query--write you back pretty quickly) whether I'd been exposed to Covid then and he said it sounded like my guess was correct but he thought it unlikely that I could've been significantly exposed since I wasn't in the room. Trust he's right, but I'll feel better after 2 weeks since going there have passed.

Poor M was a little freaked out by even picking me up from the hospital, even though I'd made very clear I'd take a cab...but he insisted...so I sat in his back seat wearing two masks and with windows open. Confession: because he's quite anxious about exposure I didn't mention to him about the woman next door. No point. He's exposing himself to NOTHING (nor am I) so if either he or I come down with it, which I'm not expecting, I'll fess up then. But why scare him in the meantime?

In the present, I feel pretty good today. Slept well, back in sync with non-bat hours right now. And felt enough energy to tidy up kitchen and get a few more things done. At night, alone, the scary-thought-parade about future stroke can start, but I'll try to distract.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on February 03, 2021, 05:46:05 AM
Well done with the tidying up and getting things done, Hopsie.  I find that sort of thing does calm my mind a bit.  Sorry that the lady in the next room was possibly Covid positive but I think the doc is right; very little chance of exposure if you weren't in the room with her.  And yes, probably best not to alarm M for no reason just now.

I find with my son that his brain and central nervous system react the same way to additional stimulus whether it's enjoyable or not.  A trip to a theme park (his all time favourite thing to do) can wear him out just as much as a trip to the hospital (which he finds stressful and uncomfortable).  So I wondered if something similar happens with the ADD and if any kind of additional stimulus is additional (and therefore difficult for your nervous system to process), regardless of whether it's good stimulation or not.  No idea if that is a 'thing' but it's just something I've noticed in my son over the years.  I don't know if it would be a factor in what you've been experiencing.  Perhaps neuro team might have some insight when you speak to them next (hopefully over Zoom.  I've found doing medical things online or over the phone so much easier than going in - I'm hoping they stick to it where possible in future).

I hope you're resting and enjoying Pooch even if you are missing the snow now :)  Ours was very brief and a very light fall and Spring has sprung now!  Lots of buds on the trees, bulbs coming up in people's gardens, birds singing and a very friendly cat when I was out walking this morning :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 03, 2021, 08:36:43 AM
Thanks, Tupp. That's a great observation about over-stimulation and it's making a lot of sense to me.

I was in a brief email round with one of the neuros I saw in the ED and he pointed out that there was some concern about TIA (or mini-stroke) although no damage showed up on the MRI. I know my mother's brother had multiple TIAs, and she herself wound up with a big stroke at the end of life (after my brother had dragged her all over town one afternoon which was way too much for her at 97).

So I'm thinking your observation is seriously spot on. It may be (I hope) that if I can concentrate on ways to calm my CNS and sort of build a lifestyle around that, I might reduce my chances of a Big One.

But I'm still feeling pretty unhappy about all this kicking in when I'm barely 70. Seventy just is not old in my book because of my parents and some of their friends, but I'm starting to wonder if the sustained stress I lived under for so long, combined with genetic vulnerability, may mean I don't really have as long an old age ahead as I'd hoped.

That's what is troubling me. I am supposed to make a followup appointment at the Stroke Clinic, and have asked if it's possible to do over Zoom. If not, I can go in.

So maybe life alone in my quiet little house is actually going to be healthier for me than ever trying to adapt to another personality, particularly an intense one like M's.

A girlfriend wants me to get one of these Life Alert pendants. Ugh. I will if I have to but hate the things. A couple of the 90's-ish people I worked for had them prescribed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to wear them. And they were in Assisted Living where somebody popped in a couple times a day anyway.

Uncertainty is part of life and I really need to make my peace in advance with whatever comes. It does make me feel that updating my Power of Atty and Living Will and paperwork and filing and all that is becoming even more important though.

I'd like to feel that I can approach it all in a positive way and inch my way ahead. Even if it's for scary reasons, leaving things in good order would feel like an accomplishment. Considering the struggle of that, I'd feel like I'd climbed Everest.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on February 03, 2021, 11:14:15 AM
Oh, how would it feel to have paperwork and home in order.  Like sunshine and fresh air, I think.

I like the sound of that.... for us all.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 03, 2021, 01:02:03 PM
Yes yes yes.

If I had an iota of the will and self-discipline of someone like you, martial arts and physical effort and power...I would be so proud of myself. Not for the same level, no need for that, but for an iota!

The vision of order entices, the will is as flabby as the rest of me.

How'd you get that inner discipline to train your body, Light? What separates vigorous active strong people like yourself and Amber from slow crustaceans like me?

Can you imagine a preschool-Pilates kind of approach? I've gotten some resistance bands with an old-lady little exercise chart. I think getting muscle tone started again with those would be GREAT. So why ... am ... I ... not ... starting. Where'd my will go? When young my will was scattered and unreliable but I never lost the ability to believe again, get excited again, set a goal again. Now, I treat goals as shame-carrying enemies.

Where I'm paralysed, is in finding the will to do it. That's probably T-territory, will talk about it with her today. She thinks a kind of early invisibility taught me to train myself with equal dedication to not "be". As in, be strong and present in my body. Take up space. As in, glad to exist, just to not be flinching unconsciously. Like that's ENOUGH. Hmmmm.

She didn't put it quite that way, but I think that's the gist of it.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 03, 2021, 04:03:31 PM
It's not always easy for me either Hops. Sometimes I have to overrule the "I don't feel like its" that come up; forcibly walk away from distractions; and just start somewhere (because if I wait for inspiration for the "right place" to start... well...)

But there's a kind of negative feedback loop that happens if I give in to those "don't feel like its" all the time. I start getting molasses in February thoughts... stuckness... not feeling good... sleep all messed up... shame: you lazy, weak, ineffective.... and methinks it's EXACTLY those stuck thought tape-loops that grow and magnify in "importance" - as in a priority to deal with; a prerequisite to actually doing what needs doing.

At some point in the process of healing, I became conditioned to spending more time focused on my thoughts & feelings - to exclusion of the other necessaries. And that threw me all out of wack. The magic formula for me, is actually the opposite -- the more I physically do, the less I feel the other parts of me are suffering any lack of work or attention. That when I'm more active, they NEED less attention.

If that makes any sense. Somewhere a long time ago, I read something about "types" of personalities (always a dangerous premise) - but it was based on physical orientation, mental or emotional. And the idea goes on to propose that this is more than one's perception/engagement in living... it becomes the primary life activity center. Balance requires all three getting the needed "exercise", is what I finally came to with all of that.

Some days I do better at that balance than others.  ;)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on February 04, 2021, 06:41:52 AM
Thanks, Tupp. That's a great observation about over-stimulation and it's making a lot of sense to me.

I was in a brief email round with one of the neuros I saw in the ED and he pointed out that there was some concern about TIA (or mini-stroke) although no damage showed up on the MRI. I know my mother's brother had multiple TIAs, and she herself wound up with a big stroke at the end of life (after my brother had dragged her all over town one afternoon which was way too much for her at 97).

So I'm thinking your observation is seriously spot on. It may be (I hope) that if I can concentrate on ways to calm my CNS and sort of build a lifestyle around that, I might reduce my chances of a Big One.

But I'm still feeling pretty unhappy about all this kicking in when I'm barely 70. Seventy just is not old in my book because of my parents and some of their friends, but I'm starting to wonder if the sustained stress I lived under for so long, combined with genetic vulnerability, may mean I don't really have as long an old age ahead as I'd hoped.

That's what is troubling me. I am supposed to make a followup appointment at the Stroke Clinic, and have asked if it's possible to do over Zoom. If not, I can go in.

So maybe life alone in my quiet little house is actually going to be healthier for me than ever trying to adapt to another personality, particularly an intense one like M's.

A girlfriend wants me to get one of these Life Alert pendants. Ugh. I will if I have to but hate the things. A couple of the 90's-ish people I worked for had them prescribed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to wear them. And they were in Assisted Living where somebody popped in a couple times a day anyway.

Uncertainty is part of life and I really need to make my peace in advance with whatever comes. It does make me feel that updating my Power of Atty and Living Will and paperwork and filing and all that is becoming even more important though.

I'd like to feel that I can approach it all in a positive way and inch my way ahead. Even if it's for scary reasons, leaving things in good order would feel like an accomplishment. Considering the struggle of that, I'd feel like I'd climbed Everest.


I think sustained stress can cause all sorts of problems, Hopsie, so it may well be that this situation has come upon you sooner than it may have done if you'd had a less stressful life (or fewer long term stressful events, depending on which way you look at it).  And I think unhappiness (or anger, resentment, self pity, bitterness etc) are perfectly normal responses to realising that you might not be able to rely on something you had previously thought you could (like health, or an income, partner, family support - there are so many ways we can have the rug pulled out from under us).

But equally I think it is possible to minimise health problems and to readdress stress balances (or imbalances in general) and I do think most of us have things we can try to see if they help a little.  One thing I did find helpful early on with my son was to keep a very detailed diary - how much sleep he had, what he ate, drank, where we went, which activity, indoors, outdoors, who was there, noise level, time of day/year, what was the weather like and so on.  That may be too much fussing for the ADD to feel comfortable with but I found it very helpful in identifying the various threads that stressed him out, even when they were nice things we were doing.  The other thing I found with my son (and this was a pattern that emerged over time) was that he often had delayed responses to things.  He'd cope really well with a busy day out at the weekend (friend's wedding springs to mind as one example) and everyone commented on how well he'd coped, behaved, played with the other kids and so on.  But two days later he could barely get out of bed, couldn't lift a fork to his mouth, toileting reverted to something similar to a two year old and so on.  So you'd likely not need to write everything down as you're observing patterns and changes in yourself but you'll probably notice more now that you've become more aware that it might be relevant.

I do also find hands on complementary therapies so useful for resetting my system (and for son as well).  I know some may be too woo woo for you but there is a fair amount of science supporting some of them now as well (osteopathy and acupuncture springing to mind as the two I use the most that are fairly widely regarded here as being of use for a whole range of health problems).  It might be worth investigating a bit for a time when hands on contact is okay again - just suggestions as I find them helpful and of course feel free to skip past :)

I sometimes get more paperwork done when I'm in a furious mood :)  I sometimes find being angry gives me an energy to wizz through stuff I don't want to deal with, be decisive about it, get things sent off and put away.  I once had to spend an entire afternoon renaming files on my computer because I'd saved so many things as the way I felt about that particular person at that particular time:  "B**tard w*nk face doctor" and "t*t w*nk scum drops social worker" and things like that :)  It had been good to vent but wasn't conducive to finding paperwork again when I needed to.  I only mention it as you mention approaching the paperwork in a positive frame of mind being helpful - just in case going at it in a pissed off frame of mind gets things moving as well :)

I hear you on the Life Pendants!  It's hard to use those sort of things sometimes, it can feel like you've given in to it all.  Maybe daily check ins with a couple of different people so at least if something does happen you won't be there for days before anyone realises (as we know Pooch has proved herself to be less than useful during emergencies!).  Or an app?  Do you have a smart phone?  There is one someone told me about that I keep meaning to find for son; you just press the app and it immediately alerts whoever you've programmed it to contact and gives them your location.  Might be a compromise in a rock and a hard place situation.  It's not easy, especially when it's an unknown future.  Could be nothing else ever happens.  But there are a whole load of what ifs around well, what if it does?  It's not easy to deal with.  I know you're good at researching and checking things out but do shout if there's anything you want me to look into for you - extra pair of hands and all that xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 04, 2021, 08:52:43 AM
It's SO nice to start the day with laughter, Tupp! This just cracked me up:

once had to spend an entire afternoon renaming files on my computer because I'd saved so many things as the way I felt about that particular person at that particular time:  "B**tard w*nk face doctor" and "t*t w*nk scum drops social worker"

Snort. I actually think that was a brilliant way to cope.

