It's important to note - and remind myself

- that none of this would be possible or bearable if I hadn't achieved the (probably dubious) ability to be completely FINE - emotionally, cognitively, and work-wise - all on my own. Back when I envisioned actually living here, shortly after being widowed, I believed enough in my abilities to try it out.
Found out, sometimes I really need physical strength that I just don't have - even though TRYING to have it, has increased what I can do. Sometimes I can work smarter - via powered equipment and that helps. But even with all the stuff I have to till the garden, I still need the broadfork and bending over, picking up, & tossing rocks into a cart that gets dumped on the nearby rock piles. Steps up to living, working & playing places - and the hike between buildings - all contribute to me getting stronger again.
Bodies have this elastic ability to regain some measure of what we once were, but it takes work and time and even rest, to make it so. The other direction however happens really really fast. Hol has started to notice it in herself.
The emotional & cognitive side of things are amenable to about the same process - most of the time. Yeah, I still have low level anxiety any time I have to deal with gov't bureaucracy and the absurd process changes that have occurred over my lifetime... but it no longer results in the angry hostility & frustration and feeling like to the people involved I'm just a number; not a real person. Official mail just about spikes an anxiety attack - but doesn't anymore. Defensiveness rises up.... but I've learned to take my time making sure I understand clearly what the situation is, and then figure out what needs to happen - and then work constructively to that end.
That's gonna get tested pretty soon, as I return to the financial side of the business again. The company has never had nor needed a budget; we operate pretty much on a cash basis, funded by plentiful sales. There was always surplus. But now we have to have some idea of balancing how much we spend on certain things, a better understanding of where our sales are really coming from and some better web marketing. I gather data, assess it, create a plan - and then consult my intuition (that small voice that keeps us safe) - about whether this risk has been calculated, well enough. At that point, I can stop and do more research/planning or let it fly.
Once I do the business budget, I need to go over my personal finances again. Yeah - people with my adjusted gross income can be super-frugal too. This is how I can do all the things I do. I decided a very very long time ago that security mattered. My definition of that has changed over time - and right now, self-sufficiency is the general idea. Over the 4 years I've been here - I've slowly let go all the "country club wardrobe" that was taking up space I needed for base layers, sweatshirts, jean, & overalls. My "go to town" wardrobe is much simpler & casual.
EVERYTHING around and about me, adapts to the choices I've made about what's important to me. And that's why I'm less troubled about whether or how much I matter to anyone else. Does that make any kind of sense?