DEB!! You're still here!! I am amazed. Yes, we are like you & your friends. The docs and those with strict behavioral conditioning would be absolutely horrified at some of the things we say and do - to get through things with "us" intact.

I rather enjoy their shock, really. Told y'all I'm going to be the one wearing purple and saying the hell with it, as an old woman. I'm still rehersing for that role, however.
Yesterday's "enlightenment" about this chapter of the saga, was that the reason hubs' lips are chapped, his mouth always dry and had pain on swallowing was a lovely little side effect of the inhalers -- thrush; a yeast infection really. I went out to pharmacy with a list of OTC remedies that might help... and when I realized one was just for GERD, asked the pharmacist. There isn't anything available, without a Rx. So: bought some yogurt (no sugar)... a couple of avocados (chock full of good fat & green)... and called the pulmonologist's answering service to explain the issue and ask him to call in an Rx. That was around noon. Of course, I needed to stop and pump up a tire before I headed out. We've bought a number of tools since moving here, to simplify things like this - but every time I have an "urgent mission" it seems life is throwing out legos under my bare feet... every step of the way. I still have not heard back from this doc.
I shouldn't have to explain to this doc how urgently hubs needs to be able to eat, without pain or gasping for air. He's lost 6 more pounds since the appts last week, for a grand total of almost 30 lbs in about 6-8 weeks. He needs energy to be able to keep breathing. That puts him lower than my "target" weight and with the extra activity and forced postponing of or skipping meals because of driving to appts... I'm down 10 lbs. Had to buy smaller underwear.

Our choices this morning, are he can try to ignore the difficulty eating and choke on about everything I give him - including milkshakes & smoothies. Or I can try to find good coconut oil here, and get some more yogurt. Lemon water also seemed to reduce the stuff in his throat; I think I have a spare lemon juice in the pantry. Or we can spend Sunday in the Urgent Care to have them confirm, that yes - it's thrush - and write an Rx that I can fill, hopefully before the pharmacy closes today. Wed & Fri next week we travel again, for appts. And I MUST renew my drivers license and get the car we're driving inspected. Deadlines.
The oncologist was quite unmistakably clear. Right now, cancer isn't what they're worried about. It's the COPD, and how severe it is -- which wasn't truly understood by the pulmonologist, until hubs couldn't finish the 6 minute walk and was turning blue, with a heart rate of 147. There are no cures for COPD; and the best the docs have in the late stages is ameloriation of symptoms. So, hubs is on 24/7 oxygen - but he still refuses to wheel a tank with him to the bathroom (says he has to pee so badly, he can barely get there in time as it is; and when I suggested not waiting that long - he said he doesn't notice he has to, until it's that's bad; his sensory perception of his own physical needs is out of whack, maybe? Maybe that's why he's not really hungry, too?)
So, COPD in the late stages, in combination with this "cahexia" - or wasting syndrome - is really hard for docs to predict how long someone will live with a decent quality of life. Exacerbation - or breathing crises - come up unexpectedly. Not eating, of course, means the body doesn't have enough fuel to expand & contract the lungs. Hubs looks like a concentration camp prisoner; skin and bones.
Now, with the cancer - the mass in his lung isn't growing. Surgery would reduce his lung function even more; and then there are the complications of anasthesia with this stage of COPD. (There are tapes running in my head from the last few years of me saying: you just go do what you can comfortably do now... and tomorrow, do it again - but just one thing, or one 1/2 hr more; that makes you stronger and you can breathe easier, too; it builds up stamina. Hubs thought lifting weights or exercise machines would be the "magic pill"; but you sorta have to use them. Can't just look at them.) Cancer does produce enzymes that contribute to this extreme weight loss, sometimes - but it's not usually associated with lung cancer (in the literature, anyway; my observations are different).
With the extreme weight loss and that impact on all the organs - radiation and chemo don't make sense either. He was supposed to come home & bulk up and eat like no tomorrow, with absolutely no limitations or restrictions on what he could eat -- as long as it had calories in it. So he wanted sugary stuff - which contributes to the yeast infection in his throat; duh - and here we are. It's a complex process with a lot of moving parts. The other thing that the thrush is doing, is making his voice hoarse and softer; maybe you'll recall his mom permanently lost her voice as a result of lung cancer involving the vocal cords. So talking is extremely difficult for him; and he is gasping air after every couple of words.
OK, that's the layout of the situation. Brain mri was clear and probably won't have PET scan results till next week. But, I really don't expect too much more data to come from that. It's time to get real and talk about where we go from here.
I'm digging out his advance health directive and we're going to double check if his preferences from a few years ago are still the same, now. Maybe need the signed ones, which I think are at the bank. What he decides to do - and allows me to do to try to help him - may not be enough to fend off the inevitable. I'm swallowing that bit of reality now, because it's STILL going to be tough to hear it from some stranger later on. Even if the docs insist on making him try to undergo these treatments for cancer, he can STILL refuse. A miracle could happen and we could get the COPD to stabilize enough that he could put on 10 lbs. It just all depends so much on him and what he wants - and there are still things completely out of our control.
My brain hasn't enough room in it, to think about anything "AFTER"... whenever that might be. But I see that door too.