Author Topic: I sit just me ...  (Read 2816 times)


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Re: I sit just me ...
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2006, 06:47:47 PM »
I bought "what the bleep". I cannot wrap my head around all of it, but I am glad I am not "too smart to not like what I heard" (my sister said that). Seriously, I do not see what harm can come from believing any of it. If it opens up my mind a bit, rather than close it down.....I'll listen!
My dad used "PMA" as he called it (positive mental attitude) his whole life. He was a phenomenal human being....totally in love with life and at peace with the universe. He was one of the most enlightened people I ever got to meet close up. He left this world 21 years ago last week, far too young, but he died as he lived, with grace and love.  My father created, in this lifetime, exactly what he wanted and deserved: a life with the woman of his dreams, a huge family full of diverse individuals, and a lifetime of love, prosperity and service to others.
So I guess its easy for me to believe this thinking.


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Re: I sit just me ...
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2006, 12:09:07 PM »
Hi RD,
I know that feeling of lonliness and longing for love--and it does (stupidly) hurt more on the day which is designed for lovers.  But during those years of being alone, I had to remind myself that even though I had my xh around on that holiday for 22 years, most of them were not met with anything close to true love. 

Now that I am in love and my love is out of town for the 14th--I could care less.  It is only a date on the calendar and we will still have the love when he comes home.

Have faith that being a good and kind man will reap the benefits of finding a good and kind woman to share your life with.  However, she will not be delivered to your doorstep and you must be somewhat proactive in order to find her when you are ready to make that step. 

Wishing you peace and a happy time with your daughter on the 14th.
