Author Topic: Farm Doin's - 2020  (Read 70681 times)


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #30 on: January 26, 2020, 11:07:27 AM »
Skep, I just wanted to add my very general thoughts to this very difficult and complex situation.  To me, the idea of moving into my mum's house, getting her to build me a place to live, having her allow me to move in my boyfriend, mentally unwell friend and dog and then castigating her for expecting people to be conversational and wash their own dishes up, is just mind blowing.  They're not teenagers finding their way in the world, they're all middle aged people who need a kick up the bum, quite frankly.  I feel really sad to read that you're worrying about how to word a 'charter' of behaviour and expectation.  It's your place - if you want everyone to leap to attention every four minutes and do a cartwheel then you've got every right to insist that they do that or go somewhere else.  It doesn't need to be reasonable - it's your home (and your dime they're all living on) and none of them are treating you very well, in my opinion.  I do agree with Hops - if Holly's desperate to have a relationship and a baby with this monosyllabic layabout then she can - somewhere else (and I do find myself wondering how long that relationship would last if it were just the two of them, with no mum to absorb Holly's emotional needs that are quite clearly not being met by him).

I don't think you need a charter - I think you need some gloves off, straight talking about manners, decency, responsibilities and rent, without any worry about whose feelings might be hurt.  I don't mean to sound harsh but from an outsiders point of view it reads like they're all taking advantage of your incredibly generous and giving nature and somehow managing to convince you you need to deal with all of them.  They can all deal with themselves - somewhere else, if need be.  I hope you can draw a line though a lot of this soon, and sorry again if this is too harsh or blunt, I don't mean it to be xx


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #31 on: January 26, 2020, 05:08:50 PM »

I feel a great deal of compassion for Holly.

From here, it feels like she's been pushing your buttons and boundaries hard,  hoping you'll rally and stand your ground.  I think she'll be relieved once you do.
 Our children want us to have the answers, even as they resist them, IME.   

The facts might feel threatening to Holly, for a bit, but they're necessary for her to make big girl decisions going forward, IME.  Facts and truth will empower her. Blurring boundaries doesn't serve her journey, or anyone involved, IME.

It's going to be OK.  You're a kind, consistent mother.  Focus on what's yours and things will fall in place.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2020, 07:15:25 AM »
Lighter - yes; you've hit the nail on the head. I have been suffering for months - precisely because I didn't ever forecast I'd have to stand up for myself in my own home, against my own - very empathic, and sensitive D. It's not as awful as some of y'all are thinking.

I get breaks - that I enforce. Sometimes Hol needs one too. But it's an ongoing situation that I need to address and SOON. Before her jail sentence (if any) and the temporary move to B'more. John is here and engaged in some of the situations - so I have his observations/feedback too. Mixed in with his concerns for her, of course.

My guess that this was a PTSD thing, has more validity. We spent two days talking through a lot of her memories. Mostly her talking - me filling in blanks or providing more details. She's on a mission, I think, to remember something her brain doesn't want to remember. It's a factor in her righteous anger. Confusion means, that sometimes she directs it at me; a little guilt as well.

3 days in a row now, with no major blowups or meltdowns. Of course, she's still got raging hormones from the miscarriage (and feelings to deal with)... and she started her first period right after the last ugly episode, when she was trying to nix the idea of the charter meeting - that she'd suggested not that many days before.

After my notes, after the first attempt at an outline, I rewrote it. There are only 3 main points (for now) - separated by Q&A/Discussion points. I want this to be absolutely CLEAR, unmistakeable, and things are phrased in such a way that I am looking for their input and ideas, to come to a basic agreement.

Buck has been my rock. It's been easy to explain all this to him; yeah - he has his own opinion and is OFFERING, should I ask, to "fix it". But staying behind the boundary. No challenges there. Commisseration, yes - he has an 18 yr old daughter feeling her oats. LOL. Holly's fears about him, are irrational. She even admits it. But I think I know where that fear comes from. For now, my lips are sealed.

Buck has so many kids - children, grandchildren, fosters, and god-children that he takes responsibility for - I know he's got great "Dad" instincts. I think eventually, she'll come to value that... as long as those boundaries glow in the dark and can be seen from outer space.

