ok there -has- to be a positive mothers day note here:
my d. is not allowed to send me mothers day cards

which sucks for both of us.
but, she gave me my present already! she is taking a big test in school this week, she is usually great at tests and a great student, but living with THEM has shaken her confidence and she told me she needed me to wish her luck.
i told her she was a great test taker and i had faith and knew she was gonna do great (which is true). i told her she was going to do so well there would be smoke coming off the end of her pencil.
i asked her a few days later how she was doing and she said she felt very good about it and felt 'proud of herself' for how she was doing.
then she said proudly:
"confidence - the greatest thing you gave me."ahh! that made this mama very very happy.
i tried to tell her but im not sure she understood how important that was to me. you can never be sure life will be without problems.... but if you give someone confidence.... they can deal with the problems that happen..true self confidence (not fake superiority or whatever else n's do) but real self-confidence - has got to be one of the most important traits a person can have..
its the exact antithesis of what our parents gave us. so that was my mama's day present in a -very- big way