Dear Denise:
No i have never trusted or opened up to anyone before, not to the extent i did with David, he knows my life inside out,
So then this is indeed a huge loss for you, this romantic relationship
that is over with him? You understand this and realize that you must grieve this loss?
my behaviour is unhealthy i agree and wrong,
Try not to think of it so much as wrong or bad because those terms often infiltrate your view of yourself/interfere with your self behaviour is wrong, bad...therefore I am wrong, bad.
Nope. That's not it at all. You are not wrong or bad.
You have an unhealthy behaviour.
You are a good person, Denise and right now it seems you have decided that when you are in despair, when you feel desperate......this behaviour is acceptable.
It isn't. It is unhealthy and dangerous.You have to get this point across to yourself, consciously and unconsciously, in order to overcome your unhealthy behaviour, which is now....forming into a habit.
This idea, that this behaviour is a substitute for dealing with your feelings, will need to be corrected, by substituting more appropriate ideas, in order to help you stop this unhealthy behaviour, imo.
Tell yourself.....
When I feel upset I will find healthy ways to release my feelings.
I will substitute these for cutting. I will overcome this unhealthy behaviour. I will do ............."Write it out in huge letters and post it all over your house. Stand in the mirror, once an hour and repeat it out loud. Record it on a tape recorder and play it morning and night, as you relax your body in a chair, or some place comfortable. See yourself succeeding. See your beautiful healthy skin and yourself.....happy and free of this unhealthy behaviour. Imagine yourself free of this unhealthy behaviour. Visualize yourself letting go of it. Give it a form.....any nasty thing you picture the behaviour as a black watch it fly far, far away. Gone. Forever.
Find a therapist who will help you with this. A hypno-therapist if possible.
You must do the work to fix this. It is a dangerous, destructive, unhealthy behaviour. It is not a way of coping.
It is a way of avoiding coping.
I'm not being kind to you Denise. I'm being real with you. Please believe that you can correct this. Only you can correct it. No doctor, no pill, no relationship, no friend, nobody but you can stop yourself from behaving in an unhealthy way. And it will take work but it is certainly something that can be corrected. And you
can do it!
...but sometimes despair and desperation take over, ...
Every single person here has dealt with despair. I'm so very, very sorry for all you've been through.
I also see that you are no quitter. You're here seeking support and believe me, you will get it, if you stick around here.
you must decide to correct this behaviour. No one else can do that for you. People will definately be here for you, to support your every effort, and cheer you on, and encourage you to correct this...and do all they can to help you through this. People here will sit with you, in your despair and listen and offer you cyber hugs and sympathy and empathize with your situation. They will try to comfort you and let you know that you are not alone.
So ......when you feel at your wits end......when you are full of despair and hurt and saddness and fury and all the emotions that emerge......
What else, besides cutting yourself with a blade, can you do, Denise?
Board memebers: Please help Denise with this......what else can she do?
I hope people will add to this list:
1. Come here and post. Read. Post 50 thousand times per hour (heehee) if you need to. Post. Read. Post. Post. Read. Read. Post.
2. Cry, scream, pound a pillow, draw pictures of your tormentors and jump up and down on them, rip them to shreds, write your feelings down, write, write, write, call a friend, scribble, hug a teddy bear, .....
3. Excercise.......go for a walk, rake the lawn, or volunteer to rake an elderly neighbour's lawn, ride a bike, go for a swim.......
4. Do something comforting for yourself...take a bubble a funny movie, go to the library and look at books, research a topic, start a new hobbie, or work on an old one, call a friend, ...........
These may not be in the necessary order. Others will add to this list, I bet.
...i am trying to deal with a million different things at once
So stop dealing with everything at once. Decide that you don't have to do that. You don't. Deal with one thing at a time. You're not a robot. You're not expected to be the almighty problem solver of all eternity, capable of dealing with a million things at once. You are only human. Do you expect perfection in yourself? Is this another idea that needs to be banished?
...and i find it difficult to say the least.
Tell us one problem....that you need help with. Talk about it and see if others can help you work through it. Decide that you can work on it. You can decide anything you like. You can decide to stop dealing with everything at once, if you want to. You can decide to move forward and away from this state that you are in. You can decide to reach out here for more help, as often as needed.
Thankyou for taking the time to read
Denise, you are very, very welcome. Thankyou for realizing that it takes time to read and to respond. I will gladly read and write to you, whenever I can and so will a lot of people here.
Get rid of every knife in your possession. Bundle them up and get rid of them.
Everything sharp, that could possibly be used to cut with....get it out of your home, out of your life. Take the first step toward stopping this unhealthy behaviour. Do it, (((((((((Denise)))))))). You can do it!!!