Well, it's been a week since my mother died. I have been waiting to react in some way, but, so far, all I feel is a sense of relief and a quiet sadness that this is the end of the story. I still feel (emotionally) like it could have "been fixed" so that we could have had a normal relationship, even though (intellectually) I know that could never happen. And now I am realizing that I spent so very much of my time thinking about things in terms of her- how it would affect her, what she would need, how I could live my life around her needs, etc. etc. etc. I am feeling very weird because I did that for so long that I didn't even realize I was doing it, and now,for the first time, I have my life to myself. And I almost don't know how to act. It is REALLY weird.
However, something really nice has happened. All of the people (like aunts and uncles) who I know my mother biased against me are all dead. I used to hate the thought of going back to my home town because I always lived in her shadow and I always felt not quite accepted by them because of the things she used to tell them about me to make herself shine instead of anyone who could take the spotlight away from her. But now, when I made plans to have a memorial service for her in my hometown in a month's time, I heard from all my cousins who didn't get that bias from her, and, in fact understand what I went through because some of them had a similar experience with their mother (my mother's sister.) They have been so supportive of me and have validated my feelings so much and want to all get together while I'm there so that we can all reconnect and share the fun memories we had together as children. This is the first time I am actually looking forward to going home because I am being treated like a peer and as a valuable person in the family. It is mind boggling.
I will keep you posted in what it's like to go through the death of an nparent because I'm sure you have conflicting feelings about it too. When it actually happens, it is different than what you expect. At least, so far, it is for me.