Aw, the swimming sounds lovely, Hopsie! Yes, I'll be getting myself loaded up with any shot for anything I can get lol, I had a great night's sleep after my first jab!
The problem I'm seeing here (and I don't know if it's the same over there) is the way that information can be presented to fit an argument. So at the moment, a fair chunk of people who are dying from it have been vaccinated. It makes sense; it doesn't guarantee you won't get seriously ill so some people will still die if they catch it and they'd generally be older or have underlying conditions. The unvaccinated here are mostly younger, healthier people, and that's only because they haven't all been offered it yet - uptake generally is good, as I understand it. But of course, they're less likely to die from it or need hospital treatment anyway, so people are using those stats as proof that the vaccine is killing people - it's not being presented in a fact based context, there's a lot of scare mongering and I think that puts some people off. It's too difficult to figure it all out. Social media's played a big role, I think. Not right, in my opinion.
Encouragingly, a lot of people I've spoken to are still very cautious about the virus and they've said they'll carry on wearing masks for as long as the virus is still going. Often because they've older parents or vulnerable relatives that they want to try to keep safe. I'm hoping it's not going to get as bad as it was. I think you're so much bigger over there that some of your states are like countries in their own right almost. I guess it's much smaller here. They've all been out at the football though, which I think was bonkers - tens of thousands of people and apparently they weren't checking vaccine status (which they were supposed to) before entry so who knows how that will play out. I'm keeping things crossed. I just wish the media was a bit more responsible, in all its forms. Enjoy the swim, Hopsie, it sounds lovely! xx