Oh dear ((((((((Zeene))))))):
It's ok to cry.

I'm sorry that I made you cry and I'm glad I made you cry. Does that make sense?

I'm sorry because I certainly don't want you to be sad but I'm glad because I think maybe you are just releasing some of the sadness that you are carrying around in you..and that is a good thing. It needs to come out.
I'm also glad that you feel loved because really...in a weird way...I do love you. Not that I know you or have any reasonable reason to say that but just that as a human being, who has suffered.. I love you very deeply and want to let you know that. You deserve to be loved and definately not treated the way you have been treated. You deserve to be heard and to feel safe.
There are all kinds of love and this kind is the cyber love of a stranger. I don't know you and you don't know me but I really do know what if feels like to have been hurt and that is what links us together and makes us know eachother a little.
Thankyou for sharing here and for being so honest about your feelings. That is brave too because it takes courage to honestly place your feelings on a public bulletin board for the whole world to see and risk not being responded to or ignored.
I may not always respond either because I get busy sometimes but hopefully someone here will and you will know that others care and understand or want to understand and listen.
Hope this helps you Zeene. You are not alone in your pain.