I'm glad you raised "self pity" because whether it's understandable or not, I do not want to get stuck there. I've been lucky and privileged in a million ways for a very long time. What you've gone through (and go through) to keep your son and yourself safe and sane is just staggering to me.

No need to fix or do research for me, honestly, though it's very kind of you to offer. I've been venting a lot here and getting out a bunch of disappointment and fear, is all. Some of it personal (can't get my D off my mind suddenly) and some in response to the world.

All is change, this too will pass and thank you for caring, ((((Tupp)))).

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on February 04, 2021, 11:28:30 AM
I'm glad it made you laugh, Hopsie, and I hope it didn't seem that I was implying that you're self pitying - far from it, I think you're incredibly stoic and pragmatic in everything you do - just that if you did feel a bit that way for a bit it would be perfectly okay (I know I've had many "why me?" moments over the years and I think it's perfectly natural).  I do understand what you mean about not wanting to get stuck in any particular mindset though, but you're so self aware I think it unlikely that you'd get stuck anywhere xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 06, 2021, 10:31:15 PM
My world has been brighter all day long.

For a change I went to sleep without some stupid show but instead with Beethoven on. I think it changed everything because I woke up and wrote a long poem about aphasia; worked on it off and on all day. I haven't done this serious work in ages.

It felt so GOOD to write again, like counterpunching that scary thing that threatened to take my words away.

Not able to share it, apologies, but I know it's good and am going to send it out to see if it gets picked up for publication. Haven't bothered to do that in ages and it's nice to start caring more about that too.

This sounds melodramatic but when I finish a poem I feel particularly satisfied about, I often think to myself: I could die now. ('COURSE I have no interest in doing that, it's just a perverse way of expressing how relieving and happy it feels.)

Dunno whether this belongs on the health thread but it's like coming back to life.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 07, 2021, 08:54:15 AM
It does belong Hops. I find Beethoven to be very therapeutic; and select pieces from other composers too.

Glad you got the poem worked out and polished up. My painting has been turned to the wall - LOL - it served it's purpose, letting me safely express and offload months & months of frustration, anger, and the darkest most negative thoughts & feelings I'd had in a few years. It was like bloodletting... only emotional.  ;)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on February 08, 2021, 12:40:27 PM
That is just amazing, Hops!  Do you think it was the Beethoven?  I've read about sound therapy type stuff before; one of those things I always mean to read more about.  How amazing.  And how great that you can channel everything into something so amazing and satisfying.  Will be so amazing if that gets published :)  Imagine how much it may help other people in a similar situation?  I do think poems sometimes find the people that need to read them.  How incredible.  I hope the happy feeling stays with you :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 08, 2021, 01:06:22 PM
Thanks, Tupp. I do think the Beethoven set the stage.
I had neglected to listen to classical for quite a while (stupid reasons like not resolvig the music tech question in a way that works in my bedroom)....and it's very grounding for me to do it.

I love Beethoven a lot and it really did the CNS-calming, comforting thing it always does. When I was a child that was one major source of comfort. My Dad would stack SIX 33s on the hi-fi spindle and every single night I went to sleep on waves of transcendent sound. No matter what bullying or sorrow the day had brought, when I entered sleep I was in the company of beauty and feeling that were beyond the present. (Many nights I also stayed awake hiding a light under the covers so I could keep on reading fiction, which was my other comfort....I need to return to that now too, instead of watching things--I've gotten dependent on the "sound of shows" because it blunts the tinnitus, but classical music would do that far more helpfully.)

Baby steps. It's still walking in the right direction!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on February 08, 2021, 03:52:01 PM
I'm so glad you're feeling joy over your poem, Hops.  What an amazing shift from a bit of self care.

:: crossing fingers::
I hope it's published soon.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 26, 2021, 03:39:25 PM
Thanks, Lighter. Finding out I could push out a poem, and a good one, was a massive relief.

Found out what the recent brain-event was actually diagnosed as. They're all on the same curve, I think, but rather than a TIA, this was a PSR. Its real name is almost as fun as "gloomy scale" -- the thing that my big front tree expired from. Love that term so much (what else should a poet croak from?) that it's going in my funny obit.

PSR stands for Post-Stroke Recrudescence. I love it!! I KNEW there was crud in my brain. Anyway, it means that the same symptoms one had with an original stroke reappear -- less severe, and not lasting.

All in all the vulnerability is real but I really felt better today. A friend alerted me to a free online workshop on stroke prevention and treatment, and it was just somehow comforting to be there with other folks, and think about how even if the worst should happen, I wouldn't have to face it alone.

Very cheering. And the other day, after the Neuro followup for which my lungs had slammed so far (I was severely short of breath walking a short way) -- the next day I recovered a bit of will power and walked -- we're talking one short block and back -- lungs whamming all the way, feeling dizzy and crud-y. Next day, did it again a little farther and lungs were still unhappy, still felt dizzy and weak. Today, did it again a little farther still and lungs were less unhappy and I was minimally dizzied.

So there. Hops, the knowitall medical writer, rediscovers the wisdom of baby steps, incremental changes, and all that stuff she's known forever. It wasn't the knowledge I rediscovered, it was enough will and courage to do it despite my neurotic avoidance. So that's VERY encouraging.

And it leaks into everything. Got up today, did the online workshop, then tidied kitchen, folded AND PUT AWAY laundry, did some (are you ready?) paperwork, and now am off to Zoom with Quirk shortly.

M just got his second shot (he has bad reactions) and will be touch to moan on the phone and I'll be fine offering friend-comfort.

love y'all, hugs
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on February 26, 2021, 07:28:57 PM
Thanks for that update, Hops.

I'm glad you're rolling into activity and community.

You sound real good.

Anything more on that lovely poem to report.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 26, 2021, 08:33:18 PM
Thanks, Lighter.
I do feel good.
I hope to have another day like that tomorrow!

My writing-work mind will be working on my poet friend's book galleys for the next day or so.

The poem is what it is (and finished). I'm grateful, but I do not push myself to publish. It'll go out some day but I don't anticipate the process. (Tends to jinx it.) The gratitude and relief are through the ceiling!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on February 26, 2021, 09:08:22 PM
::happy clapping::

Hear hear to gratitude and relief, Hops: )
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on February 28, 2021, 10:41:45 AM
I'm all for baby steps, Hops, we've all got to start somewhere and baby steps around the block today turns into nice, enjoyable walks at some point in the future.  I'm glad they've got a name for it (and a funny one at that), and that there's a group you can contact for advice and information.  It does help; I find just being able to talk to people who've tried various things to help with the problems can be a help.  Have they given you any specific things to do or is a general 'keep as healthy as possible' sort of thing? xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on February 28, 2021, 12:35:48 PM
I'm seeing my main doc on Tuesday to talk through the best approach. They don't even have to tell me, I know that my relapse into pure sedendaritude for a year+ has had big consequences. I had a busy happy day (including baby-walk) day before yesterday, and doing all sorts of things around the house, then yesterday the anvil on my chest returned. All day in bed.

This is periodic shortness of breath like I've never had before, so that's why I'm seeing my doc. Felt like concrete in the bottom of my lungs. I just want more knowledge, and then a plan. (I even have wondered if I had Covid-19 without knowing. But now that I've had jab #1, I don't know if they'd be able to tell.)

I believe I need structured and supervised exercise 3x/week again. I did it before for just a couple months (at a hospital-based center where you wear a monitor for the first several times and your heart is actively monitored while you walk or use machines, then you just continue to come and sign in and work out there). For me, that context is comforting. Once I understand what's causing all this and baby steps add up to confidence in my body again, I'll do it more often alone. (Points to fears of collapse on sidewalk with Pooch running off in panic and other walkers have gone home for dinner....)

I'd be willing to start at that center any time if I learn about vaccination requirements, masking, air exchange, etc. (One of those buildings with sealed windows.) If they're not reassuring, I'll wait until a few weeks after jab #2.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on February 28, 2021, 01:13:08 PM
Hops, there's a lot to be said for a structured, dedicated workout time & place. Especially when you're trying to remember where you left your motivation. Mine's around here somewhere... can't remember the last time I grabbed onto it.

I am still struggling with myself over how superficial exercise seems to me - when I could be working & accomplishing needed tasks at the same time. Nevermind - that a lot of my tasks are going to require some exercise in preparation to be ABLE to do those tasks... pfffffffttt.... we don't need no steenkin' preparation....

:most exercise of today = rolling my eyes that hard at myself:

Heck, I'm even finding I'm not accessing the usual competitive streak I have, now that Hol is beginning to lift weights again. I'm currently trying to bribe myself to do some simple, age-appropriatie, body weight core muscle work - using Buck as bait. But it's nice and warm under my blanket; I just had a large brunch... and it's raining so much I just want to stay warm and be a slug.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on March 02, 2021, 03:59:15 AM
I hope the doc can come up with something helpful, Hopsie.  I know with me that when I start to feel a bit better I overdo it and knock myself out again.  Son's situation is the same; we really have to avoid doing too much and it's very difficult when you feel good and want to get on.  Hopefully the doc can come up with a way to build up slowly and avoid the crashes in between the good bits.

The fear of collapsing is horrible; again, I have the same with son - if we're somewhere off the beaten track and he goes over I can't lift him and it does restrict things.  An unwanted but necessary issue to deal with.  The only thing I can think of (other than only ever walking with others, which isn't practical) is setting up with two or three friends that you text/email/phone one of them with where you're heading and what time you'll be back.  It's a pain but at least it means if something did happen, someone knows where you are and can come and find you (especially as we know from the time you fell that Pooch isn't likely to do a Lassie and go off and get help :) ).

I hope the doctor visit is hopeful.  It's very difficult to adjust to life being different and having to do things in a different way, in my experience, but hopefully the doctor will have some useful information and advice and you'll be able to put something together that works best for you xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 02, 2021, 01:20:07 PM
LOL! Pooch "do a Lassie" ... she'd probably go looking for her tapdancing sheep friends and they'd all stand around discussing the weather.

Thanks for the support, y'all. I will be clear and organized in my questions and I'm sure my doc will be helpful. He's great.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 10, 2021, 05:13:09 PM
Doc WAS great.
(He's lost at least 30-40 pounds since I saw him 6 months ago and I worry that he may have a serious illness. Love the man, so hoping it's just...something passing.)

He hears me. He understands I got sedentary and then more neurotic. He agrees the structured/supervised exercise is the right thing to do, and wrote a referral. I'll start that early next month.

He was concerned I could be at risk for pulmonary embolism, took a blood test, and it is completely normal. Whether the SOB is neurotic or physical, same diff. And same plan.

Other measures are fine too, and my job is just to move ahead with baby steps and a lot of intentional self care and kindness.

I feel better!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 10, 2021, 07:53:57 PM
Yay, Hops!  So glad you feel better!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 11, 2021, 05:44:09 AM
Thanks, ((((Lighter))))!

Just a heads up for those not yet jabbed, my experience anyway. Jab #2 is the one most likely to give you a reaction, I'd read. M had a BIG one (fever and chills and more and mildly delerious for two days). I'm right now having a mild one that woke me at 3am. Suddenly the arm got quite sore and I've had SOB, chest aches, mild nausea and now mild chills. Had none of it after Jab #1. Hope it'll be short lived.

It's not awful, truly. Just not feeling good enough to push through today (was the cleaner day -- I usually go somewhere else for 4 hours). Cancelled her and everything else I had on and am just going to be lazy. Got soup and rice ready and all is well.

I feel an interesting combination of gross and gratitude! Mostly the latter and it's nothing to complain about compared to the relief of knowing the immune system's on the job.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2021, 07:07:19 PM
I heard the second shot can be tough.  Glad you're not alarmed....glad you're observing self care.  Cherries Garcia should help: )

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 11, 2021, 07:55:31 PM
Cherries Garcia evolved into a small veggie pizza delivery later in the day.
(M made excuses as it wasn't really "medicinal" -- the ice cream. Hot air man!)

