Denial, denial, denial.... that's why it's so hard to talk to most people about Ns. They can't see it because there is so much denial about it.
Heck, as a society we're taught to ADMIRE people like this. They're 'go-getters', they 'take no prisoners', they're not afraid of competition, and so on.
I've been thinking about this and realizing...
For centuries! it was considered OK for a man to beat his wife. And for parents to beat their children. I mean beat. Bruises and broken skin. Did you know? in ancient Rome, a father could have any of his children put to death, at any time, for any reason. Or no reason.
Most of us don't think like that now, thank God.
We recognize alcoholism as an addiction now, and co-dependence (and cod-dependence too, Longtire!

), and we know that addictions are a disease.
AA didn't even exist until ~60 years ago.
Restaurants and bus stations and so forth were overtly racially segregated in parts of this country even 40 years ago.
20 years ago, none of us knew what verbal abuse was. Not to call it by a name. We 'knew' something was wrong, but without the words to describe it, how could we make progress against it?
Social progress moves, but slowly... unfortunately, an individual human spirit needs to escape from these things faster than the human race as a whole seems to be able to face them and deal with them.
The thing is, once you escape, it's a lot easier to show others the way out. Think of it as The Underground Railroad. Once you get out, you can be a safe house for others.
Come to think of it, this is a safe house, isn't it?
Free at last, free at last
I thank God I'm free at last
Free at last, free at last
I thank God I'm free at last!