Author Topic: My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This  (Read 62881 times)


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2005, 12:41:09 PM »
Quote from: longtire
My head knows and believes that I can only grow when there is struggle and discomfort, but  my heart wants to have some peace and comfort for awhile.

I do not believe that growth only occurs during struggle and discomfort. That's not true.



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Counselor reply
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2005, 04:09:27 PM »
Well, the counselor called back.  My cell phone ringer was turned off, oops.   :oops:

I told her that I was not able to articulate it during the session, but that I felt the same things were happening that I had spoken about with her before.  Namely that I was being held responsible for S's lack of positive behavior and felt that S was able to spin the discussion out of control when I try to discuss what I want versus what I see and hear.

I told her that the thing that kicked me off balance was hearing S say "That didn't happen" again.  The counselor said that she had been listening for that carefully since I discussed it with her last time and did NOT hear S say it yesterday.  Of course, this leads me to question my sanity.  I asked if she thought I was hallucinating and she said no, but suggested I might be hearing it because I expect to hear it from my experience with S in the past.  The thing is, when it happens, I'm not consciously faring or expecting to happen.  That's why it catches me off guard.  It could be coming from my unconscious, but then I really am nuts if that's the case.  Have you ever heard of anything like this?

Up until now I have only ever had S tell me that I am hearing and seeing things which did not happen.  I could see how that could be one of several things:
1)  It is happening and S is denying it.  However, I would expect the counselor to notice as well, unless she got caught up in the denial somehow.  I have to admit that doesn't seem very likely.
2)  I am hallucinating or experiencing hearing it because I have a stong unconscious need that it fulfils.  Protecting myself by creating a reason to distance myself where no conscious reason exists?  That's a possiblility, but I have a hard time believing that too.  I am open to the idea that this is something in me that only comes out in a more involved relationship.  I'm usually very observant but have not noticed anything to lead me to believe that I'm seeing S's lips move and hearing her words without that being what she is really saying.

Anyway, the counselor asked if I would be OK if she brought in a tape recorder and recorded the next joint session.  I said that I would actually be reassured by that.  At least if it happens again, I will know whether I am crazy or not.  I'm afraid that it will be one of those things that won't happen when the tape is rolling.  Even if that's not the case though, we might be able to actually make more progress if the session doesn't get out of control like this last one.

I do have to admit though that in some sense it's a good sign that I stuck to my guns and did not give in and shut up during the rest of the session like I would have in the past.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2005, 06:11:03 PM »
I think taping sessions is a good idea...  I also have experience of the 'it didn't happen syndrome'.........

You do feel you are going mad and it's a really horrible place to be.  Luckily, people around me are aware of how sick my mother is.  Those closest to her have a 'filter' internally for every sentence she emits.  You have to listen, 'filter' it, and rationalise it.  Thank God I can do this now.


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Re: Counselor reply
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2005, 06:13:22 PM »
Quote from: longtire
I told her that I was not able to articulate it during the session, but that I felt the same things were happening that I had spoken about with her before.  Namely that I was being held responsible for S's lack of positive behavior and felt that S was able to spin the discussion out of control when I try to discuss what I want versus what I see and hear.


I told her that the thing that kicked me off balance was hearing S say "That didn't happen" again.  The counselor said that she had been listening for that carefully since I discussed it with her last time and did NOT hear S say it yesterday.

Yeah, that's happened to me too. The therapist adamantly says they didn't hear something I distinctly heard.   :evil:  Maybe you heard it, maybe not. The therapist isn't always right. The tape recording is a great idea.

Don't bother ruminating about hallucinations because it's not one. You heard something. Maybe you heard accurately, maybe not.

If the therapist is DEFENSIVE because you heard ONE SINGLE THING and she didn't, she's missing the point - which is that you felt blamed. I hope she addressed that!



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« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2005, 08:30:57 PM »
As I was going through the checking account, I saw some things that didn't seem to meet the financial agreements that my wife and I had made recently.  I told her that there were some financial items that I didn't understand and wanted to talk with her about them.  She was leaving to do some errands and said alright.