No regrets!


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 11, 2021, 10:09:25 PM
Hope the pizza was good and who says Cherries Garcia isn't medicinal?!?
The nerve.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 12, 2021, 09:00:14 AM
Hope you're feeling better Hops.

OH... and if you can find honey ice cream, add caramel & hot fried apples on top. Apples are HEALTHY.  ;)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 12, 2021, 09:27:42 AM
Fought off the ice cream delivery but M is taking me to pick up garden soil in his giant car tomorrow as the Prius will probably break. It is still nice to have his interest/support sometimes, but I must still beware....the sticky web....

I feel completely over the vaccine reaction. Not strong or energetic but well enough to shower and at least go out and LOOK at what the garden sitch is. Will hire my friend's son to dig the new dirt in and get the two beds ready to plant. Seeds have arrived.

Hopefully my body/back will allow me to do this this year. I have been delusional year after year in preparing and planting and then abandoning. Beyond stupid.

But I'm going to be nice to myself anyway. Even if I'm delusional, I know going outside and puttering, baby steps, is good for my health.

Back to vaccine....what happens is that Shot #1 turns on the system and it gets busy loading up antibodies to Covid. So then a few weeks later, when Shot #2 enters...the system leaps to like a labrador and shows off how it fights the nasty thing that was introduced in Shot #1. Seems obvious but I hadn't thought through why I was hearing these things about Shot #2. Duh. And M's reaction, even though he's a drama queen, was clearly quite severe.

Mine was waaaay less. And in two weeks, I can have equally-vaccinated friends over INDOORS! Just amazing. I might even write my Covenant Group and ask everybody if we can plan for this after we're all (mostly my age) ready to meet.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 12, 2021, 12:22:38 PM
Did you say you're doing raised planters this year, Hops?  Something you can tend without wrecking your back?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 12, 2021, 02:17:53 PM
Unfortunately, my beds are only 6" high, not near enough to help the back much. They're bordered with cinderblock I can kneel on, but the bending's just as painful.

If true table-height planters were a budget option, I'd be thrilled. One day!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 13, 2021, 08:25:02 AM
Knee pads, and get one of those 4 wheeled garden cart that have pouches for your tools that you can roll along the bed. Also - the width of the bed is important - you want to be able to easily reach from one side, if it's against a fence or you can walk all the way around it.

Cart like this:


Also - long handled tools so you don't have to bend over so much.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 13, 2021, 08:34:36 AM
Thanks, Amber! I think reaching/bending down from the cart would mean back pain, but I love the look of the thing! Hmmmm.... I don't have knee pads but do kneel on a foam pad. I wonder if the knee pads would be significantly different? I dunno, keep looking at the cart/rover thing...tempting! It's true that getting up and down to move to a new area of the bed is the toughest part. Hmmmm.... maybe I can find one locally to try out first. I also like the idea of a long-handled trowel and fork.

The beds are the height of a cinderblock on its side. I placed them with a little aisle between, but not sure I made that wide enough for a cart. The beds are not too tall but I've also let the soil level get really low over time. Today I'm getting big bags of new soil and have a young guy coming tomorrow to first get out weeds and second pile in the new dirt as deep as it'll hold. That'll raise the level as much as possible and then I can plant. It's all worth a try.

I think maybe instead of the cart I really need a stool. I have one of those kneeler things that flips over into a stool, but the stool's too tall to help ease bending much. It's helpful for getting up though! Kinda. I sit on the cinderblock but still have to twist to reach into the bed.

I have to haul my hose 200 feet to water and need to get some kind of lighter-weight extension and a decent nozzle for the end of it. Watering's been a chore but doesn't need to be.

You're getting me eager to get going, thank you!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 13, 2021, 09:46:40 AM
The kneeler stool was the other one I was thinking of, Hops. Something with wheels will let you shift and turn - without kinking up your back - like those wheeled large pot contraptions. You'd just need something higher than that with freer moving wheels - like a turntable. (Bonus: it might even help your back get stronger??)

Once upon a time, I had some extendable maintenance tools; they lengthen out to about 4 ft and collapsed down to 2. They were light, for sure. Perfect for working in a smaller area with light, loose dirt. It was a set of 4 or 5 tools, a weeder/cultivator, trowel, hoe, rake I don't remember what all. I don't know if I still have them either. Wouldn't work out here for sure. Might be able to find 'em at the big box home improvement stores.

The knee pads I was thinking of are also available there in the floor tile section. They are very thick & cushy and intended for construction work - try also the concrete area for these. They're hot; for sure! Concrete block are easy & durable, for sure - but they're hell on hands & knees. My kitchen bed is 4 blocks tall, in one section and at least 2 on the ends. (My terrain is pretty steep.) Hol & I put rebar through the holes into undisturbed shale, but in the taller sections, the rebar wasn't long enough - and gravity is forcing the block outward into a future collapse zone. So I'm going to have to build some more terraced and permanent with landscape timbers. I just had the spare block laying around from a few different demos. And it was fast.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on March 15, 2021, 09:10:41 AM
I'm still annoyed about M gifting you a sweater instead of having raised planting beds built for you, Hops.

SO obviously the perfect gift!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on March 15, 2021, 12:32:22 PM
Amber, you're right. It was stupid to go for the block but I didn't anticipate the width of a flat cinderblock would add such extra discomfort. I do use an old kickboard to cushion my knees, and these are only two 4 x 6 foot beds. So a huge outlay....(just got a big bill for car repairs so it's belt-tightening time for a while) probably isn't on. Then again, block was free (given away by a neighbor) so that's why I did it. Also liked the idea of planting marigolds in the hollow parts but never did. Still can!

I love the idea that you're doing terraces. Greek farmer! Vicarious pleasure here...

Lighter, you made me laugh! EXACTLY. There were many smallish things M could've done had he the imagination to give me a gift that was about my actual life and comfort, rather than his internal notion of "woman presents" (pearls, sweaters, socks, chocolates). I'd blame him but he once said, "You give such imaginative presents!" and I thought hummm, he's not witholding, he just doesn't tune in enough to think of stuff. He's also, ironically, kind of a tightwad.

I had given him a throw with Cervantes' signature printed all over it and lastly, a mushroom growing kit. He naps under the former and is all excited about starting multiple varieties of mushrooms in his woods. I think Nism is part of it (takes empathy and curiosity about the other's inner world to think of such), plus the chance that most women he's been close to have been motivated by the other stuff. (He bought his wife a Jaguar and I'm sure she loved it. She came from wealth herself, so that whole status thing might've pleased her....and it might have pleased M to have "his woman" driving such a car.) He's not that obsessed with image around me, as I glaze over and forbade him to keep repeating that I'm a Patek Philippe when I'm clearly a Timex, but he clearly spends a lot of time thinking about money.

BTW, I too love Jaguars! My first love (also happened to be from a multi-millionaire family) drove one and taught me to drive a stick on it. I was so proud one night when I cruised down his long winding driveway to the main house, turned smartly into the lower-level garage and, ummm, neglected to stop. Forgiving me for his crumpled grille was a major personal accomplishment for him, LOL. Right after that impact was the deepest silence I've ever experienced except in a mediation class.

I'd forgotten to add him to the $$ list. It's hilarious! I don't know why I meet them! I swear, many old men on dating sites around here turn out to be loaded. It's that kind of area. And maybe they like me because I am SO unaffected by the trappings. They just don't do anything for me. Zip. Beyond the basic security of housing and medical care I could give a hoot, and they figure that out pretty quickly. I actually think it's boring and a chore, to spend so much of one's life taking care of money and property. Even M is getting sick of it now. Sold his condo and now is thinking of selling the jungle house (a much bigger sacrifice). But he's grappling with the idea of simplifying his life somewhat. Downsizing will be torture because he's attached to everything. Glad I won't be in charge!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on March 15, 2021, 02:28:22 PM
Absolutely nothing wrong with those blocks, Hops - and free works too. They are fast, but the drawback is how uncomfortable they are (and heavy, if you're going up any height. For me, it was meant to be a temporary solution until I have reliable (non-busy) help to build the other beds.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 01, 2022, 06:21:40 PM
If anybody thinks of it, please send me good light between 8-11am EST tomorrow.

I don't know if I actually believe in it, but do know it's been comforting to me in the past both to send and receive ... it ...

(Three-hour heart test, half of which time is just sitting around waiting for the radio-isotope injection to distribute itself through the whole vascular system, so the cameras in the big doughnut can see it all.)

I decided to drive myself because the nurse explained I can. Big-girl pants. But it is the sort of thing that if I had a relationship or family, would be nice to have company. Still, my neighbor is very kind and I'd rather "conserve" that connection by not asking for help unless I really need it.

Wish me luck, I'm going to be so glad to learn what is real. (That'll be on the 4th.)

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2022, 10:02:36 AM
I'm sending you white, Pink and green light from a stand of Trillium and ferns in the forest, ((Hops ))

It's ok.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 02, 2022, 02:06:44 PM
Thanks mucho, Lighter...lovely woodland image received!

Test was five hours and I found it stressful, but it wasn't horrific.
Just...uncomfortable, weird and for only two-three minutes, scary.
No match for my anxiety about it, so I meditated tonglin-style while waiting.
That really helped. It's always been the one meditation method I "get."

Now home with pooches and heading for Napville.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 02, 2022, 10:47:55 PM
 You certainly deserve a good nap with beloved pooches.

I'm glad the tests weren't too bad.  You're stronger and tougher than you've ever been.

I'll be here waiting with you for the results with tea and maybe wine ((Hops.))
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 02, 2022, 11:08:37 PM
[Thanks again, Light. It hit me that I have been feeling vaguely that I DESERVE bad news because I've been slothful and didn't do the right thing to maintain fitness. Glad I spotted it, will take it to my T.] Meanwhile, moved the following to a reply.


Amateur medical geek, I'll amuse myself by describing the chemical stress test:

First you get glued up with electrodes and have a fancy IV port stuck in the arm.
Then they take you to the cameras room, inject your IV with a radioactive isotope solution and you lie on the gurney while the cameras thingie -- it's a weird beige slab, not really a donut -- slowly rotates, swivels, rises and lowers and inches around your torso for 15 minutes, taking a boatload of images from many angles around the heart. These will be the "before stress" pictures/movies. Then you go sit in the waiting area while the glow-goo percolates through your circulatory system. You get really cold so they give you warm blankets.

Due to the very high number of electrical mitochondria in the heart, the largest amount of the glow-in-the-dark stuff will remain concentrated in the heart muscle a good while, while the rest slowly dissipates from the rest of the body and you read a good book. [There There by Tommy Orange...amazing. Shared it with a cool old guy in the waiting room and he was really happy to pull it up on Audible.]

After about 45 minutes, they take you to the stress room (just computers, a treadmill for doing it that way, and a gurney for the chemical version) and you get on the gurney for more waiting. What they're going to capture is blood flow, not direct images of artery innards or valves. Fifteen electrodes record blood flow volume in different areas of the heart in detail, so if there is an arterial obstruction, they'll spot the effect of it upstream or downstream, essentially. (If severe blockage showed, you'd be off for a cardiac catheterization soon. If less severe, maybe have one scheduled. If there's a big mystery, they might do a CCT -- cardiac computerized tomography scan. So if followup doesn't show a need for those, cool.)

