Hi tigerlily.
NOT an overreaction.
No, I can't sever all ties with her because am the only child
I am my mother's only child too and I used to think that I couldn't sever all ties with her. But, yes, I can. I can sever SOME of the ties...ie, the ties that she bound me up with when I was a child/adolescent/young woman that made me responsible for her *weird needs,* the ties that made me defensive and fearful as a little child around her and everyone else in the family; not knowing who I could trust, wanting to love but not being loved. That family was not a safe place for me as I learned early on and retreated into fantasyland. I have accepted the reality surrounding the childhood events and I am *cutting the ties* that connected us there (and kept me stuck) and focusing on my own recovery. Once I do this, I'll be able to handle her crapola alot better in the here and now. I doubt it will ever be easy but - nursing home or not, living with me when she is old and frail or not - she is not entitled (nor was she ever entitled) to any more of my emotions or my energy in catering to her *weird needs.*
What makes me so mad is that she tried to make it seem like she was trying to protect me.
Oh yes...that bulls*it. I heard that line and absorbed it for a long time. Children *need* to trust and that is not a weird need.

The program runs like this: Gee, I thought, if they are so nice and trying to protect me then I must be the crazy one. I see now that they were just manipulating me to get their need of supply. This is not paranoia on my part - as ACON's well know - but if I ever tried to discuss this *theory* with Non-ACON's they never got it so I'm really picky about who I discuss all this stuff with now.
She always made it look like she was the good soul and I was the ungrateful daughter.
As you probably know, that was her way of maintaing her
false self at your expense. Were you called "ungrateful?" I was, time and time again. It damages our self-esteem, self-confidence and feelings of worthiness. No wonder my best friend wrote in my year book at the age of 14, "I wish I could give you confidence but I can't and I trust you'll get it one way or another." Well, I am getting it now. I am going for what I want and need. Hell, giving myself
permission to want and need.
I guess I must have bought into it because I always question myself and doubt my reactions to things. I am having a hard time breaking that behavior. I remember her always telling me I shouldn't get angry, that she would never have to get angry but I "took advantage of her good nature" and forced her to be, that I "imagined" something she did because she "would never do that", etc.
I have alot of pent-up anger that has come out over the years in self-destructive behaviour. It never got me anywhere except further enmeshed in my family's sick need for me to be the one with the problem. It didn't matter how far away from them I moved. Anytime I was happy, they seemed threatened and the old childhood program said that I needed to sabotage what made me happy to get their attention. NO MORE!! Breaking the pattern of my behaviour is an on-going process but one thing that has helped is that I am listening to to my soul's desires now and not coming up with fear-based excuses on why I should not pursue my own self-expression in healthy ways. And, I am learning that by overcoming the
fear of being angry I can channel the anger appropriately.
As an adult I would allow people to walk all over me because I didn't think I had a right to my feelings or I wasn't sure what I should be feeling. I am learning gradually to trust my own instincts, but it sure is difficult sometimes.
I'm with ya, tigerlily, and I've had similar experiences. It truly is a process of re-awakening and recovery. And
may the board be with you. 
Imagine I am giving you a big hug now.