Author Topic: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)  (Read 15727 times)


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #90 on: August 17, 2023, 09:37:59 AM »
I hope the juju clears, Skep, it's weird how it seems to go in phases.  I know from my own experience that a paperwork 'mishap' at a time when everything is good is a minor inconvenience, but can be enough to break me when 150 other things are all malfunctioning at the same time.  I am constantly baffled by the apparent aversion to good health that seems to reside in such 'advanced' nations.  So central to everything we all do and so difficult to manage without.  I hope the latest thing shifts soon xx


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #91 on: August 21, 2023, 05:10:04 PM »
Hope the good-juju has surfaced again, Amber.
And Hol's recovered her equilibrium (and not by re-traumatizing you).

I thought of what several folks have gone through as PTSD.
Post Terrible Systems Disorder.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #92 on: August 22, 2023, 04:04:35 PM »
I just said a prayer for you and B...  to move through the red tape and resolve B's back in the best way possible, Amber.



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #93 on: August 23, 2023, 07:21:11 AM »
Sigh. It's getting better, but there are still struggles. Just life, you know? I'm just tired and definitely overly sensitive so it's getting to me. Oh, and on one of the cooler days, I planted more herbs and got zapped all over with no-see-ums again. SIGH. I mean ALL over. They aren't supposed to still be around in August, here.

A friend of Hol's recently bought a property (for playtime) reasonably close to here. She & the rest of her korass convened there Sat. night for a camp out. No S; no dogs to manage. A night "off". That seemed to help quite a bit. Sorta. I didn't hear much out of her yesterday.

Big doins' at the business; my guy in charge is looking to "retire" and we've been sorting that process out. He'll still be around 3 days a week, but most of his responsibilities will shift to his replacement. New guy has covered for him, quite a bit over vacation weeks and necessary medical leave. I think he's kinda tired too. It's a complete oversight on my part, but apart from a brief face to face meeting on my last trip up there... I've not spoken to new guy. I'm gonna bet that fact is just as prickly for him, as it feels to me. So, I have to remedy that this week.

I'm still a bit shocked that it's been 15 years, since we made the big change over to ownership of the company. Time flies when you're just as busy, as ever.

Contractors pulled off to work another job, for a couple days - that stretched to 2 weeks. A couple carpenters were here yesterday, part of the day... and hopefully they'll pick up manpower & put in full days this week. I'm pretty tired of the lumber sitting around (and warping in the heat)... and not being able to move on to the interior changes we've been talking about in the studio. But this contractor had retired, and got bored... and his carpenter is also as old. They have some younger guys too... but the energy they had a couple months ago has worn off, it seems. So I'm not impressed.

But it does seem the season is shifting now. Cool again this morning; 50 or so. And because of the lumber piles, it's an obstacle course getting where we keep wood stacked. B just has one more thing to update on the backhoe, and then make some space in the shop for his mill & lathe. And work on wood, too. He'll still be here, when friend Deb comes to visit over Labor Day. She needs some "time off" too, from her own "crazy".

Sigh. I'd like a "vacation" too.

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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2023, 02:22:08 PM »
Sounds like you really need to charge your batteries, Amber.  That won't be easy if you're working in the heat, covered in no see;um bites, for sure.

Tupp said she uses tooth paste for the itching!



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #95 on: August 24, 2023, 10:26:17 AM »
Toothpaste is a new one! Never would've thought of that. They are getting better, more quickly. I think the benedryl helps. Who knows? I have gotten some mosquito granules for the place I seem to always attract the nasty buggers. Even if it doesn't wipe them out, maybe it'll disrupt the life cycle enough that they aren't so bad.

Charging my battery would be nice... but there's no rest for the weary right now. C'mon FALL!!!! that will help too. I have 3-4 sewing projects on my list with most stuff acquired for them. But the studio is a disaster of smooshed together furniture until we have safe stairs to redecorate.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #96 on: August 26, 2023, 12:49:06 PM »
Wheweeee!  Come on fall!

