thank you for your elaboration about your process of separating emotionally from your father. (i haven't yet read beyond that - i believe your second post in this thread)
Congratulations! It may not feel like something to celebrate but perhaps we should try and celebrate some benchmarks cause it is such an accomplishment- all that courage and energy etc. that you've invested! It does (we do) get better day by day or month by month AND also live with the deep awareness that childhood is not something we ever get to do over and therefore how darned precious it is (your post about your children’s' bill of rights in the "better relationships" post in the "what helps" area of this forum attests to just how precious you know it to be. I so loved that list. What a gift to your children, and yourself, and anyone who comes in contact with it and its results!

i have separated emotionally from my N mom and interacting with her now is fairly easy. I feel free, free from my own expectations of her and free to protect myself at will (free from her expectations of me in other words

). it only took 2 decades of no contact (except for approximately 2 letters and 3 phone calls).
thank you again as your sharing your process really helped me realize i have been through this without knowing what "it" was with my mom and can expect a similar if not greater freedom (and am actually

) as I separate emotionally from my husband and that it is a process. I separated from my mom over such a long period of time with relative ignorance and mostly subconsciously that I wasn't as clear about the nuances of the process until I recognized them in what you described in your process. Moreover, by leaving home i didn't really learn to draw strong limits regarding abuse - i just imploded and then fled instead. With my husband I am learning how to be stronger in the presence of aggressive attempts at punishment and control. Your post also helped me in clarifying that - thank you again!