Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 108028 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #630 on: August 17, 2021, 06:50:34 PM »
It's been raining here for days..... WNC has flash flood warnings.  In my county and neighboring ones.  We had a tornado warking this afternoon. 

I need fresh greens. I'm craving them.  I saw a sign at a groery store for at home Covid tests I can just pick up.  I guess I can SEE the test results at home?

My sister said the tests in Canada over the counter are 40.00, which seems reasonable.

And here I am....... thinking of driving through a storm, into a public area, to buy food and Covid tests even though I'm not sure when a test would show I have Covid or not... if I do have it.  I WILL get tested. 

My head is stinging today... not sure if it's the the atmospheric pressure, something in my sinuses or a flu coming on, but suggestions around timing of testing would be good.  I think DD19 was exposed Tues/Wed..... last week. 



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #631 on: August 17, 2021, 07:10:15 PM »
After reading through many sites.... I've figured out the main confusion for me is DD19 was the only one exposed to the friend with Covid.

DD21 and I have been around DD19 who might not BE spreading Covid yet, even if she has the virus.  I read testing 5-7 days after exposure will show if she has the virus.  Common info says Covid can be spread 2 or 3 days before symptoms pop up which typially happen 5 to 7 days after exposure with some cases lasting as long as 14 days. 

If DD19 has no symptoms, but has the virus.... I guess she can take the test now.  If she's clear.... then DD21 and I should be clear.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #632 on: August 17, 2021, 07:15:17 PM »
Lighter, I strongly recommend getting a Covid test through a public health resource.

If you can buy a new sink, you can go to the health department testing facility, or whatever's the best place locally. Please do. Even drive-in is fine. This isn't shopping for a bargain, it's getting an important medical test.

It'll be a big relief if it's negative and a big clarification of next steps if it's positive.

Avoid commercially sold or unproven tests, best to go public-health-recommended, not special-different-source, on this one.

AND--the Delta variant behaves somewhat differently. In terms of timing. Here's a helpful summary from a reliable source, MIT:

I simply Googled: how soon after delta exposure do you test positive. Bingo.

Google is excellent for answering straightforward questions. Here are the key takeaways from the article for where you are right now:

If you have been exposed… Delta is now the dominant form of the virus circulating in this country. If you have a known exposure to someone who has become ill and/or had a positive COVID-19 test, it is likely you have been exposed to this variant.

You can be tested earlier. If you have been infected, you will likely test positive by the fourth day after your exposure. Of course, a negative test on Day Four does not mean you are not infected, and it would be a good idea to re-test in the next few days, but you no longer need to wait until Day Five or Six for an initial test.

You can infect people sooner. If you develop symptoms and/or test positive, be aware that you could have infected others within a day and a half of becoming infected yourself. Make sure your contacts are identified and notified of their possible exposure. And bear in mind that because the Delta variant is more transmissible, even brief encounters may have exposed someone else to the virus.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2021, 07:43:07 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #633 on: August 18, 2021, 09:59:08 AM »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #634 on: August 18, 2021, 11:53:50 AM »
testing WILL happen today, BUT it's not clear where or how. 

No one answers phones. 

The ONE place showing up as current testing site DID answer, but they have a 2 week wait for getting tested, which is not ideal FOR US.  Their practitioner is on vacation.  I can imagine they're burned out and needed that vacation.

I'm back to asking for a favor OR doing a drive in test of unknowable origins OR picking one up from the pharmacist which my friend used and claims was as accurate as the one she paid 195.00 for.

Factoring in dates, possible other factors, wait times and expense..... is impossible to do apples to apples is what I'm finding.

It almost seems like there's no coordination on purpose. I see a public health facility in Tennessee.....which is one State over.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #635 on: August 18, 2021, 12:15:15 PM »
I hear you, Lighter.

If the drive-through testing is administered by public health or a hospital, that's reliable.

No difference if you get a nose swab in your car or in an office.

Good luck, please keep us posted.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #636 on: August 18, 2021, 12:20:22 PM »
Comprehensive article about and reviews of most OTC Covid tests:
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #637 on: August 18, 2021, 03:05:37 PM »
Thanks, guys.

We ended up discussing tests with the pharamist who recommended the test we bought. 

DD19 tested Negative for Covid and will re test in 24 hours to make sure we didn't test too early.  Tomorrow will be day 8 after exposure. 

I feel deeeeply relieved and ready to get back to life.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #638 on: August 19, 2021, 12:07:26 PM »
I reached an agreement with W regarding this outdoor funeral service I plan to attend.  I plan to quarantine 5 to 7 days week and test before I come home. He has been very concerned as he takes prednisone which blocks his immune response.  He got a 3rd vaccine this week, but with each shot he experienced no side effects indicative of gaining immunity.  I am fully vaccinated, but others in my family are not.  I don't think any or all of them will be wearing masks. 