Then the techs who wired you up in the stress room hover while a nurse explains risks blahblah and you sign permission to getastrokeorheartattackordiebutrarely). Nurse says "Here we go, workout in a tube!" and injects blue stuff (vasodilator) in the IV. The fancy EKGs run while it's going on. After about one second you are suddenly huffing and blowing and breathing harder than you ever have in your life, as though you're near the end of a marathon having never run a block since you were 10, and they cheer in-through-the-nose-out-through-the-mouth! and your heart goes really really fast and you huff so hard you think you're going to blow the N95 off your face and they all keep staring at you while over two or three minutes, it gradually subsides. I got one slight, familiar and brief chest pain during -- nothing strong at all. You can be left with a headache, some digestive upset or feel "weird all over". I had a little bit of all three but nothing remarkable. Then you do some more waiting room and hit the john and it's back to the not-a-donut room for another slow set of "after" images that will get glow-view of how the heart is looking post-stress. This time you have a set taken while on your stomach plus one again on your back. Then after another 45-60 minutes of waiting in your blankies they say bye-bye. Yay!

The warmth outdoors was awesome after the cold procedure rooms and I felt wonderful. Expecting good news Weds -- pretty optimistic I'm not in serious heart-trouble and there will eventually be a non-cardiac explanation for the chronic SOB/chest pain. They did seem interested in how hard I was huffing and blowing -- comme beluga. But maybe it's all JUST deconditioning and I'll be approved to begin a structured REconditioning program! That's the news I'm hoping for. Very glad this step in the inquiry is done, and super-grateful to the doc who listened. One of the nurses, a combat medic vet, told me the cardiol has an outstanding rep. He's muuy impressed by his breadth of knowledge. Given our med center, he likely has patients from all over the region. I like the research park, great design/layout of buildings, all set in woodsy green space with great parking.)

Pooches did pooch stuff, house is a wreck, I slept for four hours. Feel really good now though. Relieved and peaceful. Soon I hope I'll be miserably huffing up and down the street with maybe discomfort but without fear. Then the only obstacle will be discipline. I'll dig as deep as I can to find some. Cart before horse, until doc chat.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 04, 2022, 04:11:01 PM
If anybody's bored by tediously detailed medical stuff, I'm not hurt if you don't read!

Cardiologist is great. Overall, I just feel good that this doc is so clear, focused and ready to find answers. It was empowering to get the test done, although the results weren't precise (enough to ease my worries, anyway). The stress test was "one abnormality, not exactly normal, but I'd say 'low-risk'" was his description.

I had three choices: 1) Stop worrying about it and exercise anyway, watching for increased chest pain/SOB or shortness of breath. 2) Go on one or two of several Rx --nitro, diuretic, maybe a beta blocker (ugh, I hate lots of Rx) to see if they "make me feel better" -- which would be nice but not diagnostic. 3) Get a couple more tests (an Echo and a PET). The PET would prove definitively what the sole abnormality in the stress test could be (he thinks it might've just be a flawed image) and, more importantly, whether I have microvascular disease or blockage/s in the small vessels. I forget the fancy term for it.

We discussed and opted for #3, because it would be the most definitive, and knowing for sure what the deal is would be most helpful to me. I felt so relieved at his level of interest and empowered by forging ahead for clear information. I think it's going to be okay but it's not a Yes/No or black/white kind of situation quite yet. I'm okay with that because this is a good path. And with his rep, I'm in great hands.

Next tests are June and September, and I'll see him again in November. Progress!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 06, 2022, 02:09:01 PM
I've bored everyone into a coma, or y'all are experiencing SPRING!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 08, 2022, 05:35:35 AM
Hi, Hops.  I think option 3 sounds like the best choice too.  Sounds like the doc had good news and I'm hoping there's more good news after to follow.

I was on the road yesterday for 4 hours, made 10 moss arrangements, spent 6 hours at a celebration of life then went back to lake house to choose finishes for newly installed hallway atat bottom of stairs....my wonderful BIL is amazing at this sort of thing.

I love working with him but he does math with me.....and math is not my strong suit.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 08, 2022, 08:09:09 AM
That's LIVING. You're just always doing it! I'm awed and awakened by y'all.

My T observed that Npooch (newpooch) might be actually good for me because I have to tend to her so much. It's true. Feels hectic but I can't space out ALL day, to get her outside every two hours, fed every four, etc. I'm up by 6am and getting to sleep better at night as I'm so tired.

I do worry about Pooch, who has basically retreated to a corner of the couch and still seems sad about all this. No aggression, but I'm feeling a lot of guilt. I may stick to "foster" status to ensure that Npooch is adopted before winter. My patio has been a lake for two days and it's the best place to let her out (steep stairs on other side). I can't imagine how to get her to pee outdoors in snow or real cold or ice.

Hmmm. Hope the summer proves we can make it as a 3-"person" family but if it doesn't, I won't give up on a senior addition. Just would love one housebroken.

Happy to hear a VESMB voice today, Lighter, and the sound of your progress.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 29, 2022, 10:41:11 AM
Had the final PET stress test of my heart. (More intensive than the other one, requires a standard CT first, then 2 radioisotope injections, waiting period for it to perfuse through the heart...then the vasodilator whale-blowing chemical to "force" exercise...two periods of 15 minutes still as a stone in the doughnut...a 45 minute period in between...I'm sure I have the sequence confused but it took 4 hours from arrival. Twice as long as the previous "non-PET" scan, it was quite draining but went fine. I made a flower bouquet out of the sticky electrodes and stuck them all over a water bottle to thank the nurses.

Funny moment--at one point after I started whale-blowing, the doc comes up to my head and starts asking, how is this? how is that? and I said "[gasp] I can talk OR breathe..." and she melted away saying, "Don't talk..." If I could've, Iwould've laughed.

The results are that I do have microvascular heart disease (small-vessel, mild at this stage). May need to go on a beta blocker. The disease does reduce longevity but all the good things, exercise, diet, etc etc -- can only help.

I sent him a bunch of followup questions and know that my anxiety is a big obstacle. If it doesn't make me fall down (my BP has traditionally always run low so I'm surprised he suggested it), a beta blocker at night might help with both insomnia and anxiety. Only one way to find out. Told him I was willing to try it.

Just taking all this in and hoping. Just...hoping. Dunno. Today it's sunny and I have a date later, so hard to be too upset. I've known for ages there was something wrong. As ever, I'm most worried about winter. Alone with cold, darkness and fear.

(Will yak about the date on the Relationships thread, just for fun.)

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 29, 2022, 02:30:27 PM

I'm  glad you got your results back and they aren't pointing to a serious and dire condition..... thank God.

Have fun on your date.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 29, 2022, 02:56:37 PM
I hope it's not. People with this diagnosis on average die 8-9 years sooner.
In this chapter, that does feel fairly dire to me. Callllmmmmm, Hops.

But the challenge is what it is, regardless of the fear I feel (of heart attack, mainly...as that's what can result) -- my job is to adapt (it's just new news today, feel a bit rocky) and stay grownup and cope and proactively plan what I need.

I have reached out for support and will plan daily contacts as best I can. I know that helps, it's just complicated. Continuing to volunteer for vtv.org feels good -- I just submitted our application to co-teach a course through their continuing ed program, which is very successful -- multiple University-level courses taught by all sorts of bright people. Most students are engaged, active retirees. Our course would be fairly simple but include a lot of research on health measures, isolation, obstacles, etc to Aging in Place. Just 3 classes but if they accept us (me and the Pres.) they'll be a satisfying challenge. I wrote most of the application and Pres (becoming a friend, I think) loved it.

A friend sent around an email to about five congregant-friends to ask for "sitters" to be with her a couple hours each day after difficult surgery, and I jumped on a time I can do it. That felt good too.

Hanging in, thanks for listening--
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2022, 03:28:31 PM
my chest hurts and
I feel scared.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on August 30, 2022, 04:16:05 PM
my chest hurts and
I feel scared.

((((((((((((Hopsie)))))))))))))))))  Please call an ambulance.  Chest pain needs checking out, especially in light of your test results (I'm sorry you got that news).  If it's anxiety then they can tell you that and that alone will probably ease it off.  If it isn't, they can do whatever needs to be done to improve the situation.  Please don't sit with it, on your own.  I'm sure one of your church friends or neighbours can pop in to check on Pooch.  And please let us know what's happening when you can xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Dr. Richard Grossman on August 30, 2022, 05:39:19 PM
Hi Hops,

Please give us an update when you are able.  Thinking of you...

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2022, 06:12:29 PM
Thank you (((((Tupp)))) and (((((Doc G)))))).

I know all the advice is to call an ambulance but if I did that every time it happened I'd be in the emergency room twice a month, on average.

It's true a heart attack may fell me at some point but for now, the best thing I can do is be still, rest and let it ease. It will likely do that after some sleep. It's chronic and thus difficult to manage realistically, but I will be going on some new Rx, and that may take the edge off it.

Staying calm and focusing on releasing the outcome is the best I can do, I think. I have reached out for more social support and for those who can handle it, sharing how I feel. I will adapt; it's just new-news that really is hard to take in.

People take in worse news every day and many deal with health threats far worse (and with far more courage).

I am very grateful I can just vent and express and if need be complain here. Fear isn't pretty or popular and I absolutely hate it. Investigating anxiety meds as well, which might be a good idea.

Thank you again for your kindness.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on August 30, 2022, 06:38:09 PM

A little corner of an ativan might just do the trick.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2022, 07:47:36 PM
Thanks, (((Lighter))). Your comment prompted me to read up on benzos and angina and indeed, they're a rational backup. I had a diazepam Rx years back that's turned into blue crumbles (I'm verrrrry cautious about abuse) so I just wrote my lovely GP explaining why I'd like a fresh Rx.

I'm not depressed and antidepressants are associated with cardio mortalities, but anxiety on its own is also a risk factor. Better to be Rx-prepared for that separately. Hopefully it's just spiked in the short term as I adjust to a new reality. I think so.

Good thinking, and thank you!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on August 30, 2022, 10:46:07 PM
Thank you so much, CB.
Metropol is the beta blocker and I pick it up tomorrow.

I did also ask my GP for a benzo Rx, but my intention is only to use that when chest pain flares.

If the symptoms ease up it'll be a lot easier to begin refocusing on health choices in the present. And stop being too focused on fear (of heart attack). Etc. Don't wanna goooo!

I really appreciate your post, it helps a lot.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 04, 2022, 02:45:47 PM
Oddly, I've had increased tachycardia (esp. mornings or when bending over) since going on it. And new chest pains at night. I think it may just be my body's adaptation to the new Rx. No panic, just going through it.

I did write a note to the clinic nurse in case this is something they need to know.

I'll put the other update on the mental health thread.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on September 23, 2022, 11:38:01 AM
So, I'm thinking my GP's latest Rx is a good idea. It's isosorbide (related to but not the same as nitroglycerin), which relaxes blood vessels. Took the first one today. I was worried about whether there'd be an issue between cardiologist and GP but GP just looked at me and said, "I'm asking you to take this...." and I said yes. I know him for decades and I know he cares to get it right and knows his stuff. He also asked me to cut the statin dose in half because my liver tests were a bit out of whack. That can be temporary so we'll just test again in 4-6 months.

This article's the best general explanation I've read yet.
https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2016-12-30/microvascular-angina-a-puzzling-form-of-chest-pain-and-unrecognized-danger (https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2016-12-30/microvascular-angina-a-puzzling-form-of-chest-pain-and-unrecognized-danger)

I asked my GP to re-refer me to that indoor cardio program I once tried out, but not for long enough. He did so I should hear from them soon to schedule that. I'll just have to learn to breathe while walking in a mask and stop being so scared of being indoors with others. Ugh. Also have one friend willing to take short-short neighborhood walks now and then, which is actually hugely helpful.

The metropolol hasn't bothered me further; I think my body just needed a week to accept something new in the system. Too soon to tell for sure but I think the isosorbide may help me breathe better.

Overall I'm starting to feel a bit better and am mostly working on the mental adjustment to the diagnosis and situation.

