Cadbury, since you first came here, how you’ve changed! How you’ve grown (and I don’t mean physically

). Have you looked at your first posts? How you were agonising over whether or not this man was as useless and selfish as you thought? Look at you now! So much healthier, together in your head, please give yourself a break. You’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster.
And you have your lovely baby boy. How worthwhile is he? So how full of value are you? A world full.

You are everything to him (sorry any fathers reading, but you know it’s true, mums are top) – you are his complete world.
It’s okay to feel like you want to berate yourself for spending any time with the man you’ve left. It was just a mistake, we all make them.
Please don’t be scared or concerned about his legal rights and whether or not he’ll try to use them. I doubt very much that he will. Do you secretly want him to show an interest? Be honest with yourself. It’s best for both of you that he doesn’t. He’s bad news. If you don’t raise the subjects of your baby’s name, of parental rights etc – I bet those things won’t enter his mind. If they do, so what? They're nothing to do with him.
You don’t need any financial support from him do you?
So you don’t need him at all. You can’t make him change into an interested father. Maybe you need to find someone else who would be an interested father, a man who would value you and your (three?) children for themselves and all joy they bring? All in good time.
Keep posting Cadbury, you need lots of support right now and by gum you're worth it