Author Topic: Dreams about the Narcissist  (Read 8983 times)


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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2004, 07:07:21 PM »
Re: dream gifts.

During toilet training, children are very intrigued by the adults' focused interest on their bodily functions. The parents praise the child for pooping in the potty and the children consider their poop to be a gift for the parent. To them, poop becomes a pretty valuable commodity. It has other meanings as well.



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oh, talk about poop
« Reply #31 on: August 24, 2004, 07:28:48 PM »

That whole poop thing is so interesting as i have recently studied Freud's theory of child development, the "anal" stage.  I never knew that holding it in was supposedly pleasurable?? and a sign of defiance!?  wow, what a concept.  

That would be a clue as to how the parents were raising the children.
I, for one, did NOT poop on command. :x  and so i received some laxative treatments.  (it did not take place in this country for i think such things are banned in the US)   :oops:

I was the only child (of 3) in the household that endured this procedure.  Now, thinking back, i am quite proud of my feistiness!!!  :twisted:


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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #32 on: August 24, 2004, 07:51:36 PM »
It never occurred to me that such treatments may or not be banned -  but I can tell you that  it happens in Canada - this I know for sure - and I have the scars, both physical and emotional,  to prove it, unfortunately.  The ultimate control, punishment, and manipulation of a helpless child.


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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2004, 08:22:42 PM »


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the laxative treatments
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2004, 09:25:55 AM »
Hi Guest (from Canada?)

Thanks for your comments.  So, maybe i have repressed feelings of shame and humiliation during childhood? Yes, that would make sense and explain my shyness and lack of confidence in childhood, etc...  Ok, maybe i have to do some work in this area of my psyche. Thanks for reminding me. but let's jump ahead for a second here.

Now that you know how powerful the pooper is and what a commodity the poop is, don't you feel empowered by that?  Doesn't it take away all the shame?  Don't you think you were GREAT to defy them bastards who tried to dictate you?!!  Don't you feel at peace with yourself that your child instincts knew better?  

Make peace with the pooper kid in you.  He was right all along.  :D


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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2004, 01:47:34 PM »
Dear ch,
What a healthy perspective you have passed on to me.
Yes, my inner kid was scrappy and strong.  Despite all the laxatives, enemas, later suppositories (I was so glad when they were invented) not to mention three trips to Emergency, even when I was a teenager, because of it all - not one person even thought that there might be a problem in that home, other than a kid who wouldn't do as it was told.
Yes, I was a victim of a crazy NMother who would use anything for control over every part of me, but now I wll see myself as that great kid who did its best to stick up for itself, against all odds!  Yes I feel empowered by your perspective.   I was right all along!  

What a horrible subject, eh? (Canadian, for sure!)


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« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2004, 06:30:37 PM »
Hi Canadian Guest,

Have you ever seen South Parks??  Its a great "for-adults-only" cartoon.  They make fun of Canadians like you wouldn't believe.  Its just for fun.  I am hardly ever mean.

Well, i am not from Canada.  Apparently, the old laxative treatment was practiced in other parts of the world.  Probably all around the world.  Someday, research will reveal.  Maybe we could be guinea pigs for them?

Glad you got my perspective on giving credit to that KID in you.


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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2004, 08:45:36 PM »
Hi ch,
Just want you to know that we didn't kill Kenny   :-)
Thanks for your smile in amongst all this dreadful toilet talk!
Canadian Guest

Discounted Girl

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Dreams about the Narcissist
« Reply #38 on: August 26, 2004, 02:41:31 AM »
I guess we need to look out for Terrance and Phillip. The NQueen should have had a child like Cartman, now he would have made her squeal for sure.


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south park
« Reply #39 on: August 26, 2004, 10:50:06 AM »
That's an interesting point.
I think Cartman's mother is a spoiler type which is just as harmful as a neglectful type.  She sets no boundaries and guidelines for her son.  There is no father either.  Cartman's mom reminds me of those picture-perfect sugar-coated moms of the 50's generation.  She is ultra repressed and unrealistic in today's society.   Looks like she takes valium too.

As bad as Cartman is, there is something about him that we can relate to and we tend to cheer him on.  We know he is wrong and nasty all the time, but we know its a reaction of something much deeper. And we still like him,  as do all the other kids.  Without Cartman, there is no show, no drama, and no lessons to learn.  

Of course, i'd rather turn on a half hour program and get my drama fix via four little 8-year old kids any time, than to endure real life drama of the N family.