Can't wait.



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #97 on: August 27, 2023, 12:36:52 PM »
New windows are in; they are very nice! Buck & I are gonna insulate/finish the interior ourselves. Holly is busy telling everyone how they're "doing it wrong" and "how I would do it" - SHEESH; give it a rest!! But I'm making headway with her on that one.

Moving ahead with retirement/new prez at company next week. I decided to let it (and my anxious brain) settle and heard from corp lawyer which gives me focus on that "to-do". It's just conversations and paperwork atm, but it still feels like a big significant change, even tho "guy in charge" is still gonna be around enough to keep the transition smooth.

I've been picking Hol's brain on paint colors for studio since she is the master colorist. We don't always agree, of course... but it keeps her part of the project. The two of us do spend a lot of time checking in, out there. Sometimes B joins us - but S never does. It's just the way he rolls. Gonna meet up this afternoon to move some furniture back from the center of the room, in preps for Deb's visit. And clean... the dogs use that room too, as their "indoor playpen". It's 40 ft long... so Knuckles is used to chasing a ball in there.

B is STILL trying to get the paperwork issue over this range of motion test sorted out. It's STILL not set! He was going to go back a month ago to get the mill... but now we're too close to the pump fill appt. More eye-rolling, but he's long past letting it make him angry. He handed the PT office girl the drs. orders for the test, gave her the number to fax it... and the insurance people still haven't gotten it, to release the approval BACK to the PT office. 3 weeks we've been explaining what needs to happen. I like him being around, but I know there's still too much to do at the other place.

I think some of the "difficult" energy is passing, for me. I'm closer to having a green light to finish up stuff I wanted to do before it got so bloody hot. I think the garden is a lost cause - AGAIN. I did get some onions and potatoes. Tomatos are there, but still green and buried in the weeds. I'm giving them another 2 weeks, then pulling them. I know the dirt's fertile enough. We've watered regularly. So, it's something ELSE wrong - most likely the tall weeds.

I think we're going to have enough 6x6s, etc left over from the old deck to build both woodsheds. We'll do that ourselves, since we're over waiting on everyone else to get things done.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #98 on: August 27, 2023, 04:49:09 PM »
I''d love to hear how the studio colors choice pans out. Obsessed with color, me. Even though I have warm-light gray walls in part of the house, there are colors for about 60%. Very eclectic. I watched a flip show the other night and Every Single Time they consulted their designer, she proudly showed them nothing but gray, griege, and various whites. BORRRRRing!

Good to know you and Hol can brain share on that.

So sorry you and B once again have to try to explain to sluggish system folks what needs to happen, and one branch or another drops their end.

Glad you're letting the funkitude blow through. No season is a fail, they just keep coming. Fall in the mountains? Stunning.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #99 on: August 29, 2023, 12:18:53 PM »

I'd be SO relieved to know the old manager will be available during the switch and perhaps beyond.  That must take so much off your mind!

About the medical.... B's a hero when dealing with red tape and BS..... the armed services is made of the stuff, as I understand.  He's gutting it out... what are his choices?  Amazing man, B. 

About the tomatoes.... once I watered mine too  much and got huge green stalks and leaves and very little tomatoes. Just saying.  Could be that's a part of it.

For the studio, I vote duck egg blue/green..... it makes my soul calm and happy just to look at it.

Thanks for the update.



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #100 on: September 15, 2023, 11:36:13 AM »
Well, I'm leaning toward tan walls - it's tan with enough pink shade to read "warm", not blah. Ceiling will be a soft white and trim/doors will go sort of grayed down burnt sienna or mahoghany color. But I have time to change my mind - need to get drywall on site for the walls under/around the windows and pegboard downstairs for B. We're going to raise & box in a section of ceiling to mount a ceiling fan. Ceilings are too low to just surface mount. Originally, I was thinking white walls & ceiling - to give the most neutral "tint" for painting... but I then realized, I'm not planning on doing much painting. Sewing and perhaps some images in pencil or watercolor. But mostly sewing. I've got 3 projects waiting on non-dusty conditions in there.

