Hi All,
Resolution wrote,
Right from the get go, you refered to me as an 'idiot' in one of your earlier opening salvoes
This is my 'opening salvo'

Second, this idea that there is some pool of safe, normal people to routinely engage in one night stands with, I find close to idiotic.
Where do I refer to Resolution, or anyone for that matter, as 'an idiot'? I state that
close to idiotic, not a person. Unlike Resolution's, my post was not personal at all.
At least a half dozen people had posted prior to mine, so why do you assume I'm even referring to your post anyway?
I see that you sit on the right of Ghengis Khan in you views......It would perhaps do you some good to relax a little and calm down.....take a chill pill.
I'll leave it to others to decide who sounds more intolerant and Mongol like here, and who exactly needs to relax.
Are you working thru these issues.....and could I perhaps help you a little with them?
You're in over your head sonny.
Condescension is so charming. Is this how you charm your one night stands? Oh wait a minute you said you're celibate. I wonder if that's by choice.
So lets see, you're apparently divorced and celibate, while I'm happily married and have a very enjoyable sex life. Hmmm, I wonder who's approach to this subject seems to be working on a personal level.
The title of your first post here was 'Once an Angry Man'. I suggest people go back and read it, with all its universal peace and love incantations, to see if it squares with what you're writing now. You seem to be 'Still an Angry Man'.
Resolution wrote,
Treat others as you would a least be expected to be treated. Walk away from all else.
Too bad you can't follow your own advice, but I will.
Good by, my angry friend.