It IS going to be OK; all right. Because that's my role around here; it's in my job description.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 08:00:16 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2020, 07:51:25 AM »
CB - yes, you know. I think it's a generational thing. The kids are way more used to friends or themselves "couch surfing" for a time, or permanently; and group living. I've NEVER lived with a group. Longest we had family stay with us at the beach was 10 days - and they were off sightseeing, going to the ocean all day many days.

I grew up expected to respect other people's things; to ask - not just assume; please & thank you... and I can't conceive of ever behaving like this -- even the times I've stayed with my (still) limited contact Mom.

And of course - Holly grew up with same social "rules"; some even stricter and more detailed. So, yes - I have an idea where she's getting the new attitude from. I'm presuming; but I'm also not buying the reasons/explanations/excuses for it anymore, either. BS.

Hops, there is NO WAY I want people traipsing in/out of my property on a regular basis; I am pretty sure now I'd be a terrible hostess. I just want to be a hermit - so I don't have to deal with the kind of crap I'm dealing with on a weekly basis - in my own house, because I offered her a refuge... and she brought home a stray pet.

She and I have had conversations about this for a year or more already. I really don't mind even large groups of her friends for a weekend. They're all intelligent, respectful, helpful and fun people - unlike this "pet" of hers. I objected - and warned her I would pull the plug on the first house guest, and DID. John, just showed up sans invitation to "help". I've talked to him about "white knight" syndrome. LOL. But that is the difference:

John does odd jobs around here - Steve has done none. John cooks food that is appetizing to all of us - instead of just himself. He attempts to mediate & witness during some of Hol's and my more heated interactions. While he is Hol's friend and right now devoted to helping HER, he's developed a fair amount of respect for my situation too. He and I even work together around here fairly comfortably.

And John goes into town to entertain himself, use a gym, meet friends - and offers to take Hol with him, but she will not leave Steve when he's here. (I believe the plan is for him to go along with her for the pilot filming. I already stated in no uncertain terms that he couldn't stay while she was gone that long.)

Steve may have ulterior motives for being this way; he may not. It may be a combination of reasons why he isn't going to interact with me - I have tried to initiate conversations with HIM, and I need a stopwatch to time how long they are. He never approaches me. I've even used the gimmick of speaking to the dogs... and that seldom works. But it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to tolerate - especiallly when he isn't contributing financially or with work. (This time of year, it's not hard work; just piddling inside projects; creative work.)

The point being, if he chooses to be this way and make no effort - well, shit. There are consequences. And these are it. I'm suspicious of his intentions toward my D long term and don't feel terribly KIND, as a result. But she's a big girl and makes her own choices TOO. And will suffer any consequences of them... but they're not going to be punishments or anything I initiate. She makes her bed; she can lie in it too.

But, if he thinks that's enough to get away with disrespecting my buildings, tools, and property - and kitchen counter - he has another think coming. It doesn't buy him a free ride either.

Buck described him as a tick. Once he's used up his "host" - he'll move on. It seems OBVIOUS to all of us, but it's not possible to talk to Hol about concerns. She makes excuses for him and defends him and takes on the things HE should be doing herself.

SIGH. Y'all know what that is and how it ends up
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 08:00:35 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2020, 02:50:33 PM »

I'm following your thread, taking notes and making connections for myself.

I have much work to do.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2020, 10:14:39 AM »
I am taking a little "Buck Break" this morning. This is his first day back to work, and we've been downright silly and bawdy this morning. A mini-brain vacation.

Charter is done, printed, now all I have to do - with help - is find the right time/place to sit & talk it over.

I'm knocking off a lot of things like this off the list today. Lots of energy acquired in playing; who knew? LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2020, 09:01:43 AM »
Short road trip today. Taking the sewing machine to nearest repair shop for this (now obsolete) model and possibly looking at replacement(s).

All by my big old lonesome. Going to be traipsing across paths I frequented years & years ago.

And Buck has his last appt today to check white blood count re: infection levels today. Depending on the results, this could set up another road trip for me, spontaneous like.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2020, 11:11:53 AM »
Good luck with the meeting.

I'm praying for everything to go right for Buck.

