Things are shifting a lot for me at the moment; it's good but it hurts and sometimes it's really hard. The more I grow the more layers come off, the deeper the pain gets sometimes, but sometimes there is joy there as well and those moments are amazing. My son's health really seems to be improving at the moment; this is a really good thing but I always find as he goes through a good spell my own issues start to surface again so I have this funny dual life where I'm happy because he's doing better but feel moments of real pain and loss for other things, some to do with him, some to do with me. Fortunately he is sleeping pretty well at the minute so I am getting quiet time where I can just sit and think, or cry, or write, or dance around the kitchen, depending on how I feel.
I cried this morning because I miss my mum. Not my actual mum, the drunk, crazy lady who never stops complaining or lying or manipulating the people around her to do what she wants, but the mum I think I have wanted all my life, the one that just loves me and accepts me, picks me up in her arms and hugs me. I think there are emotional connections between parents and children - good or bad - that you pick up on without words or actions. For a long time now I have felt like my mum is stopping me from being happy; it's like she exerts a force field that stops other people getting to me and rescuing me from her. I felt it when I was younger and I was being abused; so many people could have noticed and stopped him, or even just been there for me to have some support but no-one ever did. And that feeling has never really gone away; I feel like I'm always invisible in a crowd of people who don't notice how much it hurts or even that I'm there. Grief, I suppose, for a life that never got lived and a hard one that had to be endured. I feel so lonely at the minute; I think there are times when you just need someone who can hold you and 'get' you without you needing to speak or explain yourself. I wonder how much of my life I have made harder for myself by putting up walls to keep people out and keep the pain away - necessary walls, but walls that held out good people as well as bad. I don't seem to attract new people into my life; I feel cut off and distanced from people. The thought of being intimate really scares me. Too vulnerable, too much possibility of pain, not enough possibility of it being anything else, perhaps?
I am trying to focus on good things, positive things, and they are there, there's no doubt about that. But sometimes they just highlight the pain and the loss even more strongly, I get a glimpse of what life could be like, could have been like and I feel so sad that it wasn't and it isn't. I am trying to do without my distractions and my fixing behaviour of always being busy, drinking coffee, eating more than I need to and so on and I am doing pretty well but obviously that means the pain comes up instead. Which I know is a good thing, it needs to come out. But sometimes I just wish I could get to a point where there wasn't any more to come out, where I didn't have to dig any deeper to try and figure out what was going on.
Anyway, just needed to spill. Lots of love xx