Art YES!
About those watercolors, or that painting class........
I'm doing fine. Survived a "retreat" at Nboss' home that I
was apprehensive about. Love my technique of stuffing
earplugs all the way into my brain so I CAN'T HEAR his
hypnotic guru-mind-control "guided meditations" we
have to sit through each time, and which I'm violently
opposed to having imposed on us. And they end with
ohhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm which is fine if you
like it but I consider that a virtual prayer and I don't
meditate on demand in the workplace, but only voluntarily,
hence my personal passive resistance, which I relish.
Otherwise, though, I contributed well and calmly.
Over-caffeinated today so he barked at me for
interrupting (exaggerating it) but I know that's
actually because I had said NO at the end of the
retreat when he proposed an even-more-invasive
trust-building process between me and the abusive
Pman, which Nboss intends to lead "as though he
were a therapist" and mentioned how intimate, emotional
and "hard core work" it would be.
I amazed myself by calmly saying, "I am opposed to this
idea because I do not want to think of you as my therapist,
you are my BOSS. And I am concerned that it would be
very invasive. If there were a professional therapist
facilitator I'd be open to it, but otherwise I think there's
a danger that any toxic dynamic would just be perpetuated
in a kind of closed family system."
And then he shut up and looked utterly shocked and I
went home very proud of myself. I am DAMNED if I
will cooperate with any "emotionally naked" exercise
with me and the bully who's tried to damage me for
seven years, that is led by Nboss himself (whose
enabling and sexism is part of why the pattern
festered in the first place).
Very risky in a way because I know, and he knows I
know, that I am not being a submissive "disciple" (aka
employee) -- but that's where I am and I felt proud
that I said what I thought and protected myself.
Thanks for asking!