It may seem weird to write out all this medical stuff here but in fact, it's like I would be explaining it to a partner or family member if I had one. Thanks for listening.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on September 23, 2022, 01:23:41 PM
So, I'm thinking my GP's latest Rx is a good idea. It's isosorbide (related to but not the same as nitroglycerin), which relaxes blood vessels. Took the first one today. I was worried about whether there'd be an issue between cardiologist and GP but GP just looked at me and said, "I'm asking you to take this...." and I said yes. I know him for decades and I know he cares to get it right and knows his stuff. He also asked me to cut the statin dose in half because my liver tests were a bit out of whack. That can be temporary so we'll just test again in 4-6 months.

This article's the best general explanation I've read yet.
https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2016-12-30/microvascular-angina-a-puzzling-form-of-chest-pain-and-unrecognized-danger (https://health.usnews.com/health-care/for-better/articles/2016-12-30/microvascular-angina-a-puzzling-form-of-chest-pain-and-unrecognized-danger)

I asked my GP to re-refer me to that indoor cardio program I once tried out, but not for long enough. He did so I should hear from them soon to schedule that. I'll just have to learn to breathe while walking in a mask and stop being so scared of being indoors with others. Ugh. Also have one friend willing to take short-short neighborhood walks now and then, which is actually hugely helpful.

The metropolol hasn't bothered me further; I think my body just needed a week to accept something new in the system. Too soon to tell for sure but I think the isosorbide may help me breathe better.

Overall I'm starting to feel a bit better and am mostly working on the mental adjustment to the diagnosis and situation.

It may seem weird to write out all this medical stuff here but in fact, it's like I would be explaining it to a partner or family member if I had one. Thanks for listening.


I'm glad the GP's been able to tweak things a bit and make some suggestions, Hopsie.  I find all that sort of thing stressful to manage but once it's in place and kind of doing what it needs to hopefully it will ease the situation a bit.  The cardio programme sounds like a really good idea.  Mask breathing is difficult, I find I struggle more now with masks as we don't use them often (mostly outdoors so no need to).  People I know who are still wearing one all the time at work don't notice they've even got it on, it just depends how much time you spend in them (and what it is you're doing, I guess).  But hopefully just getting back into that routine will help.  The being scared of being indoors is tricky, it feels at the moment it's a bit like a range of things to be scared of and having to pick which one is the least scary at the time.  It doesn't feel like a range of good options.  The summer months have been really good for us; I don't mind bad weather but son struggles with it so I'm guessing there will be times when our outdoor stuff just won't happen and we'll have to do indoor instead.  They're not easy choices to make.  I'm glad the doc had some useful thoughts, though, and hope the new med will start to help quickly xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 23, 2022, 04:17:11 PM
I'm doing a bit better. Still have SOB and some pain, but both are lessened. The isosorbide (anti-angina Rx) seems to me to be the one helping most. It's easy to confuse because I have to take it on a different schedule from the others (which basically morning and bedtime -- this one has a weird take one, then another 8 hours later thing). But it's worth the adjustment.

I have alarms on my cell phone to remind me. Not perfect, but helping for sure.

I start the cardio exercise program on Nov. 14th. Gonna hate every minute but gonna do it regardless. Loooooooong way to go to get as close to fit as I'm able, but I'm in.

One step at a time. Mental health's a bit better too, but I'll talk about that over there.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 24, 2022, 12:08:48 PM
I know the idea of the cardio programme isn't filling you with joy, Hopsie, but I think it will do you the power of good over the winter months to have those fixed times and dates to attend to.  I hope you start to feel some positive benefits from it relatively quickly and I'm glad the meds seem to be helping as well (albeit with a need to take things at funny times!).  Lol xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 24, 2022, 01:33:24 PM
Thanks, ((((Tupp)))).

I actually got the cardio rehab start date wrong...it's on Halloween, a week earlier.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 30, 2022, 08:54:31 PM
I am so proud of myself my head is the size of a jack-o-lantern.

I made a MASSIVE kettle of this charming recipe (and very simmmmmple one) and froze about three weeks' worth! I neeeeeeeed these veg-nutrients and this soup is potent. I added some things, including tumeric and green beans though you can throw in practically anything, and left out the hot sauce. It is so yummmmmy. I swear I can feel hair sprouting on my chest after one bowl.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYWT6O7Wuc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBYWT6O7Wuc)

My plan is to have a big bowl of it every day, with add-ins like brown rice if I want it, or tofu or beans, or fish or whatev. I love the idea of one-dish super-healthy meals and this is the closest I've come in a long time.

Now I'm ready to face the 1st rehab run-through tomorrow!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 14, 2022, 06:28:38 PM
Another self-delivered pat on back.

It's embarrassing so I'm happy I have this shame-free space to confess it.

I had a MASSIVE internal battle today because I

Didn't feel great. Anyway, lay in bed making up excuses, imagining the call to them, reminding myself ... it is serious and it matters ... and at the last minute forced myself to get moving and get there (only a few minutes late). I really didn't feel good (I trend low BP) but pushed through. No pushing the envelope but I accomplished the whole session as my baby-steps card demands.

And now I am so so so so so so glad I did that. Ridiculous to confess such a silly-sounding struggle but on the psychological side, it put a crack in my usual barrier.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 14, 2022, 11:34:06 PM
Whoo hoo,Hops is getting stronger, faster and more resilient.

That's good cause to celebrate and pat yourself on the back, yup yup yup.

You did good.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 19, 2022, 05:39:55 PM
Well, had the same interior battle with myself about going to
PT and lost it. Very strange but it's given me something to talk to T

I think there's a weird pattern I'd like to get to the bottom of. If I
could understand it, maybe I could improve it. Here it goes:

I'll have days or episodes when I get myself optimistically re-aligned,
so that I actually DO good things. Exs: making that soup (twice now).
GOING faithfully to cardio. I being to feel hopeful and positive about
maintaining myself with more discipline and know it will change my life.

THEN, I go into a trough of self-sabotage. (It's like finding out happily
that you've lost a few pounds when you need to, and the next day you
eat a pizza. All of it.) Such as this week, when I ate poorly again all of
a sudden and also boycotted cardio.

It is obvious self sabotage I haven't identified by name this clearly before. So
my question to myself (and my T) is: Why? What is the meaning of this behavior?

Anybody here who's wrestled their way to that sort of insight? Any epiphany
about it? If you had one, what sort of moment were you in when the light went
on? Did understanding WHY you're vulnerable to it help you to find strength
NOT to?

I am positive there are good answers and I believe I can do better. I know it's
associated with the idea of tapping into motivation and will. I know the fear of
negative consequences is a big motivator (such as trying to live longer and be
healthier) but I think maaaaybe...part of the trouble is having trouble tapping
into more consistency about anticipating positive consequences.

I think where I fail often is in tapping into strength in the present moment, not
just in planning, no matter how cleverly I can describe/talk about/write about
what the positive could be (in an imaginary sense). I want to make that present
and real.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 20, 2022, 09:59:55 AM
So, one good thing about winter is that the sun streams into my BR window in a particular way. Pooch is back in winter morning position -- foot of the bed in a really strong pool of sunlight. It outlines her in light and she looks golden. My favorite winter morning sight. Looks to be a lovely Sunday.

When I saw the cardiologist he confirmed the diagnosis (seemed to have left some wiggle room on that before). So, shoot. I read a bunch more about it and it left me somewhat depressed, which I'll work my way out of. Basically, the reason for all these drugs is that there really is no cure. It tends to get worse and the medications are just to reduce the pain or other symptoms, and can become ineffective in time.
Unlike coronary artery disease, which can be ameliorated with surgery (my Dad lived many years after a triple bypass), there's nothing they can do for microscopic vessel disease except slight changes through Rx, diet and exercise. I'll stick with the program (after a week where I slipped) but generally have a mental battle that I'm fully in at the moment. My heart is anatomically not okay. And though the pain is less severe with the Rx, it's still there -- pressure and discomfort in my chest -- just reminding me all the time.

Anxiety won't help. Freaking out about being alone won't help. Self-pity won't help. So all I can do is help what I can and release the outcome. Get my house decluttered and my paperwork organized and purged. Update my will, even.

This is asking for spiritual maturity from me that I'm not sure I have. But I will keep on keeping on until I can't. I have to talk positively to myself nonstop and that's not my nature either.

Just need encouragement if there's any floating around.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 21, 2022, 05:53:13 PM
 (((Hops))) you're going to adjust and find a new normal.  Hopefully, the fear decreases, strength and physical competence increase then you're in a new routine.

If you can't be super kind to yourself right now.....I'll be that for you.

You're doing your best.  When you're ready, you'll do what needs doing.  You always have. 

It's going to be ok, Dear Hops, so
drop the judgement and turn towards the crows, sunshine and pooch.

If you get to the declutter and paperwork, you get to it. If not, eh....its not time yet.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 21, 2022, 08:32:52 PM
Thank you, Lighter...from my heart.

I really did get through this moment, and your kindness is part of the reason.

After more self-sabotaging battle, I WON it today.
Dragged myself to rehab, started out very short of breath, thinking really miserable thoughts (iow, when Pooch dies -- she's 12 -- I'm ready to go....etc. etc. and Come ON, Hops!) and by the time I was struggling away gamely on the treadmill, EMILY pops up.

She's one of the staff, hyper and hilarious (also a fellow ADHD-er) and she goes, how are you doing? So I tell her: I'm feeling some shame because I blew it last week and didn't make it here.

Well that young hyper woman rounded on me and said 12 inches from my face: Don't you go there! You meet yourself exactly where you are and you just do what is working and don't shame yourself. For any slip back you're still forward and you're doing great.

Wow. And it worked. I ended my workout with a full and grateful and happy heart and it's lasted all evening.

It's just AMAZING how just a little moment of human-to-human empathy and "seeing" and "being seen" can change literally everything.

You did the same, Lighter. Thank you.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 21, 2022, 10:19:31 PM
And keep breathing, ((Hops.)) Nice, deep breaths. Pay attention to your peripheral vision and keep'a go.

I'm so glad you have Emily's wise voice.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on November 30, 2022, 12:12:02 PM
New week, new resolve.
Made it to rehab yesterday (late, though) and pushed on through.

A nurse told me something...the more I exercise, the more tiny new blood vessels will form which take some of the load off the ones that aren't working well. Not a cure but definitely an improvement. That was motivating!

Today I found energy to do a load of laundry and load the rack. That's it for physical activity so far but the day ain't over. Glad I get to talk to T in an hour (on Zoom, which works well for us).

Yesterday got so Worried About the Future I was practically manic. When I made another huge vat of soup this weekend I got angina during the last half-hour of the 2-hour process. Just chopping, stirring and standing...damn. However. That good nurse heard it all, and said, You know if you don't often cook and make a huge thing, that can be actually very stressful. And I realized that my body was very tense the whole time.

Still doesn't mean I'm happy with angina happening, but she was comforting.

Onward and ahead to whatever. Decided not to go to an in-person Covenant Group (my 2nd) today because it's chilly and wet and gray out and my back is still complaining that I overdid it on the NuStep yesterday. I do need to connect but I allowed myself to go for hygge, instead.

Hygge is worth googling, y'all.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on November 30, 2022, 07:19:18 PM
I'd say you did good, Hops.

You went to your appointment AND found out doing is helpful.  That;s a baner day, IMO.

We have windy rain here too.  Branches falling.  Cold and as you say... perfect for Hygge.

Such a great word!
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 18, 2023, 11:49:32 PM
Well, sometimes it's two steps forward and one-and-a-half back, really.

On my first day back at rehab as a private paying client, I was so excited I went harder (just a setting or two) and faster than ever. I was so happy, proud and encouraged. The next day, I realized I'd thrown out my back. I was in pain and couldn't return all March and around now is the first time I've been ready for just walks. (Setback at home with a horrible back-slip so there went another two weeks.) But it's on the mend and as long I lift practically nothing heavier than a dish, should continue to improve.

