Thank you Plucky for your words of encouragement. I found out today that I will receive a slight increase in my disability check. That will cover the garbage pick up I just ordered and the extra pellets needed for heating. It's colder this year than last. I'm checking into SSI payments but doubt I will get much from them. At last count the amount was just over $10.00 a month. That would cover my monthly garbage collection. My medication is paid for next year by Medicare so that helps.
Interesting, after I wrote that I thought of this one person I know who might be interested in my house. I got dressed and went out to the mailbox. Who was there on the street riding his bike by me at the exact moment I closed my mailbox? The guy I was thinking about. This is happening a lot lately. The right person at the right time. He's looking for a fixer house and I'm looking to get out of a fix. I've talked with him about this home. He does renovation work so this might work out one way or another.
Right now I've got another problem - a possible eye infection. I haven't had one of these in over a year. Last time it was serious, in my cornea. I'm hoping this wont be like that. The moisture helped before but this year it doesn't seem to be. At least the doctor's visit is covered. The medication is not until next year.
Luckily I don't have rent only monthly expenses; heating, electricity, water, cable, garbage, counseling, fuel, medications, and food. That comes to about $600 a month and that does it for my money. My phone and internet access is currently paid by my h and sometimes my water. So there is absolutely no way to afford a lawyer.
I have information about a service in a nearby town which has low cost lawyer fees for low income. I'm going to call them tomorrow. As well I am calling to find out about the SSI which I did today and they informed me that I would need to call my local office.
I plan to take this slow - approximately 6 months before I move. The sticky stuff is the dissolution and divorce requirements, 90 days after each needing to be a resident in my state. So it might not be until next fall when I move.
It is fine when he's not here to a point. Like two nights ago on the phone when he kept talking away about himself for nearly two hours but never sharing any deeper than bragging about his accomplishments. Then of course that followed with his
self-defecating attitude.

He always follows his bragging with his bizarre
self-defecation. Well not so bizarro after reading about CNPD. Makes so much sense now.
The problem is that since I am intuitive I pick up things from people whether I am physically with them or talking on the phone. I am only now learning that I do this and trying to figure out how to stop it. My t says it is because I am an INFP and very intuitive. It is kind of like when I can tell my h is lying or anyone else for that matter. These can be little lies and I know they are lying. The other stuff was talked about in another thread before. Difficult to explain but I'll say that what I "pick up" affects me for the rest of that day. It gets in my psychological, emotional and mental space. It is the person's sickness in my space. So with my h it is his sexual addiction and his N stuff in my head and heart space. Very yucky! Now I just need to get it out of there and keep it out of there. What happens is I get horrible insomnia and that is not good for my health.
Also I don't want to lead him on thinking everything is hunky dory. It is not. I'm not that kind of person and hate people like that who outright use you to get to their destination. Gee kind of like a N ... ugh!