She got back before I did and saw the account printout with the items highlighted that I wanted to talk about.  When I got back she came to me and was obviously very angry.  She told me that she had seen the printout and was very angry that I didn't trust her and was checking up on her.  I told her that I had noticed these charges and wanted to check for misunderstandings between us.  She said that she was mad since I had given her a committment to not expect past problems from her and felt that I had broken that agreement by not trusting her.  I agreed that I do not trust her, and reiterated that I did not jump to conclusions, but wanted to find out what the situation was.  She said again how mad she was and that she is tired of not being trusted and about ready to give it up.  In the past this is the point I would have caved in.  She told me that she knew that everything was explained, there were no problems and already had a list of the items in her hand.

It turns out there WERE 2 areas where we didn't have the same understanding, the date that this agreement went into effect and how my daughter's car loan (Bank of Mom & Dad  :D) would be handled.  She explained her handling of the loan (which I still don't understand, something about shuffling money back and forth) and said that it will be the way I understood the next time and from now on.  She also explained that she had a different idea of the day that we started this and said that she would take those charges into account as well (angrily, of course).

All the while she was radiating anger and hatred like she often does.  I never have to wonder whether she is angry or not, just what she's angry about.  I was proud of how I kept my cool and was polite and rational in the face of this.  It got my stomache churning in fear, but I held it together.  As I write this, my stomache is feeling better.  I think that I expect her to act on her anger.  I wonder if that's because she believes that her words will be ignored, like they were with her mother growing up, and that she has to act out to be noticed?  It's not acceptable, in any case.

That's all for now...

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #50 on: February 05, 2005, 09:44:14 PM »
Hey, again, Longtire.
I must admit, I read this last post of yours first  and then went back and read the first page.  I had an interesting reaction.  My ex used to go over every single penny I spent on the children, the house, the dogs...anything and then would read me the riot act.  Mind you I parented full time and worked full time.  The money he spent was never a concern for him.  I was not frivolous with money.  It was a matter of control for him.  He was (and is) extremely controlling.  I actually had a vision of myself freezing up outside and boiling with rage inside (as was the case for me) when you mentioned the printout (there's that senience again).  I could not express this to him, but unlike you, he never wanted to know what "was wrong".

Now after reading your first post and others on this site, you seem like a nice enough guy.  My second husband (yeah, I'm matrimonially challenged!) used to say (regarding divorces): " there is his side and her side and somewhere in between lies the truth".  Well, he is my EX also, and he said a lot of soliloquies over and over and over (alcohol and a career on the stage will do that to a person), but I always thought about that one, especially after we broke up.  It sounds like a cute quip (he had about 20) but really, I think TRUTH is personal.  Who is to say what is true?
If it is true for you, then it is. YOU get to decide.
The whole thing about the counselor and what was said and not said....god, that sounded familiar!  I hated first husband would argue who said and didn't say what  just to argue....(he loved to fight)

Aren't you sick of counting and measuring and thinking and obsessing and working and working at LOVE?
In my opinion, it ultimately does not matter who is right or who is wrong.
Right and wrong do nothing for a person....their ego, maybe, but not for the soul.
What do you want? How do you want to feel?
Let that and only that be your guide.  The rest will follow.  Let go.  Let it be.  There WILL be an answer....(thanks John Lennon)


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2005, 09:45:44 PM »
Sorry, typo: the word is sentience (feeling).


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2005, 11:24:14 PM »

It sounds like you and your wife finally negotiated something together although it was difficult.

If she is hateful and enraged that is okay. Don't think about it in fact. It's better if you let her process it and don't try to analyze it. She needs to deal with her anger without you. You just make it worse.

I can understand her hurt feelings and shame when it looked like you were "scolding and correcting" her with the yellow highlighting. She probably related it to very harsh, punitive authority figures in the past. We can understand it but not cater to it.

On your side, I hope you weren't all controlling and parental. I hope you were just trying to straighten things out without blame. It sounds like you held your boundaries which is very important.



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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #53 on: February 06, 2005, 06:13:39 AM »
it was Paul McCartney who sang/wrote Let it be  :D

Don't you just hate people who need to correct people :?