Then, the old very cheap kitchen cabinets need to come down & go buh-bye. That will open up a big chunk of wall & floor space. There is a corner next to the bathroom that'll become a functional "tiny kitchen" and big broom closet. Open shelves for the glassware I keep; some mwable fiesta ware... have been looking at looking at invection burners and convection/air fryer ovens. We don't really cook out there - but we DO indulge in snacks!

Gigantic chocolate lab brown sectional sleep sofa is gonna go away and Hol's more mid-century black sofa will come in. Pub table is either getting cut down to coffe table height (Hol wants to keep the poor scarred up thing, because of the "history" of all the marks...  :rolleyes:  )  And I have at least 2 (for now) big cozy leather chairs for the bi-weekly "connection" & "catch-up" meetings we have around here.

All that is going to only be 1/3 of the space - the rest is actual studio. I may have room for some kind of sleeping arrangement, but I already have a double sleep sofa that might get added, opening up more space in the office. Decorating around here is constant "tetris".

B is still here. He finally had his PT range of motion test. Took 2 hrs, but lots of good news out of it. Even with his back issues, he's kept himself in good enough shape that his body is younger than his chronological age. But we STILL can't find the sweet spot on the stimulator. Because the leads are attached at S1 and S2 - the last 2 nerves on the spine, in him it's spawned some unwelcome and uncomfortable - and potentially dangerous - side effects. In that, he's so nauseous he can't keep anything down, and his sensory urge to empty his bladder & empty his bowels is gone. He can't even concentrate and "will" it to work.

Only the very first post-op program for the stimulator provides some relief without generating those side effects. Manufacturer's rep doesn't really believe us that within 12 -24 hrs after initiating any other program, the side effects return. So currently, the stimulator is off for a week. She asked for a month - and I negotiated it down because as of this morning, his pain level is way up again. Charging up the TENS unit, for use during this "time out". The side effects began after she programmed a different section of the lead to the nerves. We weren't even out of the parking lot -  and he got zapped in the testicles. And it was a big zap. I pulled over and immedicately turned the controller down.

She is ignoring my suggestions - and our first-hand testing - that it's the stimulator causing these side effects but any quick  search on the bodily sensations controlled by S1 & 2, quickly LISTS precisely those symptoms. Yeah, they're rare - but  we already know his brain is wired differently. At least, I do. So, this rep is getting a taste of just who the "shield maiden" is and what her role is, in the patient - med provider relationship. I am not hostile or unreasonable, but I don't take not being believed sitting down, either.

He sure isn't one of those people who whines over every ache & pain; but within the constraints of placement at the time of surgery - and the type of stimulator - there should be a decent amount of pain relief without the side effects. And better education of these reps, wouldn't hurt either. It is not acceptable for any quality of life expectations to have to choose between even MORE Rx/life limiting "treatments" for the side effects or a high level of pain. He did have the NP (who I like very much) bump up the pain pump a smidgeon, while we try to figure the stimulator situation out.

I don't think it's too much to expect that he feels well enough, on a usual daily basis, to do the things he enjoys doing. And of course, these issues affect his mood. He's frustrated and not persuaded that he just HAS to become a recliner wart for the rest of his life. And he will push through and endure the pain to live his life.

There IS one more possibility, which involves another surgery - and the regular kind of stimulator. But that requires an orthopedic surgeon this time, due to the scar tissue around his spine. I don't think he'd consider that until after he finishes moving here. But at this rate - he can't clear the appt. schedule to get back and get another load.

So, there are good days - and no so good days. Some nights he can't sleep because of the pain. And we keep looking for those "simple things" that bring pleasure, laughter & joy. I'm right here, going thru all of it with him... so yeah, it's affecting me some days too. I'm reading and falling asleep early; trying to keep my energy levels up. We're watching favorite movies & series - right now, into Deadwood again.