Enjoy your busy day getti,b things done.

You sound good.



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2020, 03:43:42 PM »
Sending loads of repairing vibes for Buck, sewing machine, Hol, and last but not one bit


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2020, 01:11:58 PM »
Oh, I found a new favorite place, when I got to the quilt shop. A mennonite family owns it, and I was met by the daughters (and maybe a friend or two) I stood in the entrance just taking in the space, the amazing machines, the absolutely PERFECT quilts and breathing in the smell of fabric and thread. The girls just OOZED cheer and bubbly goodwill... and I felt at home, immediately.

The father only needed a little time to look at his notes on this problem, with the out of date machine and I'd barely looked at a couple of potential replacements when it was fixed. He didn't charge me for that; I just needed the touchscreen recalibrated. Then we chatted a bit about manufacturer and the touchscreen issues. I bought a new machine that doesn't HAVE a touchscreen, just mechanical buttons to set stitches and adjustments. It's still in the box. It's my "backup" machine now. I'll keep abusing the old one until the touchscreen goes out again. I've made a note of how to override the menu and get to the screen I need to recalibrate it again. The owner said, it WILL happen again, and again, until eventually it completely fails.

The rest of the day didn't go so well. Buck asked if I wanted him to sugarcoat the news or tell me straight up - while I was stuck in a 5 mile long backup on the highway. Yes, his white blood count is still elevated; but the infection is only in his bloodstream and in layers of fat just under the skin. There isn't any contagion risk from him, unless he's cut and bleeding. Which, he promptly told me I would back away and let him handle it. I said OK, but know that I can glove up pretty quick. He called later, and said - I would also need a mask & gown. Easily acquired. Sometimes injuries happen where you can't reach it yourself.

The implications of this, is that left perennially untreated, eventually the infection will turn septic and kill him. Except he's going to have brand-new doctors up here and perhaps a completely different treatment protocol and level of care. He called to ask me if I still wanted to proceed with the relationship, knowing all this.

He's sensitive to how long I grieved Michael, which is appreciated. But Buck is a different person, in a different situation... and even I'm different now. Our relationship is also different and more transparent, no games or competition, lots more playing... without denying the reality that we're both over 60.

I did take a moment before I told him, I was still "all in". Ask the feelings one more time, if I could handle another loss. But it was just a moment. In order to LIVE, it's necessary to accept that loss can happen at any age or time. And we plan to dance a LOT before then. How could I pass that up? Out of some weird idea of trying to keep myself safe?

Nahhhhhh. I did that too much when I was lots younger. Time to roll the dice some more.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2020, 09:07:09 PM »

What love.

I am so moved by your choice, Amber.

If you ever need a hospital gown, you'll turn it into your ball gown.

Lucky Buck, and lucky you, to be a woman who chooses love over certainty.

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2020, 08:55:26 AM »
Ya know Hops, when "writing" a really good story, or reading one, we really look forward to that denouement or sometimes "happy ending".

I figure I'm "writing" my life story but by living it - not telling the story - these days. And I'm thinking about writing this chapter(s) as the The Years of Living Dangerously. LOLOL. Freedom to jump off the cliff; trusting my wings; freedom to soar...

As compared to the 60 some years, that I was so focused on staying "safe" and "being careful" and being anxious about the future... and tortured by the past. And oh so concerned about being judged/criticized/what "other people" think. Nope, I'm over that. And that goes double for Holly, btw. LOL.

SO: it looks like I might be making a longer road trip to spend some time away from this 3 ring circus and just spending a couple more days with Buck. Soon. Like this month.

He's got to get back into shape to be able to carry his gear, to do the training. (Unless that's not a requirement for a trainer.) It's 187 lbs he says. :insert eyes bugging out at that weight: He figures the training will happen this summer. A month or so before he can come here. We keep checking things off the to-do list, to make this possible. And also checking-in after each one... to see if this is still what we want to do.

It is.

Holly's at the stage of deciding where outlets are going, lighting, etc in the Hut. Windows and sliding doors should be arriving in a couple weeks; decks are the next thing up - which makes installing that glass wall on the field side of the house, MUCH safer and easier. She finally found a kitchen sink that'll do for now; still needs to pick out/order a woodstove and masterbath toilet (picked up 2 others at one of the rehab/reuse places - along with bathroom sinks). She still needs a tub for guest room. And meet with the concrete guys who might build her concrete soaking tub in the master.