I actually look forward to some time away from W.  Packing a journal, art supplies and some adult coloring books, swim suit, hiking boots and poles.

The place I am staying is a lodge in a resort with an outside entrance, kitchenette, outdoor grill and fire pit.  I had planned to stay one night initially, as the service is over 3 hours away from home. I called to extend my stay.  Unfortunately, they only have one additional night available. I am going ahead in hopes they get a cancellation.

If not, my family cabin is nearby so I might stay there. No one has been there all month. W is against me doing that as it is a little rough with my mobility not 100%; plus there is no electricity, and I use a CPAP for sleep apnea. I can take the battery I keep charged in my bedroom which would work for up to 3 nights.  I don't want to tell W because all we do is fight and I cannot stand the idea of another conflict.  I don't know if I can get the battery in the car without him knowing it. It is also pretty damn heavy.

I have 2 other options, but the isolation may not be as easily maintained.  I am sure my brother whose wife died would let me stay by him too, but that is where his kids from Texas visited.  Not sure if they will be gone yet.  He has a garage with a bedroom, space in his finished basement, and the "She shed" he built his wife.  My other brother has a camper at a campsite nearby - I am sure I can stay there but again, it is not as isolated.

I could book a different hotel but then technically there would be more in person contacts.

I will wait to talk with my family about the options after the service. It will also give me an opportunity to tell them what has been happening and gain some support.   I hate being dishonest with Wayne.  I am generally straight forward with him but I just do not have the energy this time. 

With the testing, I am wondering how long it takes to get results if I go through a drive-through testing site.  Or, if it would be easier to buy the test. I welcome any thought you may have on my plans.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #639 on: August 19, 2021, 02:55:14 PM »
Honest and direct? I wouldn't go.
That's because a variant we don't understand yet is so transmissable even N95s don't offer certain protection. That's also because I'm a coward (with no family ties) who avoids every possible chance I'll get it. Fingers crossed, but even outdoor gatherings is worrying experts now. This plague is a beast.

I think what you're seeking is understanding and support in your marital crisis. Exposing yourself to unvaccinated family, with precautions, is one way to seek out support.

But I do wish you could go find it in person where you live. A group that meets outdoors, a counselor who'll Zoom all you need in that lovely upstairs retreat. That could change everything for you. (I was amazed at how well therapy went last winter on Zoom -- couple awkward sessions and then it was more impactful than I'd ever imagined it could be on video).

I think it's the support you so deservedly need, not the risky exposure.

But I completely understand why you're pulled in that direction, Phyll. I have come to a different place since my family is no longer a source of genuine support. So I look for it where I live now.

FWIW, I support you entirely in whatever you decide to do!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #640 on: August 19, 2021, 05:06:48 PM »

If you're going to break the news about your marriage to your family at this event.... keep a few things in mind.

1.  People don't want to be told what to think, do or feel when we're telling our stories.

2.  They're more likely to hear us if we speak about the PD individual with compassion.  Always.  That means we drop judgment and share facts, preferably those we can prove, bc sometimes people need to see proof. 

3.  Telling the story with facts we can prove will reduce the confusion involved.  It also pares things down into easy to understand bites of information.  People don't need your entire history.  They can make sense of what's going on NOW for you.....
W yells and rages at you reglarly.
You aren't comfortable or happy with this relationship.
We refuses to hear you or change in order for you to BE OK.
You're considering options for making changes you can live with.

You don't have to go into details about anything.  In fact, this is a funeral... it's OK to give the highlights and nothing more if that's what you decide to do.  Some people will understand. Some might not.  It's OK either way if you have realistic expectations. 

I break off contact with people who ask dumb questions or take sides with the PD.  And I don't talk to them about it again, bc I find those people challenge my ability to remain level. Some of them are simply drama seekers, trouble makers, lashing out over things from the past and that's OK too. Just let it go and turn towards the people who get it, IME. 

You'll likely identify those who GET IT and make them part of my support team.  I think about how they can help and I ask for help when I need it.  It's OK to need help and to ask for it, P.  Making a good plan, then leaning on your supporters to stick to it is a solid plan, IME.  Living with the PD during separation is typically crazy making and I'd never do that unless a Judge forced me to, btw. 