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #54 on: February 06, 2005, 11:40:32 AM »
Not at all...I don't hate people who correct me....I say "thank you!"
It's all good!


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #55 on: February 06, 2005, 05:25:42 PM »
replies below....

Quote from: mum
I must admit, I read this last post of yours first and then went back and read the first page. I had an interesting reaction. My ex used to go over every single penny I spent on the children, the house, the dogs...anything and then would read me the riot act. Mind you I parented full time and worked full time. The money he spent was never a concern for him. I was not frivolous with money. It was a matter of control for him. He was (and is) extremely controlling. I actually had a vision of myself freezing up outside and boiling with rage inside (as was the case for me) when you mentioned the printout (there's that senience again). I could not express this to him, but unlike you, he never wanted to know what "was wrong".

I do have money issues, but am not sure how much that was driving any of this.  I remember having a realization when I was 8-9 years old, that I didn't understand why my parents kept me around.  I don't remember them expressing any value in me, even indirectly.  Our house was an emotional desert and I was never validated or even felt "seen."  I "knew" from this realization that I had to be careful, because if my parents got any more uncaring or angry they could just kick me out and I would die sinceI was just a kid and couldn't take care of myself.  To me, money is the physical embodiment of being able to take care of myself.

S has also had a lot of problems with money.  Her mother made her sit down and figure out the finances when S was about the same age.  I don't mean that she sat S down to watch and learn about money, I mean she asked S how the bills were going to get paid!  S has admitted to me that this has lead her to refuse to help plan or go along with financial plans with me.  Also, S spent many years spending all our cash and then running up credit cards because there wasn't "enough" cash for her to spend.  When I tried to point out the charges on the card she said "That isn't true," and refused to discuss it any further.  Denial, it ain't....

I tried to balance this by not spending anything for myself.  However, I do work and have worked very hard in my career and am no longer willing to go without just to support her selfishness.  I am willing to share, but I am tired of having to go look at how much money we have before I can buy anything, because I have no idea how much S has spent.  BTW, S has not run up credit card for several years.  That stopped when I told her that as soon as I saw one more credit card charge that we didn't have a prior agreement to make, I would divorce her immediately, no questions asked, no discussion, no explanation.    Money has been a big issue between us, but I am trying to get the checking account to the level where I don't have to check it anymore and can spend my agreed share without fear of bankruptcy or any more bounced checks.

Quote from: bunny
If she is hateful and enraged that is okay. Don't think about it in fact. It's better if you let her process it and don't try to analyze it. She needs to deal with her anger without you. You just make it worse.

I can finally see that now, and am much more peaceful "letting" her stomp and grunt her way around the house.  I have to admit that I take some sadistic pleasure in it as well.  I can really see how she is doing it to herself and that it really doesn't have anything to do with me.  I do worry more and more about the environment that it creates for my daughter.  I'm sure she will be writing on the Internet II in 20 years how her home always felt tense and threatening.

Quote from: bunny
I can understand her hurt feelings and shame when it looked like you were "scolding and correcting" her with the yellow highlighting. She probably related it to very harsh, punitive authority figures in the past. We can understand it but not cater to it.

On your side, I hope you weren't all controlling and parental. I hope you were just trying to straighten things out without blame. It sounds like you held your boundaries which is very important.

Consciously, I was only trying to understand these items and check to see whether we had different understandings of the agreement, which we did.  I knew this would be a emotionally charged discussion, so I highlighted the items so I could find them again easily.  I did not plan to show the printout directly, just to use it as my own reference.  I felt that I was able to hold my boundaries very well in this situation where I would have caved in before.  I'm happy about that and I'm glad that S and I seem to still have an agreement on the finances.  Her pattern in the past would have been to blame me and then pull out of the agreement because I was "bad" first.

S's mother used guilt trips and shame to reinforce her will over S.  I also believe that S still has all those years of anger at her mother for not seeing her, not valuing her, not meeting her needs, etc.  However, it is unacceptable to dump it on me.  She needs to accept it and deal with it in an adult manner while realizing where it does and doesn't come from.