We are now counting days to her court date; and finding out what her jail sentence might be. And she starts work on the pilot for this series in a month.

I dunno what exactly happened or how... but ever since our last squabble over the Farm Charter meeting, all that crap has died out and is gone. I suspect John made some headway with her. Last time the 3 of us hung out, it was like they were talking in their own language and I wasn't much included. So she picked at the scab of memory about some abuse stuff from her Dad... and we talked 2 days about that in a quiet, calm manner mostly. So now, we can actually have conversations that don't automatically become arguments. She's no longer ranting out a spiel of things... and when she starts into a semi-chronological blow by blow, all the gorey details including psych analysis... I am able to stop her and ask for the executive summary instead without being accused of who knows what occurs to her.

She's even starting to talk about things with Steve differently. I'm no longer anxious about the final version Charter to discuss at the first meeting. Que sera, sera.

Weird. So I don't know what changed. Just accepting that it has and rolling with it.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2020, 10:33:31 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2020, 10:59:06 AM »

It sounds like you're happy with your sewing machine decisions.  Well done. 

It sounds like you're happily resolved to whatever comes next with B.  He was so sweet to revisit your commitment to full time connection... willing to give you a gentle out, sans guilt. 

He strikes me as an amazingly brave spirit.  I've only met 1 like him.   

You guys are well suited, IMO; )

I'm glad the anxiety around the charter dropped away.  Doesn't matter why, you're right.

Hol moving through her stuff is good too.

I'm sending prayers and healing pink light for everyone who needs it. 



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2020, 10:02:37 AM »
Thanks hon. He is a remarkable person - not the life-story stuff, the stories that old guys always tell on themselves (over & over & over... LOL) but how he approaches life in the day to day. The stuff that REALLY matters to him; and the plethora of stuff that DOESN'T.

We're hitting the point - even at a distance - where we're going through things together. That's pretty special all by itself. His D will hear by the 14th if she's accepted at the college she really wants. It's a smaller school, with a more classic art program. I think she'll do well there. He won't have to worry AS much about her in that environment. He's very much been a part of this whole Farm Charter debate and contention. But all from the place where he understands he's part of it too. He will need to participate. And why its necessary for us, as a family group.

The past 2 days, John's been putting in long hours on the rotohammer, helping me demo the surround for the electric fireplace in the master. The room is a freakin' dusty disaster right now. But we've been making good progress on it and while I can feel the "need to clean" ramping up; even overcoming physical exhaustion... I'm really wanting to push on and finish, so that I can clean ONCE and it stays clean. I need to call Hol's contractor and see if he wants to take on a reasonably small bathroom remodel that shouldn't take long and he'll have plumbers & electricians here anyway. The wall where the fireplace WAS, is my job. I think I'm putting up cement board and then filling in with dry stacked stone veneer (lightest color I can find) for behind the headboard. More mess - LOL.  Then, new carpet... and bathroom tile... and then I can start making it a space for two instead of just me (which of course, I've been putting up with the things that bothered me or were unused/inconvenient for years now).

John and I work well together. He needed something physical to do and I was a little frustrated by my own procrastination - and lack of strength, to tell the truth - to do battle with the stubborn mortar, heavy hammers, and cobbled together blocks. Depending on what he decides to do with his future path, I could see him becoming a more permanent fixture around here. There are some personal issues of his own to work out; and he tends to trample boundaries more than he has a right to... but he's also working on that, and I am better aware of it, too. I don't think staying here is in his plans though. I think he has other things calling him, that he's working toward.

Que sera, sera. He's the right man right now and he is gratified by being able to contribute. So it works out.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #44 on: February 04, 2020, 10:13:11 AM »
Glad Hol's friend John is a positive contributor for now, Amber.

Really glad it's beginning to sound as though actual plans are in the works for you and Buck!

Thinking of you as all these currents go in all their directions and hopefully soon settle into a beautiful body of peace, still waters, and calm depths.

Big hugs
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."