Meanwhile, I've had a hard swelling in my neck that I thought was just a lymph node fighting off an infection. Two years ago my then-doc sent me for a CT which showed nothing concerning. But it's gotten bigger, so the new-doc sent me for an ultrasound. The tech called that "suspicious" so next is a CT, then probably biopsy, etc. Long process I'm not looking forward to, but I'm sanguine. The heart stuff had scared me more than this does, though as the investigating marches on, that could change.

Still full of joy about friend's visit and the party coming up and spring is magnificent as ever.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 19, 2023, 05:40:44 AM
Sorry your back's bad Hopsie, I hope it continues to improve so that you can get back to exercising again.  I hope the lump doesn't turn out to be problematic, it's such a worry waiting for news so I hope they're able to rule things out quite quickly for you xx xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 19, 2023, 11:25:30 AM
Whew boy, I know the regret of joyfully overdoing physical stuff..... feels wonderful in the moment, then inflammation and trauma shut things down for a while... hard, IME.  I'm stretching every day, trying to keep and get back movement and strength.  You're wise to rest and recover.... as long as it takes: )

I'm glad you're feeling better and hopeful the investative stuff lead to nothing serious. 

Your joy with friend and upcoming party is something I look forward to reading about! 

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 23, 2023, 11:27:49 AM
Thanks, y'all. It really is a comfort to read that.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on May 06, 2023, 05:55:22 AM
Hopsie I've lost track of timelines but if it is birthday celebration time about now I hope you are having the most fabulous time imagineable :) xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 06, 2023, 10:44:20 AM
Party's tomorrow! (Actual bday was last week but animal sanctuary gathering has moved to tomorrow because it was raining last Sun.)

Can't wait to get covered in fur and various types of drool. Friends and laughter.

:)  Thanks, Tupp.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 06, 2023, 02:28:45 PM
More boring health stuff --
Had the CT neck scan (nuclear) Friday and am happy I haven't heard the results. I didn't want the doc to call until AFTER the festivities tomorrow, since I don't want to be worrying.

All will be well whatever it is. Meanwhile, gorgeous setting + animal therapy!

More later on another thread.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 07, 2023, 08:54:12 PM
Aw, Hops you have the best darned birthday possible... I just know you will.

That scan is goig to be OK.... I feel it in my bones.

Can't wait for drool, fur covered updates!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on May 08, 2023, 02:31:08 AM
I hope the results come though promptly, Hopsie - whatever an outcome, I personally find I cope better with knowing than not knowing (although obviously I hope it's an all clear :) ).
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 08, 2023, 12:37:49 PM
CT showed nothing alarming and my best grasp is I have an unexplained lump nobody but me is worried about. If it changes more -- then more investigation.

So relieved! Thanks for putting up with all my fears, y'all. I love you for caring.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 09, 2023, 03:14:43 PM
I think most humans over 40 have unexplained "lumps" Hops. I know I do.

So glad your scan showed nothing to be concerned about.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 20, 2023, 02:38:43 PM
Well, here's what happened. Went to the fancy ENT cancer expert and he pondered all the scans, palpated, pondered more. (He was awesome; took time and enjoyed explaining it all.) Upshot: we agreed on a diagnosis and he let me name it: Sagging Salivary. LOL.

Evidently my two salivary glands are different in size, and over time one of them has gotten perceptibly bigger (and harder) than the other. And that's it. I felt like an idiot but he was laughing over the name and seemed to enjoy our convo, so I espcaped with most of my humiliated ego. He enjoyed my inspiration story though:

I saw a clip of [edit: Emma Thompson] on a British talk show (Brit humor really tickles me). She lives on an isolated farm and has a field between her house and a stream she likes to dip in most days. One evening the cops came knocking, which was unusual. "Mrs. Thompson," they explained, "we're very sorry to disturb you but there's been a report of an intruder on your land and we want to be certain all is well. A woman on a bridge down the way saw a naked man crossing your field this afternoon."

On the show she said, "I told them sometimes I like to walk naked across the field to my stream, and my breasts have sagged so much I'm sure from a distance they might be confused with testicles. All is well."

ENT doc wants me back for a followup ultrasound in 6 mnths just to be sure, but so far no biopsy and no alarm. And I've stopped poking at my neck.

Actually I AM an idiot. But I can live with it.

Meanwhile, cardiologist has decided that I may have two types of chest pain. One will kick in when I'm stressed or even asleep (the scariest) and often mornings. He believes that is not microvascular angina. The other kind, that scared me so badly alone on a walk, is during exertion, and it would be (in that instance I should head for the ER). That hasn't happened again in the same way, so I'm going to start with snail-walks with a friend and gin up courage to rebuild the progress I lost when my back went out after rehab. I have to go see an esophageal specialist to see if there's erosion or anything else going on in those tubes that could explain chest pain at rest.

I'm determined to get some answer that is more clear. I've also requested a shrink referral to see if there is ANY ADD med that's safe for cardiac-vulnerable older people (from reading, I doubt it) and likewise, if there's anything for anxiety that doesn't depress the CNS (from reading, doubt that too--but no stone unturned).

I'm trying not to obsess but really would like to understand all this better. I know that being your own advocate is key, as long as you stay rational. And keep trying to do healthy stuff and just hope it brings results. I know I should meditate, too.

Thanks for listening to my tedious medical mysteries and worries. It helps! I have a Zoom with a distant friend and a real, in-person visit from a local friend this afternoon. Those help too. I ain't giving up. (Though my darkest thoughts when I am having breathing trouble or chest pain -- do I want to live with this? -- trouble me too. Trying with the T to get to the bottom of it all. Fear is fear and I hate it.)

Today is beautiful and I feel better than I have for days. So despite alla this, I'm good.

hugs and gratitude,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 21, 2023, 08:23:14 AM
My dear Hops...
You are being so responsible and self-caring about your physical self. Aging most definitely sneaks up on us while we're living life! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other at this, and it should sort itself out.

Funny thing about fear, it doesn't JUST paralyze us or our motivations. Sometimes, it's the best motivator! Maybe you simply need to find a way to make your fear align with your goals? I firmly believe that all the emotions have vital purpose to us. But it usually takes most of a lifetime to figure all that out; experience and experimentation.

I've been hitting it pretty hard physically, this past week. B thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared my garden dirt (and Hol & I had added a generous amount of well-aged mushroom compost last year) and our spring temps have remained well in the range where I know I can go out in the sun. Another day of physical rest & recovery (with light housework and some shopping) and I'll be filling the last quadrant with the 3 sisters... and maybe zucchini & cucumbers. I'm planting herbs, too - in and among my rocks as my "dirt" supply allows, and I do have access to truckloads of topsoil. Herbs usually aren't really picky about quality of dirt, but my shale & clay are a tad "challenging" to developing plant root systems.

Then, there are the landscaping chores. But that takes a bit more strength & stamina. I be workin' up to it!!

But, there was a bit of a Jedi mind-trick I used on myself to distract me from letting my physical resistance completely stop me in my tracks. I kept my focus on the end result I wanted - the lbs of brussel sprouts and taters, the onion braids I'll make - the bee-covered herb blossoms. I WANT this; I want the plant material to set up a still room for compounding the medicines I can make. And that keeps me working at it, putting my obsessive energy to good use instead of staying "stuck". Even when the muscles and my hands start to ache & "complain".  (Maybe you can devise one tailored for yourself?)

Yep, by Friday I was 100% "done"; stick a fork in me. Without the guys here, Hol & I had worked our butts off this past week and got a LOT taken care of, for the nonce. There is always more, later, always. But this is a good baseline to start from. We're trying to visually "clear the list" of to-dos, so we have the "space" to tackle some bigger projects when the guys are available to assist.

Too much unstructured time, for her & I, turns our focus inward and becomes justification and excuse for NOT doing. So it's more of a finding a new place of balance for both types of things. Giving ourselves permission, even.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 21, 2023, 04:13:24 PM
Wise thoughts and examples, Amber, thank you!
I'm at the point where light housekeeping can require a rest, pronto.
But if I scale down your prodigiousness and ponder the end goal as you describe to stay on task, in very small chunks, it would serve me well.

Structure? I remember that word, somewhere...your self-motivation is awesome.

AD-ohlookabird!-D and all.

I was doing a recipe from a "Hello Fresh" box I ordered foolishly. Recipe wasn't bad and most ingredients okay, but the prep work required knife skills I ain't got and by the time I'd waded through washing/peeling/dicing three things and mincing another and finely chopping another I was so wiped out I got nauseous and sweaty and hadda go lie down. Part of that's anxiety but part actually physical, and I just haven't learned my body's new normal nor how to safely test its limits.

Thus, I have my marching orders. LEARN the new normal and SAFELY test the limits. I used to be more rational!

PS--I got the Emma Thompson anecdote all bollixed up but the real one is even more hilarious, especially her bit about the sheep. I adore her!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYUVulinQ3c&t=439s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYUVulinQ3c&t=439s)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 22, 2023, 09:42:19 AM
HA!!! I get it about the knife work. You know, there's no grade or test or judgement about HOW you chop things, especially when cooking for yourself, right? There's not even any culinary reason for most "instructions". I do what I call the "farm wife" chop - which is usually bigger chunks/fewer cuts...

a) I like to taste the individual veggies
b) by dinner time, often my hands ache so much I can barely hold the knife

Which is why it's so lovely when B offers to cook; even when I had planned to make dinner, sometimes I'm just all used up.

I used to have a lot of anxiety over cooking, back when we entertained a lot at the beach. It was the country club set and there was  no denying the reality that I WAS being judged; all the time. (That was how THEY grew up.) Never good enough because I wasn't brought up in that kind of environment, ya know? But I did accept the challenge and keep trying; some things were obviously easier than others.

I got pretty good at pulled pork BBQ; in a crockpot!  ;)  B sez he likes mine better than what we can get from the surrounding restaurants. And my chicken & dumplings almost always results in seconds. He can't eat seafood, but I do have a couple no-fail options for scallops & oysters. And I did finally make a passable Margarita Key Lime pie.

But it wasn't until I was on the mountain alone, that the desire to have fun with cooking returned. Now, I experiment  with recipes and do it "my way"... and while it doesn't always look "right", it usually tastes good. Hol has gone through her own challenge with cooking - making a lot of things at home, that are sold prepackaged with all kinds of preservatives & sugar in the stores. Hummus, guacamole, salsa... biscuits & gravy... pizzas... lots of baking (she made B a chocolate mousse cake that deep dark chocolate on chocolate & cacao that was to die for).

Most of success in cooking, is just practice. But I STILL get a lot of tension in my shoulders & upper back, when making some things... and I have to stop - breathe - and consciously relax/stretch a minute. No one's starving, so an extra minute or two in the prep doesn't matter.

Gardening is the same way, for me. Getting up & down, it's easy for me to get wobbly and fall. Or get my feet tangled, etc. I lower the bar for expectations on myself, by reminding "me" that it's not a race, I can rest or drink as often as I want, and it'll get "done"... when it gets done. I do it my way, in my own time, at my own pace. Owning all of the process, seems to allow me to focus on the enjoyment & lets me slip into the "zone"... and then it's not such onerous "work". The more I do... the more my stamina returns, the looser my muscles get (flexibility has never been an issue), and the more strength returns. Little tiny baby step by baby step.

Yeah, Hol rubs it in how much more she gets done, being 20 years younger. But last week, she pulled out & heated one of my comfort heating pads too. LOLOL.

I was gonna shop yesterday but I couldn't do some of my "executive tasks" until today - so I'm getting an extra "light duty" day today, to recover just a little more. Mother nature is offering up the best opportunity to get spring chores done that I've seen in a LONG  time. So, I can't take too long to  get my energy revv'd up again. Soon it'll be 85, and I'll be limited to working a few hours early in the morning & late in the evening.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 22, 2023, 02:06:35 PM
You awe me.

Unfortunately, what comes on if I spend more than 15 standing minutes doing food prep, is heart pain. Or chest pain. Or pain. And that stops me in my tracks. Nausea and weakness and sweat out of the blue, after such short effort, is the signal.