Looks like the contractors might be done before Halloween. Starting on the 2nd set of steps (1st & back deck is complete) and siding the 2nd story.
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #101 on: September 17, 2023, 03:28:51 PM »
My old friend B who's coming to visit has an implanted stimulator too. I wish B's was working as well as his. Makes me sad to realize your B is still suffering.

Hang in there, you two.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #102 on: September 18, 2023, 07:47:48 AM »
Tetris decorating is exactly our style too, Amber, lol.


I'm always surprised at B's ability to persevere through so much pain and medical incompetence/stupidity/obstructionists.  His mood would fluctuate.... how could it not?   I don't know whether to pray for another surgery or not.  I'll focus on relief and more good days than bad.

Hope your contractors finish up in October.

Cool weather has arrived, YES!!



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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #103 on: September 22, 2023, 08:23:17 AM »
Well, last night contractor said they will likely finish next week. But we're getting rain from a nor'easter this weekend and into Tuesday - so we'll see. West side (tall side) is completely sided. 2nd new deck is mostly done; it still needs roof over stairs. That's to keep it cleaner in the snow.

I've spent my time this week exploring ideas/options for the interior remodel. I still need to insulate downstairs in garage where a french door was removed. Pegboard for there, and drywall for studio will be here Sat. I also ordered enough beadboard to set up my back door mudroom & finish the walls in the laundry room. Next spring, we'll take out one of the garage doors under the house and close it in - that becomes my big storage pantry/root cellar type storage.

B hit a hurry up & wait on the backhoe refurbish, so he's cutting up & splitting the trees we had taken down this spring. Grrrrrrrr.... stimulator rep convinced him to leave it turned off till Monday, when he shows up for a knee exam. I guess MAYBE she took the time to look up the functionality affected by nerves S1 & S2. I hope so... or shield maiden is gonna reveal her berserker lineage... LOL.

Hol has finally realized that even when S is home - she is the only one doing EVERYTHING. This morning, she's assembling/customizing what stovepipe pieces she has to get her woodstove ready for another fire season after the chimney fire. If she doesn't call my sweep - I'll do it for her. She's ordered a high wind resistant chimney cap to cope with the wind tunnel effect of being almost at the bottom of the hollar. Next weekend, she's paying a buddy of hers and one of his workers to FINALLY get the greenhouse put up. I've suggested S might should pay have of the agreed price... since he's the one who kept promising to help her and didn't. If he doesn't want to do the work, it's just as reasonable to pay someone else to do it, n'est-ce pas?

B's mood is about what you'd expect. going without the extra pain relief of the stimulator. But it isn't bothering me. When I get tired of the grumpasaurus, I've got the studio planning & interior work to do. And that's a FUN exercise. I've had the basic idea for years now. And as I start to refine/measure/map out and think about surfaces & finishes for this "tiny kitchen/bar area" - and how that further impacts the REST of the multi-purpose space - more & more new things are occuring to me.  Just like with the paint colors... that room is less about the stringent "rules of thumb" for image creation and more about my new inspiration for sewing & fabric stuff. I might even revisit the wish to get a loom, and start some weaving. Don't know yet. There is going to be some serious furniture swapping going on, to provide accommodation for overflow guests. Plumbing changes too. But all of that can happen in it's own time with no pressure.

Well, we have some errands to run this morning. So, I need to check my stock & see if I  have enough sour cream & a can of chopped chili peppers for the batch of chili I'm making this weekend. Then, we're gonna hibernate this weekend. 
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Re: '23 - The Adventure Continues ;)
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2023, 02:45:30 AM »
Skep, 'shield maiden is gonna reveal her beserker lineage' is now my current favourite phase :)  Lol.  I do hope that B gets to a point where this constant pain and the endless back and forth to doctors and insurance people is at least manageable.  It's so tiring trying to find a way through it all.  I'm glad you've got plenty of projects and home work going on to give you other things to focus on (although it must be exhausting at times).  Be good if H shoves S up that chimney from time to time :)  Might perk him up a bit lol x