On a different note, a lot of what I have been working on personally lately is finding my voice again.  Part of that is speaking up with S or in counseling about how I really feel and what I really think, regardless of whether I may be right or wrong.  I have to deal with my doubts and the aftermath like from the last session, but I suppose that's the sucky growth part of all this. :)
Part of this is singing.  Just in church and in the car for now, but its a start.  :o  (not surprised, looks sort of like singing)
Part of that is posting on this board on some of the other threads.  I have to say that I feel like a fraud when I do it.  I hear a voice that says "what do you know," "who are you to say," etc. but I try to ignore that "voice" and go with my feelings and empathy instead.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2005, 05:56:14 PM »
Lontire:  What do any of us know, really?  It's just sharing, it's just "talk".   I certainly hear you and acknowledge you.  Can't hear your singing though, pity.
You certainly seem like you are doing a good job trying to find out what your life is all about.  The "sucky growth part" cracked me up, but you are right.  I was told by my teacher to "get to enjoy not enjoying it", because of just that..the growth to be made.  
There is a beautiful book by Pema Chodron called "When Things Fall Apart".  I highly recommend it.  She is a buddhist nun, but don't let that title intimidate you (I can hear her laughing now!).  She is down to earth and funny and truly an enlightened person.
Your decision to open to life and find your voice reminded me of what she says about how the bad stuff, the no way out stuff, gives us the opportunity to see where we are, if we would only step closer to the fear of it, and inspect it for a while.  We are so used to running and hiding and softening things for ourselves, but to truly grow, we need to embrace the pain, find out why it is there for us.
Bless you.  We are all in this together.


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My Long, Long Story.........I no longer Feel Alone With This
« Reply #57 on: February 06, 2005, 06:20:03 PM »
Part of that is posting on this board on some of the other threads. I have to say that I feel like a fraud when I do it. I hear a voice that says "what do you know," "who are you to say," etc. but I try to ignore that "voice" and go with my feelings and empathy instead

I understand that feeling like a fraud. I feel this way at times, like who am I, I have the same problem, Im in a relationship even worse how could I give any advise. Why should I be an expert to say anything worth listening to. I should not say anything, leave it to a professional.

I still make a comment now and then I know most here understand whats in our heart, we all want to help eachother and understand the Ns are a complicated multfacitated bunch. Sometimes you can see others are very good at the advise and Im thankful for all their knowlege.

I appreciate any comments at any level of dealings with the N.



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« Reply #58 on: February 07, 2005, 07:47:40 PM »
I'm feeling really sad right now.  I was reading information on the internet about how a spouse or partner can help someone who has been sexually abused.  I realized that when I did those things for S she either denied them, diminished me, or blamed me for CAUSING her problems.  I realized that she had NEVER asked me how she could support me.  NEVER reassured me that she would be there for me and was willing to wait out a problem.

Worst of all I realized that she NEVER cared about, loved, desired, or supported me as a person or as her husband.  She just needed someone to walk around carrying a mask of her mother so she could take out her anger and pain on them.

This time, I'm trying not to problem solve.  I'm gently reminding myself when I start to get angry that I'm just avoiding the pain, and that its better to feel the pain and accept it as my own instead of run away.

I would really appreciate your caring prayers and supportive thoughts tonight.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Re: sad
« Reply #59 on: February 07, 2005, 09:59:32 PM »
Quote from: longtire
I'm feeling really sad right now.  I was reading information on the internet about how a spouse or partner can help someone who has been sexually abused.  I realized that when I did those things for S she either denied them, diminished me, or blamed me for CAUSING her problems.  I realized that she had NEVER asked me how she could support me.  NEVER reassured me that she would be there for me and was willing to wait out a problem.

Well, I don't know what info you read but it's extremely difficult for a spouse to help the partner if they were sexually abused in childhood. The partner who is trying to help will be attacked many times for their efforts.

Your wife may have wanted to be a good wife. But she can't do it with her problems. Until her inner hell is diminished (in intensive therapy), I don't think you have a chance of getting your needs met.

I think you deserve individual therapy to get needs for being "seen" and "heard" met. You're trying to do this without help. That's what you've been forced to do all your life. But now you have the resources to have your own therapist. I hope you consider it.