I'm back to nuking frozen things (still wish I could find really healthy low fat frozen entrees) or making nothing more complicated than excellent oats from scratch or good tuna/sardines. I really don't care as I'm not a foodie, but I am a healthie, and need to work harder at enough veggies. I know what to do. Rice and beans. Steamed/nuked vegs. Froz fruit. And at least once a week buying a huge kale or other good salad out. My "Hello Fresh" attempt was a miss. Shoulda realized that there'd be a ton of chopping but it was more than I have the uuuphhh for.

I could take up bear hunting for protein. FINALLY, a bear made it to my block (right across the street) two days ago. I don't blame the bears, ever, but am waiting for the shrieks of protest. Told Pooch if a bear makes it to my back "40" -- come in right away. I'm sure she was listening, as she only confronts real terrors (like the mail carrier) from the front window. Great Doberman display for a 20-lb creature.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on May 22, 2023, 09:27:41 PM
Well, here's what happened. Went to the fancy ENT cancer expert and he pondered all the scans, palpated, pondered more. (He was awesome; took time and enjoyed explaining it all.) Upshot: we agreed on a diagnosis and he let me name it: Sagging Salivary. LOL.

I'm so glad you persevered to an answer, ((Hops!))  There was an answer.  You wanted it.  You got it.

Evidently my two salivary glands are different in size, and over time one of them has gotten perceptibly bigger (and harder) than the other. And that's it. I felt like an idiot but he was laughing over the name and seemed to enjoy our convo, so I espcaped with most of my humiliated ego. He enjoyed my inspiration story though: The docs should be the ones with bruised egos, not you, IMO.

I saw a clip of [edit: Emma Thompson] on a British talk show (Brit humor really tickles me). She lives on an isolated farm and has a field between her house and a stream she likes to dip in most days. One evening the cops came knocking, which was unusual. "Mrs. Thompson," they explained, "we're very sorry to disturb you but there's been a report of an intruder on your land and we want to be certain all is well. A woman on a bridge down the way saw a naked man crossing your field this afternoon." I saw that too, SO FUNNY!!

On the show she said, "I told them sometimes I like to walk naked across the field to my stream, and my breasts have sagged so much I'm sure from a distance they might be confused with testicles. All is well."

ENT doc wants me back for a followup ultrasound in 6 mnths just to be sure, but so far no biopsy and no alarm. And I've stopped poking at my neck.You stopped poking bc you have answers, not bc you were told to by docs.  Good'on'ya.

Actually I AM an idiot. But I can live with it. You're Hopsy and it's human to feel better when we have answers and truths.  Don't feel bad about getting what you need.

Meanwhile, cardiologist has decided that I may have two types of chest pain. One will kick in when I'm stressed or even asleep (the scariest) and often mornings. He believes that is not microvascular angina. The other kind, that scared me so badly alone on a walk, is during exertion, and it would be (in that instance I should head for the ER). That hasn't happened again in the same way, so I'm going to start with snail-walks with a friend and gin up courage to rebuild the progress I lost when my back went out after rehab. I have to go see an esophageal specialist to see if there's erosion or anything else going on in those tubes that could explain chest pain at rest.  That all makes sense to me.  You need to know the facts so you can make informed choices with your health. 

I'm determined to get some answer that is more clear. I've also requested a shrink referral to see if there is ANY ADD med that's safe for cardiac-vulnerable older people (from reading, I doubt it) and likewise, if there's anything for anxiety that doesn't depress the CNS (from reading, doubt that too--but no stone unturned). 

I'm trying not to obsess but really would like to understand all this better. I know that being your own advocate is key, as long as you stay rational. And keep trying to do healthy stuff and just hope it brings results. I know I should meditate, too.  Seeking out joy, as you've been doing, is a type of meditation, ime.

Thanks for listening to my tedious medical mysteries and worries. It helps! I have a Zoom with a distant friend and a real, in-person visit from a local friend this afternoon. Those help too. I ain't giving up. (Though my darkest thoughts when I am having breathing trouble or chest pain -- do I want to live with this? -- trouble me too. Trying with the T to get to the bottom of it all. Fear is fear and I hate it.)

Today is beautiful and I feel better than I have for days. So despite alla this, I'm good.   (((Hops))) 

hugs and gratitude,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 23, 2023, 09:25:09 AM
Hmmmmm. OK. There is some combination of things going on in the kitchen. That's a mystery to puzzle out at leisure  and hope for insight.

In the meantime, there ARE reasonably sized bags of already chopped frozen veggie "steamers" in the frozen section. Yeah, many come drowned in sauces - but one can drain a lot of that off when they come out of the m'wave. Pizzas can be streamlined with prepared crusts, a jar o' sauce and most stores have containers of pre-chopped veggies in the produce section these days. Pepperoni comes pre-sliced. I've been seeing a lot Mexican pizzas, using tortillas, usually flour tortillas, and again with the pre-chopped veggies. Doesn't take much time at all to brown 1/2 lb of ground beef and season with taco seasoning... and those ingredients can also go into a taco salad.

If you're looking to stay more vegetarian, HUMMUS is easy in a blender or food processor. Use the little jars of minced garlic to save chopping time; tahini & boiled (to soften) garbanzo beans. Spice up as you see fit - and make sammiches with it, with lettuce & tomato etc. Put it in a wrap...

The groceries have all kinds of things these days that can help you get around the standing & chopping problems. And they can be as healthy as cooking from scratch; no need to absorb all the extra junk mass-food processors want to add for "value" or make it last longer on the shelf.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 30, 2023, 02:12:08 PM
Thanks for the very practical encouragement, Amber.

I have built a swamp of rejects in my fridge and purging that and ordering pre-cut things (plus I love the idea of wraps) is next! Excellent and pragmatic reminder, exactly what I needed.

I need to pick up the protein without mammals or birds. Still eating fish, mostly canned, but have a thawed piece of cod ready to go. Nuke some sprouts or kale to go with.

Carbs sing my song but I'm working at that too. Love Ezekiel sprouted grains flourless bread, but though you buy it frozen and sliced, you have to hack part of the loaf to bits before you can retrieve whole separate slices to toast. It's weird. I gave up on the bread machine after it vesuviused one too many times. LOL.

Progress, not perfection!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on May 31, 2023, 07:30:26 AM
How about salmon? Lots of vitamin E there.
OH... and lentils! Don't forget those lovely little beans are packed full of protein - and are great in salads this time of year.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on May 31, 2023, 07:59:21 AM
Yum to both! I do get frozen salmon, just need to remember to thaw it earlier.
Need to look up some simple lentil recipes.
I'd love to make the Afghan lentil soup I get from a restaurant here; fantastic.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on June 01, 2023, 03:55:01 PM
I know I've written about lentils on this forum before.... so in love with them, esp the little black round lentils,. yum.

I could live on a pot of them, with a small chopped salad of carrots, cucumbers, parsley, lemon, red wine vinegar and Nature's Sesoaning/olive oil and radishes for a month.... but I'm "sensitive" to lentils, which wasn't always the case.

I used to cook down tomatoes and onions in olive oil ... till almost a paste, then add lentils and water wtih Nature's Seasoning.... rice was nice with, but not necessary.  SO GOOD.

I hope you find lots of recipes you enjoy, Hops.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on June 24, 2023, 01:14:09 PM
How is the meal planning going, Hops?

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 24, 2023, 09:53:55 PM
I'm looking forward to fixing lentils due to your inspiration, Lighter! GOOD idea.

But for now I'm making do with very very simple, almost-zero-cooking to get by. Mostly healthy stuff, and about once a week I'll buy a big kale Caesar with lox. Not good enough, day to day, but I haven't forgotten the goals.

I'm a breakfast queen since my energy's best then, and my summer bfast (brunch really, around 11am) carries me to 4pm-ish. I sometimes have a PB&J in the evening. Bfast is farmer ready:
--steel-cut overnight oats (soaked w/ any plant milk, about a tbsp each of maple syrup and pbutter, dash of salt, topped with lots of blueberries, walnuts and kefir), makes enough for 3 breakfasts, alternated every other day with
-- fried eggs (just whites) fried in plant butter (really yummy one, first I've ever found, made with oat milk, amazingly good) with turmeric, salt and pepper on toasted all-sprouted Ezekiel bread (no flour).

I miss my "industrial salads" with about 12 different vegs, but those standing and chopping days are behind me, at least for now. Hopefully I'll get back to that.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on June 25, 2023, 02:27:50 PM
I'm glad you have food planning and meal times figured out, for now, Hops.

If you get sick of your breakfast ritual, beakfast salads can be yummy too,  I'm thinking avocado, tempeh fried golden, pemade salad topped with a couple egg whites..... I like all kinds of seeds... try to grind flax as often as can be remembered. 

If you sneak up on lentil prep, maybe buy a pre cut container of onions from the produce section (as Amber said) and a couple fresh tomatoes and garlic cloves.  The brown lentils are the easist and make for really nice leftovers, IME. 

Stay away from the black ones, bc they're easy to over cook.  The orange ones are very starchy.... like potatoes, IME.  Not my thing.

 I guess you eat  the breakfast oats cold?  I love me some raw oats, so it sounds yummy, but..... can it be heated?  Is it supposed to be?


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 25, 2023, 03:21:41 PM
Good idea about the pre-cut onions, thanks! I've gritted my teeth and returned to Whole Foods delivery or pickup when I'm up to it (delivery adds more cost to already high prices). Kroger's doing terribly re. anything fresh and Instacart can't manage to find kefir there even though it's always offered thru the website. Lately I've gotten sunflowers with rotting stems and petals falling off (a rare treat so that one got to me), avocados that taste like wax, and bananas too overripe to do anything but freeze. And when Instacart texts about a substituion the message vanishes in one second and you can't reply. Not worth the aggro. Just a vent!

I eat the overnight oats cold in hot weather but no reason at all they can't be heated.

On my "egg white days" I often nuke greens to go with. Cooked organic spinach with a bit of salt and plant butter....yummm.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 27, 2023, 06:03:58 AM
Aaaaaand, I was looking at small food processors (with lousy reviews) and balked at the prices (after checking the cost of pre-cut vegs) and, drumroll, had a realization:

A - I am an idiot. Because

B - I already have a Vitamix, and it's ancient but works fine.

All I need to purchase is a sturdy long-handled spatula. You just pulse things and bobsyeruncle. It'll do onion, carrots, etc easily. They're not prettily diced but it does the job for cooking (and I'm thinking nutrition not presentation). YAY.

I could make that chopped salad you described, Lighter. And do cole slaw, etc.

Woo hoo,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 27, 2023, 07:42:22 AM
Yup, my old Oscar is 30 yrs old, but it still works fine.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on June 27, 2023, 01:35:59 PM
A Vitamix would sure make veg prep easier, Hops.

Maybe pre prep the quantities you'll use, and put in fridge for grabbing as needed. Then you clean the Vitamix less often.

We're working through a quantity of white and red Bolognese sauces right now...... SO GOOD.  You can add tons of celery, zucchini, onions, carrots and I should think Tempeh would be good in that.  I could eat it every day with crackers..... I try to eat it on it's own. 

I cooke the veg down on it's own, then deglaze with the wine..... we had Pino G so I used that, twice, recently..... makes a delicious sauce.  You mentioned using butter..... maybe add some dairy or non dairy..... we used cream then add butter  to taste as we plate. 

I guess you could serve the white Bolognese with fish.... would be delicious.  The red wine version would be good with mushtroom steaks.... love mushrooms in this house.  Making a large pot, of each, means we get to freeze some for later...... easy and happy grab when things are busy.

Another yummy recent cook was white chili.  I followed a recipe then put tons more beans into the mix than called for.  It's delicious and there's so many ways to enjoy it...... breakfast eggs, big salad with all the taco condiments, on it's own, warm with a bit of crushed up corn chips and avocado.... with rice..... it's just tasty and not difficult to make, IMO.

