Happy to vote for you to run the country, Amber, had I citizenship there!
Here's what worries me:
I'm covering all the expenses around here so far - but that is going change over time, too. I want people to explore and refine their skills, and learn new ones. There's Hol's sewing; Steve's mushrooms & herbal tinctures; Buck's metal work... my various mediums.
Here's the thing. You're supporting a little clan that includes an entitled D who rails at you, challenges your sense of self and disrespects your autonomy, plus her bf who is surly, uncommunicative, and at least passively disrespectful to you.
And you WANT to be the leader. You WANT to direct people in psychological growth and even in what skills/interests they should develop.
I just don't think they really want to be led. And probably don't have much interest in contributing money, either. Doesn't matter who's right. Nobody wants to be directed by their parents these days, as wise and far-seeing as those parents might be. So they are, perhaps not evilly but naturally, working your system and dream for their own benefits, in both passive-aggressive and at time aggressive-aggressive ways. I'm not seeing how this gets better, even with the Hut done.
Sure, there'll be some relief with the building separating y'all. And more perhaps (or perhaps new conflicts and competitions) when Buck arrives. It's as complicated as it appears, maybe moreso. What evidence is there that entitled Hol and Steve will accept B with welcome and grace?
I see it all as a recipe for breaking apart. Or living in a miserable siege state where nobody listens to you because: 1) articulating things brilliantly already, for many months, hasn't stopped the disrespect, 2) being kind and tolerant and an in-house analyst hasn't stopped the disrespect, and 3) you're getting older which in this culture unfortunately rarely confers respect. That they aren't respecting you now doesn't bode well for them suddenly beginning to as your powers naturally diminish.
I'm sorry to be so blunt and hope I'm wrong. Shakers of salt are required because I have experienced complete family breakdown.
My way-more-modest fantasy for you would be: Hol, here's a cottage for you to retreat to when you want to get away from the city. Don't bring your friends. I live here, or I and Buck live here and it is OUR home.
I think all the signs and portents of a functioning compound with you as leader not working out are there. Your D and her coterie are with you but also using you. And I believe, oh so sorry for the bluntness, that no charter or manifesto or written anything will change it as long as the money-house-etc are already given and the seed has been planted. All this will be yours. (Ugly but natural thought from struggling next generation: Will be? I want it now. I want to assert myself and control my own destiny -- quite apart from Amber's plans/dreams for me -- now.)
I've seen such brutality over inheritance EXPECTATIONS, not just in my own family. For Hol, it's been explicit. This will all be yours. And imo, she's claiming way too much too early.
It's the gift and curse of money, I expect. And of the power that has to distort relationships that should be clean, clear and respectful.
Here's my question: Before you get in deeper and deeper and deeper, do you ever have moments where you ask yourself -- do I really want to continue with this president-of-a-family-compound dream?
You've got all our support if the answer's Yes. Of course.
I'm just wondering if some part of you might sometimes think: No.
Buck's no spring chicken either. With grateful and cooperative kids to help, it could be all rosy. But as I see it, they're neither grateful nor cooperative.
Please do correct what's wrong in this as I'm equally positive I'm not seeing the full context and am missing things.
Hope you'll forgive my bluntness. It's just concern for you.