Hey Newby,
Thanks for the encouragement and hope for a normal future.
You're welcome, pal. My pleasure.
It sounds like you have a great wife.
Truer words were never spoken. Even when her hormones are a little out of whack.
How did you come to this forum? Did you have a close encounter?
I'm a little of the odd man out here. I had a good childhood and i never married or got tangled up romantically with an N.
My brother however is, in my opinion, suffering from NPD.
We were in business together and are presently in court. He has essentially destroyed my relationship with the rest of my family, tried to destroy my reputation and cost me untold sums of money.
My story is buried several pages back in the board.
So not only did I have a close encounter, you might say I have been the victim of an alien abduction. I'd say it's been a lot closer to the 'X Files' than 'Close Encounters', however.