Well our death rates are fairly low and so are the numbers of positive cases. I'm not confident we're being given accurate information. We've had BLM demos, thousands descending on beaches (half a million on one beach, they had to declare it a public emergency), very little social distancing in supermarkets, very low numbers of people wearing masks - and we've low numbers of the virus, a lower death rate - and an enforced local lockdown in one part of the country. It doesn't make sense to me that of the millions of people that have been in very close contact with one another very few got ill, when during the lockdown we had in excess of 1,000 deaths a day. I know those people would have caught it before the lockdown but it still doesn't make sense to me that the risk isn't there now? We've still got people coming in daily from overseas and they've opened the pubs this weekend (but still no schools - how do you open pubs before schools and libraries? Surely you can manage good hygiene and social distancing in schools and libraries better than you can in buildings full of drunk people?). I don't understand how we've gone from 'you can catch it off your groceries, wash everything and don't open your mail for three days' to 'accumulate by the thousand, get drunk out your face, do what you like and it's okay' without any kind of preventative medicine, effective treatment, efficient test and trace (Johnson couldn't even say the words during the briefing, he fluffed it three times. Twat) or any kind of mask wearing going on. It doesn't add up to me. So we'll be carrying on staying home for now, whatever is being opened up or going on.