I hope you do make that little chopped salad with the Vitamix, Hops.  Red wine vinegar, olive oil, Nature's Seasoning and whatever acid you have.... I love lemons or limes equally..... it's perfect as a side dish with lentils.  If I add fresh tomatoes to that salad, I usually just toss in some grape tomatoes as I serve, bc they get mushy and break down faster than the cucumber, radishes and carrots in the fridge.  I can have leftovers for days if I don't add chopped tomatoes to the batch.  Oh.... lots an lots of fresh  flat leaf parsley..... so darned good and fresh.

Adding quinoa to that salad, maybe changing up the veggies, is another good option for cold summer salads with some protein.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 27, 2023, 04:27:45 PM
I like the salads ideas a lot.

Cooking --- iow, standing to stir, up and down to come stir again, adding things for timing, deglazing and more stirring. Not these days though hopefully again later. Just "following a recipe" right now usually means standing longer than I can w/o back spasms. No longer making big pots of anything.

Glad you enjoy your taste adventures! I enjoy how I feel after eating tons of vegs.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 28, 2023, 09:51:43 AM
Hops, see if you have a close National Pain & Spine center near you. It's kind of a combo pain management & solution/diagnosis practice. They'll get to the bottom of the cause of the spasms/pain and starting with the least invasive and onerous treatments, get you functional again. Including alternative/complimentary therapies.

That's been Buck's saving grace, but there are LOTS of things they will suggest and try to provide relief before getting close to the device implant stage. That is their protocol: start with the easy things, fewest risks... and see if relief is obtained. I like that approach a lot, versus what one normally sees on offer.

If you can't stand long enough to cook, then there is SOMETHING causing this spasm situation and it should be addressed. For your quality of life, ya know?  ;)
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on June 28, 2023, 05:01:47 PM
I don't understand what symptoms are attached to which activities.  I don't know if it's muscular or skeletal or nerve pain. 

The skeleton needs to line up, from head to toe, or things go sideways is all I know for sure.

I hope you're fing better, ((Hops.))]

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 28, 2023, 08:47:02 PM
Thanks (Amber))).
Years ago when I was hauling my dad out of the bathrub and, later, my hefty Nmom off the floor...my previously-blown-by-heavy-lifting two slipped disks at the bottom of my spine got so bad I went to a pain clinic, and five times had spinal injections to build scarring to protect the crazed nerves. The blessing was, it worked! For 2 months.

I'm nowhere near as bad as that now. In more recent years I just learned my limits and when I mind them (unlike in extended food prep or repetitive bending, iow gardening)...I'm mostly comfortable. Nowwhere near ready for any more drastic interventions such as an implant, and once I re-start a baby-step fitness thing, it WILL (and does) improve. I miss my judo days but I'm 73!

And ((((Lighter)))) Thanks to you too for caring. And you've aso given me some excellent tips and ideas. I'm grateful! The simple version is just that FOR NOW, anything involving standing (chopping or stirring or fetching) for more than 10-15 minutes isn't on the physical menu. But that's okay, I'm not starving.

Imo, it's nothing to despair about. Back to the baby steps and I truly do believe in renewal, physically as well as mentally. Got a new referral to start again w/PT. BTW, the pain you're asking about isn't spinal misalignment, it's muscle spasms that kick in when the compressed disks object to me standing for long. A lot of that is due to me spending too much time horizontal, which will change as/when I get fitter.

Thanks for the inspiration, botha youse.

big hugs,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on June 29, 2023, 06:18:20 PM
Ugh. We're at 169 AQI and the smoke blocks the horizon view of mountains. Never seen this level of haze before.

So, hunkering home with Pooch, changed my AC filter, and an trying not to think too hard. Masking in car and outdoors on way to mammogram. Such a strange time.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on June 30, 2023, 07:52:17 AM
We were 180 on this side of the mountain, Hops.

It's noticeable, but we're all still functioning. Maybe at a lower intensity. Hol noticed a "hot asphalt" smell, I only caught a suggestivle whiff of it.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 17, 2023, 12:53:38 PM
Well, spit.

Had another episode of aphasia last night (not as bad as it was during the wee stroke) but though I could speak well, writing was gibberish. Drove myself to the ER after a friend offered and told her, hey listen, I'm talking fine! She was the one who drove me 4 years ago when I couldn't talk right, so she got the difference.

Waited 3 hours (they were jammed) and by midnight took myself home. I was writing again on my phone and able to chat to seat mate, so I figured it was an aphasia episode but not a stroke. Got home and wrote a detailed description and sent to the cardiologist, neurology and my PCP. First two responded right away (neurology wants me to have next available appt, cardiology wants an extra unscheduled reading of the implant recorder, and I see PCP for a routine followup early next month anyway).

Having two responses this morning already made me feel well cared for and I feel normal again. Look, I'm writing! But have to admit it's a scary thing whenever it happens. Mom's big stroke haunts me and my wee one does too at times. Makes me appreciate a lovely day and funny pooch more, though.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 18, 2023, 04:32:57 AM
I am so sorry that you had to go through that, Hops, and I'm glad it passed.  Please don't ever drive in that situation again though, especially if you have someone else willing to take you.  I'm glad the docs got back to you quickly and hope they are able to give you some useful information when you see them.  I bet Pooch was glad to see you home :) I hope you're feeling alright today, does it make you feel very tired?  I'm imagining it's a lot for the body and mind to process.  I hope your appointments come through quickly xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on October 19, 2023, 09:01:52 AM
((((((Hugs Hopsie)))))
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 19, 2023, 01:13:29 PM
Thanks, ((((Tupp)))). I was tired the next day, slept right through the morning. Pooch was indeed pleased to see me and cuddling her cures all. Went out and about and took Board minutes at our meeting yesterday afternoon, this morning cranked out a draft for review. Words worked. I feel pretty good. I just never know when aphasia will kick off and medicos always say, Go to ER! (And wait 8 hours...sigh--though that's unfair because when I had the Real Stroke they zipped me back.)

Thanks to you too, Amber. I am learning to live with the Ticking Clock of Doom in my head. Best shortcut is reminding myself that we all have one, I'm just one of the zillions who get irregular reminders. Probably the universe is trying to get my ohlookasquirrel! attention.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 20, 2023, 01:34:20 AM
I'm glad normal service was resumed quickly, with the aid of Pooch and her super cuddles.  It is hard when you know that 'it might happen' risk is always there, it can be hard to focus on other things.  I'm glad you've got your projects going on, that's when I think being involved in things can really help.  It's a sort of external focus and I find that helpful.  I do get what you say about going to ER, it's very difficult in those situations but no-one wants to sit there for eight hours, most of which they no longer have the issue that took them there in the first place!  Frustrating.  Let us know what the docs come back with when you see them, when is next appointment? xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on October 21, 2023, 02:07:38 PM
I see PCP (primary care provider) and cardiologist in early November and am still waiting for word on neurology clinic.

I'm really not worrying much. I feel basically peaceful and pretty content. It's just a thing that helps to think about -- we all have The Clock and that's nature fer ya.

I'm doing fine, had a long talk w/friend B that was very nurturing and will be Zooming with poet friend later today.

Thanks for checking.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on October 21, 2023, 02:20:47 PM
Good, I'm glad appointments are coming up quickly and that friends are about (face to face or any way!  Lol). xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 01, 2024, 03:10:21 PM
Welp, did quite the whoopsie-do in the bathroom around 5am (after 2 hours' sleep) and SLAMMED my back down on the tilted top edge of the lid. You can see the indentation of its shape on my back! Slipped on a bath rug. I've definitely bruised back ribs but if it's not better enough tomorrow after my mini-speech (program for the Village and other orgs) I'll go to the ER for an xray. Just in case there's fracture. (They seldom offer much other than drugs but if it hurts when you breathe they pay close attn because it can risk pneumonia. Mine does hurt but only in one position.)

Should have done that this morning but had maneuvered myself back onto the bed and did get some more sleep. Could've gone I suppose but last time I was there the wait time was between 4 and 12 hours (after they checked me out to rule out active stroke) and the chairs absolutely messed with my back and I wasn't capable of the wait with the pain. They were jammed; not their fault.

Just a whiiiiiine. All will be well. Old zombie woman + bunched-up bath rug = stupid stuff happens.


I'll go tomorrow in the early afternoon, which is possibly a less-busy time.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 01, 2024, 07:12:34 PM
 Maybe an urgent care would be less wait, Hopsie.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 02, 2024, 10:25:50 AM
Thanks, hon. I don't know if they accept Medicare though. I could go to the nearby community hospital ER for this, as it's smaller and normally less jammed.

May do that later today -- have to give a little talk about the Village at 11am. The one concern with ribs, if broken (I believe the bottom one may be) is that if it interferes with breathing deeply (one is), that can encourage pneumonia in olderies. I should suck it up and get the image.

Hugs, gingerly,
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 02, 2024, 11:20:45 AM
Knowing will help. They no longer wrap ribs, but you'll probably get some pain meds.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 05, 2024, 05:19:42 AM
I hope you got checked out and that everything's okay, Hopsie xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 05, 2024, 03:47:50 PM
Thanks, y'all. There's no overt fracture but it's basically deep bone bruises plus some smashed soft tissue. The prescribed pain med didn't touch it so I'm asking my PCP for something stronger.

Daytimes I cope fine, but getting into any sleep position involves crying out over and over at night. Just about at "I can't take it" level, truth be told.

Ribs reasearch suggests that injured ribs hurt like hell whether overtly fractured or not.  I don't care, just want to sleep. Cranky and crumpling a bit. This too shall pass.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Twoapenny on April 06, 2024, 03:57:44 AM
That sounds grim, Hopsie, nothing worse than unrelenting pain, especially when it prevents sleep.  I hope the doc was able to give you something stronger and that it starts to heal up quickly as well xx
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 06, 2024, 08:01:47 AM
When B is in a lot of pain, it helps for him to sleep in a recliner. It's enough support for the body to relax, but won't put as much pressure on your back.
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 07, 2024, 01:03:01 AM
No recliner here, LOL.
A new couch with a recliner seat at one end would be lovely. No furniture budget.

But the good news is that after finally getting my doc to acknowledge that I take such low doses I don't need to worry about serotonin syndrome, I started the addition Rx from the urgent care doc (1 anti-inflammatory and 1 muscle relaxant) and felt way better this morning. Oh, and I added the Costa Rican version (gift from M) of a gel rub, Voltaren in the US, all over the bruise and that helped a lot.

TMI? Hope not!

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: sKePTiKal on April 07, 2024, 07:52:50 AM
So, Voltaren works, huh? I found it in my search for things to help B but didn't buy it. We just use the usual capsaisin, aspercreme, arnica, etc. I did find a tincture - combo of herbs - that seems to help. It's a nerve tonic that helps the nerves do what they're s'posed to do... so it's more a long term assist. He is still on half doses, once a day WHEN he remembers. Maybe a placebo effect, but he thinks it helps and that's all that matters!
Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 07, 2024, 10:48:46 AM
Sorry that happened to you, Hops.  I'd look at your neighborhood message board and maybe post for the loan of whatever chair you think would help.  We had a heated one that stood my dad up....thinking that might be a better sleeping situation for you?

Sometimes you can find them available for cheap or free.

Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: Hopalong on April 08, 2024, 12:48:47 PM
Y'all are so kind to track my painful stuff. Thank you, dears.

Actually, the Voltaren is worth a try for B, imo. I was amazed.
And I'm better enough now that despair lifted off. Whew. I've
even slept some, because I can shift better in bed.

It's just going to take time now that the pain is down a bit.

Watch me be patient! C'mon nature, hurry up....LOL.


Title: Re: Health Updates
Post by: lighter on April 09, 2024, 03:33:57 PM
I'm glad the worst pain and despair have lifted, dear one.