4. When I first told my story to the people around me I was in fight or flight, completely freaked out and yammering in 10 directions about the crazy, violent, terrifying things the PD was DOING to me or had done to me.  If I had to do it again, I'd have crafted my story around my evidence.... what I could prove.  People need a story to square up and they undestand physical and verbal abuse. They understand selfishnish and control and they understand trying very hard to make things work, then concluding things can't work after trying everything, IME.   

I guess I'm saying.... think about what you want to say before you go to the funeral. Who you'll say it to. You don't want this to turn into the P show, bc it's a funeral. It is a place where your family will gather and you can inform them of your situation without everything turning into THAT, IMO.

Remember.... treat stupid questions as opportunities to educate your audience.  Pretend your'e speaking to children...... it will help you speak calmly, keep it short, simple and skip getting defensive,w hich is important too, ime.

Stay Covid safe in the ways that make sense to you.  I feel like you've given this a lot of thought.  I love the idea of having a place with an outdoor entrance.  I like the idea of outdoor bbq's and gatherings in the outdoors. 

Celebrate your lost loved one in the way you need to and don't let W's actions ruin that for you. 

Don't let M rage at you either, if you can help it.  That's not acceptable. You don't deserve it. You can protect yourself and keep yourself safe, P.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #641 on: August 19, 2021, 07:17:29 PM »
I am trying very hard to read your responses, while Wayne is screaming at me non stop.  It started the minute I pulled in the driveway - returning from physical therapy.  He came out and asked why I had a frown on my face.  Then he started telling me how I could get groceries for my trip - a conversation I tried to have with him this morning when he kept interrupting me, saying he had enough groceries. Then while I was getting a box to put the produce in which I bought from an outdoor stand he came back out and told me not to load the car with boxes.  When I explained what I was doing he went on a rampage about how I am placing him at risk by stopping to buy produce (even though I wore a mask.)

I lost my temper and screamed back, said terrible things.  So did he, and he his still ranting, non-stop.  A full half hour.

So perhaps I ought to cancel the whole trip.  I certainly did not plan to draw all the attention to me  at this family funeral event.  (He is still ranting....) I think I just want to get away from him.  I feel pretty messed up at the moment.  I don't want to get sick.

He finally stopped ranting.  It makes me nuts.  There is a cheap hotel near my cabin.  I think that is where I will stay, and spend the days at my cabin. Thank you for your comments and advice.  I will be very cautious.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 07:39:05 PM by Phyll »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #642 on: August 19, 2021, 11:04:05 PM »
I ended a marriage and the biggest reason was my husband using volume, just yelling yelling yelling whenever he was frustrated or angry. I couldn't take it.

It's bad for your health and you have enough on your plate.

Maybe quiet peaceful nights at the hotel will give you the space to find your center again.

W is spreading his misery insistently and I agree, you need boundaries around this. Maybe when you get back you can look into finding a counselor for support, no matter what decisions you make.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #643 on: August 20, 2021, 12:09:41 AM »
There will be quiet peaceful nights at the hotel, but even more importantly I will be at The Cabin during the days.  The Cabin is a slice of heaven.  It is a 2 room log cabin over 100 years old.  My Grandparents from my Mom's side bought it.  It sits on 32 acres along the North Fork of the Flambeau River.  The land was "grandfathered" in after it became a state forest.

The cabin overlooks the rapids.  I have been going there since before I was born.  It is the place I am able to take myself to in my mind when I need to relax and become grounded.  I have not been there physically for 4 years.  The sounds of the river roars, trickles, and swooshes like an orchestra.  The bird songs and the breezes whistling through the pines add to the music.  Light from the sun and the moon both shine right down on the water and dances off its reflection. The great bald eagle, whom I named Amadeus, soars through the river channel twice a day.  He is so big and beautiful he takes up a large chunk of sky - you can't miss him.  I really need this.

I don't intend to say a lot about my situation at the funeral.  My Brother F and his wife plan to join me at my hotel Saturday night for a cookout.  They are at least both vaccinated.  It will be nice to catch up.

I don't expect my family will be all that surprised about W.  W has not made much of an effort to get to know them. I don't know what to ask from them for help, other than what I know they will give - their belief, love and support. I just do not have a clear idea how to extricate myself from the situation I am in, so I do need counseling. I need to schedule a Zoom appointment with my psychiatrist and I do have options for seeking and getting therapy.

Thanks so much.   


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #644 on: August 20, 2021, 07:10:17 AM »
The place does sound like heaven on earth, Phyll.
Your description made it so real. River, eagle, trees and breezes.
And an old cabin on land that feels like your bones. Wonderful.

It also sounds like a healing place, a safe place to begin the beginning of a plan.
Then once you're home, regular support to prepare for the transition.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."