Hi Bloopsy:
Sorry you are in bed and not eating much. That's not too good for you.
Will you have some soup? And some fruit? Do you like yogurt? A whole wheat bagel?
You need food to help your brain work properly and help yourself out of your slump. Please get up and eat a little bit? Have some milk or juice or even a nice cup of tea?
About the tapes......I think we all have to work at replacing the tapes with new tapes....with good stuff in the new tapes.....nice thoughts/pictures/etc.
I know it sounds simple but it's not. It takes great effort. We all have to keep trying and trying to ban the bad tapes and create the new ones. I hope you will keep trying Bloopsy.
Sometimes I find it so hard to live in the now. I focus on the past and keep remembering stuff that I cannot change and that was not nice.
The thing I have to do....is stop myself, sometimes. Tell myself to move forward, not back. Nag myself. Maybe this is not for everyone but it's all I know how to do. I can't erase the tapes. I can't change the content. I can only make new ones, think of now and the future, imagine good things and hope for better than those old crappy tapes.
Hope this helps a little.