When I was in Alaska, spending time with fishermen, I noticed how men lay claim to a female as "sexual territory".
Its barbaric/crude but it is what it is. Some men consult other nearby males via social cues to see if other males have already "claimed" a female without consulting the female- so it's more a matter of what he thinks he can get away with (I find this approach to be disrespectful to the female).
-Men pursuing women incessantly
-Men who project their interest onto the woman in a strange way "I know you want me baby" approach
-Innuendo etc.
-Men who decide that "Hello" means "Yes lets do it right here right now"
-Men who grab or do things like divebomb
-Old men who won't accept aging and want to assuage their own fears of getting old by proving to themselves young women "want" them
I think with all of the above there is something wrong with normal social cuing. When I think about it, none of the above behaviors seem like real courting, it's more like social acting out and/or aggression. It's more of an "acting on someone".
I also noticed that some men will directly and respectfully cue a female and look for a direct cue back thereby "consulting" her in the process. I think this is healthy courting type behavior. This is also an ongoing repeated process. When I think about it, seems this is the only normal healthy approach. Of course there is the vs. versa of women cuing men etc.
Anyways I think I've processed it plenty.
The thing about Nar-mothers is that they don't respond to a baby's/child's cues in a healthy way.
So I think that is why I ended up writing about the Neighbor dude on here is because something about the social cuing process was off.
The social cuing process I guess communicates a lot of different things. From baby to mother: I need this, I need that, I don't like this, I do like that. Same thing with courting.
I prefer direct intentions and clear yes and no signals. Everything else freaks me out.